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“Here ya go, Duke,” I said to my dog as I set his food bowl in front of him, rubbing his head and scratching behind his ears as he chowed down.

Glancing over at the table, I gave a wry chuckle at the pang that shot through me. She’d only been in my life for a few days, yet here I was, three months later missing her. I gave a sigh, heading over to the kitchen and pulling a container of leftovers out of the fridge. Cooking for one wasn’t particularly easy, so I just made large batches of food and ate off it over a few days.

After dinner, I went to my computer desk and checked the news for a few minutes, specifically looking up anything on the X-Men. I was focusing my search on Storm. What can I say? She made an impression on me.

I had just set the computer back to sleep and was heading toward the bedroom to read when my cell phone rang. I picked it up and looked at the screen, surprised to see a New York number and a name that wasn’t in my phone.

“Hello?” I asked as I answered.

“Hello, do I have Richard Black?” the voice on the other end, a young man's I'd guess, asked.

“Speaking, may I ask who's calling?”

“My name is Scott Summers, with the Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters. Would you be able to make a trip to Westchester soon?” the young man asked, his voice containing a bit of nervousness.

I blinked, before mentally going over my workload in the pipeline. Most of the programming gigs I had in progress were at a point I could leave them alone for a bit. It would take the better part of eight hours driving, and I wasn’t in the mood to fly. I wasn’t really in the mood to make that kind of drive on a whim, but it would give me an excuse to see Storm…

“Give me a day to wrap things up here, and I can head over on Tuesday,” I said after a moment.

The young man, Scott, gave a sigh of relief, “Fantastic! I’ll email you the directions and a map.”

“Okay, I’ll see you then,” I said, then the young man thanked me and hung up.

I was smiling to myself as I put my phone back on the charger. It would be good to see Storm again. Even if we lived too far apart to really have a serious relationship, I couldn't help but feel drawn to her.

Tuesday morning, I was out of bed a little before four in the morning, Duke was more than happy to go with me. The old dog loved car rides, and he was snoozing in the back seat by the time we made it out of the driveway.

The drive to Westchester took about eight hours, I didn't rush, making a stop for brunch in a cozy little diner along the way. It was a little past noon when I pulled into the driveway of the big house and parked my car. I hooked Duke onto his leash before we made our way to the front door and rang the doorbell.

I was greeted by a young man, maybe seventeen or eighteen, with short brown hair and red sunglasses. Even with the sunglasses on, I could tell that he was giving me a side-eye.

“Can I help you?” he asked.

“Richard Black, I spoke to a Scott Summers over the phone the other day,” I said, my hand reaching down to scratch Duke’s head.

“Oh, you're earlier than we were expecting, come in,” the young man said, giving a nod. He stepped to the side, and I led Duke into the mansion. “I’m Scott by the way.”

“What’s this about?” I asked as Duke and I were escorted inside. The mansion was really nice, as was to be expected just from the fact it was a mansion.

“Well…” Scott hesitated, seeming embarrassed by something. “I think it’s best that the Professor is the one to explain it.”

I raised an eyebrow, but I was starting to have a sinking feeling in my gut. For some reason, part of me kept expecting someone to step into the hallway holding a shotgun.

Scott led me down a hallway lined with portraits of people I assumed were either mutants or family from before this mansion was turned into a school. They had striking features and the pictures were all taken from different eras. Finally, we reached a door at the end of the hallway. Scott knocked, and a man’s voice called out for us to come in.

The room inside was large with multiple bookshelves lining the walls. In the center was a large wooden desk, and seated behind it was an older man in a wheelchair. He was bald with a serious expression on his face.

“Ah, Mr. Black. Thank you for coming,” the man said, his voice calm and even.

“Professor Xavier, I presume?” I asked, trying to keep the nervousness out of my voice.

“Yes, that’s correct,” he replied, gesturing for us to take a seat in front of his desk.

Duke laid down at my feet, looking up at me with his big brown eye. I scratched behind his ear before turning my attention back to the professor.

“What is this about, Professor?” I asked.

“I understand that you have a connection with one of our faculty, Ororo Munroe, also known as Storm,” he said, his gaze piercing.

“We met once three months ago, which you already know," I said, mentally reciting stats and strategies for Warhammer 40,000. I'd heard that Professor Xavier was a telepath, and I had no clue if my mental static trick would work, but at the very least it made me feel better.

“You're right, I apologize. If you do not mind waiting a minute, I will explain why you were called,” he said. “You may go, Scott.”

“Thanks Professor,” the young man said before he all but fled the room.

“Is there something I should be concerned about?" I asked as the door shut behind me.

“No, nothing like that, I assure you. It is merely a matter regarding Ororo’s time with you,” he said, shortly before the door opened and…

“Richard, I…” Storm stammered as she saw me.

“‘Ororo’ huh,” I said, standing up as Duke let out a happy bark and rushed over to her. “Beautiful name.”

