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"You're so tight," Toph moaned, watching me with heavy-lidded eyes. "So tight around my cock."

The compliment turned me on, and I pushed back against her, wanting to feel her even deeper. I gripped my hands into fists, gripping the dirt beneath me, and Toph smiled.

"Mm, yes," she murmured, moving her hips with slow, steady strokes. "Just like that."

I groaned, rocking back against her, matching her rhythm. My butt shook wildly, and I could feel the muscles tightening and relaxing as Toph fucked me. The sensation of her cock grinding against my cervix drove me crazy, and I whimpered, putting my forehead to the ground and moaning softly. Even without looking, I could tell she was smirking, as she leaned over me and gave my breasts a quick squeeze. My head spun with pleasure, and I couldn't help but whimper at the blissful feeling.

"Fuck," Toph sighed, grabbing my hair and pulling my head up. She shoved two fingers deep into my mouth, forcing me to suck on them. Her cock throbbed forcefully within me, and I moaned around her fingers, taking them greedily.

"Like that?" Toph asked, leaning into me and kissing my neck.

I nodded eagerly, my cheeks burning with embarrassment.

"Good girl," Toph purred, stroking my hair. "Now keep sucking. Suck your fingers like they're my cock. Got it?"

My heart pounded excitedly as I sucked on her fingers, moaning softly. She pulled away from me and slid her fingers out of my mouth, laughing quietly.

"There we go. Now I'm gonna fuck you real good, little one."

Toph pumped her cock faster, and I gasped, loving every second of it. Every thrust made my clit throb, and I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to cum, and I needed it now. I pushed back against her, meeting each thrust with a desperate push of my own, burying my face in the dirt and moaning loudly. I wanted to scream, but instead I moaned harder, trying not to let it show.

"Cumming!" I cried out, throwing my head back.

"That's right," Toph growled, slamming into me faster. "Let it all out, sweetie. Cum for me."

I screamed, pushing back against her cock. The heat within me spread through my body, and I opened my eyes wide, panting heavily. It lasted only a few moments, but it felt like forever, and then I was done. I shuddered, collapsing onto the ground, gasping for breath. Toph's hands were on my ass, her dick was still splitting me wide open, and it felt like those were the only things keeping my hips in the air.

"Fucking hell," Toph growled, her voice thick with lust. "You're so fucking tight."

She lowered herself down behind me, and I tensed when I felt her soft cockhead brush against my asshole. But she didn't penetrate me; instead, she rubbed her shaft along my puckered ring, teasing me. I whimpered, closing my eyes and squeezing my thighs together. The pressure between my legs was incredible, and I squeezed my eyes shut tighter, holding back tears.

"Don't worry," Toph purred. "I'm not going to fuck your ass. Tigu gets that virginity."

Before I could respond, she pulled back, pushing lightly on the side of my hips. I flopped over, onto my side, and was soon manhandled onto my back, my front fully exposed. With a twist of her hand, the dirt under me rose up, lifting my body up like I was on a bench, stopping when my pussy was level with Toph's cock. I looked up at her, confused, until I felt the tip of her cock press against my entrance.

"You ready for this?" Toph asked, a hint of excitement in her voice.

I nodded desperately, gripping the top of the bench with both hands. The head of her cock was placed against my slit, and I whimpered, biting my lip, waiting impatiently for her to push forward. But instead, Toph grabbed my hips, pulling me back against her cock. Then with one smooth motion, she pushed into me.

I screamed, crying out as the sensation hit me. It was sharp and intense, yet not painful, making me want to scream again. I found myself completely wet, my juices flowing freely around Toph's cock. She was inside me, filling me up, and I loved it. I couldn't believe how much I had wanted this, and how badly it turned me on.

"Are you okay?" Toph asked, moving slowly within me.

I nodded quickly, my eyes glued to hers. Only then did I remember that she was blind, and couldn't see my earlier nod.

"I want it deeper," I whispered urgently. "Please..."

Toph smiled, nodding once more. Then she began thrusting, sliding easily into me. I moaned softly, unable to take my eyes off her. She was beautiful, I thought. And there was something about her face and movements that just drew me in. I was intoxicated by her presence, completely under her spell.

I wrapped my arms around Toph's neck, pressing my chest into her as I found the strength to lift my front up off the stone bench. My tits were pressed firmly against her hard shoulders, and I bit back a moan. Her hands gripped my hips tightly, and I felt her thrust harder. The pain that had been present before was gone, replaced with a warm, pleasurable warmth.

"Ahhh," I moaned, clenching my muscles around Toph's cock.

"Now, baby," Toph groaned. "Fuck yourself on my dick. You know what to do."

I grinned, looking down at her. It was amazing. I'd never felt anything like it. I rocked my hips back and forth, feeling the veins and lines of her cock slide along my g-spot with every stroke. Toph's eyes closed, her mouth parted slightly, and she let out a deep, satisfied sigh.

"That's it," she said, rocking her hips faster. "Like that, sweetie. That's perfect."

I was lost in the moment, being fucked by Toph, each thrust both stimulating my g-spot and pressing against my cervix. It was intense, but so wonderful all at the same time. This was a perfect moment, and I didn't want it to end. But it would, eventually.

"I'm gonna come soon," Toph warned.

My eyes flashed open, and I stared up at Toph. I swallowed, was she going to cum inside me? If she did, would I get pregnant?

"Are you going to cum in me? Make me a mother?" I asked nervously. The question aroused me far more than I thought it would.

Toph laughed, and I felt her cock throb against me, the pulsating head rubbing along my g-spot. I moaned, tightening my grip on her neck, and Toph began to speed up even more.

