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Max took a deep breath, focusing on the magical eye in his left eye socket. Feeling for the magic that flowed from and through it. There was a faint whisper of ancient reed pipes in the back of his mind, and he saw a translucent image hovering behind Toga. He raised an eyebrow as the details became clear, his flesh and blood eye meeting hers.

“You have a very dirty mind,” he said blandly, even as the image aroused him. There was a very good reason he said that, the image was of her being spit roasted by him and Wrath. Her capture had finished the day before yesterday, and the six credits added to the account were immediately spent on the first rank each in Mind and Information Defense.

Himiko gave her iconic, crazy grin, hand held up by her mouth as she gave a small giggle, before she said, “I can’t help it, Maxi-kun. You’re both so cute.”

He huffed a little bit at the words, but grinned right back at her, saying, "Cute? Really?"

"Yes," she replied instantly. "You're both adorable." She snickered again.

Max had to fight not to laugh at her antics, and managed to say, "Thank you. Now, let's get the hell out of here. I want a shower."

With a smile at him, she nodded and started running towards the door they'd come in through. The living room wasn't fancy, but it had enough room for Max to train his Millennium Eye. He could use it in all of the ways that the original Maximillion Pegasus had figured out, but he was certain there was more it could do. Magic was conceptual, being able to see the minds of others couldn’t be the limit of what it was capable of.

He hoped he’d be able to train it to gaze into the future and use it to predict what his enemies will do and then avoid it. Which would lead to his planned focus in regards to his physical training: dodging and redirection. He wanted to be sure that he avoided hits more often than not when he fought someone. Even if he was hit, he didn't want to take the full force of their attacks.

Shaking his head, Max dismissed his ambient thoughts, instead focusing on his upcoming shower. It was going to be heaven after this hellish morning. Of course, given how she'd taken off first, Himiko reached it before he did. Which is why he was treated to the sight of her standing in the bathroom, her hair still in its messy buns, her golden yellow eyes with their cat like slits staring hungrily at him as he entered, and completely naked.

"Well, are you going to join me?" she asked teasingly, one hand tracing under her breasts, drawing his eye to them.

Max growled, but it wasn't because she was teasing him; rather because he found himself turned on beyond belief by the sight of her. His cock twitched just looking at her and he felt his pants tighten.

She smiled, stepping forward. "You don't need to be shy around me, Max-kun."

"Bastard," Max muttered, closing the distance between them in two strides.

Her smile widened, and she grabbed him by the arm, pulling him into the bathroom and shutting the door behind them. As soon as the door snapped shut, she spun him, pinning him against the wall, her lips finding his.

Max groaned, the kiss hot and passionate, his hands resting on her hips as he returned her hungry advances. Her tongue thrust into his mouth, tasting him, probing deeper, getting used to his flavor. They broke apart, gasping for air.

"God damn you," Max breathed, feeling his control slipping.

Himiko's hands went to his belt and began undoing it, her lips moving to his neck. "I'm glad you think so."

The last buckle came undone, and Max pulled down his zipper with a grunt, releasing the beast within. His cock sprang free, fully erect, and as large as ever. Himiko licked the tip of his cock, making him shudder.

"You taste good too," she purred, licking him again, her tongue swirling around his head and teasing the sensitive skin, the vibrations making him jerk.

"Fuck," Max said, his voice cracking as she continued to tease him.

Himiko hummed, her fingers slowly stroking his length, before gripping him tightly. Her eyes lit up and she lowered her head, taking the head of his dick into her mouth. Her lips enveloped him and she sucked, gently, letting him go halfway down her throat before pulling away.

Max groaned, feeling her warm breath on the underside of his shaft. He shuddered, trying to keep from coming.

"So big," she whispered, before taking him deep into her throat once more.

Max moaned, his control completely gone now, as she continued to suck him, her tongue caressing the underside of his cock, hitting every sensitive spot.

"Fucking hell..." He breathed, feeling his balls tighten.

Himiko hummed again, continuing to suck him, her hands stroking him, her tongue flicking over the sensitive underside.

She stopped, pulling back, and looked up at him with glazed eyes. "Are you ready to cum for me, Max-kun?"

"Yeah," he gasped, reaching down and squeezing her ass, giving her a firm slap.

He felt her grip tighten on him, as he tightened his own grip on her firm ass. Then, she released him, releasing his cock from her mouth, before moving down to his balls. She started sucking on them, her tongue lapping at them, massaging them, and sending electricity through him.

Max groaned, and she smiled, looking up at him. "Ready yet?"

"Goddamn it, yes."

Himiko grinned, before leaning forward, kissing him, and taking him back inside her mouth. This time, she didn't tease him, or pull away. Instead, she took him all the way down her throat, her nose touching his pelvis.

Max groaned, feeling her tongue swirl around his cock, her fingers gently stroking his thighs. The sensation was almost enough to make him blow his load right then and there. But he managed to keep himself together, concentrating on the feel of her lips wrapped tight around him.

