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"How's your vision? Has it recovered?" I asked Padme the next 'morning' as she came out of the bedroom. There weren't exactly a wide selection of clothes on the ship, so she was wearing a dress that was one of my longer shirts with a crude belt.

"It has, thank you for asking," she said as I set a plate of some kind of eggs in front of her. No clue the animal, but Faerie Feast said they’d be good.

As expected, she immediately started eating the supernaturally good food, while I brewed myself a cup of sci-fi-coffee while dialing back the cooking power to merely extremely tasty rather than literally addicting. As the black caffeinated nectar poured into my cup, I surreptitiously examined Padme Amidala.

She was slightly disheveled, but beautiful. Her hair was a tangled mess, betraying the fact that she must have had a rough night's sleep. A small frown creased her forehead as she concentrated on her breakfast, and I couldn't help but wonder what was bothering her.

"Is everything alright, Padme?" I asked, trying to keep the concern out of my voice.

She looked up at me, and for a moment her eyes held a hint of sadness. "I had a dream last night," she said softly. "About... a friend."

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked gently.

Padme hesitated for a moment before nodding. "We were on Naboo together, just like old times," she began. "But something felt off. Anakin was distant, cold even. And then..." she trailed off, her voice shaking slightly.

"And then what?" I prompted.

"And then he... he hurt me," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Physically and emotionally. And I couldn't understand why."

I felt a surge of glee that I quickly suppressed. If she was having nightmares about him, that would make hypnotizing her into loving me all the easier. But I couldn't tell her that, so instead I took a more comforting approach.

"I'm so sorry, Padme," I said, reaching across the table to take her hand. "It was just a dream. Anakin would never really hurt you like that."

Mentally I added an addendum that Vader would, while Padme managed a small, sad smile "I hope you're right, but it felt so real. I can't shake off this feeling that something is wrong."

I squeezed her hand reassuringly, all while trying to figure out why she didn't seem to remember him choking her out, "I'll take care of you, Padme. You don't have to worry about anything while you're with me."

She looked up at me, her eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you, for everything."

I smiled back at her, my mind thinking of how gorgeous she'd look, kneeling before me, her eyes full of love and adoration, her stomach swelling with my children. I was glad I was sitting, the friendly persona I was cultivating with her would be ruined by popping a boner at this stage.

We finished our breakfast in silence, lost in our own thoughts. As Padme went back to the bedroom to change, I sat down at the cockpit to plan our next move. If the Star Forge was a thing, which the mission suggested it was, then the old Dantooine Enclave and Crystal Caves would be as well. I’d initially chosen Dantooine as the next destination out of a mix of nostalgia and whimsy, but it would serve as a damn good starting point with one of my two Grand Missions.

My first step was going to be finding the Star Map that Revan had found, then copying down the information on it. Assuming it still worked, otherwise I'd give Science Talent a workout and see how much work it would take to fix it.

I’d also want to find the remains of the Jedi Enclave, and see if any of the ruins or equipment were salvageable. My Template was from one of the greatest Sith Lords in galactic history, but that didn't mean I wasn't interested in seeing what the Jedi would have. There were also the Crystal Caves. Everyone wanted a lightsaber, and lightsabers needed crystals.

I glanced up as I heard footsteps, meeting MJ's gaze as she walked over to the kitchen unit. I smirked lightly, making her flush and avert her gaze. While it wasn't full on fetish clothes, the maid outfit was certainly not PG-13. Though that reminded me, I needed to get Padme started on the hypnosis. There were still five days until we reached Dantooine, which gave me more than enough time to fully capture her, especially using the Company Phone.


An hour later, I had Padme laying on the master bed, holding my phone in her hands as she stared at the swirling images playing on the screen. While I could have stuck her with Gwen and MJ watching the projection on the holotable, I really wanted to get to the point of her being willing to do things for me, and the same upgrade that let me do the holotable also doubled the speed that the Company Device worked at.

Which meant that in five hours, she’d be reaching the first Breakthrough Point. I’d use the first two to focus on getting past her annoying fixation regarding democracy, the third and fourth would be aimed at getting her to see me as a lover, and the last would be making her see me as Emperor of the galaxy as the only possible leader.

As I watched her, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. After all, I was well on my way to fulfilling my destiny as the new Emperor ruling over the galaxy with my chosen queen by my side.

But as I reached out to touch her, my thoughts were interrupted by Gwen lightly knocking on the door. I pursed my lips in annoyance, but at this stage Padme would fall out of the trance at the drop of a hat so it was probably for the best.

