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In the end, I only found a single individual worth giving a bracelet, but I had some very good feelings about her. The gleam in the blonde girl's eye, if we were in my galaxy I'd probably secure her as an apprentice or have her sent to the estate to be trained as an acolyte. I didn't bother to ask for her name, merely subduing the man who'd been all but broadcasting his thoughts on what he wanted to do to her and offering her one of the two bracelets I'd brought with me.

She’d accepted it, with a smile (one that reminded me so much of my own) nearly splitting her face in two. She didn't have the right kind of build for my own style, but I could see her taking to the arts of the Sith Assassin quite nicely.

“Run along, young one,” I told her, giving the man who’d thought he was the predator a small kick to the side, prompting a pained groan from him. “I will take care of this trash.”

The girl winced, her hand idly playing with the bracelet from where she’d placed it on her left arm, “I… I don’t have anywhere to go.”

It was amusing, how she immediately went from presenting the facade of an adoring civilian to a helpless girl. Really, if she wanted to pass muster, she really needed to get a better grip on her emotions, her hunger for blood was even louder than the man’s lust for the girl. Still, it wouldn't hurt too badly to bring her back to the apartment until the binding finished.

“Alright, you can come with me then,” I offered, holding out a hand for her to take.

She looked at it for a moment, before reaching out to take it. A quick Force pull, and she was on her feet, staggering a bit before I caught her. Giving her a gentle push forward, I led her towards the apartment. When we reached the location where the portal had been placed, I held my arm with the bracelet on it near my head.

“Ayame, would you be a dear and open the door for me, please? I have a guest,” I said. Moments later, I saw a cut in space that stretched out into a rectangle. Glancing at the girl holding my hand, her eyes sliding past the portal in front of me, I considered my next course of action, determining whether or not the shitstorm it would cause would be worth the amusement.

Well, really, that was a stupid question. Grinning under my helmet, I let go of the girl’s hand, grabbed her by the back of her shirt, and threw her bodily through the portal. She let out a yelp, the hand that hadn’t been holding mine flashing and a knife bounced off the armor over my stomach. Gut strike, I approved.

Stepping through the portal myself, I chuckled, seeing the girl desperately scrambling to her feet. Her eyes widened, as if she were trying to figure out just what she was seeing. Letting out a breath, I reached out flipping the switch next to the portal. It closed, cutting the girl off from her potential escape. Blood of the Ancients, this was going to be fun.


Max stared at me, his one visible eye trying to pierce into my soul, before he slowly spoke, “Why is there a blonde girl tied up in the living room with a ball gag in her mouth?”

“We need the Company Credits, I took two of the bracelets with me when I went on my patrol in case I ran across anyone the Company would be interested in,” I explained with a shrug. “The Force told me that she would be important, so I put a bracelet on her and brought her here to make sure we do not lose her before the binding finishes.”

He pinched the bridge of his nose, and I went in for the kill, “From what I have determined, once her binding finishes we will be able to afford the first layer each of Mind Defense and Information Defense.”

He paused, turning his gaze to look up at me and an incredulous expression on his face, “How?”

I grinned, using the Force to bring the Company Phone over to me and pulling up the page on Discounts as I explained, “Defenses receive discounts, depending on the members in the Retinue, you and I both provide Discounts on Mind Defense and Information Defense, while she provides a third Discount on Information Defense. We will only receive six Company Credits from her capture, but we have enough combined Discounts that we can get the first rank of both for a mere five credits.”

He read the rules, giving a quiet, “Huh.”

A thought came to me, and I tilted my head towards the blonde girl, saying, “Come to think of it, she could make for a fine Apprentice. We'll need more captures in order to grant her Force Sensitivity, but even without it, the physical potential of people in this world seems to be higher than most.”

“Toga Himiko trained as a Sith, that’s not terrifying at all,” he muttered sarcastically.

“I'm not joking, I've already tested her reaction time, and she's faster than I was when I started my training at Korriban, which isn't an easy feat. She has the potential to be a good fighter, with proper training she might end up being a great one. In any case, I'd rather train her up in something besides her Quirk, since doing so will make her more useful later down the line,” I argued.

After another pause, Max sighed, shaking his head, before asking, “You’ll just twist my words if I ordered you not to, wouldn’t you?”

I raised an eyebrow, pushing the chair back and standing up, “My job is to ensure that you succeed in your goals. I will decide for myself what the best way to do that is, and considering that I have fought more battles, achieved far more, thrived in the most cutthroat society in the galaxy, I am far more experienced and better equipped to make these sorts of decisions than you are. You chose me for a reason, after all.”

He shook his head, sighing, before looking me in the eye, saying, “Alright then, I'll trust you.”

I nodded, before grinning, “Did you finish studying for the night?”

He rolled his eye, “Yes, I finished.”

A glance to Ayame saw her nod, a fond smile on her face. My grin widened, “Well then, I think a reward is in order.”

