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‘Why do I get these cases?’ the Recruitment Agent thought to themself as they sent the latest Recruit away. It was the second time this recruiting cycle he’d sent a Recruit off with all the signs of their Retinue being the one running the show in short order. First it was the cancer girl, now it was the anime nerd who’d been obsessed with ‘Dommy Mommies’. For fuck’s sake, they’d both chosen the same starting world!

Penning together the requisite orders, they sent them off to Cloning Department, rolling their eyes at how matters were sure to proceed. Isolating a specific version of such a nebulous individual always had unexpected side effects. It was unavoidable, when the multiversal constant was a given individual's actions rather than the individual themself.

But this time, something felt different. As the Recruitment Agent walked back to their office, they couldn't shake the feeling that there was more at play than just the Company's influence. The anime nerd had looked at them with a knowing glint in their eye, as if they were aware of something the Recruitment Agent wasn't.

Curiosity gnawed at the Recruitment Agent's mind as they sat down at their desk. They pulled up the file on the anime nerd, scrolling through their history. It wasn't until they reached the section on the Training Report that something caught their eye. There was a note from the Field Agent who trained his cohort, warning of a possible anomaly in the Agent's behavior.

The Recruitment Agent leaned back in their chair and stared at the note for a moment, considering their next move. They knew they should report this to their superiors, but something about the situation made them hesitate. They couldn't quite put their finger on it, but it felt like there was more going on than just a simple anomaly.

After a few moments of thought, the Recruitment Agent made a decision. They would investigate this on their own, without getting anyone else involved. They knew it was risky, but they couldn't shake the feeling that there was something important here.

Elsewhere, on another world in another universe, two tanks filled with nutritional fluid, two feminine bodies within quickly growing. In the span of minutes, the two clones were decanted and quickly dressed before being sent to the Delivery Department. From there, the delivery order was read and a connection was made to the Pocket Apartment of the Field Agent that had purchased them.

It was a process that had been completed an infinite number of times, an infinite number of clones of an infinite number of individuals sent to an infinite number of destinations. Just as, due to the nature of one such clone, there had been a lesser infinite number of deviations from the base stock. The deviation, this time, was purely physical, rather than a deviation of the cloned soul or the downloaded personality and memories.

The buyer would be receiving everything they’d ordered, and a touch extra as well.


The new Contractor awoke with a jolt, sitting up in the new bed with silk sheets. His hand flew to his face, feeling the cool stone where his left eye belonged. A smile spread across his face as he confirmed it wasn’t a dream. Throwing off the sheets, he made his way out of the bedroom, a smirk, brimming with anticipation and lust, firmly affixed on his face.

Entering the main room of the apartment, he was greeted by the sight of a brown haired, mousy woman in the kitchen with her hair tied back with a white bandanna, and a red skinned woman with black, flowing hair running through a series of martial arts kata. Both women were wearing gold anklets that glinted in the light of the apartment. Smoldering, yellow eyes locked onto him, and as he opened his mouth to greet his harem, a red hand shot out, pointing in his direction.

A grip settled around his throat, not tight enough to choke, but more than enough to make him aware of its presence as she spoke, “Before you speak, know your place. You may be the Contractor, but I do not submit to anyone. Am I understood?”

He glared at her, a mixture of anger and arousal coursing through him. He knew he had chosen well when he had requested a Domme as part of his Retinue. He had always been drawn to strong women who could take control, and this red-skinned beauty was just what he needed. But his plan had been for her to domme the rest of the harem, not him!

He let the power from his Millennium Eye flow, letting him gaze into her mind, only to bounce off a barrier. She chuckled, and chided, “Do you really think you’re the first to attempt to read my thoughts? I am Sith, I’ve had to deal with such attempts since before I was an acolyte.”

Put that way, it was rather obvious that he could have thought this through better. Still, he supposed that it would be much more fun this way in the long run, in getting her to the point of submitting to me. He grinned, feeling the adrenaline rush of the game he was playing. He had always loved a good challenge, and this was shaping up to be one of the best yet.

“Understood,” he replied, his voice low and confident.

She released her grip on his throat, and he took a deep breath, relishing the feeling of her power over him. He had always been fascinated by the Sith, drawn to their strength and their willingness to do whatever it took to achieve their goals. Turning towards the kitchen, he smiled at the mousy woman glancing nervously between him and the Sith.

“Good morning, Ayame,” he greeted her, inclining his head slightly.

“Good morning, Master,” she greeted in return, bowing low towards him. “I have breakfast ready, sir.”

“Well done,” the third member of the retinue said as she walked past me, her red skin glistening ever so slightly with sweat as she took a bowl from Ayame and sat down at the table. “We will discuss the backstories the Company provided and our plans on this world.”

He raised an eyebrow at her taking charge, but it fit with what he’d been planning, so he let it go. Sitting down with his own bowl, he said, “The world that we’re in is from a series called My Hero Academia, the body I chose to possess is from another series called Yu-Gi-Oh.”

