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[center]<<Bear Sandosen>>[/center]

“So, what’s the damage?” I asked, only half joking as I came out of the scanner. My joke went unappreciated by Nikhol and Lana, who were reading the results with surprised and puzzled expressions. The look on their faces had a pit forming in my stomach, so I asked, “It’s not dangerous, is it?”

“I am not sure,” Lana said in response. “It appears that in addition to somehow gaining Force Sensitivity, all of the soft tissue in your body has increased in density by a factor of two. Additionally, your entire skeleton appears to be coated in some sort of metal alloy.”

I blinked a few times, my mind going to a certain comic book character, “I don’t have blades in my forearms do I?”

That got confused looks from both women, which clearly told me the answer was no, thank goodness. Don’t get me wrong, Wolverine’s a good character, but I’m not eager to have six blades in my arms. Kara floated past me to take a look at the results, her own eyes going wide before snapping over to look at me.

“Bear…” she said slowly. “You are somehow a kryptonian hybrid.”

I, of course, responded in a proper, gentlemanly manner: “The fuck?”

“We really need to get a dedicated medical team on this ship,” Nikhol muttered before saying louder, “Bear, based on the pattern, it seems that you are gaining weak, partial versions of our various abilities. It is possible that the Q who brought us all together gave you the ability to copy the powers and benefits of the women you sleep with.”

The rest of us turned to look at her, and she shrugged, “The Force, metal endoskeleton, kryptonian tissue density, and that’s just what we’ve noticed due to it being obvious. We won’t have the opportunity to find out if you have a copy of Taylor’s power until we reach a planet with some sort of bug for you to try to control, and Lisa’s could be subtle enough that you may never notice.”

“Huh,” I said. “On the one hand, I no longer need to worry about chafing, intimate bruising, or fractured hip bones anymore. On the other hand, I’m going to need a lot of practice when we’re not hip deep in trouble.”

“Look at it this way,” Kara said while adopting a cheeky grin. “You can practice X-Ray Vision by looking through our clothes.”

She folded her arms behind her back, pushing her chest forwards, as she said that. My eyes understandably drifted down to them, clad in a tight blue shirt. I’ll be honest, I was expecting the shirt to disappear from view and reveal those glorious breasts. But that didn’t happen, the blue fabric stayed firmly in view. I was somewhat disappointed.

It was at that point that Sirius walked in, a slight frown on his face. He gave us a nod before slumping into a chair a short ways down, covering his eyes with a hand.

“Everything alright?” I asked, slightly concerned.

“Sure, the potion stock made it out more or less okay, some rattling and a few broken vials, but nothing we can’t easily replace. I’m just taking a moment to enjoy the most comfortable chair in this thing,” he answered.

I spent a moment staring at him, before shrugging it off. He’d clearly never sat in the Captain's Chair, but he could have that one. Turning to the others, I said, “I’m going to check with Cameron and Lisa, get a list of what we need. See if you can compile a list of things we can use to trade or barter for supplies.”

The three nodded, and I made my way out of the Sick Bay. Cameron and Lisa were still in the Engine Bay, taking apart the Mousers to use as extra materials and spare components.

“What’s the report?” Lisa asked as I walked in.

“I’m apparently getting copies of the powers of people I sleep with,” I answered, causing both to look up.

Lisa’s eyes narrowed slightly, before she said, “Metal bones, huh? Explains why the mouser didn’t bite through your arm. And we’ll get started on that list of supplies real quick. The key issue is going to be the money to buy the supplies and the fact that we’ll need to make a lot of the final parts ourselves.”

“I will create blueprints for my limbs and organic sheathe to sell as cybernetic prosthetics,” Cameron volunteered, making me blink.

“Huh, yeah, a Terminator would be a good blueprint for human cybernetics, wouldn’t it?” I mused quietly. “I’m surprised I never thought of that.”

“That’s what we’re here for,” Lisa said with a grin, before her expression turned serious. “We might be able to get something from these Mousers too. If I’m right, they were originally designed to hunt down rodents in the tunnels and sewers under major metropolitan streets, hence the name. They’d probably be worth a bit on space stations or larger ships.”

“Every little bit helps,” I murmured. “Any other ideas?”

“Merc work,” she immediately answered. “It may not be particularly glamorous, compared to what all the stories portray, but we’ve got enough firepower to make do as an independent merc company. The issue will be in getting anyone to hire us without a reputation, and we can’t stay here long enough to build one.”

I nodded in understanding, a half frown on my face. All of that assumed we weren’t arriving at the start of or during the middle of the Reaper Invasion. That would make getting the ship repaired an even more difficult prospect than it already was.

“Get that list of needed parts as soon as you can, I’ll check with Hermione and see if she’s had any more luck in figuring out where and when we are,” I said, getting a thumbs up from Lisa.

Leaving them to it, I made my way to the bridge, passing by Rhonda on my way. The redheaded witch smiled upon hearing that I was heading to the bridge, though didn’t say why it made her happy. I got it when I walked onto the bridge.

Hermione… wasn’t taking our situation well. The edges of her hair looked chewed on, her eyes were red, and her shirt looked crumpled, like she’d been balling it in her fists. She was staring at the screens, gnawing on her bottom lip, not seeming to have noticed that I’d even entered. Right, I wasn’t going to have that.

