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I punched in the coordinates for Manaan and made the jump to hyperspace, rolling my neck. I frowned slightly at the lack of that satisfying snap, crackle, and pop. Stretching hadn’t been the same since getting Body-Tune Up and Body Defense, even if everything else about it had been more than worth it. With an annoyed sigh, I stood and made my way out of the cockpit. It was little things, the tiny, miniscule flaws, that I surprisingly found myself missing. Admittedly, the overwhelming majority of said flaws were popping my various joints. There was such a satisfying feel to it.

Shaking my head, I came to a stop as I entered the main meeting room of the ship, blinking in surprise as the door to the cockpit closed behind me. Freki, what we’d decided to name the kath hound alpha, was thankfully in a different part of the ship, because Gwen was making use of Venom in a way I hadn’t been anticipating. Who needs a strap on toy when you’ve got a symbiote?

MJ was on the floor, face down and ass up, with Gwen knelt behind her, one foot on her head as she held onto both the ginger’s wrists and was pulling them back. The dirty talk, as Gwen talked down and denigrated MJ, was also a bit of a surprise. I had suspected that Gwen was a switch, specifically when it came to me, but the level of aggression and control she was displaying was something else entirely. The scene unfolding before me was incredibly arousing, and I found myself getting hard.

“Who's the pathetic little slut now? Huh? You like being a little fuck toy, don't you?” Gwen growled, giving MJ's wrists a hard yank.

“Yes, Mistress,” MJ moaned, her voice muffled by the floor.

As I took a step forward, Gwen’s head snapped up and she locked eyes with me, her lips quirking up into a smirk. “Well, well, well,” she purred, her grip on MJ tightening. “Looks like we have an audience.”

MJ groaned and tried to turn her head towards me, but Gwen’s foot pressed down harder, keeping her in place. “Don’t even think about it, pet,” she growled, her eyes flashing with a dangerous light.

I raised an eyebrow, my interest piqued. This was definitely not what I had expected to walk in on, but I wasn’t about to complain. “Need any help?” I asked, my tone casual.

Gwen chuckled, releasing MJ’s wrists and standing up. “Oh, I think we’ve got this under control,” she said, walking towards me with a predatory grace. “But if you’re feeling left out, I’m sure we can find something for you to do.”

I grinned, my body already responding to her proximity. “I’m always up for a good time,” I replied, reaching out to pull her close. As our lips met, I couldn’t help but feel that this was going to be a very good time.

Pulling back, breaking our kiss, I grinned at Gwen and asked, “Now, how shall we make use of our pet down here?”

I nodded towards MJ, who I could now see from this angle wasn't intentionally kneeling, but was actually restrained to the floor, the gray strands of webbing around her ankles and knees keeping her in place. Gwen smirked, running a hand down my chest and her eyes glinting with mischief.

“Well, let’s see,” she said, turning to look down at MJ. “I was thinking we could have a little fun with her, and then maybe use her as our plaything for the rest of the trip. What do you think?”

I chuckled, already feeling myself getting harder at the thought. “Sounds like a plan to me,” I replied, reaching down to run a hand through MJ's hair. “And I think our pet down here is more than willing to play along.”

MJ moaned, arching her back as my hand trailed down to her neck and then to her chest. “Yes, please,” she whimpered.

Gwen grinned, her eyes flicking up to meet mine. “Well then,” she said, her voice low and sultry. “Let's get started, shall we?”

As we looked down at our captive, Gwen leaned in and whispered in my ear, “Why don’t you take care of her mouth while I take care of the rest of her?”

I grinned, running my fingers through my hair as I knelt down and positioned myself in front of MJ’s face. With a smirk, I reached down and grabbed her hair, pulling her head back and exposing her throat. As I leaned in, I could feel her breath quicken in anticipation.

“Open wide, pet,” I said, my voice low and commanding.

Without hesitating, MJ opened her mouth and I pushed my cock past her lips, feeling her tongue swirl around the head as she took me deeper. I groaned, closing my eyes as Gwen’s hands roamed over my back, her nails digging into my skin as she teased and taunted me.

As I fucked MJ’s mouth, Gwen moved down to her pussy, her tongue flicking over her clit before she plunged two fingers inside her. MJ moaned around my cock, the vibrations sending shivers down my spine as I felt myself getting close.

After a few more thrusts, I pulled out of MJ’s mouth, groaning as Gwen removed her fingers from MJ's dripping pussy.

“Since you were such a good girl, pet,” Gwen said, her voice low. “Somebody’s gonna get to cum today.”

Grinning, I grabbed MJ’s hair and pulled her to her feet and against my chest, kissing her deeply as Gwen positioned herself behind her, wrapping her arms around MJ’s chest. With a grin, Gwen nipped at MJ’s shoulder, drawing a moan as MJ’s back arched.

“Ready for round two, pet?” Gwen asked, grinning as MJ nodded, her body quaking with anticipation.

Gwen and I grinned at each other as we pressed MJ against the wall, Gwen’s hands kneading MJ’s breasts as I reached down to position my cock at the opening of her pussy. With a grin, I thrust into her, her moan muffled by my lips as I kissed her. Gwen’s hands moved from MJ’s breasts to her hips, as she held her in place for me as I thrust into  her over and over again.

“Oh, please, please, please!” MJ moaned, her head tilted back, her eyes closed, her lips parted, panting as she begged me for release.

