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I could see that Bart’s movements were robotic and stiff, almost as if he was being controlled by someone or something. I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to handle the situation.

“Come on, Pete. You think you can take me?” Bart taunted.

I didn’t respond, instead choosing to charge at him with a powerful punch. He easily dodged it, his movements still jerky and unnatural. I realized then that we weren’t just dealing with Bart, but with whatever was controlling him.

I quickly backed away, trying to think of a plan. Itsuka was just thrown through a wall, leaving me on my own and the last time we’d fought I couldn’t do shit against him. Bart followed me, but despite my expectation, he didn’t run, he hopped? Wracking my brain, I knew that Bart being super strong, fast, and tough while hopping was important, but I was drawing a blank on what it meant.

Suddenly, it hit me. Bart's movement wasn't stiff and jerky because he was being controlled. Somehow, he'd…

“You’ve been turned into a jiangshi,” I said, barely managing to duck under a punch. Bart blinked, before his mouth stretched into a rictus grin, different than those utilized by the various Jokers.

“Yes, Pete. You finally figured it out,” Bart said, his voice sounding even more choppy than before.

I cursed myself for not recognizing it sooner. Jiangshi, or Chinese hopping vampires, were undead creatures that were reanimated through dark magic. They moved in a stiff, jerky way and were often controlled by the person who raised them from the dead.

But why would someone go through the trouble of turning Bart into a jiangshi? And who was controlling him?

I didn’t have time to ponder those questions as Bart lunged at me with renewed vigor. I dodged his attack and landed a punch to his gut, but it didn’t seem to faze him. He grabbed me by the shoulders and lifted me off the ground, his grip like iron.

“Now, now, Pete. Let’s see what you’re made of,” Bart taunted, his eyes glowing a sickly green.

I reached into my pocket, grabbing the relic that I’d filched from Uncle’s shop, just in case. As I pulled it out of my pocket, I felt… something leaving me through where Bart’s hands held onto me. It was all I could do just to keep my hand clenched around the relic, as my strength seemed to just drain out of me.

“Delicious, but disappointing,” Bart said, his muscles starting to bulge under his skin, “I was hoping you’d put up more of a fight.”

Behind him, I was barely able to make out Itsuka moving up, a long piece of rebar in her hands. With a grunt, she drove it through Bart’s back, piercing through his heart, making him let out an inhuman screech and drop me. I collapsed to the floor, my arm feeling like it was made out of stone as I shakily brought the relic I’d stolen up to my face. It took what little bit of strength I had left, to get enough of the tentacle into my mouth that I could slurp the rest of it down.

[quote]Relic: Severed Tendril of Bai Tza[/quote]

Immediately, I felt my strength return to me, and I rushed to my feet as Itsuka frantically dodged and did her best to avoid the attacks from Bart. But more than that, I could feel the water in the air and in their bodies. Grinning, I reached out with my new sense, and Commanded.

In the stories, this would be where I formed a thousand spears of ice, or a wave to crash into Bart. Unfortunately, real life isn't so helpful. Instead, the water in the air condensed, before raining down on Bart, turning him from a new jiangshi, into a wet new jiangshi. Lovely.

Nevertheless, I rushed over to where Bart and Itsuka were fighting, entering the brawl with a tackle against Bart's midsection. I now knew a bit of pankration, and if I could get him on the ground in a proper lock, it wouldn't matter how much stronger and faster he was.

Itsuka joined me, grabbing one of Bart's arms out and enlarging her hands to make it harder for Bart to break her grip. I was able to get him into a proper lock, keeping his body from moving, but his arms were still free. He struggled against us, his arms jerking in random directions.

“Pete, back up!” Itsuka yelled.

Not wanting to do so, I instead tried to keep him in place.

Suddenly a sharp pain lanced through my neck, and I was thrown back as I felt something large and warm flowing out of the new hole in my neck. I landed on my back as I watched Bart stumble back, the long piece of rebar still stuck through his heart and the back now a bloody red.

“Jesus Pete! Are you okay?” Itsuka asked, worry plastered all over her face moments before something warm and solid was pressed into my hand.

“Y-yeah, I think so,” I said, reaching up to touch the wound. My neck felt pristine, but I could feel a lot of blood running down my neck and soaking my shirt.

“Good. Cause we’re not done yet,” Itsuka said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet.

Bart’s eyes were glowing a sickly green again, and he gave us a wide grin, “This is more like it.”

Before either Itsuka or I could respond, there was a shattering of glass as a body fell through the skylight, twisting and turning until a single, muscular leg was held out. A rough, woman’s voice called out, “Luna Fall!”

Miruko, the only big name hero in Gotham not associated with Batman, brought her foot down onto the wide-eyed head of Bart, driving him face first into the floor, the concrete cracking and cratering. The rabbit hero twisted, her other foot coming around and slamming into his side, sending the jiangshi that was once our friend flying.

Itsuka and I could only stare, wide eyed and in shock as Bart did his best to fight back, only for Miruko to have even less trouble against him than he did with us. She spun her arms, forcing Bart back as she slammed a fist into his gut, lifting him into the air and then driving him down onto the ground.

