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“Sir, the altered FEV formula for Taylor is finished,” Obby said the next morning at breakfast.

“Excellent,” I said in response with a grin, taking in the green vial in his hand. Turning to Taylor, who was giving the vial a suspicious look, I ordered her, “Drink that.”

“Yes Sir,” she said without hesitation, jumping to her feet and racing over to Obby. She took the vial from him and hurriedly drank the contents.

Obby and I both watched her, wondering if there would be a reaction. After a few moments, we decided nothing was happening, and I turned to leave.

“Wait,” Taylor called after me, “what happens now?”

“Now you wait until the change takes effect, then you train to get used to your improved body,” I said bluntly.

Taylor looked at me with a worried expression, starting, “But...”

“Taylor, calm yourself," I told her, turning to face her fully. I walked over to her, cupping her chin with a finger. She practically melted against me, pressing her body against my own. “There will be plenty of time for discussion later, for now, let's focus on getting you comfortable with your new abilities.”

She nodded, relaxing slightly, and I stepped back, “The formula will possibly have drastic physical alterations. For the rest of today, consider yourself under observation. Am I clear?”

"Yes sir."

“Good,” I replied, heading out the door. While I wouldn’t say no to more fun times if it did, I hoped that Taylor’s customized FEV formula wouldn’t give her tits the size of her head or otherwise turn her into a physical caricature of a woman.

A day later, Taylor came into the dining hall, looking very different than when I'd last seen her. Her skin had lost its tan, becoming lighter and paler, and her hair had grown back out, looking to be roughly half as long as it was when I first found her. But that wasn't the most noticeable difference. That would be the extra sixteen-ish inches of height and outright amazonian build she now had. While her shoulders had broadened she was still leanly built, and her bust had swelled significantly, as had her hips and ass. Despite that, her new assets were still firm and tight, the kind belonging to an athlete rather than a porno flick. She was wearing a pair of athletic shorts and a sports bra, which was all she could really wear, since her large breasts didn't fit in the other clothing in her size anymore.

I couldn’t help but stare at her, almost afraid to believe what I was seeing. She caught me staring, and blushed, turning away and walking to the kitchen.

"So what do you think?" she asked softly as she walked by me. "Is it working?"

"It looks like it," I responded, glancing down at her chest. It was about twice the size it had been, though they weren't bulging or anything. It was more of a subtle shape enhancement, and that was good enough. I turned back to her, smiling broadly, "You've got quite a nice figure now."

Her cheeks reddened, but she smiled back anyway, "Thanks. I'm glad you approve. I can't wait until you see me without clothes!"

"We'll just have to wait and see," I chuckled.

She grinned back at me, "I guess we will. Now, I'll go grab some food, you should probably eat too."

"Yeah, sounds good," I agreed, watching her walk off, my eyes locked on her ass.

She returned shortly after with a plate full of bacon, eggs, and pancakes, and sat down across from me. I watched her carefully, but saw no signs of any other changes. There was going to be some time training to see how the FEV had affected her physicality, but outwardly she looked more or less the same. She wouldn't be as strong as a super mutant, but she should definitely qualify as a Brute now. The question was how much of one. I had to admit, I was excited to find out.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

She shrugged, "Fine, I guess. Just hungry."

"That's normal, your body needs a lot more fuel than the reserves it had," I assured her. "Eat up, and then let's work out for a while."

"Okay," she replied, grabbing a forkful of pancakes. Bringing my pipboy up, I sent Obby a message. After our time in the gym, I wanted him to give Taylor a full exam, to make sure that everything reacted as it was supposed to. If all turned out as it should, then I'd have him devise a version of the FEV for me.


"Ow," I groaned as Taylor threw me flat onto my back yet again.

It wasn't just the fact that she was now physically stronger, tougher, and all around better than me. She also had actual training. I hadn't. My body, despite being in pretty decent shape, was still pretty weak compared to hers. I was a baseline human, while she was enhanced beyond human physical limits.

"You are really bad at this, Master," Taylor noted as she held out a hand and helped me to my feet.

"To be fair, I'd planned on any fighting I'd do would involve being inside a metal can while shooting at my target with a giant fuck off gun," I returned.

She snorted, lifting her arms up for another round, only for both of us to pause as the intercom crackled and Alfred’s voice came through, "Sir, there is a group of individuals standing at the location that you met with Miss Lindt, Miss Wilborn, and Mr. Anders. Facial Recognition does not recognize them."

I frowned, before turning to Taylor and telling her, "Go see Obby, get him to give you a physical."

"Sir," she started, but I held a hand up.

"I don't plan on going there myself. But I still want to know who our visitors are and what they want," I said firmly.

Taylor clearly wasn't happy about it, but she complied nonetheless. As she left, I called out to Alfred, "Send out a fleet of securitrons, link one to the main computer."

