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So, it turns out that there was an element to captures that I had missed in my review of the rules. Specifically, that some would grant me retroactive discounts on Defenses I’d already purchased. Jaesa granted me a discount on Mind Defense, which meant that the payout for her was twenty six Company Credits. Despite the fact that buying her outright would normally cost twenty. I had zero complaints about this setup.

Much as I was tempted to dump all the points into paying back the debt, I really needed to improve the speed of my Hypnosis App. At my current budget, I had three different options available to me: one that specifically used sound, one that gave me what were essentially drugs to boost the hypnosis rate, and a set of VR helmets that tripled the rate of everything else. In the end, I settled on the VR helmets with the plan of grabbing the audio boost next.

The next goal I had, once the crate with the three helmets appeared in front of me, was in finding a selkath to capture/bind. There were two key elements to my cunning plan, first was to find a selkath and subject them to the Lures that I hadn’t been using. The second element was using said lures to get them on my ship like it was a white van and… I think I have lost control of this metaphor.

Anyway, the point was: I was going to find me a selkath, tempt them onto my ship with addictive food, magic hands, and sweet nothings. Full disclosure, I wasn’t exactly planning on doing anything sexy with the selkath I’d bind. I’d never thought about them that kind of way, and seeing them in real life instead of a screen didn’t change that.

Which is why I was still trying to figure out how, despite what I’d been expecting going into this when I managed to lure one into the ship with the smell of some selkath dish that Faerie Feast guided me on, eight hours later here I was with a fish-girl named Stethe. Unlike all the ones I’d seen previously, the flaps protruding from the sides of her mouth weren’t as pronounced and there were a trio of long, almost dreadlock-like tentacle-things coming from the back of her head.

Plus, despite looking and sounding rather fish-like, she had tits. The presence of tits forgive a great many things. Even though she’d described herself as normal and average, she looked a bit more delicate and smaller than all the other selkath that I’d seen. I took that to mean that she was on the younger side, the equivalent of a high school graduate or college freshman.

All that was a very long winded way of explaining how I found myself here, with a pair of wet, slick breasts wrapped around my cock while staring into the somehow both utterly alien and yet at the same time insanely horny eyes of Stethe.

I had no idea how long I had been there, caught in the spell of her gaze and unable to look away even if I wanted to. I couldn’t help but be mesmerized by her fishy features and felt a powerful urge to keep going on like this as long as possible. So I did. Or at least, I tried to.

”Ugh!” I grunted as I felt my cock start to twitch in her grip. I pulled out of her tits, and used my left hand to steady her, while my right grabbed her head, and pulled her down, while pushing my cock into her mouth.

As I felt her tongue wrap around my cock, I felt my knees buckle slightly. I had a feeling I knew what was coming next.

“Mmf…” Stethe made a muffled sound as she took my cock in her mouth, and I felt her tongue rub against it.

As my cock slipped further and further into her mouth, I felt the pressure inside my balls grow. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I groaned as I felt the orgasm overtake me, and I felt the first rope of cum leave my cock to go flying into her mouth. Stethe took the load with a grimace on her face, but she swallowed it without a complaint. As my orgasm died down, I leaned back and let out a sigh.

“You taste really weird." Stethe said as she slowly released my cock and licked her lips.

I shrugged. "We are two different species, but you still swallowed. Most guys would consider that a compliment," I told her as I adjusted my cock back in my pants. "I'll get you a proper snack."

I turned and walked over to the kitchen, grabbed her some fish, and walked back over. I felt weird, not doing anything to it, but Faerie Feast insisted that I leave it alone, so that’s what I did. I suppose that since cooking isn’t really possible underwater, the selkath didn’t really have much experience in the way of culinary arts.

Stethe had put her top back on, and was watching the door with an odd look, that was at the same time reluctant and hopeful. Don’t ask me how I could read expressions on a fish face, I have no clue. I offered her the plate of fish, which she quickly accepted, and after she ate a couple of pieces, she let out a happy sounding, bubbly purr.

“So, mind if I ask you some things?” I asked her rhetorically. “I heard that a few thousand years ago, during the time of a Jedi named Revan, there was a secret facility that harvested extra kolto, and nearby the facility there was an ancient Rakatan Star Ma…”

Stethe perked up, “I know what you’re talking about!”

I blinked, that was easier than I was expecting. Leaning onto the table, I asked, “Would you be able to get me a copy of that Star Map data?”

