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I didn’t think we’d done anything to provoke them, the men with weird, two faced helmets just saw us and then pointed their staves at us. Little comets flew towards us, and we immediately tucked and rolled. Anri managed to deflect one with her shield, Yuria did that fancy draw cut with her katana. I managed to avoid the one aimed at me, but Fire Keeper was hit in the shoulder. She yelped, clutching the wound while hopping backwards, her eyes wide with fear.

I threw another fireball, catching the men in the chest. They staggered back, their blue robes smoldering, but didn't fall over. Their leader, who out of all of them looked the most like a stereotypical wizard, yelled something and launched a blast of energy at us, sending Anri flying across the street. She slammed into the wall of a nearby house, groaning. I caught sight of the wizard, and he was pointing a staff at me. Shards of crystal shot from the tip and headed straight for me. I raised my hands defensively, preparing myself for the impact.

The crystal shards slammed into my breastplate, embedding themselves but not penetrating. I slammed my arm down, shattering them, and pulled my zweihander off my back. Right, these guys were clearly the superior mages, so time to see if they were the squishy kind. I charged forward, swinging the blade at their legs. My blow was easily parried, and I was sent stumbling backwards. I leapt back, putting distance between us, but their leader snarled, and a dozen spheres of magic flew towards me, each one slamming into my defenses and throwing me back across the street.

Anri was crawling to her feet, Yuria already launching a series of attacks against the men, her katana slashing through their armor without any visible effect. I dropped to my knees and cast another fireball, sending the men tumbling back. I rose again, grabbing my sword and charging at their leader. He attempted to use his staff to block me, but I used the momentum of my charge to slash at his wrist, severing the limb. It fell away from him, and I brought the zweihander crashing down onto his head, ending his existence.

“Holy shit,” I heard Anri say, her voice shaky with shock.

I didn’t pay attention, closing my eyes and reaching out with my spirit. I felt the souls of the mages we’d just slain, drifting about listlessly, but still remaining here. My eyes narrowed behind my helmet, and I walked over to the spirit of the leader. It remained still, either thinking I couldn’t see it or not giving me any attention. I put my zweihander back on my back and reached out. My fingers gripped the metaphysical spirit, and he started to struggle.

“Taakva Szarnak, ur ashka shalk!” the spirit bellowed at me in a tongue I didn’t recognize.

I ignored it, I could feel the madness running through it. Closing my eyes, I reached out with the power I’d felt within me and pulled. It broke apart, dissolving into motes of light and fragments that were quickly sucked into me, integrating into my being and my power. Turning to the other spirits, they remained still, floating over their bodies. I walked over to them, and consumed them like I did the leader. They didn’t respond, their minds too far gone to respond when not being directed.

When I finished, I turned back to check on Fire Keeper.  Anri and Yuria were already at her side, bandaging up her injury and giving her some healing potions. As I approached, I asked, “Fire Keeper, you okay?”

“I will live, Ashen One,” she answered through gritted teeth.

I looked at Anri, who nodded, “Her injury has closed, but will remain sore and tender for a time, Ashen One. Also, I gave her two healing potions, which should help with the pain. If things don't improve in the next few days, I would suggest taking her to a healer, though I do not think it's anything more than a bruise at this point.”

With a nod, I looked back at Fire Keeper, who had begun to sit up. She winced as she moved, her hand flying to her bandaged shoulder. I moved to help her stand, but she waved me off, “No need, Ashen One.”

I looked her over as she stood. She looked… mostly recovered, but like Anri had said, she still looked like she was feeling sore. Giving a hum, I walked over to the remains of the lead mage and picked up his staff. It was fancier than the ones that the other mages had been carrying, so I went back to Fire Keeper and held it out for her.

“Here,” I said, as her head lifted towards me. “Use it as a walking stick, we’ll see if it has any effect on your pyromancies later. For now, we should find some shelter, it’s been a long day for all of us.”

There were nods all around, and we started inspecting the buildings for one that looked decent enough to camp in.


I closed my eyes and groaned as I stretched and twisted, my armor having been removed for the first time since I got this body. My back, shoulders, and neck all made a satisfying series of cracks and pops, the slight release of tension like a massage after a long, exhausting day. Letting my arms drop back down, I let out a pleased sigh. I was still a bit stiff, but I felt better.

Taking a look around the room we’d claimed as a rest point, I caught Fire Keeper looking in my direction. She left the bonfire as Yuria knelt next to it and made her way over to me.

“Something the matter?” I asked as she came to a stop next to me.

“No, I merely wished to offer you my aid in relieving your tension, Ashen One,” she said, a small smile on her lips.

“I won’t say no,” I responded with a smile of my own.

Her smile grew, before she sent a small wave of blue flame along the stone floor, clearing away any trace of the scarlet rot that had avoided her initial wave when we arrived. Gesturing to the spot, she said, “Lie down.”

