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I finished with the shower, then took the next few minutes getting my hair and miniscule amount of beard to a point that I was happy with. I didn’t have enough facial hair to get the dwarven braids that I really wanted, but I was able to get some tight nordic braids in my hair. When that was done, I took the beach towel that Penelope had left for me after grabbing my clothes to take them to be washed.

Exiting the bathroom, I found myself walking into Penelope, who bounced off my chest onto her butt, looking embarrassed.

“I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going! Are you all right?” she asked, blushing brightly.

I rubbed a hand over my face and sighed, trying to hide my smile. "No harm done."

She nodded quickly, rising to her feet as I did. Then she glanced down at my body and blushed again.

"Uh, sorry," she stammered, "you just... look really good. Like, I guess a lot of people would say you were handsome before, but now you're kind of breathtaking."

I blinked. That was a bit of an extreme reaction, even for me. I'd heard things like that from women before, but never outright, and usually only in passing. Still, it was nice to hear, so I smiled and offered a wink to reassure her. Hey, I may be a Guardian, but I was just as much a Lover.

After a moment's hesitation, she returned the smile and blushed more deeply.

"Okay, well, I'll...I wanted to tell you...your clothes are in the wash. Sorry for barging in on you..." she fumbled, looking down at her feet.

I chuckled, patting her on the head, "Nah, don't worry about it. Besides, I'm alright with waiting until my clothes are done. But before that, if it wouldn't be too much trouble..."

I trailed off, looking away so she wouldn't see the amused smirk on my face. I wasn't a trickster, but Penelope was so much fun to tease. As I expected, Penelope asked, "What?"

"Do you have anything to eat here?" I asked, turning back to face her so she could see me teasing grin. Penelope flushed bright red, but she also started giggling.

"You're funny!" she chortled. "And yes, I have some things I can use to make a meal. Hope you like Mexican."

"Sure," I said, and she smiled before heading to the kitchen. Suppressing a shudder, I muttered under my breath, "So long as it's nothing like what Esmerelda made."

Girl may have been the best tracker and shot in the Band, but her taste in what counted as good food was more than a little suspect. I heard the clank of pots and pans, and a few seconds later, Penelope entered with a tray laden with a couple bowls, a pot, a stack of tortillas and a bottle of tequila. She set the tray down on the coffee table in front of me, then sat down beside it.

"There you go," she said cheerfully.

I paused as I saw the stew in the pot. It smelled delicious, better than anything I'd had in a while. The thought of how hungry I must have looked crossed my mind as I walked over to the table, picked up a bowl and began eating.

"This is really good!" I exclaimed after finishing half of the tortillas and taking another bite of the stew.

Penelope grinned, "Thanks! I'm glad you like it."

The girl was a natural cook. She seemed pleased by my praise, and I watched as she relaxed and ate her own dinner. Food was eaten, tequila was drunk, and after the food was polished off, she took a deep breath.

"Let me preface by saying that this was non-alcoholic tequila for when my brother visits," Penelope began. "So what I'm about to ask isn't because I'm drunk."

"Alright," I agreed, waving a hand towards her. "Shoot."

She swallowed, her face turning red before she visibly steeled her resolve and asked, "Would you...that is...oh hell with it, do you want to fuck?"

I admit, this was a bit more than I'd been expecting, but I wasn't going to complain. She was really pretty, and I could certainly use a distraction from the past few days.

"Yes," I replied without hesitation.

Penelope stared at me, mouth agape for a moment before she broke into a wide grin. She squealed, throwing her arms around my neck and kissing me passionately. My cock twitched as her lips pressed against mine, and I held her close to me as her tongue darted into my mouth. Her hands ran up and down my back, pulling me closer still as she kissed me hungrily.

The towel I’d had wrapped around my waist soon came undone, leaving me naked as a hot latina began dry humping me. I felt her nipples pressing against my chest and my cock throbbed painfully. After a few moments of this, Penelope pulled back and our eyes met. She smiled shyly, which made me feel warm all over, before she leaned forward again and resumed kissing me.

We continued making out for several minutes, both of us lost in the sensations of touch and taste. Eventually, however, she pulled back and asked, "Can we move to the bed?"

"Yeah, sure," I replied, pushing myself up from the couch. Penelope's eyes dropped down to my stomach, before they drifted a little further south.

"Dios mio," she muttered, reaching to her waist and pulling her shirt up over her head, leaving her in a pair of jeans and her bra.

I couldn't help but stare openly at her tits. They were amazing, big and round with a darker pinkish hue than what I'd seen on most women. Seeing them made my cock twitch again, but I forced myself to keep staring at her face. She reached behind her back, unhooking her bra and letting her breasts bounce free.

My cock throbbed and I groaned as I moved closer, reaching to cup her breast. She sighed happily and shivered as my fingers touched her skin, before I gently squeezed. The sensation of her nipple against my palm was heavenly, and I couldn't stop myself from tugging on it slightly. Penelope moaned softly as I did this, her eyes closing as she enjoyed the sensation. She opened her eyes once more and looked at me, smiling brightly.

"That feels nice," she breathed, putting her hand over mine and squeezing it firmly.

I nodded, continuing to squeeze her tit while I leaned in. Our lips met and she moaned as our tongues brushed together. We kissed for several moments, before I slid one of my hands down her body to cup her ass. Her skin was soft and smooth under my fingertips, and I slipped my other hand between us to stroke her pussy through her jeans.