"Very well, Sir," the butler robot agreed easily. "They will be on their way momentarily."

"Excellent." I nodded, heading over to the door, "Let's see what they want."

I reached the main computer a good five, ten minutes before the securitrons reached the meeting point. Looking through the camera feed, I narrowed my eyes as I took in the group of four. Three women and a guy, one of the girls was black, and the rest looked like they might be related. Oddly, the three white people seemed to be ignoring the black girl. Not in a racist way, it seemed like they physically didn't notice her.

That's when the securitrons arrived. All five of them took fighting stances, before I flipped a few switches to convert the screen on the lead securitron to a camera feed, showing my face.

"Might I ask what brings five strangers to my front door?" I asked, making the black girl wince and the three look confused. Briefly, anyway, as they soon gave surprised starts and turned to stare at her. "If you're here about my offer for work, I'm afraid to say that I'm still in the planning stages."

One of the women, the taller blonde one, stepped forward and said, “We’re not here for work. We've received word that your Tinker specialty allows you to treat mental ailments."

I blinked in surprise. I certainly wasn't expecting something like this, "What, is one of you depressed or something?"

"As a matter of fact," the youngest of the white women said, nudging the only guy present forward. "Yes."

"And you?" I asked, having one of the securitrons point towards the black girl.

"Would you believe I saw them leaving The City and was curious?" she asked, with a fragile cheeky grin.

I gave her a flat stare through the screen, "Not when you ask it that way. But yes, I can treat depression, provided the cause is neurological. If not, then the best I can offer is an alternative life path. I will share more details after examining him."

The man glanced at the women he’d arrived with, who gave him encouraging smiles and nods. He stepped forward, following the securitron as it turned around and began to lead him towards the Vault. The remaining securitrons stayed put, keeping an eye on the rest of my guests.

"So, how long have you had depression?" I asked conversationally, while sending a notice to Obby. I wanted to make sure he was ready for another patient.

"Years," the man admitted with a shrug. "Don't really expect much from this, nothing else has worked. But with everything gone to hell, everyone's insisting that I try something."

I did my best not to let my pride as an engineer be insulted by his lack of faith in Obby's (and by extension my) abilities. In the meantime, the white chicks all seemed to forget the black girl again, so I had one of the securitrons point an arm at the girl in question and said, "I can still see you, girl."

"I know," she said, raising her hands into the air. "It's just the way my power works: I have to concentrate to be noticed, and it gets exhausting."

I considered that bit of information, before saying, "Stay put. The securitrons will respond with force if you attempt to follow without verbal invitation. Understood?"

She gave a two finger salute, "Aye aye, captain!"

Though they couldn’t see it, I rolled my eyes.  Updating the programming on the securitrons keeping an eye on the rest of the guests, I turned my focus back on the future patient. He was looking at the securitron curiously, but otherwise just quietly following.

"Be warned," I said through the securitron. "You will be knocked out prior to entering the facility. It's a security procedure."

I half hoped that he'd object, as it would show that he was serious about getting help, but he merely shrugged and said, "Yeah, okay."

"Alright then," I said with a sigh, "this is going to feel weird, but it shouldn't hurt."

We'd reached the outside of the hill that hid the Vault, and the knock out coils deployed immediately after I said that.


"Obby, is Taylor's physical done?" I asked as a pair of securitrons half carried half dragged the new patient to medical.

"Indeed it is, Sir," the robot answered. "Miss Hebert is at full health, and more zan capable of carrying multiple children to term!"

I blinked, "That wasn't what you were supposed to focus...fuck it, never mind. Anyway: new patient, has chronic depression, family convinced him to come to us. Probably neurological."

"Ah, zank you for ze treat, Sir!" Obby all but clapped his metal hands as he lightly bounced. "Zis is going to be fun! Any ozer alterations to make to ze patient?"

"Not for the time being," I said, before pausing. "Make a dose of FEV for him, don't bother keeping him virile, but don't let it affect his intelligence too much. On second thought...see if you can tailor the dosage so that it improves recovery time without excessive physical alteration."

"A fascinating challenge, Sir! You certainly know how to make my life interesting!"

I chuckled at the robot’s enthusiasm before turning and making my way back to the main computer. I still had a shit load of work to do, especially in preparing the foundation of my future economy. I’d already decided on using a coin based system, and tailoring the Sierra Madre vending machines to work off those. The raw materials were still needed, and there was only so much material they could churn out at a given time.

So resource gathering was still going to be a big business, within the economy. Based on my experience in the life I had before being dropped here, I was going to organize it so that blue collar jobs got special benefits and privileges, to ensure that they stayed respectable. If I could I’d do away with service jobs entirely, but much as I despised the white collar crowd, I knew that they were needed on some level. Unfortunately.


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