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Once again, I found myself sitting in front of Tyrion Lannister, the dwarf looking at me like I was something disdainful. I got the distinct impression that he didn’t like me. Couldn’t possibly imagine why.

“Is there something I can do to assist you, Lord Hand?” I asked as he poured two goblets of wine.

He took a sip of his wine, eyeing me over the rim of his goblet. “I hear you’ve been making some interesting requests from the smiths.”

I raised an eyebrow, wondering what he knew. “You’ve been spying on me?”

“Not spying,” he corrected. “Just keeping my ear to the ground. And I’ve heard you’re looking to arm yourself in a unique way.”

I leaned forward, intrigued despite myself. “And what makes you say that?”

Tyrion leaned back in his chair, a sly grin on his face. “Let’s just say I have a knack for knowing things. So, tell me, why the interest in such specialized armaments?”

I considered my words carefully before speaking. “I may not be the best fighter, but I still need to be able to defend myself. And with these gauntlets, I’ll have an advantage that no one else has.”

Tyrion nodded, understanding in his eyes. “And what about your loyalty to the crown? Will these gauntlets be used to further your own ambitions?”

I scoffed, acting offended at the accusation. “I am loyal to King Joffrey and the crown. These gauntlets are simply a means of protecting myself.”

“And what if someone were to offer you a better deal?” he pressed, his eyes boring into mine.

“I am not for sale,” I said firmly. “My loyalty lies with King Joffrey, and no one else.”

Tyrion by all appearances seemed satisfied with my answer, and we spent the rest of the evening discussing various political matters. As I left his chambers, I couldn’t shake the feeling that Tyrion knew more than he was letting on, but I pushed the thought from my mind.

The next few days were spent waiting for the gauntlets to be finished. I kept myself busy with continuing to teach the fundamentals of Alchemy to Prince Tommen, but no visits with Cersei. The fact that I wasn't visiting her every day either made the arrangement more agreeable, or was seen as a major insult. But in the back of my mind, I couldn’t help but wonder what Tyrion knew about my plans.

Finally, on the fifth day, I received word that the gauntlets were ready. I made my way to Tobho Mott’s smithy, eager to see the finished product. As I entered the shop, Tobho Mott greeted me with a smile.

“Your gauntlets are ready, my lord. The majority of the work had already been done, as I keep a surplus of the components for orders of items like this,” he said, gesturing to a table where the gauntlets sat. “And may I say, they turned out even better than I expected.”

I walked over to the table, taking in the sight of the gauntlets. They were truly a work of art, each design etched into the metal with precision and care. The right gauntlet, with the flint incorporated into it, gleamed in the light.

I slipped the gauntlets on, feeling the weight of them settle on my hands. They fit perfectly, and as I flexed my fingers, I could feel the intricate mechanisms inside the gauntlets moving with them.

“Impressive,” I said, smiling as I looked at Tobho Mott. “Truly impressive.”

He beamed with pride, and as I handed him the second half of the payment, he thanked me for the opportunity.

As I left the smithy, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement. I would never be a skilled warrior, but at least now I didn't have to worry nearly as much if a fight broke out. I’d need to practice with them, of course, but it was still better than I’d had to work with beforehand. Especially since, from the whispers I was hearing in the streets, Renly Baratheon was dead. Which meant that the Battle of Blackwater Bay was on the horizon, and my gauntlets had been finished just in time.


It was the day after I got my gauntlets, when King Joffrey made an announcement. Specifically, in exchange for my continued and exemplary service, he had decided that once the rebellion in the North was crushed, I would be made the new Warden of the North. As such, I would be wed to Sansa Stark, as soon as possible.

I made the requisite agreements and platitudes, feeling Sansa’s eyes on my back the entire time. I would need to speak with her later that afternoon, perhaps I could request her perspective on making the symbol and words of house Flamel? Granted, I already had a pretty strong idea for what I wanted them to be: an ouroboros and either “Equivalent Exchange” or “Knowledge is Power” but simply asking would probably do something to improve her disposition towards me.

Six hours later, as Prince Tommen was leaving our lesson for the day, Sansa stood at the doorway to the room I'd been using as a one student classroom.

“Lady Sansa,” I greeted with a bow of my head, glancing up at the member of the Gold Cloaks acting as her ‘guard’. “It is a pleasure to see you again. I hope that His Grace’s declaration this morning did not cause you distress.”

“It was… unexpected,” she answered, accepting my gesture for her to enter. “But not unwelcome.”

I held out a chair for her to sit in, which she did, her hands folded in her lap.

“I imagine you have many questions regarding this arrangement,” I said, taking a seat across from her.