The way she jumped as I wrapped my arms round her told me I’d been right about her not realizing I was there. She turned around in my hug, burying her head in my chest as a torrent of emotions poured out of her. She tried to say something, but it was a blubbering mess and I couldn’t understand a word she said.

I continued to hold her, gently kissing the top of her head as she got herself under control. After a few minutes, she wiped the trails of makeup from her eyes, cleared her sinuses, and met my gaze.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I just… when you and Kara were hurt… the ship was damaged… I can’t… I don’t know…”

“Hey,” I whispered, pulling her back into a hug. “It’s alright.”

While I was focusing on her, I wasn’t so distracted as to miss the way her brows furrowed followed by the two of us lifting into the air and floating over to the Captain’s Chair.

“Focus on gating information,” she said, an odd note to her voice. “I… my mind’s too scrambled right now. I try to focus, but it keeps moving to you and Kara and the ship’s damage. Stuff I don’t know how to fix or do anything about. But this… this I can do something about.”

What ‘this’ was became readily apparent, when she pushed me into the Captain’s Chair and reached for my belt. I sat there, letting her fish out my cock, enjoying the feel of her hands against my skin. She leaned up, her hands pumping along my length, pressing her lips to mine, hungrily sucking on my lower lip before pushing her tongue into my mouth.

I returned the kiss, responding in kind, my hands wandering across her body, feeling her tight teen body under her clothes. After a minute or two, she pulled back, panting lightly before sinking down to her knees.

“I managed to connect to a local network,” she said, holding her head over my cock and letting a trail of saliva drip from her mouth. “You focus on finding out what we need, I’ll recenter myself and focus on this.”

With that, she lowered her mouth, sliding her tongue down my shaft until her face was buried in my balls, then drew back, giving me a sloppy blowjob. Her tongue worked its magic on my shaft, while her hand pumped my cock, working my precum into her palm before sliding her thumb across my tip.

She took my dick into her throat, bobbing up and down, moaning softly as she did so. I kept my hands off her, knowing she wanted to take care of me herself. So much as it pained me, I turned my attention away from her, onto the screens in front of me. It was hard to concentrate on reading the information on the monitors when I had a gorgeous young woman with enough power to atomize me in her pinky, throwing herself into lavishing affection on my length, but I managed… somewhat.

We were in a minor system a short ways off the beaten path in the Hawking Eta cluster. More specifically, we were in the Chandrasekhar System. The systems that the Mass Relay connected to were the Caleston Rift, Horsehead Nebula, Pangaea Expanse, and, most importantly, the Omega Nebula.

I ran a hand through Hermione’s hair as she knelt, my mind running wild. We were close to Omega, which would be a useful place to head to in order to get some much needed supplies. But I needed more information, I needed to know when we were, not just where.

“Hermione,” I groaned as she pushed my cock deeper into her throat, the oral-loving witch repeatedly swallowing around my dick.

I looked down, meeting her gaze as her lips sealed into a tight ring around my base. Her hand reached up, rubbing at the bulge in her throat, and I could feel her fingers, stroking up and down, like she was trying to give me a handjob through her neck. Then, she got a mischievous gleam in her eyes as she pressed her lips even tighter around my base, twisting and turning her head as she did so.

Her throat contracted as she choked, and Hermione pulled her head off my cock, her lips a dark blue that they hadn’t been when she began. I looked further down, seeing a ring the same color around my base. I raised an eyebrow at her, and she just grinned, taking my length in hand and stroking me as she leaned down to take one of my balls into her mouth.

My breath caught in my lungs as she sucked on my testicle, her hands working my cock, jacking me off as she sucked. My balls tightened up, and I felt the cum building in my balls, ready to explode. As soon as it started to build, Hermione let my testicle pop free, and she wrapped her lips around the head of my cock, her hands pumping faster and faster.

I let my head fall back as I came with a groan, shooting rope after rope of my seed into her mouth. I lifted my head after a moment, because I was still cumming after what felt like five minutes. There were trails of my cum oozing out around the edges of her lips, even some coming out of her nose, but the look on her face was the closest I’d seen to an ahegao face from any of the girls.

Finally, I stopped cumming, and Hermione pulled her lips off my cock, holding her mouth open to show it was full of my cum, swirling her tongue around. Closing her mouth, she visibly swallowed a few times, bringing her band up to scoop my cum and sliding it into her mouth. When she finally got all of my cum in her mouth, she swallowed again before opening her mouth, showing that there was none left.

My cock twitched, but instead of escalating, I reached down and pulled Hermione up into my lap. I met her lips with my own, giving her a deep kiss, uncaring of the aftertaste. We kissed for a few minutes, before breaking apart and she curled up on my lap, settling into a more comfortable position as I pulled the screens back up.

“Feel better?” I asked, pulling up a news article.

“Mm-hmm,” she murmured sleepily, practically nuzzling her head against my chest.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, checking the date on the article and following it to the ‘home page’ as it were. I let out a sigh of relief as I read the front page. Staring me in the face was a number that proved I didn’t need to worry about the Reapers. The date on the front page news was a bright and shiny 2176.


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