"You're so fucking good, baby," she grunted, breathing heavily. "So tight and hot. I can feel your insides sucking me in. Ahh...fuck."

And with that, she came. The end of her cock fitted tight against my cervix, and a rush of liquid shot up inside me. When it hit my belly, I gasped, closing my eyes and enjoying the warm, wet sensation. Again and again, Toph's cock emptied itself into me, her thrusts becoming more erratic as the sensation of a warm fullness filled me.

When Toph finally stopped coming, I sighed, releasing my hold on her neck. I lay back on the bench, relaxing for the first time since the day had begun. Toph collapsed on top of me, her weight making it difficult to breathe, but I didn't care. I was in heaven, and there was no place I'd rather be.


"Have fun?" Isabela asked what felt like hours later, the bench that Toph had made lowered back into the ground but otherwise the two of us hadn’t moved. I just gave an exhausted moan and a thumbs up. She grunted, depositing Tigu in her tent and pulling Toph off me before helping me to unsteady feet. "Come on, there's a stream nearby, you need to get cleaned up."

"Yeah, that sounds great," I sleepily agreed. I was exhausted, completely and utterly tuckered out. It was nice not having to worry about anything. Sure, I was sore, and I was worried about how I'd handle any future pregnancies, but right now I could just relax. For the first time in what felt like forever, I actually felt safe.

Isabela guided me over to the stream, where she helped me scrub myself clean. Once I was done, I sat down next to the water and let the cool air wash away all of my concerns. After a while, I started to think about things again.

"Are you sure I'm okay?" I asked hesitantly. "I mean, I've never had sex before, but I’m still not sure about everything regarding this ‘Company’. Is there any chance that I'll get pregnant?"

"What do you think?" Isabela replied, sitting down next to me.

"I don't know," I admitted. "But I'm pretty sure you have a better idea than me."

She chuckled, before saying, "Hold out your hand and think about holding your phone."

I gave her a curious look, but did so. Lo and behold, a phone appeared in my upheld hand. Isabela reached out and took the phone from my shocked, limp hand, opening it up and making a few taps and swipes. After a minute or two, she held it back out to me, revealing an app called Fertility Calibration.

"Because of the build chosen by your sponsor," Isabela explained as she handed me the phone. "You can choose if a given sexual encounter will result in anywhere from no children to twins. By default, it is set to prevent pregnancies, for you and everyone in the Retinue."

Seeing it and hearing it explained, I expected to feel relief, instead...I felt disappointed.

"Why would I want to limit my chances of getting pregnant?" I asked confusedly.

"If you really want to, you could always change it," Isabela told me. "We don't recommend doing so though. Not yet. Things are going to be extremely hectic and...interesting in the coming months, and you being pregnant will make things extremely difficult. For both yourself and the rest of us."

"Oh," I said, realizing what she meant. "Well, then I guess I should leave it?"

"Yes, that's probably best," she agreed. "For now."

After we were done cleaning ourselves up, Isabela led me back to the campfire where everyone was waiting. Toph was already snoring in her tent, but Tigu was sitting around the fire pit, sipping at a mug of tea.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" Tigu asked curiously, her eyes wide and bright.

"Yes!" I told her, something about Tigu's energy was infectious. "Toph was great, and so was the bath after."

"Good," Tigu said with a nod, standing up before pausing and turning to Isabela. "Can I..."

Isabela rolled her eyes, before saying, "Take her to the creek, it'll be easier to clean up that way."

"Wait, wha..." was as much as I got out before Tigu grabbed my hand and dragged me away, back in the direction I'd come from.

In nearly half the time it had taken Isabela and I to get back, Tigu had dragged me to the creek and my clothes were in a pile off to the side. I was expecting her to have me sucking on the cock I could see making a bulge in her pants, but to my surprise, she instead picked me up, lifting my entire body into the air until I was almost sitting on her shoulders.

"Tigu?" I asked, seeing her grinning up at me, her nose practically touching my mound, her hands holding me up easily by my ass. "What are..."

What she was planning became readily apparent, as she leaned in and covered my slit with her mouth, her tongue running over my pussy lips. My eyes went wide and I tried to squirm away, but Tigu simply tightened her grip on me, and held me in place as she began to lick and suck at my clit. I gasped loudly, and she moaned around me, her hot breath driving me mad.

"Just relax," she said, then plunged her tongue deep inside of me, slurping like a vacuum cleaner. I cried out, bucking against her hold, unable to fight back due to the sheer strength and size of her arms. The sensation of her tongue lapping at my folds was maddening, and soon my hips were moving involuntarily as she continued to lick me.

Tigu finally pulled her head back and looked at me, her eyes glowing brightly, her cheeks flushed red. She lifted me up again, this time placing me on a log, and lowering herself beside me.

"Mmmm, you taste delicious," Tigu said, smiling widely. "Do you want me to fuck your pussy first? Or do you want to give me your last virginity now?"

I stared at her, a lusty fog making it nigh impossible for me to think. Toph had fucked me, I remembered that much, so what virginity was she talking about? I couldn't remember, so instead I just said, "Use me. However you want."

Tigu grinned widely, her canines drawing my eye for some reason, as she stood up and began to strip.

The shirt was hung on a branch, the cloth breast binding coming away to show her small but perky, mouth watering breasts. I found myself staring at her abs, the muscles on proud display and a desire filling me to trace the lines of her form with my tongue. Then, Tigu put her hand on the waistline of her pants and pushed them down, freeing her cock, my eyes widening in shock as I finally beheld it.


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