Max perked up, a leering grin spreading across his face as his eyes dropped down to my chest. Not tonight, little man. I lifted a hand, and Ayame let out a yelp as she was lifted off her feet and all but flew over to me.

“Ayame,” I purred into her ear, the ramen chef shuddering as I began to tear her clothes off her. “Be a darling and reward your master.”

She squeaked as I exposed her breasts, cupping and squeezing the mounds until her nipples hardened under my fingers. Her small frame quivered, as I got her ready for Max, who leaned over and began to kiss her neck, his hands dropping to her waist and undoing the buttons holding her skirt closed.

I slipped two fingers inside her, finding her tight warmth as I added a third, and watched the blush spread across her cheeks as he continued to ravish her neck. I slid two more fingers in, and she groaned, arching her hips upwards, begging for more.

“Master! Master!” she whined, her body tensing as I pumped her, my thumb rubbing against her clit as I played with her.

Max's tongue trailed down along her collarbone, pausing at her breast as he took a nipple between his lips, sucking hard. He moved down further, kissing her stomach and licking around her navel before diving in, planting a wet kiss right where her pussy began.

Her back arched, her hands grabbing the armrests of the sofa, gasping loudly as he licked her slit. His tongue swirled around, flicking her clit and teasing her entrance, before plunging deep inside her.

“Ahh... Ahhh!” she moaned loudly.

I smiled, leaning down and unbuttoning my shirt, revealing the black silk of my bra underneath. She whimpered as I stepped away, leaving the two of them to it. I had another target in mind. After all, it would do for me to let my future Apprentice be left out.

Coming to a stop in front of Himiko, the girl hogtied with a bright red ball gag in her mouth, I grinned down at her, pulling my compression bra off and over my head. My pants soon followed, allowing her to see my full, red skinned glory. My cock, long and girthy, bobbed in the air as I sat down on the couch, facing Max and Ayame. Adjusting the rope and knots holding the girl in place, I freed her legs before picking her up and setting her on my lap.

Himiko gasped, turning her head to look over her shoulder, staring wide eyed at me through the gag, her large yellow eyes, so similar yet so different from those who tasted the Dark Side, flashing. I stroked her hair, smiling at her before looking back to Max and Ayame, watching as they kissed passionately. The young woman's arms were wrapped tightly around him, her legs entwined with his, her cheeks flushed with desire.

“Look at them,” I whispered, a finger under Himiko’s chin turning her to look back towards the couple, who had broken apart and Ayame was now kneeling in front of him, her mouth around his cock. My own throbbed between Himiko’s thighs, feeling the heat from her pussy and tenting her schoolgirl skirt. “See how she worships him? That will be you soon, on your knees servicing his every whim, his every desire, every kink, every lustful thought.”

Himiko shivered, squirming on my lap as I rubbed her clit, her juices already beginning to leak down my thigh. She turned her gaze back to Max and Ayame, her eyes glassy and unfocused as she began to rock back and forth, whimpering softly, the sound muffled by the ball gag in her mouth. I smirked, sliding my fingers along her chest, leaning in and lightly nipping her neck.

By this point, Max and Ayame were no longer standing. Max had sat in the chair I’d vacated, his dick proud and erect, as Ayame hovered over him, her hand guiding his boyhood into her pussy. I used that as a reason to lift Himiko up, tearing her blue and white panties from her and placing the head of my cock at her pussy.

She whimpered, her eyes closing as I pushed forward, her body convulsing as I entered her tightness. Something tore, something I'd only felt once before.

“A virgin? Oh, such a good girl,” I cooed, pushing deeper inside her, the muscles of her cunt clenching around my length.

“Mi'rss! Mi'rss!” Himiko cried out, her voice muffled by the ball gag. I leaned down, licking her cheek, tasting her salty tears as I pushed myself fully inside her. Her pussy seemed to squeeze and spasm around me, making me grunt, the pleasure almost unbearable. I pulled out a little, and then thrust back in, driving deep into her.

Himiko mewled, her body quivering as I fucked her, my cock pulsating inside her. She was so tight, so hot and wet. I began to move faster, slamming my hips forward, my balls slapping against her as my orgasm neared.

“Oh fuck,” I groaned, panting.

The girl moaned loudly, her eyes rolled back in her head and her body shaking as I came inside her, filling her with my seed. We stayed like that for a while, Himiko still tied up, until I withdrew my cock from her pussy. My shaft was covered in her cum, dripping down to the floor, making a puddle beneath her.

“Such a good girl,” I purred, wiping my cock clean on the hem of her skirt. “But don't worry, there will be more. You have much to learn.”

So did Max. It would take some time, a bit longer before he was willing to submit completely, but great strides had been made today. He didn’t even realize that in every encounter we’d had, every opportunity he had to attempt to assert his dominance over me, he’d failed. Before his time at UA began, I’d have that mouth and that ass of his worshiping my cock.


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