We had seen footage of her in action, and knew she could move inhumanly fast, but to see her move that fast in real life was something else entirely. Miruko then threw Bart onto his back, grabbing him by the shoulders and slamming his head against the ground, over and over. Each time there was a wet crack as Bart was knocked into the concrete, and there were blood stains appearing on his skin.

With a roar, Bart pushed off the ground, Miruko falling back, before leaping out of the warehouse through the hole that had been made when he threw Itsuka.

“Damn it, he escaped,” Miruko gritted her teeth, getting up and looking back at us.

“You, are you alright?” She asked, looking between Itsuka and me.

I nodded, “Yeah, I’m okay.”

I wasn't sure how, but I felt fine and I couldn't find where I'd been bleeding from. Beside me, Itsuka was trembling, her hands balling into fists.

“It’s… it’s my fault. He attacked Pete and me,” Itsuka said, her voice wavering, “if I hadn’t come here, he wouldn’t have hurt him.”

“Hey, there’s no point in worrying over what may or may not have happened.” Miruko said, giving us a smile, “You’re both okay, and that’s what matters,” She then pulled out a phone, quickly dialing a number, “Bats, update on the Black Mask business: there’s a new jiangshi in town, and he isn’t messing around.”

I couldn’t hear the response, but after a minute, she hung up and turned to the two of us, “Alright you two, you’ve had a hell of a night, and if you’re interested I’ve got a proposition for you. But first…”


I took a sip of the tea that had been provided, pushing past the bitter taste. It was honestly a shock, a recognized hero bringing two civilians to her apartment. But given how her rabbit ears, legs, and tail didn’t really allow for a secret identity, it was much less a display of trust than it would be for any other hero. Itsuka was making use of the offer that Miruko gave the two of us to use her shower, as the hero herself was pacing back and forth in her kitchenette.

Eventually, after Itsuka had come out and I’d had a shower myself, Miruko sat down in front of us and said, bluntly, “Look, it is perfectly fine if you say no. Hell, it would probably be better in the long run if you do. But, my rabbit mutation has more effects on me than just what you can see. Every month, I go into ‘heat’ to put it bluntly. Normally, I have a go to partner to take the edge off, but they’re out of town this week.

“The two of you are cute, so if you’d like…” She trailed off, looking back and forth between us, “I’m not going to force you, or even make you feel guilty. It’s up to you two.”

I shared a wide eyed glance with Itsuka. Was this really happening? Was I getting propositioned by one of the most beautiful heroes in the city? Itsuka was just as shocked as I was, her face turning a darker red than her hair.

It took a few moments, but I looked back to Miruko, “I don’t… I don’t really know how this works.”

“Neither do I,” Itsuka whispered.

“Well, let me show you then,” Miruko grinned, standing up and walking forward. I could feel my heart racing and my stomach flip-flopping as she reached down, pulling the shirt she had on over her head.

“Oh… my,” Itsuka whispered, her eyes going wide, as she got a good look at the abdominal muscles on Miruko. I, on the other hand, felt my member twitch in my pants, the blood pooling down there making me feel extra hard.

“Don’t worry,” Miruko said, “your bodies will react more like mine,”

She then reached forward, and the next thing I knew she was kissing me.

The kiss was hot and passionate, and unlike anything I'd ever experienced before. Her lips caressed my own as her tongue slipped into my mouth, exploring it as her hand tangled into my hair. I was so caught up in the moment that I hadn’t even noticed her fingers undoing my belt and the zipper on my pants.

She broke the kiss then, just long enough to say, “Pete, let me take care of you.”

It was all I could do to nod, and I felt my pants fall to the floor as my member turned to steel. And then she was there, taking my member into her mouth.

The sensation was unlike anything I’d ever felt before, Miruko’s tongue and lips teasing me, as the pleasure climbed. Miruko was good, and I could feel it building, the pleasure heightening before my very eyes. But then she pulled away and I could feel the cold air on my throbbing member.

I looked down to see that she was reaching over to Itsuka, sliding her panties down her legs, revealing what lay between them, a thick, erect, eight inch cock jutting out from her groin. My eyebrows rose in surprise, I hadn’t known that Itsuka was a futa.

“Two nice, hard cocks, all for me,” Miruko grinned, then she was moving, sliding down until her head was level with the rest of her body. She took my member back into her mouth, sliding another inch or so into her throat, before moving over to Itsuka, who shuddered as Miruko’s tongue slid over her cock.

“I-it’s my first time doing this…” Itsuka whispered, but Miruko just shrugged, causing me to let out a short chuckle.

“Better get used to it,” Miruko said, looking back at me, “there’ll be a lot of this for the two of you.”

With that, she went back to work, sliding her tongue along Itsuka’s shaft, eliciting a moan from the girl. I could feel my erection throbbing, my member leaking pre as Miruko’s head bobbed up and down, taking Itsuka’s cock deep into her mouth.

Just as I felt like I couldn’t take it anymore, I felt Miruko’s tongue slide along my shaft, sending pleasurable shivers up my spine, and I let out a soft moan. She then let go of Itsuka’s cock, and slid her hand down, reaching into her pants and rubbing herself.

Pulling back, Miruko grinned, “There are two ways we can do this. One at a time, or you can double team me. Personally, I prefer the latter, but this is your show, kits.”


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