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Katniss woke up with a start. Her eyes snapped open as she sat upright, a scream strangled before it could leave her throat. A hand flew down to her vagina, her entire core filled with a lingering ache and soreness. Memories flowed into her, of losing her virginity, the drugged Peeta raping her, the flood of his cum shooting inside her. A choked sob managed to escape, would she get pregnant from it? She’d never been particularly regular with her periods, but her last one had been… two, three weeks ago?

The question of whether or not she was pregnant was pushed aside, as she realized that she was naked. Forcing herself to remain calm, Katniss looked around, taking in her surroundings. She was alone, in a bedroom. There were no decorations on the wall, a single window on the far side of the room, the bed was fitted with plain white sheets, the walls were painted a deep, rust colored red and there were two doors leading out of the room. It was simple, even plain, and Katniss was certain that everything here cost more than every structure in District Twelve.

Holding the sheet up against her chest, Katniss slid her legs out of bed and stood. The sheet, which was softer than any fabric she’d ever felt in her life, she kept close to her chest, the thin fabric the only thing present she could use to preserve her modesty. She looked around, but didn’t see any clothes lying about. She made her way over to the door nearest her, pushing it open slowly. She found an equally bare bathroom, a toilet at the end of it, no tub, just a drain in the floor and a shower head in the ceiling.

She walked back into the bedroom and saw a chair sitting by the window. She padded over to it and sat down, letting her hands fall to her lap. Now that she'd calmed down, the pain was fading away and she was able to think clearly. As much as it pained her, she needed to remember what happened last night.

Before she could start thinking back, the second door, the one that didn't lead to the bathroom, opened. Katniss's hands immediately came up to make sure that the sheet still covered everything, as a man entered with a woman in the plainest dress she'd seen a Capitol woman wear. he woman wore her hair long, straight, and blonde, no braids, jewelry, or any other adornments to it. However, she did have a few streaks of gray mixed in, perhaps due to age or stress. She couldn't tell, but Katniss hoped it was the latter.

“Good morning, Miss Everdeen,” the man said bluntly. “This is my assistant, Madam Dawnstar. I am Ambrose Silver, your new owner.”

“Owner?!” Katniss asked, anger and indignation swirling inside her.

“Yes, you are now property of the Capitol,” he explained. “You may call me Lord Ambrose or Master. Madam Dawnstar is your new mistress, you will address her as Lady Dawnstar, or Mistress if that pleases you.”

“I don't understand,” Katniss said, shaking her head. She was angry, but she wasn't stupid. At this point in time, she knew that she had no choice, that she'd be forced to do whatever the Capitol wanted. But she was going to find out how they planned to go about enforcing this, and then figure out how to get around it.

“It is quite simple, Miss Everdeen,” he said. “I'm sure Cinna told you about the auction, I simply took advantage of a once in a lifetime opportunity when you and your compatriot had your foolishly thought out act of rebellion. By doing what you did, you and your follower made sure that the people of Capitol would be willing to pay a fortune for your services, once you've completed your training, that is.”

“What services?” Katniss asked, having a very bad feeling she knew the answer. The cameras and audience when she'd… been raped made it rather obvious.

“Well, first things first,” Ambrose said. “You need to learn how to properly pleasure a man. Madam Dawnstar will teach you that, she has years of experience, and I'll be watching for signs of inappropriate behavior toward her.”

“Pleasure a man?” Katniss asked, confused.

Madam Dawnstar smiled wickedly, “It will be part of your morning routine. You will wake up, fellate one of our training men, how well you do determines how enjoyable your shower will be before breakfast. Once you finish-”

“Let the girl have a moment,” Ambrose said, cutting the woman off. He turned back to Katniss, and stated, “I own and operate the majority of the escorts and pleasure services in Capitol, you and Mr. Mellark are two of my newest escorts.”

Bile and disgust roiled in Katniss's stomach, she'd heard enough to know that she wanted no part in what this, this… filth was talking about. So great was her revulsion, Katniss almost missed another girl entering the room behind Ambrose and Dawnstar. Her hair was a bright auburn, she was an inch or two shorter than Katniss herself, freckles covered her face, and, rather worrisome, she was naked.

