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It was in the middle of the week, and a clone I'd sent out to do some investigating on the gangs burst. Fortunately, it happened during lunch, and there wasn't a class of students that saw me shudder and blanche as I got to relive the memories of being subject to the tender "mercies" of a horny Lung.

"Mr. Smith?" Taylor asked, being the only other person in the classroom.

I waved her back, taking a moment to close my eyes and sort through the new memories. The clone was one of dozens that were dedicated to following the trail of the ABB. I'd long since identified the two new capes, Yokai and Dosatsu, and the clone had been following them, using a number of disguise and stealth based genjutsu to avoid being noticed, only to be bound in shadows.

Then the clone was tied up with some rope, had a sack thrown over their head, and frogmarched into a car. It lost track of direction and location fairly quickly, and when the hood was removed, it was in front of a heavily tattooed asian woman. It took the clone/me a few moments to remember that Lung was a woman in this version of Bet, although I had a strong suspicion (since confirmed) that she was a futa.

There was some interrogation, Dosatsu informing Lung that the clone was a Stranger, had the same engorged network that he and Yokai did, and more than that, the amount of energy in said network was far more than everyone they'd seen combined. Which told me that on top of having Oni Lee, Lung, and a poor man's Nara, the ABB now also had a Hyuuga. Which wasn't as bad as it could have been.

Don't get me wrong, it was still annoying, but from what I could tell they hadn't yet done anything towards developing the associated martial art that made the Hyuuga feared. In any case, that wasn't the most concerning part of the "interrogation" that ensued. My clone remained quiet as Yokai and Dosatsu asked question after question, before Lung sent them and Oni Lee out.

Lung picked up my clone and dragged him to a bedroom, remaining silent the entire time. The clone was thrown onto the bed, before she grabbed him by the chin and forced his head to hang over the edge. My clone only had a brief moment to note the irony, considering I'd had Taylor in this very position the night before, when I received confirmation of the earlier assumption with Lung dropping her pants to reveal that she did indeed have a dick.

My heart raced as I continued to watch from my own perspective, sitting next to Taylor at her desk. I tried to remain calm and composed, but my mind was racing with all sorts of scenarios. I had to know more. I had to see more.

Lung climbed onto the bed, straddling the clone's head, and the sight of her massive cock looming over my clone's face made my pulse quicken. Lung's hand reached for the clone's pants, deftly undoing them as she continued to stare down at him. With a grunt, she pulled them down, revealing the clone's own engorged shaft.

My clone was frozen with fear as Lung began to rub her cock, her eyes locked onto the clone's. A shiver ran down my clone's spine as he realized what was about to happen. He tried to fight back, but Lung was too strong, holding him down with ease.

Even without her power ramping her up like she was infamous for, Lung still had strength above and beyond the human norm, and much as it bothered me for what it said about me, the clone didn't even think about using chakra, the fear and anxiety of being alone with Lung short circuiting their brain.

What that meant was that I was stuck reliving the memories of Lung holding my clone down and forcing her dick into his mouth. Lung shifted her hips, slowly grinding her cock into my clone's mouth, before pulling back, only to slowly push back in. It took a few minutes of this for my clone to realize that Lung was more than content to use their mouth as a glorified hole.

That realization triggered a change in my clone's reaction. It wasn't full blown combat mode, but it was far more than the terrified whimpering that my clone was doing up to that point. I watched as the clone grabbed her hips and looked up and her, trying to push her away with his eyes, as she continued to thrust into his mouth, his jaw starting to ache almost immediately with how much he was being forced to open his mouth.

Lung continued to stare down, watching him, and I couldn't see it, but she was likely smirking. Lips curling up in private mirth, relishing the moment of power that she had over the person beneath her.

For the most part, Lung continued to thrust in and out of the clone's mouth, if at a somewhat faster pace than before. This went on for what felt like hours, but in reality, likely wasn't more than ten to fifteen minutes, the clone's jaw ached from the strain of being forced open so wide, while Lung fucked his face.

Finally, Lung slowed, obviously satisfied with her treatment of the clone, and pulled out, sliding off the bed, my clone catching her as she fell. "What," Lung said, her tone more curious than commanding, "is your name?"

The clone was silent, before he said, "Smith."

"What do you want in life, Mr. Smith?" she asked, voice still curious, but also mocking.

"I just want to be left alone," my clone said, fear lacing his words.

"And you think this is the way to go about it? To hide behind masks?" she asked, voice cold and flat, before adding, "How long do you think you can keep it up?"