He told both women about the world of Hero Aca and the role of the body he’d chosen, Maximillian Pegasus, in Yu-Gi-Oh. Part way through the explanation, there was a chime on the phone that the Company had provided. He turned my head around to look towards where it was in the bedroom. He started to move to get up, but Wrath (mental note, ask for her actual name) held up a hand and used the Force to bring it in from the bedroom. Taking it from her, he looked down at the screen and checked the notifications.

“‘Attention Contractor, we regret to inform you that there was an error in the destination World State Frequency,’” he read aloud, blinking in surprise. “‘Moral perspectives of residents may not be as in standard World State Frequencies, and some natives may resemble characters from other World States.’ The fuck does that mean?”

Wrath snickered, “It means that you might run into some very interesting people on this world. Maybe even some that you know from other stories.”

Max raised an eyebrow, the possibilities running through my mind. “Interesting indeed,” I murmured. “Well, no matter. We’ll just have to adapt and make the most of it.”

“Of course, Master,” Ayame said with a smile, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Wrath nodded in agreement, her gaze flicking to the window as she said, “Shall we get started then? We have work to do.”


I watched as the Contractor, Max, put on an eyepatch over that gaudy fake eye. The Ayame girl wouldn’t be leaving the apartment any time soon, as unlike Max and I, she wasn’t given a backstory in this world. I just wish the backstory I’d been given didn’t make me out to be some sort of Jedi. Sure, this ‘Underground Hero’ thing was more acceptable than being a Jedi, but all the same.

I let out a breath of air, bottling my annoyance and frustration and setting it aside so that it could fuel me later. Some would probably call it unhealthy, but it was different for me since I am Sith. Leaving the apartment, the two of us stepped into the world we’d been transported to. I’d taken a chance to look over the build that Max had chosen, and felt even more frustration with him than I already had.

If he was serious about this ‘Hero’ shit, then he’d need to do a lot of physical exercise to get into shape. His provided body was younger than the source version, young enough to partake in the Hero Academy. The calendars used on this planet didn’t line up with the Imperial Calendar, but apparently the starting age at the local academies was fifteen. An inspection of the local news had Max nodding, recognizing something that told him where in the ‘timeline’ we were.

“We’re right at the beginning of canon, which means we have ten months until the Entrance Exam,” he said after reading a piece of paper with the news on it. Seeing the material was honestly the strangest part of this world for me, but I pushed that aside to focus on the more important part.

“Good,” I said, making him turn to look at me. “That means I have ten months to get you to something approaching an acceptable level of fitness.”

I think my grin made him nervous, because he swallowed and began to speak, “Ah, that’s not really…”

“It is necessary,” I cut him off, stepping up to loom over him. I was easily the tallest woman I’d ever met, and even towered over the average man, so my looming had the intended effect. Remembering the translation effect of the Tempest Bracelets, I switched from the local tongue to High Sith, “Your body was that of a businessman and a schemer, and in addition to that, you did not purchase any Talents that were related to anything but sexual prowess. If you were to participate in any sort of physical test now, you would fail. And since you failing would affect me, I am going to rectify that.”

Max swallowed again, and in a quiet voice, muttered, “I need an adult.”

“I am an adult,” I shot back, making him grimace, his embarrassment radiating off him through the Force.

Taking a step back, I gave him the same grin I gave Jaesa, Vetta, and Quinn when forcing them into morning drills. Pierce and Broonmark were the only ones who’d enjoyed it, and even when forming the Alliance with Lana and Theron, I’d made sure to push everyone under me through the drills. The only thing that kept the former Republic members of the Alliance from claiming it was some sort of twisted punishment was the fact that I was running through those same drills with them.

A snort escaped from my nose, remembering the look on the Jedi’s faces the first time I made them go through Imperial Military Basic Training without use of the Force. That was a satisfying memory. It would also serve as the basis of the training that I’d put Max through.

The next morning, I had Max out at the break of dawn going for a light jog. There weren’t a lot of places to do the kind of training that I’d like, so for the time being I made do with a jog along the shoreline. After the jog came basic physical exercises, then a set of cool down stretches. His performance was pitiful, but it was to be expected from the fresh body of one who didn’t do a lot of exercise.

When the exercises were finished, I pressed Ayame into helping make sure that he didn’t ignore the academic aspect of getting into the Academy he was focused on. I was a little unsure if she would do as I had ordered, until it occurred to me to phrase it as it being a way to ensure that his goals were met. The primary goal being getting into this Hero Academy.

Once I could see the steel in her eyes, I nodded and left the apartment, taking two of the bracelets with me. We needed the points to gain the resources to secure our position and increase all of our power. My backstory had me as a hero, which gave me more options than Max did, and if a few “villains” disappeared, well, who would really care?

Besides, it wasn’t like Anzû, the Wrathful Hero, was under investigation like some others that Max had described as being worth selling to the Company.


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