Then, she pulled back, removing his cock from her mouth. "Cum for me," she whispered, her voice hoarse and thick.

Max groaned, unable to resist any more as her dainty hand stroked his length. He felt her lips close around his cockhead, and then her hot mouth engulfed him, sucking hard.

He cried out, feeling his orgasm build, building, until he couldn't hold back any longer. His entire body tensed, muscles clenching, as a rush of cum shot down her throat.

Max bucked his hips, trying to get even deeper inside her mouth, desperate for every last drop. Himiko hummed, her eyes closed as she swallowed. When he thought she had taken it all, he felt her gulp and swallow again, forcing every last drop out of him.

When she finally released him, Max collapsed against the wall, panting heavily. Himiko leaned up, kissing him lightly on the lips.

"Good boy," she murmured. "Now, I think it's time we hop into the shower, don't you?"

Max grinned, nodding, and helping her to her feet before stripping down himself. Himiko entered the shower while he was doing so, and by the time he followed in after her, steam was already billowing out from the hot water. As for Himiko herself, she had both hands against the wall, her back arching to present her ass towards Max.

"C'mon, Max-kun," she said, panting as she reached back with one hand, rubbing her ass and pulling the cheek to the side. "Come over here and fuck me."

Max moved closer, not wanting to miss this chance, and slid his cock between her slick folds. Himiko groaned, moving back into him, and he began to thrust in and out of her.

"Mm!" She gasped, pressing back against him, meeting each push with a thrust of her own.

Max grunted, pushing himself further into her, sliding along the smooth walls of her pussy. Himiko pressed her head back against the wall, moaning loudly as Max increased his pace, slamming into her wet pussy over and over again.

"Ah! Ohhh~!" She cried out, her nails digging into the stone behind her. "Ohh, Max-kun! Cumming~"

Himiko cried out, shuddering, and he felt her inner walls clamp down on his cock, milking him. Her pussy gripped him tightly, trying to milk him dry, and he could only grunt in response. With a final thrust, he came, burying himself deep inside her, his cock throbbing.

"Mm," Himiko sighed, relaxing against the wall.

Max slid out of her slowly, but when he did so, Himiko reached back and grabbed his hips, pulling him back inside. He groaned and let her do as she pleased, letting her take charge. After a few minutes of slow fucking, Himiko pulled back, her legs trembling slightly, and then turned around.

"I want you to cum inside me," she panted. "Please, Max-kun… I need it."

"Okay…" Max nodded, kissing her.

He quickly got back into position, sliding his cock into her slick pussy once more. Himiko moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding herself up against him, her arms just barely supporting her weight.

Max groaned, thrusting into her, feeling her tightness squeeze him like a fist. Himiko whimpered softly, her grip tightening on his shoulders.

"Mm... Ah..." She gasped, shivering. "Max-kun, I'm going to… Mm!"

She arched her back, crying out as she climaxed. Max kept thrusting, driving himself into her, and soon felt his own orgasm build within him.

"Oh god," Himiko groaned. "I'm cumming again~"

Max thrust harder, pounding into her, and felt his orgasm burst through him. His cock throbbed within her, filling her completely, and he cried out, coming inside her.

"Mm..." Himiko sighed, leaning her forehead against his. "Thank you, Max-kun."

Max smiled tiredly, kissing her on the cheek. He collapsed against her, panting, and she rested her head against him.

"You're welcome," he chuckled.

Himiko giggled, nuzzling his shoulder. After that, they stayed in the shower for a long time, Max cuddling her and making sure to clean them both thoroughly.


I glanced up from the maintenance work I was doing on my armor towards the shower where I heard Max and Himiko enjoying themselves. I chuckled in amusement, idly wondering if Himiko had taken the lead like I'd suggested to her. A quiet sigh to my left made me turn to look at the fourth member of the retinue.

"Is there a problem, Ayame?" I asked as I began to reassemble my armor.

"No, no, it's nothing," she insisted, turning around and pulling out a container of flour from one of the kitchen shelves. Even if I'd had the brains and Force sensitivity of a lobotomized gizka, I'd have been able to tell that she was lying.

"Ayame," I said, putting a measure of command into my voice. "What bothers you?"

She stilled, her hands on either side of the mound of flour that she'd produced, hesitating before saying, "I'm...worried, that he will forget about me. That I'll just be someone that he sees at meals and that is all."

I shrugged, "That is certainly a possibility. However, you say it like it makes you irrelevant. There is an expression on this world that was just as true in the Sith Empire: an army marches on its stomach. Do not discount the importance of your role."


"Silence," I commanded.

Ayame fell silent, her mouth hanging open. I stood, walking over to her while using a small amount of telekinesis to pull Ayame's panties to the floor under her dress. Her brown eyes widened as I stalked up to her. I leaned down, pressing my lips to hers and kissed her deeply, sliding my tongue between her lips and licking her tongue.

"Don't worry, little chef," I whispered into her ear. "You are important to him. He likes you very much."