Ambrose turned around and said, a smile clearly heard in his voice, “Ah, your training partner has arrived. Miss Everdeen, this is Miss Hawkfall. The two of you will be sharing a room during your training period, how one of you performs will affect the other. Using the morning fellatio as an example, whichever one of you manages to bring your training assistant to completion first will get to use the shower first, the one who finishes last will therefore be left without hot water for your morning ablutions.”

Katniss wanted to scream at him, wanted to demand to know why the hell he thought she should be treated like some sort of animal. He seemed to see something of what she was thinking, as he reached into his coat and pulled out a photograph. Seeing that image made Katniss deflate, and much as she told herself she’d figure a way out of this, deep down she knew that he’d won.

It wasn’t merely the fact that the picture told her that he’d go after her family if she didn’t cooperate. She recognized the picture from the creases and dents on it, she saw it practically daily. It was the last picture that they’d taken before her father died. The fact that he was holding it, here so far from District Twelve, meant that he had enough influence and pull to have it taken from her home. Katniss had done more than she'd have ever thought possible, but she couldn't begin to imagine how she'd resist against that.

He slid the photo back into his jacket, and with a smile that in other circumstances would be charming, but here and now were more terrifying than anything Katniss had seen since Prim’s name was chosen for the reaping. He clapped his hands, and the girl, Hawkfall, started before walking past Ambrose and Dawnstar to stand next to Katniss.

Two more men walked in, both as naked as Katniss and Hawkfall were, their penises out and bobbing as they walked. One, a tall black man, was smiling broadly and waving his penis in her direction. The other, a short blond man, was looking at her with lust in his eyes. Katniss swallowed and forced herself not to look away, she knew what they wanted from her.

“Welcome, Miss Everdeen,” Ambrose said with a smirk, “to the start of your training. Madam Dawnflower will oversee the rest of your training from here. I have other business to attend to.”

He left, and Dawnflower grinned as she said, “Well girls, if you want a shower or to eat, you'd best get started. Buck, you get Katniss; Reed, Emilia.”

“Sure thing, Mistress Dawnflower,” the blonde man said as he approached Hawkfall, the auburn haired girl falling to her knees.

The black man walked up to Katniss, and grabbed her by the shoulders, pulling her to her feet. Katniss held her head high as he pushed her forward, and then down onto her knees. He grabbed his cock, and pressed the thick, bulbous head against her lips. The damn thing looked like a club, and they expected her to be able to fit it inside her mouth?! She knelt there, trembling, unsure of whether to turn and run.

Instead, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, and let the pressure build. When she felt him push forward, she opened her mouth just a bit wider, and tried to relax as he shoved himself inside her mouth. She tasted him, and as bad as the idea of sucking off a guy made her feel, she needed to do this. If she didn't, she knew they'd find a way to hurt her family, and maybe even try to kill them.

She sucked him deeply, trying to ignore the gag reflex that threatened to kick in just from having him in her mouth. Katniss worked her tongue along his shaft, taking as much of him into her mouth as she could manage. The taste wasn't as bad as she'd been afraid of, it was worse. She hated it, it was easily the most unpleasant thing she'd ever done and couldn't begin to imagine why anyone would enjoy doing this.

He groaned loudly, and she froze. She wanted to gag, vomit, anything to get rid of the putrid taste. Her mouth was filled with his cock, and all she could think about was how badly she wanted to spit it out. After a moment, she relaxed, and began to suck again, working her tongue around his shaft. There was another, louder groan from the blond man getting sucked off by Hawkfall (or Emilia, whichever).

Katniss looked at the other two from the corner of her eye, using it as a distraction from the dick in her mouth. The blonde man had both of his hands on her head, fingers buried in the girl’s hair, as he shoved her head into his crotch while also thrusting with his hips. She was gagging, choking, tears running down her cheeks as she knelt there while the man treated her mouth worse than she'd been treated when they made Peeta rape Katniss.

“Hey,” the black man said, gently tapping on her cheek with a finger. When Katniss turned her eyes up to glare at him, he continued, “Make sure to keep up eye contact, it’ll make the guy cum faster. The sooner they cum, the sooner you can stop and the less you have to do this.”

Katniss let out an angry huff of air through her nose, but did as he said, keeping her eyes locked onto his, even as her jaw started to ache. The black man either didn't care about or didn't notice Katniss's discomfort, and continued to fuck her face. The end of his cock reached the back of her throat, and Katniss instantly gagged. She tried to swallow past the obstruction, but it was too big. Her stomach lurched as she coughed, and the man moaned softly.

