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[center]<<Vetra Nyx>>[/center]

This group of humans were pretty weird, but their credits were good. Spirits, from what I’d read up on them, they were better than good. I couldn’t figure out where they’d come from, but I could hardly begrudge people dropping their identities for an entirely new one.

“Sandosen, right?” I asked as the human in charge approached, flanked by two others. I was pretty sure the flanking humans were females, they looked like pale brown skinned asari, but I hadn’t exactly interacted with many humans.

“That’s me, you Vetra Nyx?” the human in front asked. I gave the translator a chance to relay what he’d said, and nodded.

“Got the shipment ready for you, if you’ve got the other half of the payment,” I said as I leaned back against a shipping crate. My posture was relaxed, but one hand was by the butt of my rifle while the other was ready to activate a shield booster. I had good vibes from them, but I didn’t last this long by not taking precautions.

Sandosen’s head moved back and forth, and the shortest of the humans lifted her arm and pressed a few keys on her omnitool. My visor confirmed that the credits had been transferred, and my mandibles spread in a smile. Bringing the hand that had been by my rifle, I pressed a few buttons on the side of my visor, sending the signal to finish the delivery.

“Shipment’s on its way to Hanger B12, got to say, it’s a bit of an odd request you had,” I said, deciding not to be subtle in my curiosity. These guys were pretty clearly not used to dealing with the Terminus crowd, and from all the interactions I’d had with them setting this deal up, I had a pretty good read on them.

“Ship’s got some repairs needed,” he said, bluntly, matter of factly. Well now, this was interesting.

“And you didn’t order replacement parts instead of raw components?” I asked.

“Really don’t want to have to deal with the morons in Citadel Space, and more than that, ship’s second hand with a large number of custom components,” was the immediate response.

Honestly as far as excuses went, it was pretty damn good. While the major governments all conformed to specific designs for their own ships, and the physics of space travel made certain aspects universal, there were countless people out there who would design their own ship from scratch.

But even with how new humans were to the wider galaxy, I could tell there was something else that he wasn’t saying. Her curiosity was piqued, I’d have to put out some feelers, get a better idea of what he and his group were after.

[center]<<Bear Sandosen>>[/center]

“Everything that we ordered arrive?” I asked Cameron as she stepped out of the crate holding the shipment.

“Yes, there will be enough there to rebuild the Interdimensional Drive, but it will take some time before we are building it and have it installed,” she answered.

“How long?” Nikhol asked as she piloted the shuttle towards the Mass Relay.

Cameron was silent for a few seconds, something which had me a little concerned if it was taking her that long to calculate, before she answered, “Approximately ten weeks.”

“Oh goody,” I muttered under my breath. “So two and a half months before we can move on and get back to organizing a means of saving the Omniverse.”

“Think of it this way,” Kara’s voice piped in through the comm channel. “It’s probably going to be our last chance to relax for a while. We should treat this as a vacation. From what I’m reading, there’s ruins all over the galaxy that are at least fifty thousand years old.”

Nikhol perked up in her seat, the archaeologist in her clearly intrigued. I chuckled in amusement, knowing that pretty soon she’d be taking the shuttle out to the closest Prothean dig site she could find. Probably drag someone else to go with her when she went, which only made it more amusing.

Still, I guess it wouldn’t be too bad, we could do some jobs, stock up on some eezo and medigel, and then when we left, we’d have some additional supplies that we wouldn’t if we’d never been marooned here. So, silver linings, I guess? Although… considering that surprise gift that Tara Q left me with, maybe I should try to find some biotics to have a lot of sex with?

I felt weird considering having sex with women just because it would give me a new ability, but now that I knew it was possible, I couldn’t help that it would pop in my head. Pushing that thought aside, I turned my focus onto what else was available in this world for the girls to visit and enjoy. I… honestly wasn’t quite sure, I’d need to do some research. Much as the Citadel would be interesting to visit, I didn’t want to risk the fan theory about it indoctrinating those on it being true.

“Approaching the relay,” Nikhol’s voice pulled me from my musings.

A smile spread across my face, as the relay drew ever closer. It didn’t matter the method, I would never get tired of seeing faster than light travel. With Mass Relays, it was more a physical sensation than a sight like with Hyperspace in Star Wars. It was a little like standing on a bus, the inertia making you slide back a bit, but not enough to make you lose your footing. Coming back to normal space was basically entering the relay, just in reverse. It was as we were approaching the Yamato, I blinked as I took in the space around it.

“Correct me if I’m mistaken, but these ships weren’t here when we left were they?” I asked half sarcastically.

“You are not, and an analysis of the damage suggests that they were destroyed by the Yamato’s ancillary weapons,” Cameron answered. I glanced over to her and raised an eyebrow, surprised at the almost eager expression on her face.

Before I could say or ask anything, the comm line let out a crackle followed by Lisa’s voice, “Glad to see you, we had some particularly rude houseguests. We had a bit of a disagreement on proper guest rights.”

“Pirates, slavers, or both?” I asked with a deadpan.

“Why are you ruining my fun, Bear? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?” I didn’t need a videofeed to know that someone (probably Taylor) was patting Lisa on the shoulder.