She nodded eagerly, “I’ll be heading down there in a few days as part of my Rite of Fira, using part of the hull of the station to make my own fira. There’s a Rakatan terminal next to it and I can get the data while I’m there, then come back and give it to you when I’m done with my Rite.”

“Well, that’s convenient,” I muttered under my breath. I just bound the first selkath that took my bait, I wasn’t expecting to grab an initiate in the closest thing they had to their own version of the Jedi or Sith. Still, this would be good, useful.

Her eyes widened as she realized what she’d offered, “You have to promise me that you won’t tell anyone. Outsiders aren’t supposed to know about the Rite, or the Star Map, or the Order of Sasha, or…”

I held up a hand to her mouth, cutting her off, “I promise. But I never said anything about an Order of Sasha.”

Stethe’s eyes stared blankly at me, before she let out an embarrassed wail. I chuckled, lightly patting her on the shoulder as she cried and moaned about blabbing what she wasn’t supposed to again. While the dere display would amuse me any other day, my mind was currently a bit distracted. Even ignoring the potential in regards to future influence, Stethe being a Force Sensitive and a part of the Order of Sasha would mean that she’d be worth more points. Which would then (hopefully) be doubled. I gave her marching orders: get the Star Map data to me as fast as possible, then to rise up in the ranks and do her best to become either the leader or top advisor of the Order of Sasha.

Honestly, I couldn’t keep everyone I bound on the ship, it wasn’t big enough and with the sheer number of captures that I had planned, there wasn’t enough time in the day to use them the way I’d like to on the regular. More than that, there were a few individuals I planned on capturing for the points but had little interest in fucking or keeping them for myself. I’d really need to put some more thought into what I was going to do with those captures. Maybe use some of them like all the women in Kuroinu were while using some of the more elite ones as rewards and saving the best for myself?

As Stethe left, I set harem management thoughts aside and pulled out the Company phone, checking how much I’d gotten for completing the mission to bind a selkath. Smirking in satisfaction, I was tempted to hold the phone up to my nose and give it a whiff like it was a roll of a few grand in bills. The credit value for her was doubled, and she was rated as being Tier 5. I was now looking at a total Credit Value of thirty eight, when combined with the leftover points from Jaesa. Next up was to purchase Subliminal Audio, then eight points went to pay back on the debt, leaving me with five in the bank.

I was waiting on Jaesa to get back, so I could purchase enough kolto to get the bonus reward on the Healing Spooge mission. While Field Contractors were given a monthly wage of the dominant currency in whatever world they happened to be in, the first paycheck didn’t come in until thirty days had passed. So we were flat broke, and had been ever since we showed up. I was so glad I’d gotten the perk that kept the Fury topped up and fully stocked. Having kolto added to the list of things that would be stocked was going to be a major game changer, even if bacta was better than kolto in pretty much every way.

Originally I’d been thinking about either stealing it or having whatever selkath I bound grab it for me. But with Jaesa being an Imperial Inquisitor, that meant she had money and weight to throw around. And buying kolto only drew attention when it was in large quantities, the amount that the mission called for was a drop in the bucket. So becoming a criminal on yet another world or finding myself on an Imperial Watch List (and not the meme worthy kind) wasn’t necessary at this stage quite…

There was an alert at the entrance to the ship. Heading over, I checked the camera feed and saw the very crazy woman I’d been thinking about, along with a hovercart filled with blue containers of kolto. Grinning, I opened the boarding ramp, hopped down, wrapped Jaesa up in a hug, and kissed her so hard on the lips that her eyes nearly bugged out of her head.

When I pulled back, my grin still firmly affixed on my face as I took in her dazed expression, I said, “Make sure to put that lightsaber away, we are going to party hard tonight. I want the only damage done to the ship be from how hard I’m fucking my girls. Understood?”

Jaesa’s gaze focused just enough to meet my own as she gave an almost drunk smile, “I have no objections to that. I’ve even got a few bottles I’ve been saving for a while. Along with a few other things, if you catch my drift.”

I most certainly did catch her drift. Tonight was going to be a blast, it had been ages since I’d taken the chance to cut loose and get completely smashed. Grinning, Jaesa, Gwen, and I loaded up the twenty liters of kolto that Jaesa had purchased and loaded it up onto the ship. I made sure to purchase the Mind Alerting Concoctions perk as soon as the reward cleared, then it was time to bust out the booze.

Sure, Body Defense would normally make getting drunk an exercise in futility, but it could be lowered for an evening. What was the worst that could happen?


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