She nodded slowly. “Yes, I do. What is expected of me in this marriage?”

I took a deep breath, choosing my words carefully. “Your role will be to support me as Warden of the North. You will be expected to teach me the customs and traditions of the North, and to represent our family proudly. In time, should we produce an heir, you will be responsible for their upbringing and education.”

“And what about… intimacy?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

I cleared my throat, glancing over at the Gold Cloak at the door, “That, my Lady, is a matter that we will need to discuss in private.”

Sansa’s cheeks turned pink, but she nodded in understanding. “Of course. I just… I wanted to know what to expect.”

I reached across the table, placing a hand on hers. “I understand, Lady Sansa. This is a new and uncertain situation for both of us. But we will do our best to make it work.”

She smiled, just a little. “Thank you, Lord Flamel. For being so understanding.”

I withdrew my hand, standing up from my seat. “Of course, Lady Sansa. If there is anything else you wish to discuss, please do not hesitate to seek me out.”

“I will,” she said, standing as well. “Thank you again.”

As she left the room with her guard, I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of guilt. Sansa was just a girl, forced into a marriage she didn’t ask for, with a man she barely knew. But it was necessary. The North needed stability, and I was the best man for the job. And if I could make Sansa’s life a little easier in the process, then so be it.

As I left the room, I felt a prickle at the back of my neck. Someone was watching me. I quickly scanned the hallway, but saw no one. I shook my head, dismissing the feeling as paranoia. I had more pressing concerns to attend to, such as preparing for the upcoming battle.

But as I made my way back to my chambers, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. And when I opened the door to my room, I saw why. It had been the lack of any of the staff as I was walking through the halls, and the reason for that was waiting for me in my chambers. Standing in the center of the room was a woman, her long blonde hair cascading down her back. Queen Dowager Cersei Lannister did not look pleased.

“What the hell is going on, Alchemist?” she demanded, her eyes flashing with anger.

I closed the door behind me, not wanting to draw any unnecessary attention. “I’m not sure what you mean, Your Grace.”

“Don’t play dumb with me,” she spat. “You know damn well what I’m talking about. First you make that bargain, then you don’t use it!”

“‘That bargain’?” I asked with a raised eyebrow and making sure to suppress my amusement as much as possible. “Could you perhaps be more specific? I have made many bargains with many people since arriving in King's Landing.”

If looks could kill, I would be a pile of smoldering ash. Instead, I continued to stand there as Cersei fumed, finally spitting out, “The one in exchange involving you wedding the Stark girl.”

“There was a bargain? I seem to recall His Grace making the decision and announcing it today,” I teased as I walked past her, snapping my gauntleted right hand as I approached the hearth. I hadn’t done anything big with it yet, but I had practiced smaller things, like lighting candles and my room’s hearth. As Cersei stared at the fire now merrily burning away in shock, I tapped my chin and said, “Oh wait, were you referring to the one where I have access to your body for as long as I’m in King’s Landing? That bargain?”

Shaking herself from her shock, she glared at me and hissed, “Yes that bargain.”

“I have been busy,” I said as I sat down in front of my desk. “If it bothers you so much though, come here.”

I’d transmuted the desk to be much bigger than it originally had been, in anticipation of an opportunity to fulfill a long held fetish of mine that I hadn’t had an opportunity to indulge in before. There was even a small cushion. Cersei walked over, still glaring at me even as I unbuckled my belt and fished my cock out of my trousers.

“Remove your dress then get on your knees, under the desk,” I told her firmly.

“Of course,” spat angrily, but she obeyed, her dress pushed down her shoulders and then falling to the ground. Underneath, she was wearing a red lace slip and matching panties. She kept her undergarments on though, and I shook my head.

“Did I say to remove your dress but keep your undergarments on, Your Grace?” I asked, making her pause her motions to crawl under my desk.

“No,” she answered, crossing her arms.

“Then I believe you are not finished yet, are you?” I asked pointedly.

She removed her slip, her panties quickly following. I waited until she was done, and then I gestured for her to kneel under the desk. She crawled underneath the desk, her mouth taking me in as soon as I pulled my chair out.

She was just as angry as I knew she would be, and it was so entertaining to watch her struggle with herself to do as I wanted. Once on her knees, she looked up at me with smoldering eyes, defiantly making sure that I knew she wasn’t happy about it.

I couldn’t help but laugh, shaking my head. “That’s what I thought. And I’m not forcing you to do anything you don’t want to. Though I would encourage you to stay on your knees.”