The clone remained silent, instead looking down, before looking up at her. "Do I have a choice?" he asked, to which Lung replied, "No. You have no choice, Mr. Smith. There is no escape." She glanced down at his cock. "You're mine."

Lung reached down and grabbed a hold of the clone's shaft, squeezing tightly as she said, "You're mine now." And with a mischievous smirk, she pulled my clone's head down, before plunging herself down his throat again. Fortunately, she was much rougher this time, the force use was using enough to cause the clone to burst, sending the memories to me.

I took a breath to stabilize myself, opening my eyes to see Taylor's worried expression. I gave her a nod and a small smile, and said, "Simply reviewing the memories I received from one of the duplicates I had gathering information."

"You didn't look okay, what happened?" Taylor asked, coming up and taking my hand in hers.

"The duplicate managed to gather the personal attention of Lung," I told her, and her face blanched. "Exactly."

"So...what happens now?" she asked.

"I'm going to accelerate my plans," I told her. "Particularly your and the others training. I have a few things to prepare, but soon I'll be ready for the three of you to join me full time. Once you've reached a satisfactory point, we'll make our first real move on the gangs. Starting with the ABB."

I could give some reason about the ABB being the most repugnant due to their human trafficking, but I wasn't that good a person. The real reason I wanted to target the ABB first was payback against Lung. It was petty, but then again, so was I.


It was two weeks before I had enough stashed away, both monetarily and resources for training, that I felt I was ready for the next step. The best part of my two wishes to Shenron were I could be in dozens of places at once (the trick to getting the full use was dispersing no more than three at a time), and it still took my small army of clones that long to get everything situated.

Still, a week after the Simurgh's attack on Canberra, I had a number of my lightning bugs pass on messages to Emma, Sophia, and Taylor. That Friday, three hours after I dropped Taylor off after "detention", I drove through Brockton Bay in a rental car, picking up the three girls one after another. Sophia first, then Taylor and finally Emma.

Once I'd picked up Emma, I drove us into the woods outside of Brockton Bay.  As we passed the city limits, I told them, "Hand me your phones."

The three of them looked at me with surprise and confusion on their faces before Emma stepped forward and said, "Um...why?"

"Because where we're going," I said, "there is no cell coverage. More than that, once it is realized that the three of you are missing, the first thing the authorities will do is check your phones and try to track them. Therefore, I will be disposing of them. Now give me your phones, I won't ask again."

Taylor didn't have one, but both Emma and Sophia dutifully handed me a pair of cell phones. A moment later, after a requisite "Good girls," and all four were thrown out the window. Emma gave a halfhearted protest, but a single look in the rearview mirror quelled it. After forty five minutes of driving through country back roads, we came to a stop outside a very rustic cabin.

"I didn't know there was a cabin out here," Taylor muttered, having been the only one who had any experience outside of Brockton Bay.

"Because a month ago, there wasn't," I explained as I made a shadow clone which got back into the car and drove off. "Come, it lacks a great deal of modern luxuries, but it will be home for the next two weeks until the heat dies down."

As I said, it lacked modern amenities, specifically anything that ran on electricity, but there was little complaint amongst the three girls. I didn't expect much from Taylor or Sophia, but Emma impressed me with how little she complained. It was mostly the basic sort of griping you make just to feel better, rather than being genuine.

The cabin itself was raised a good three feet off the ground in the front of the house due to the sloping ground. It had two floors, with the first floor being completely open and the second floor being a combination of bedrooms and storage space. The north wall on the first floor was the kitchen, with the rest of the first floor containing a fireplace, several wooden pillars instead of walls, a number of chairs, and padded floors meant for sparring.

There wasn't any kind of electric food preservation or running water, but you'd be amazed at what Uzushiogakure developed seals for. The bog standard storage seal wasn't the best for long term storage, not for anything that wasn't metal at least, but the Uzumaki had seals that kept items in perfect stasis, which allowed me to visit a number of butcher shops in Brockton Bay and the surrounding towns to stock up on crazy amounts of protein.

The rest of the evening was spent getting the girls situated with the cabin and everything within in. To err on the side of caution, I placed another seal on them, and myself to show I wasn't punishing them, that was linked to one in the cabin. It was a reversed proximity seal, so that instead of going off when the trigger condition came too close, it triggered when the matching seals got too far.

I didn't make it so that it would have any harsh penalties, just in case their leaving wasn't willing, but I did make sure that they knew that if the seal went off, the cabin would be destroyed and I'd make sure the rest of us would be gone before anyone showed up.

After that, well...it was time to christen the entirety of the cabin.


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