“Ah, thank you,” she said with a smile as she knelt down and rubbed the back of Duke’s ears. “It’s good to see you again.”

“So what’s up?” I asked. “Not that I mind seeing you again, but why’d I get a call asking me to come out here?”

Storm, Ororo, took a deep breath, before straightening her shoulders, looking me in the eye, and saying, point blank, “I am pregnant.”

I blinked, surprised. Opening my mouth, all that came out was a quiet, “Ah…”

It was mine, otherwise I wouldn't have been asked to come out here. My mind was racing, trying to process everything, but all I could focus on was the fact that Storm was carrying my child.

“Are you okay?” Ororo asked, concern etched on her face.

“Yeah, I’m just… surprised,” I said, still trying to wrap my head around the news.

“I understand if you don’t want to be a part of this, Richard. I don’t want to force you into anything,” she said softly, her eyes searching mine.

“I… I don’t know what to say,” I admitted, feeling overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events.

“We can figure it out together, Richard. Whatever you decide, I’ll support you,” Ororo said, her voice filled with sincerity.

“I want to be there for you, Ororo. And for our child,” I said, finally finding my voice.

A smile spread across her face, and I knew that I had made the right decision.

“We’ll make it work, Richard. We’ll make it work,” Storm said, and I took comfort in her words.


Duke and I stayed in Westchester for a bit, as Ororo and I discussed how we’d move forward from here. We were both from fairly conservative families, so us getting married wasn’t in question. But it was more than just that. While yes, my work was something that I could take and live anywhere, I was happy in the backwoods. I loved the peace, the quiet, the beauty, the sound of the wind in the trees… it was heaven to me.

That was without getting into how frequently the Xavier Mansion got blown up, attacked, or some variation thereof. From a pure safety perspective, going back to West Virginia was a no brainer. But, Ororo had done good work with the X-Men, and I could tell that she was well respected here.

In the end, Ororo surprised the hell out of me. I was in the backyard, watching with a smile on my face as Duke played with some of the students, when she came out and sat next to me. I reached over, taking her hand in mine, my thumb tracing circles along the back of her hand.

“We’ll go to West Virginia,” she said, making me turn to look at her.

“But what about…” I began, only for her to cut me off.

“My first priority needs to be our child, and much as I dislike it, it would be better for them away from this life,” she explained, the hand I wasn’t holding moving to cover her belly. I nodded, understanding where she was coming from. Ororo was right, our child needed a stable home and a safe environment to grow up in.

“Thank you, Ororo,” I said, pulling her closer to me. “I promise I’ll do everything in my power to make this work.”

“I know you will,” she replied, leaning into me.

As I held Ororo in my arms, watching the sun set over the mansion, I knew that this was just the beginning of our journey together. It wouldn’t be easy, but with love and dedication, we could make it work. We could build a life together and raise our child with all the love and care in the world.

The ceremony was small, thought still bigger than I'd have anticipated before meeting Ororo. The entirety of my family had been killed by collateral damage in supervillain fights, so all of the witnesses were Ororo's colleagues, students, and her sister's family.

Ororo's nephew, Evan, was initially untrusting of me, but I employed my secret weapon and the teen soon changed his mind. Duke had a way of making friends with everyone. Her father having died years ago, Professor Xavier stood in (so to speak), and one of her coworkers, a gruff Canadian man named Logan, stood in for the Best Man.

I admit, my first meeting with Logan was a bit… tense. Turns out the reason I was called was because upon finding out that Ororo was pregnant, the man had hopped into his truck and started heading to West Virginia to try to track me down. He actually arrived at my place about an hour after I’d left. He’d returned to the mansion, convinced I’d done a runner, only to bump into me sitting next to Ororo.

But after getting to know each other a bit, sharing some beers and shooting the breeze, things got much better between us. Hell, he even offered to help me build an addition to the cabin, an offer I quite happily accepted.

The ceremony was held at the Xavier mansion, presided over by the father of one of the students, one Christian Wagner. To my surprise, when Kurt told his parents about one of his teachers getting married, the German man not only insisted on coming from the wedding despite living in Munich, he also insisted on performing the ceremony himself.

It was an offer that I couldn’t refuse, not that I felt a need to do so. Much as I was glad, that we’d decided to raise our child in West Virginia, away from the insanity that seemed to plague those with superpowers, mutant or otherwise, seeing this kind of reaction made me feel a little guilty about it.

As the ceremony began, I felt a sense of overwhelming joy and happiness. Ororo looked stunning in her wedding dress, her hair cascading down her back in loose curls. I couldn't help but smile as I looked at her, feeling grateful that she had chosen me to spend the rest of her life with.

The ceremony proceeded smoothly, with Kurt's father delivering a heartfelt speech about love and commitment. Logan stood next to me as my best man, looking gruff but content. Evan stood by Logan's other side, beaming with pride for his aunt.

When it was time for the vows, I took Ororo's hand and gazed into her eyes.