“You want to cum, pet?” Gwen asked, grinning at MJ as she nodded her head. “What do you want us to do to make you cum?”

“Please, Mistress,” MJ moaned, opening her eyes and looking at Gwen. “Please, please let me cum!”

Gwen nodded, grinning as she reached down and teased MJ’s clit. “Beg for it, pet. Beg for your Mistress to let you cum.”

“Please, Mistress,” MJ moaned, her voice desperate. “Please, please, please, please. I-I want to cum, please, please let me cum.”

Gwen snickered, nodding at me, “I think it's time to spice things up a little.”

I chuckled, moving a hand up to MJ’s throat, as Gwen stood up and Venom reformed into a strap on over her pelvis. Once she was happy with it, she crouched down in front of MJ and thrust into the redhead’s mouth.

I chuckled, moving a hand up to MJ’s throat, as Gwen stood up and Venom reformed into a strap on over her pelvis. Once she was happy with it, she crouched down in front of MJ and thrust into the redhead’s mouth.

MJ moaned, wrapping her pouty lips around the toy as Gwen bucked her hips, fucking MJ’s mouth with wild abandon.

“Oh, god!” Gwen moaned, her head thrown back.

Continuing to thrust into MJ’s pussy, I reached down and started teasing her clit. MJ moaned around Gwen’s length, sending vibrations through the pseudo-dildo. Grinning, I leaned forward and grabbed her hair, pulling her head back and causing her eyes to pop open.

“Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Gwen moaned, her hips bucking wildly as she thrust into MJ’s mouth, her eyes rolling back in their sockets.

I grinned, loving the way MJ squirmed and moaned as I played with her pussy and Gwen fucked her mouth. “You like that, pet?” I asked, my voice low. “You like when your Mistress fucks your mouth and your Master fucks your pussy at the same time?”

MJ moaned around the dildo in her mouth, her eyes pleading. I grinned, reaching down and yanking the dildo out of her mouth.

“I asked you a question, pet!” I exclaimed, my voice stern, as I ran my fingers over MJ’s cheek.

“Yes!” MJ moaned, her voice desperate. “I love it! I love when you both fuck me! I love when you use me like a slut!”

“Well then, I think you should cum,” I said, my voice harsh as I pulled MJ’s face towards me and kissed her deeply, my tongue exploring her mouth as I continued to fuck her.

MJ moaned into my mouth, her body shuddering as her orgasm approached. I grinned against her lips, pulling her head back and whispering, “Cum for us, pet. Cum for your Mistress and Master.”

As soon as I said the words, MJ’s body tensed as she grabbed the back of my head and pressed her lips against mine. I felt her pussy clench around my cock as she came, her body shivering as she moaned into my mouth.

“Oh, god!” Gwen moaned, her hips bucking wildly. “Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck!”

I groaned, feeling myself getting closer to blowing my load as I thrust into MJ’s pussy. Sensing it, Gwen grabbed MJ’s hair and forced her head deeper, as I grabbed MJ’s hips and thrust into her even harder.

“Oh, god!” Gwen moaned, her hips bucking wildly as she thrust into MJ’s mouth.

I groaned, feeling my balls draw up into my body as I felt my own orgasm approaching. Growling, I thrust one last time, my cock buried deep inside MJ’s pussy as I came, filling her with my cum.

Gwen continued to buck through her own orgasm, her fingers biting into MJ’s head. Once she finished, she pulled the strap-on out of MJ’s mouth, her eyes focused on MJ’s face as she kissed her. A moment later, all three of us collapsed.

As we lay there, tangled in a heap of limbs and webbing, Gwen turned to me with a wicked smile. “I think we're going to have a very interesting trip to Manaan,” she said, her eyes glinting with mischief.

I grinned back at her, already feeling myself getting hard again. “I can't fucking wait.”


Turns out that someone higher up was keeping an eye on us and our progress. Because two days into our trip to Manaan, there was a discovery made to our wardrobes. The girls had all been provided with a number of bikinis, while I’d been given a number of swim trunks. No speedos, even with my physical boost I don’t think I could pull them off.

Instead, I was treated to two days of Gwen, MJ, and Padme going about the ship in scanty swimwear. Whomever updated our wardrobes also clearly had a sense of humor, because Padme’s bikini was basically the slavegirl getup that Jabba forced Leia to wear in Episode 6. Which reminds me, I should do some more digging on the Ragnos Scepter. If I was able to find it before heading to Korriban and Tatooine, I’d be able to drain a fuckton of Dark Side energy on the red desert planet, then hop on over to Tusken Central to nab Luke and resurrect Shmi at the same time. While not on the same level as Padme, Shmi was still pretty enough, and I'd need someone to take over the majority of the mothering duties for the army of sprogs I was planning on making.

I’d have to deal with Kenobi first, somehow. I could capture then sell him, given how I have zero sexual interest in dudes. Or maybe just keep him as an enforcer/bodyguard. Eh, I’d have plenty of time, and this plan was reliant on me getting my hands on the Ragnos Scepter first. With that in mind, what time during the trip wasn’t spent engaging in vigorous, enthusiastic, and kinky sex with my girls, was spent digging through the holonet for any kind of hint as to a possible location for my Force slurping artifact.

When we finally arrived into the Manaan system, I’d eliminated nearly fifty different collectors, antique dealers, and others fond of history with a less than legal inclination. I’d really need to think about getting a droid to do this for me.


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