Standing up from the bed, I walked over to the door and opened it, meeting Gwen's gaze as I asked with a low, annoyed growl, "What?"

"Just wanted to ask some things," she said, a low, sultry note to her voice. "Like how long you were going to wait before fucking our brains out. You've already started breeding the ginger, and then this local chick, but we haven't gotten any yet."

"Oh is that all?" I asked rhetorically, before my hand snapped out.

Gwen had her own Spider-Sense along with the Venom symbiote. At the speed I'd moved, she could have easily intercepted my arm before my hand was gripping her blonde head of hair if she wanted to. She didn't, so with my grip on her hair, I pulled her down to her knees, pressing her face against the front of my pants.

"I think you know what to do from here," I said, fishing out my cock with my free hand.

She gave a short nod, before opening her mouth and sliding her lips over my shaft. I gritted my teeth as she started sucking me off, her tongue twirling around my length, eliciting a groan from me. I’d always gotten off on being in control, having the ability to force someone to do something for me. When it came to sex, that took on a whole new level of enjoyment.

My hands clasped together behind my back as I watched Gwen do her best to pleasure my cock. She was fucking good, my body responding rapidly to her ministrations, she used her tongue to swirl around the head of my cock. Even though she was mostly licking, there was no denying that she was doing a lot of the work. That was just fine with me.

After several minutes of her pleasuring me with her mouth, I decided to ramp things up a notch. Pulling my hips back, I grabbed Gwen by her hair, thrusting upwards into her mouth.

Her eyes widened as my cock slid down her throat, her gag reflex kicking in as she struggled to breathe. The sound of her gagging made me smirk, before releasing her hair. She coughed, gasping for air as she looked up at me with wide eyes. Despite that, her eyes were blazing with lust and hunger.

"Use me, Master," she begged, her voice raspy. She opened her mouth wide, her tongue stretched out as far as it would go. "I need to taste you, use me like a cocksleeve."

"If you're a good girl, maybe I'll let you ride my cock," I said, smirking softly.

She nodded, her mouth opening wide as she panted quietly, her eyes still locked on mine. I stood there for a few moments, letting her stare at me as I began to toy with my cock. The tip was just barely inside her mouth, and the rest of my length was just barely outside her lips.

The sensation of her tongue sliding against the head of my cock was almost overwhelming. I could feel myself getting harder, swelling in her mouth, as she continued to stare at me, her eyes locked on mine, her body tense as she waited for my next command.

After a few minutes of fucking her mouth with short little thrusts, she took over, bobbing her head up and down my cock. Her hands were still on my legs, but they were starting to slide upward, her slender fingers curling around my thighs, her nails digging into my skin.

She must have felt my appreciation, relaxing her tongue as I fucked her mouth. The rumbling groans she made as she sucked me off were music to my ears. She was getting into this.

I gave her head a final squeeze, before pulling my cock out of her mouth. I gave her a light slap across the face with my cock, smirking as she panted for breath.

"You've been a good girl so far," I growled, rubbing my cock on her face. "Now, let's see if you can keep being a good girl. You are going to take my cock, wrap your lips around it, and then you are going take the full length into your throat, until I cum. If you manage that, I will fuck you so hard you black out. If not, then I'll go to the broodmare and give her another load. Understood?"

Gwen opened her mouth to reply, but I didn't give her the chance. Grabbing her face, I thrust my hips forward, shoving my hard cock between her lips.

She let out a muffled moan, her eyes going wide as she opened her mouth as wide as she could, her teeth scraping against my shaft as I filled her mouth with my cock. She coughed, squirming on her knees as I started fuckhead back and forth, but she didn't give up.

I could feel her body shaking as I thrust my cock deeper into her, my cock sliding down her throat, her body gagging as she struggled desperately to cope. She was breathing heavily through her nose, her arms wrapped around my leg. The fingers on her left hand were digging into my thigh, as if to keep her grounded as I fucked her throat.

Her eyes were screwed tightly shut, her body trembling as tears leaked out of the corners of her eyes. Her nose was buried in my crotch, her body shaking. Her legs were shaking, her fingers were digging hard into the flesh of my thigh, her nails scratching against my skin.

I smirked, stopping my thrusts for a moment, her body shuddering before pulling my cock out of her mouth. It was glistening with saliva, and cum was dribbling down her chin.

"Enough of this," I growled, yanking her to her feet. "You've been a good girl, now it's time to see how much of a good girl you can be."