"I promise to love you unconditionally, to stand by your side through thick and thin, and to always support your dreams and aspirations," I said, my voice filled with emotion. "I vow to be your partner in life and to cherish every moment we spend together."

Tears of joy streamed down Ororo's face as she clutched onto my hand tightly. "I promise to love you with all my heart, to be your rock in times of trouble, and to never take you for granted," she said, her voice trembling with emotion. "I vow to be your best friend and soulmate, to share in both the joys and sorrows of life, and to always stand by your side."

As we exchanged rings, a warm breeze swept through the garden, carrying with it the fragrant scent of blooming flowers. It was as if nature itself was celebrating our union.

Kurt's father pronounced us husband and wife and we sealed our love with a kiss, cheered on by our friends and family. For a moment, time stood still, and all that mattered was the overwhelming happiness that filled our hearts.

I admit, most of the rest of the wedding passed in a blur. The joy of being officially married, combined with how Ororo looked in that white wedding dress, contrasting so beautifully with her dark skin, all of it combined together to make the rest of the day a mix of bliss and happiness. Well, most of the day.

“C’mon, fuck me, fuck your pregnant Kenyan wife’s tight, ebony pussy,” Ororo moaned, her front pressed tight against the wall of the back of the mansion as I held one of her dark, smooth legs up and pounded into her from behind.

With a groan of pleasure, I picked up the pace, pounding her hard and fast, causing her long hair to sway wildly around her shoulders. She wasn't wearing any panties today, knowing that I'd enjoy fucking her like this, in her wedding dress before the party for the guests had even really finished. And boy did I ever, as Ororo let out another throaty moan as I slid deep inside her.

I reached forward and grabbed onto the waistband of her dress, pulling it up slightly, exposing her toned thighs. With a grunt of exertion, I slammed my dick deep into her again, eliciting a loud gasp from Ororo, who then pushed her ass back towards me.

“Yes, yes, Daddy, give it to me! Give your African bride your white cock,” she groaned, grinding herself against my cock.

She pulled her hands off the wall and wrapped them around my neck, pulling me close to her. Our lips met in a passionate kiss, tongues swirling and probing each other. As we kissed, I reached down and grabbed her tit, squeezing it and pulling on the nipple through her dress.

I broke the kiss and leaned back a bit, panting for breath as I kept fucking her, maintaining an easy rhythm that was still very satisfying to both of us. Ororo let out a lusty cry of pleasure as I did.

“Daddy's going to fill your pussy up with his white seed when he's done with you,” I grunted at Ororo as I continued to pound into her.

Ororo threw her head back in pleasure as she heard those words. Her lips were parted just slightly, allowing an occasional loud moan that I muffled by putting a hand over her mouth.

“Shh,” I quietly chided with a grin as her gaze met mine, her eyes lidded and glazed over with pleasure. “You don't want to alert the rest of the house that Ororo is being a slut, do you?”

Ororo just moaned into my hand and wiggled her hips against me. I yanked my hand away from her mouth and resumed pounding into her pussy, switching from slow and steady to hard and fast in three quick thrusts.

“Oh, fuck!” Ororo moaned out in pleasure as she felt her orgasm build up in her. Her moans grew louder and louder with the increase in speed of my cock thrusting into her. I leaned in, pressing my lips against hers, muffling her moans as I continued to fuck her pussy deep and hard until she cried out in pleasure and began to cum.

“Oh yeah, Ororo, cum for Daddy,” I grunted loudly, moving even faster inside of her.

“Yes, yes, yes,” Ororo groaned, her pussy squeezing my cock as it convulsed in orgasm.

At the same time, I began to feel my own cum build up in my cock. I gritted my teeth and pushed deeper into her pussy, pressing my hips flush against hers. The first shot of my cum into her was like iced fire against her warm, wet pussy. The feeling of the second shot of cum made me groan in pleasure and Ororo let out a moan as she continued to orgasm. I grunted as I shot my seed deep into her pussy over and over again, filling it up with my hot cum.

“Daddy's going to fill your pussy up,” I grunted as I felt my cock spasm inside of her pussy, the last few drops of my cum splashing against her cervix.

“Yes, Daddy,” Ororo replied, her head thrown back and her eyes closed as she rode out the waves of her own orgasm. As we came down, from our respective orgasms, I took a step back, getting my breath back under control.

“Not that I’m objecting, but where’d the ‘Daddy’ thing come from?” I asked as we straightened ourselves up and made ourselves presentable.

Ororo smiled, tidying up her hair and making sure her dress was fitting as it was supposed to, “My sister is a horny drunk, and she suggested it last night after dinner. I don’t mind, and while I did find it hot, I think I prefer the race talk.”

“Well, you’ll get no objections from me on either,” I said with a grin as I held my arm out for her. She took it with a smile of her own and I continued, “I look forward to exploring a lot of things in the bedroom with you.”

Ororo blushed a little at that comment before grinning back at me. With that, we returned to the party, entertaining guests and celebrating the start of our lives together.


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