Ayame trembled, her breathing becoming heavier as I continued to kiss her. My hands slipped up, cupping her breasts underneath her dress and squeezing gently. She moaned into my mouth and pressed her chest against me more firmly, moaning softly and kissing me back.

After a moment, I pulled away and looked down at Ayame. Her face was flushed and she was panting with desire, her eyes half lidded. I grinned as I grabbed her by the hips, lifting her up onto the counter and laying her back.

"Now, allow me to continue what I started," I purred. "I can think of no better way to spend our free time than this."

Ayame gave a soft whimper, her eyes darting down to my crotch as I moved closer, and then back up to meet my gaze again. I smiled down at her, reaching up and touching the button on the front of her dress. It popped open and fell to the ground, leaving Ayame naked beneath it.

She bit her lip nervously, gazing up at me as I unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock, watching as it sprang forth. It was already hard, throbbing with need, and I stroked myself slowly, taking pleasure in the way her eyes widened as she took me in.

"It's okay," I murmured, brushing her hair aside so that I could kiss her neck. "I won't hurt you."

Ayame shivered as I began to move over her, pressing myself against her thighs and slipping my cock inside her. She gasped, arching her back as I slid deeper into her, gasping as her pussy stretched to take me.

"Oh fuck, I-I didn't know it would feel like that," she stammered. "Max told me that you were big but...it feels huge!"

I chuckled, wrapping my arms around her body and squeezing her tight, burying her face into my breasts. She moaned, curling her legs up and gripping my ass, holding me tightly as I began to thrust into her.

"Like this?" I asked. "Or perhaps like this? What do you want, little chef?"

"Mmh..." she mumbled, whimpering as I nibbled her earlobe. "Anything you want, Mistress."

I laughed and sped up my pace, feeling her tighten around me as I filled her. Her wetness felt incredible, hot and slick, and I groaned as I began to thrust faster, my balls slapping against her ass.

"Cumming!" she cried, her fingers digging into my skin. "O-oh god! Cumming!"

My own orgasm hit me like a freight train, my cock spasming inside of her as I emptied myself into her. I grunted and gasped for air, shuddering against her as we rode out the waves of pleasure together.

"Well now, what do we have here?" Max's voice asked from the hallway leading to the shower. I glanced over, feeling my cock surging back to hardness as he and Himiko entered.

Grinning, I pulled Ayame off the counter, sitting on the floor with her in my lap, and said, "Just having a little fun. Join us."

"Don't mind if I do," Max said with a grin. Giving Himiko a glance, he said, "I wasn't expecting it to be this soon, but a promise is a promise."

I blinked, a little curious what promise he was talking about. He held out an arm, and Himiko grinned before pulling it up to her mouth and biting down on it. My eyebrows rose, and if the two were going to do what I expected, then this would be much more enjoyable than I'd anticipated.

Sure enough, in a few moments, there were two Max's standing there, both equally naked and approaching Ayame and I. One knelt down behind Ayame, and I spread her ass wide for him, even as my own cock stuffed her pussy. The second one placed his cock at her mouth, slipping in. She moaned, a muffled but keening sound as the Max behind her pushed into her ass. I could feel in, through the membrane separating her lower holes.

Max grabbed onto her shoulders, pushing himself fully into her ass and grinding against her clit, eliciting another moan from Ayame. I squeezed her tits, pinching her nipples roughly as the other Max began to move, thrusting into her mouth.

"That's it," Max said, his voice deep and rough as he fucked her. "Take all three of us"

I moved my hands down, groping her asscheeks and squeezing them tightly as I fucked her. She moaned deeply and gripped my hips, moaning and whimpering as we took turns thrusting into her. Every second, there was a cock sliding into her pussy or ass, and she had no choice but to take it. I knew that she loved it, though, and her moans only encouraged me to keep pounding into her.

"Oh fuck, she's so tight!" one Max exclaimed.

The other Max grunted, and Ayame came instantly, her eyes fluttering closed as she let out a deep moan. Her juices coated my cock, dripping down onto my hips as I kept pumping into her.

"You're such a good girl," I told her. "I'm glad you decided to join us."

She nodded, panting as she lay there, recovering from the intense orgasm. Both Max's continued their thrusting for a time, until the one in her mouth cried out, burying himself in Ayame's throat as he came. The other came next, flooding her bowels with his seed. I directed the Force to my balls, giving it just the right nudge to cum again, before doing the same to Ayame, ensuring that hers started just as the first shot of my second load began to fill her.

They withdrew, and I leaned down, kissing her lips softly. She kissed me back, smiling up at me before rolling off the floor to sit beside me. I chuckled and sat up, reaching down to help her up and sit with me. I looked up at the two Max's, and said, "Well? One of you is going to have to clean this up. Hop to it."

"Yes, Mistress," one said before running off to the closet.

"So that one's Himiko," I muttered, making Max chuckle.

I forced myself to my feet, carrying the insensate Ayame to the shower with me. As I did, I used the Force to call Max's Company phone to my hand. I was curious if either of our seed had taken within our cook.


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