She didn't say a word, but a smile spread across her face as I forced her to her knees. I grabbed her hair, tilting her head back, before I shoved my cock into her mouth. She squealed, her voice muffled as she started sucking me off. I gave a few nods, pulling out, before slamming my cock back into her mouth.

I pulled out, then thrust back inside, giving her a few quick, shallow thrusts before pulling out, then slamming my cock all the way inside her mouth.

Her body shuddered, her arms wrapped around my thighs, her hands scrabbling at my legs. She was drooling, her tongue just barely trying to keep up with my thrusts.

Her body convulsed as I shoved my cock down her throat, and didn't move off until I was finished.

"Beg me for more," I growled, pulling my cock out of her mouth.

She didn't hesitate to speak, her voice hoarse as she choked on her own saliva. Her blue eyes were glazed over with pleasure stunned pleasure, the look of someone who was utterly overwhelmed.

"Please, Master, fuck my mouth. I want to make you happy. I love when you use me."

"Good girl," I said, thrusting my cock between her lips.

I groaned, nearly losing it as she obediently swallowed my cock, hiding it from view. She let out a muffled moan before I pulled out, giving her head another squeeze.

"Get on your hands and knees," I ordered. "I'm not going to breed you yet, you are currently the only other person on this ship besides me that can fight. But I am going to break in that wet cunt of yours."

She obeyed without question, falling to her hands and knees. Her ass was just slightly up in the air, her back arched as she rocked her hips back and forth, moaning softly.

"Please, Master, use me. Fuck my cunt. Fill it with your cum."

Without a word, I pulled my cock out of her mouth, before grabbing her hips and forcing my cock against her wet and waiting pussy. I gave a hard thrust, shoving myself inside her tight, wet cunt.

She screamed, her voice echoing through the empty ship as she rocked back and forth, her body shuddering as I shoved myself all the way inside her, filling her to the brim with my cock.

I growled, giving her ass a hard smack, one that she barely felt. She had other things on her mind. The sound of her moaning, the feeling of her wet, tight pussy as it clenched down on my cock, the way her body shook as I started to thrust, driving myself deeper and deeper inside her.

I slammed into her, letting out a groan of pleasure as her body jostled, her ass grinding back against me as I thrust harder and harder into her.

"Cum inside me, Master," she begged, groaning as I continued to thrust into her. "I want to feel your cum in my pussy. Please, fill me with your cum."

I grunted in response, grabbing her hips, before beginning to pound her pussy harder and harder, her body shuddering as I pumped my cock in and out of her gushing, clenching twat.

She let out a scream, her body shivering as I continued to thrust into her, my cock slamming in and out of her pussy. Her hands were still on the ground, but her fingers were trying to dig into the metal floor as her body shook with pleasure. Her head was lolling back, and I could see the feeling of absolute pleasure in her eyes, the look of someone who had never felt so good.

I growled, grabbing her hair, yanking her head back and thrusting my cock deep inside her. I could feel her juices gush around my cock as she came, her body shuddering, her pussy spasming around my cock.

Her body began to convulse, her pussy clamping around my cock. I thrust into her again and again, forcing myself deep within her, filling her still convulsing pussy with my cum.

I groaned, shuddering with pleasure as she came around me, as I emptied every ounce of cum inside her body.

I pulled out of her drenched cunt, gasping for breath as my cock eased its grip on her. I could see her pussy, see the twitching around her pussy as her body continued to shake with pleasure. Lining my cock up with her pussy, I shoved myself back inside her, using the last of my strength to fuck her a couple more times.

She let out a moan, her body shuddering as I filled her with my cum, her pussy twitching around my cock.

I removed myself from her pussy, shoving my cock in her face. She licked our combined juices off, giving a number of soft, quiet moans as she did. It was only now, as the post nut clarity hit me, that I blinked as a realization hit me.

Pushing Gwen off me, I put everything away and turned around, hitting the button to open the door to the captain’s quarters. To my surprise, Padme was still sitting on the bed, staring at my phone. Blinking, but deciding to leave her be for the moment, I made my way to the rest of the ship, looking for MJ.

She was in one of the side rooms, the door opening as I entered. She looked up at me, and asked, “Do you need something, Master?”

“When I shut this door, I want you to scream as loud as you physically can,” I told her, making her blink in confusion, but she nodded.

I closed the door, and nothing. Not even so much as a peep. After about five seconds, I opened the door and MJ’s scream rang throughout the ship. Gesturing her to stop, I couldn’t help but be very impressed at the quality of Imperial sound proofing. That had some entertaining potential down the line.


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