Of the three, Lisa’s pregnancy had hit her the hardest. Particularly the moodswings, she’d go from bubbly to depressed in the blink of an eye. Her power didn’t help, telling her the exact hormonal cocktail that was causing her emotions to go on a roller coaster ride. Hyacinth and Luna’s pregnancies weren’t affecting them as badly, Hyacinth actually having the easiest time with her pregnancy.

From the way they’d been progressing, I strongly suspected that Lisa would stop with just the one child. Hyacinth I could easily see wanting more, she had mentioned wanting to have a large family and I’d occasionally see her sitting off by herself, rubbing at her belly with a soft smile. Luna I wasn’t sure about, she hadn’t given me any vibes the same way that Lisa and Hyacinth had.

I put my thoughts on potential future pregnancies out of my mind as the shuttle came to a stop. Together with Nikhol and Cameron, the three of us unloaded the storage unit in the back with Vetra’s delivery. Once it was unloaded, I rolled my neck with a satisfying series of pops and turned to face them.

“I’m going to let the others know we’re effectively on a two and a half month vacation, we’ll come up with some vacation goals and figure out a plan from there. Do either of you have anything in particular you’re interested in?” I asked.

“For the moment, I will make use of the shuttle and a space suit to salvage what I can from the wreckage of the attackers,” Cameron answered.

“Kara mentioned archaeological sites, I am going to a bare minimum of one,” Nikhol said, her voice almost threatening. Or it would be, if I had any intention of stopping her. Instead I nodded and gave them a smile before I turned and made my way to the more leisurely part of the ship. I sent a message, and I was soon surrounded by the rest of the Family.

All in all, the news of how long the repairs would take went over better than I anticipated. I think prefacing it as Kara’s vacation suggestion helped a lot. Almost immediately the room was filled with a dozen different ideas and places to go.

Lana at least made her end easy by simply volunteering to be Nikhol’s minder on the dig she’d invade. Nikhol looked offended, and was about to say something, but Lana just sent a knowing look at her, and she sat down with a petulant grumble. Rhonda asked for something akin to the Highland Games, which Hyacinth volunteered to go with her. Sirius, of course, then said he’d tag along, that it’d be interesting to see the Games on another planet. Hermione obviously wanted to see a library, which Taylor offered to go with her. Tonks, to my surprise, wanted to see a movie set, and Kara offered to join. Lisa said she’d be fine with trolling people on the extranet, and Luna wanted to see some alien animals. Poison Ivy was in a similar situation as Luna, but she wanted to see plants instead, and Harley volunteered herself to be, in her words, “Red’s Lana”.

We’d agreed to decide on our first destination in the morning, but until then, I decided to see about updating the League about our current situation. Stepping out, I closed my eyes and concentrated.

When I opened my eyes, they immediately opened so wide I was afraid they’d fall out of my head. I had indeed arrived in the appropriate universe, but I’d arrived at a front row view of Diana when she had two fingers sliding into her wet pussy. I admit, it was easily in the top three fastest times I’d gone from soft to hard. Her gorgeous blue eyes opened, only to widen in shock as she saw me. I’m fortunate that she recognized me before she did something that killed me.

“Bear, it has been a long time,” she said instead, sitting up and craving me with a smile, uncaring of the fact that she was naked. “You can tell me what happened after.”

It was obvious in hindsight, but in my defense I was a bit distracted at that moment, “After?”

She smiled, reaching down with the fingers she had just been masturbating with and spreading herself open. I needed no more invitation than that, in less than a minute my clothes were on the floor and I was crawling up onto her bed. I had planned on giving her some attention with my tongue, but just as I was leaning in, she grabbed onto me and pulled me up to give me a searing kiss.

My lips would definitely be bruised, but hot damn was it worth it to kiss her again. When she finally released me, I looked into her eyes.


“I have missed you, Bear. It is good to see you, and even better to feel you inside me. I will let you know when I am ready for your tongue, but right now I need to fuck you.” She said, reaching down to grab my cock and pull me toward her.

She wasn’t lying, she wanted to fuck me, and she did. It was so good that I almost came before she had me buried all the way inside her. I didn't want to cum so soon, and I wanted to see her eyes when she came. That meant I had to take my time, and I was rewarded for it. Her moans were the best part of it, but she was clearly getting close too.

“Bear, please, I need to come, I need to come!”

I rolled us over, putting her on top, and she arched her back to give me better access. I reached up, palming the large, perfect breasts in front of me, bouncing them around. She started bucking her hips, rubbing against me, and I could feel her heat through our skins. She was close, and I was just as desperate to see her eyes roll back in her head.

She must have felt my hands tighten on her tits, because she looked down at me, eyes wide.

“Don’t stop, don’t stop!” She cried out, and I could feel her muscles clenching around me. “Come for me, Bear!”

That did it for me, I placed my feet on her bed for better leverage, and drove myself as deep into her as I could. She screamed, arching her back and throwing her head back, and I followed her over the edge.

After we had both caught our breath, she leaned down to kiss me, and then lay over top of me, sighing.

“I am glad you showed up,” she said as I struggled to regain my breath. “How have things gone with your preparations?”

I let out a sound that was half laugh half groan, “Diana, you would not believe what happened.”


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