I gave her a moment to collect herself, though her eyes still smoldered. She began sucking on the head of my cock in an indescribably delightful way, making sure that I knew how displeased she was by doing so. Finally, she seemed to give up on trying to resist, and instead began bobbing her head, using both hands to stroke my shaft.

We stayed like this for a few minutes, her head bobbing and her tongue flicking about me, her hands squeezing my balls. Then I had her stop and sit on the small cushion I’d had in front of my desk. I reached into one of my drawers, pulling out some of my favorite oils, and started to rub them into her skin. Her skin was so soft and smooth, and I kissed her all over, lingering at her breasts and her clit. Once I was satisfied with the amount of oil, I picked her up by her hips and sat her on the edge of my desk. My hands were instantly replaced with my mouth, moving down to between her legs. I teased her with my tongue, licking at her lips and clit.

Cersei’s hands tangled in my hair as her hips bucked, pressing her against my face. I teased her a little bit more, but then I moved my tongue to her clit, giving it a firm lick. She moaned, her body tensing. I did this several times, before plunging my tongue into her. She moaned again, her hands now tangled in my hair, tugging as she tried to force my face into her cunt as hard as she could. She was so wet, and it was still so incredibly hot. I slid a finger into her, which elicited a louder moan. I added another, and she began to move her hips, rocking them quickly against my face.

I thrust my fingers in and out of her, pushing in as far as I could before withdrawing. Cersei moaned, and her hips bucked, but I held her down, my face pressed against her clit. I didn’t let up, and soon she was moaning and tensing, her juices pouring out into my mouth.

I stood up, her juices dripping down my chin as I kissed her. Pushing my trousers off my legs to the floor, I carried her to the couch, tossing her onto it. She landed right on the edge of the couch and I immediately thrust into her, her back resting on the other side. She wrapped her legs around me, holding me in place as I began to thrust into her, hammering into her body.

“You’re so fucking hot,” I growled, my hand moving to her neck and sliding around to her throat. “You’re so fucking hot, and I love fucking your little cunt.”

“Fuck me,” she moaned, her hips bucking. “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.”

Her hips bucked harder, and I pulled her hair, her head bouncing back and forth as I moaned myself, pounding into her with a ferociousness that I couldn’t keep in check. She moaned again, her hips bucking and her body tensing, as she came for the second time in quick succession. I hadn’t even slowed down, my cock slamming into her and not letting up, keeping the pleasure on what felt like an infinite loop.

Cersei’s fingers gripped my shoulders as her hips bucked hard, before she abruptly moved, flipping me onto my back on the couch. She straddled me, her hands running down my chest as she smirked down at me.

“I’m not so sure we’re on equal footing any more,” she said, moving her hands to my chest.

I smiled, grabbing her hips and flipping her onto her back. “I don’t need to be on equal footing to fuck you senseless, do I?”

She glared, reluctantly conceding, “No, I guess not.”

I thrust into her again, and she continued to glare, holding me tightly as I fucked her senseless. She came again, her juices drenching my cock, and still I continued to pump into her. Her body tensed, and I pressed my face against her chest, listening to the beating of her heart, feeling the beating of it against my face. I pounded into her a few more times, before I came too, my come filling her womb. We stayed like that for a few minutes, panting and resting, before I pulled out of her and stood up. Cersei sat up, and I pulled her hair, making her look at me.

She stared at me with a look of confusion and fear, but I simply pointed at my dick, making it clear that I wanted her to clean me off. She hesitated briefly, looking at me as if she were trying to understand what I was telling her to do, before her mouth opened, and she started licking me clean.

I smiled and let her do what she wanted, enjoying the feeling of her tongue on my cock and balls, my hands moving to her breasts, squeezing them and playing with her nipples. Once I was as clean as I wanted to be, I let go of her hair and she stood up, turning her back to me.

“We aren’t quite finished yet,” I told her, making her turn to glare at me.

Smirking in amusement, I walked over to a box holding a number of gold dragons and precious gems. I already had the transmutation circle for what I wanted drawn on a piece of parchment, so I picked out two of the coins and a couple rubies. Placing the parchment with the circle on my desk, I put the coins and gems in the center and activated it.

Cersei stared uncomprehendingly at the item I’d transmuted, until I told her, “Bend over my desk, arse out.”

The glare returned, but after a moment, she did so, her gorgeous, heart shaped ass on full display. Smirk on my face, I picked up the bottle of oil I'd used earlier, making sure my fingers were slick before pouring a small stream over her ass.

“I'm not going to fuck you there yet,” I told her as I rubbed the oil into the meat of her ass, pulling her cheeks apart. “But until our next meeting, you are going to keep this plug in your ass. Only remove it to relieve yourself, then put it back in.”


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