Penelope gasped and rocked her hips, grinding herself against my hand. I released her tit and trailed kisses along her jawline and neck. She closed her eyes again, her head tilting back as I nibbled on her earlobe.

"You're so cute," I whispered, nipping at her neck.

She giggled, biting her lip as I licked her sensitive flesh. "Please don't bite too hard."

I chuckled and kissed her cheek, then her forehead before moving lower and kissing along her collarbone. She shuddered as I got close to her tits, licking my lips and breathing heavily.

"Oh god," she moaned softly, arching her back and pressing her chest out towards me.

"It's ok," I said, grinning wickedly at her.

Penelope gave a slight nod and I leaned in, my lips closing around her left nipple. She gasped loudly and buried her face in my shoulder as I sucked on her tit, my hand slipping under the waistband of her pants and rubbing her clit rapidly. She was wet and slippery, and I couldn't resist slipping a finger inside her to press against her clit.

"Oh fuck!" she cried, digging her nails into my shoulders.

I grinned and pumped another finger inside her, moaning as she bucked against my hand. I was getting close, and I didn't want to waste any time. I shifted my grip, sliding two fingers deep inside her as I took her other nipple between my teeth. Penelope screamed loudly as I suckled, her legs nearly giving way beneath her.

Her body convulsed and she cried out as she came hard, her juices dripping down my hand. I pulled back, gasping as she fell backward onto the couch, panting heavily.

"Wow," she panted, her chest heaving.

The front of her jeans were thoroughly soaked, the button having popped off from the size of my hand. I glanced up at her, chuckling, and slowly unzipped them before pulling her pants down her long, smooth legs.

"Uh," she squeaked.

I smiled and leaned in, kissing her stomach and licking my tongue across her navel. Her breath caught in her throat and she gripped the back of my head, urging me on. I ran my tongue around her belly button, before pushing it inside her pussy.

"Mmf," she moaned as my tongue entered her, my fingers still working in and out of her.

She was really tight and wet, gripping my hand tightly as I continued to pump my fingers into her. When I felt her body begin to tense, I withdrew my hand and pushed my face into her pussy, licking her frantically. She squealed as I licked her clit, then cried out and bucked as she came hard. I kept licking until she finally relaxed, then crawled back up to kiss her.

"Thank you," she breathed, her eyes fluttering closed as she lay back on the couch, exhausted.

I chuckled and sat next to her, leaning in to kiss her. "You're welcome. You taste good."

She gave a tired grin, before saying, "Now, take that bitch breaker of a dick and fuck me."

I laughed, as she laid back and spread her legs wide open, smirking as I rubbed my erection against her. I lowered myself between her thighs and began to push inside, making her gasp.

"Oh god," she whimpered as I slowly eased my dick into her. It was tight and hot, but that only made the pleasure more intense. When I bottomed out inside her, I stopped, letting her get used to being filled completely.

"Fuck! Fuck!" she cried out, grabbing my arms and clinging to me.

I started thrusting slowly, driving my cock into her over and over again. The soft feeling of her pussy on my dick was incredible, and I had to fight not to come right away. Instead I pushed in slowly and pulled out slowly before repeating the process over and over.

"God... I love your cock," she moaned, squeezing the muscles in her core.

I reached up and cupped her breasts, pinching her nipples and squeezing her tits roughly. Penelope cried out and threw her head back, her back arching. I sped up, pounding into her faster and harder as she rode my cock, meeting each of my thrusts with one of her own.

"Yes! Yes! Give it to me! Make me cum!" she begged, her voice echoing throughout the apartment. "Fuck me! Fuck me! Cum in me! Cum in me!"

I groaned as I drove my hips forward, burying my cock deep inside her. My balls tightened and I bit into Penelope's breast as I exploded, pumping my seed deep inside her. She screamed loudly as I filled her full, my hands still squeezing her tits roughly.

When I finally finished, I pulled out and collapsed to the floor, panting. Penelope rolled off the couch and crawled to me, kissing my cheek and neck.

"That was amazing," she sighed happily.

I chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Thank you."


Skidmark blinked away tears while waiting for the cocaine to kick in. Turning his head towards the door, he blinked upon seeing someone he didn’t recognize standing in his room.

“Who the fuck’re you, shitheel?” he asked, standing up while getting ready to start laying down fields.

He wasn’t one of Skidmark’s men, that much was obvious even to his coked out mind. Dressed too nicely. Fuckstain was wearing a suit. The man gave Skidmark a look that was at once knowing and mocking.

“You may call me Victor,” the man finally said, walking towards Skidmark’s personal stash of drugs, dismissing him. “More than that… well, you could say I am a man of… royal pedigree. In ancient times, I would have been called Dumu Lugal-la, Son of the King. I am the Aureum Killer, the Savage Destroyer, the Amber Manipulator, the Key to the Unspeakable, the Seeker of Fathomless Secrets.”

Normally, Skidmark would have interrupted the man’s rant. But there was something in the man’s words, a gleam in his eyes, something that screamed to the basest part of Skidmark’s withered husk of a soul. He knew, even as the man turned around, his gaze locking onto Skidmark’s own, even as a sharp pain drove through his back, that this man was completely and utterly mad.

“I am the Prince Swaddled in Yellow.”


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