I did so, lying face down on the floor with my chin resting on my hands. There was a rustle of cloth above me, before I felt the warm skin of her feet on my back. Her right foot was on the small of my back, while the other pressed against the middle of my spine, pressing into my lower ribs. It wasn't uncomfortable; quite the opposite really. The heat from her foot kept my muscles relaxed, even as she gave small, aborted jump motions that made my spine sound like the Fourth of July. After only a few moments, however, I began feeling an odd sensation rising along my spine, through my chest, spreading outward across my shoulders. A strange tingling warmth started at my back and spread forward until it reached my head, where it settled between my ears.

“This feels nice,” I commented as I turned my head so I could look up towards Fire Keeper's smiling face. “Thank you.”

She nodded once, then took a step forwards, moving her feet to a different part of my spine. This new position seemed more comfortable than the previous one, though that might have been the fact that my back had already been loosened a little. She gave a quick, pseudo-squat, and my back cracked again. It felt heavenly, especially as the heat that I suspected was a more subtle use of firebending spread and sank into the loosened spots in my spine, making the already relaxing muscles and joints relax even further.

My eyes closed as a wave of contentedness and pure relaxation flowed through me, leaving me feeling completely calm and happy. Any thoughts of pain or worry were pushed aside by the soothing warmth and gentle touch of her toes on my back. Even as they moved about, the slightest twitch of her foot would send waves of pleasure flowing through my body. When she stopped, I sighed deeply and smiled. The problems of Caelid were future me’s problems.

There was another rustle of fabric, but I paid it no mind, until Fire Keeper stepped off my back, her feet on either side of my torso, and said, “Turn over, please.”

I did so, opening my eyes blearily. They shot open as I took in the sight above me. Fire Keeper was still wearing her metal visor, but that was all she was wearing. Her black robes had been removed, leaving her exposed to my gaze as well as Yuria and Anri’s, should either of them care to look in our direction. She looked amazing, with creamy skin, a flat stomach, and firm breasts. She seemed to… glow in the light of the nearby bonfire.

“Fire Keeper?” I asked, swallowing down the lump forming in my throat.

“Yes? Is something wrong, Ashen One?” she asked, her voice light, but I could hear a hint of nervousness in it.

“You… you do know that I didn’t purchase any of the sex related skills or powers, right?” I asked as she knelt down, her knees on either side of my chest and her core resting against my waist. “I won’t be as good as the previous Contractor you were with.”

She smiled down at me, before leaning in and giving a gentle kiss on my lips. I returned it, closing my eyes for a moment, letting myself get lost in her soft lips. My arms slid out behind her legs, wrapping around her hips and pulling her closer to me. We broke apart after a couple of seconds, both breathing heavily.

“Do not worry, Ashen One,” she said with a smile. “You will actually be the first man I have been with.”

I blinked several times, before saying, “Either your previous Contractor was the biggest idiot in every iteration of Creation ever, or my assumption about their gender was wildly off base.”

She giggled, the action drawing my eyes to the lovely pair of breasts above me, and answered, “Truthfully it was both, Ashen One. While yes, my previous Contractor was a woman, she was also not particularly intelligent either. The details do not matter, so do not concern yourself with them, Ashen One. I offered to relieve your tension, and that is exactly what I am going to do.”

That last bit had me opening my mouth to argue, but she cut me off before I could speak. Leaning down, her breasts pressing flat against my chest, she whispered into my ear,  “I can feel how tense you are, and it makes me want to make this very enjoyable for you. Please, let me do this for you, Ashen One.”

She leaned back up, one hand on my shoulder as the other reached back to undo my belt. I considered for a moment, before nodding. Her smile lit up her face, and she eagerly fished my dick out of my pants before crawling backwards, her wet slit sliding along my rapidly hardening length.

Despite my expectations, she didn’t immediately line me up with her slit. Instead, she started grinding, rubbing the bottom of my shaft against her pussy, the outer lips parting as she did so. After a minute or two of this, just as I felt myself nearing the point of no return, she stopped. I looked up at Fire Keeper, half concerned and half indignant, only for my eyes to nearly pop out of my skull as she reached up and took off her metal visor.

Pale blue eyes gazed down at me, fondness and affection all but blazing in them as they shined and sparkled like the ocean waves. I could easily get lost in those eyes, and that was why I didn’t notice Fire Keeper impaling herself on me until I was about halfway inside her wet heat. That sudden intrusion caused us to grunt together, and then I was buried deep within her warm, tight tunnel.

The sensation was incredible, and I moaned loudly as she began moving slowly up and down. I was already close to the edge, so it wasn’t long before I came, filling Fire Keeper's insides with my seed. It was embarrassing, cumming so quickly, but I couldn’t help it; she was amazing, and it wasn’t like I had much in the way of experience or magical sex skills.

When I finished shooting inside her, I laid there gasping and panting, catching my breath. Fire Keeper continued to smile down at me, a rather concerning gleam in her eye, before she said, “Now that you have finished getting that out of the way, we can start for real. You are going to shoot your seed deep inside me, maybe I’ll get pregnant? Would that please you, Ashen One? Seeing my stomach grow heavy with child, knowing that it was your seed that did it? Or would you prefer my rear? Do you wish to see my little asshole stretched wide as you fuck it?”

…I’m in heaven.


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