“No, no, you're doing great, keep going, take it nice and slow,” he said soothingly.

Katniss nodded silently, and fought the urge to gag as she kept her eyes on his. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she heard loud grunts from the blonde man, but couldn’t move her head to look. She heard muffled, distressed noises coming from the other girl, before the blonde man grunted and gasped.

“Relax your throat, try to swallow around my cock,” the black man coached as he pushed himself back into her mouth.

Katniss tried to follow his advice, but she found herself unable to swallow around the thick shaft filling her mouth. His cock slid down her throat, causing the woman to start coughing and spluttering again. She forced herself to breathe through her nose, as the sensation of being choked by his dick was far more disturbing than the taste of it. She continued to choke and gag on his cock until he pulled out of her mouth, leaving her gasping for breath, feeling nauseous and wishing she could throw up.

The black man wiped the tears from her eyes, and leaned forward to kiss her on the forehead, “That’s right, baby, relax and breathe through your nose. You got this.”

“Eventually, maybe,” the blonde man said with a mocking chuckle as he pulled out of the other girl’s mouth, who promptly fell onto her hands and knees, coughing and taking raspy gasps of air. Katniss felt like she was going to throw up, but managed to hold it together.

“Well done, Emilia,” Dawnflower said cheerily, actually applauding. “You get to take a hot shower today. Maybe you'll get it tomorrow, Katniss dearie.”

There were over a dozen different responses that Katniss wanted to make, but she restrained herself to just glaring at her as the auburn haired girl made her way to the bathroom on shaky feet. Gently, too gently for what she was being forced into, the black man fed his erection back into Katniss’s mouth. He started fucking her mouth slowly, but quickly picked up pace, fucking her lips and teeth roughly, making her gag and cough repeatedly. She closed her eyes tight, trying desperately not to lose control of her body, knowing full well that if she did, she'd vomit.

“Mm-hm, that's it, baby, suck me good,” the black man growled.

She knew that there wasn't anything that she could do to resist right now, so she focused all of her energy on sucking hard on his dick. She didn't want to think about anything else, except getting him off, because if she stopped thinking, she might be able to block out how much it hurt.

After several minutes of this, she felt him tense up, and then she felt him erupt inside of her mouth, forcing its way down her throat, which made her choke and gag again. It tasted horrible, salty and bitter, and she struggled to swallow it down without throwing up. When she finally succeeded, she swallowed, and immediately regretted it as bile rose in the back of her throat. The taste, the smell, and the texture of his semen, like thick, slimy mud, made her gag again, and she nearly vomited on the floor.

Her vision blurred, and she had to wipe away the tears streaming from her eyes, struggling to maintain control of herself. The black man held her hair while he pumped his seed down her throat, making her choke and gag each time he came, but eventually he finished and pulled out. She coughed, trying to get the taste off her tongue, the smell out of her nose, trying to hold some scrap of her dignity.

“Not bad for a beginner, it’ll get easier with time,” the black man said as he ran his hand over Katniss’s hair, as if he was trying to comfort her.

Dawnflower walked over to her, looking down at her face, smiling and saying, “You did really well today, you have nothing to be ashamed of.”

Katniss shook her head, swallowing and failing to dislodge the semen still in the back of her throat, and said, “I don't want any part of this.”

“You think that matters?” Dawnflower asked rhetorically. “You think what you want matters anymore? Darling, your wants became irrelevant the moment Ambrose decided that you were going to be his. The only time a Tribute's avoided his clutches once they've gotten his eye on them was because they specifically sought out his patronage before their time in the Hunger Games and made a contract.”

Katniss looked up at the older woman, who seemed genuinely surprised to see the look on her face. “What is wrong with you?”

The old woman shrugged. “I'm sorry, child, I know that this must seem very confusing, but the reality is that no matter what you think or say, you're here, and we will continue to train you in your role as one of Ambrose's premier escorts.” She turned to look at the black man, “Buck, be a dear and walk them through the rest of the morning routine, then guide them to breakfast.”

The black man, Buck, nodded, before reaching down and scooping Katniss up in a bridal carry. She cried out in protest, struggling against him, but he simply tightened his grip on her arms, keeping her firmly in place as he walked towards the bathroom.


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