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I grinned at the man in front of me, the delusional gangster broken and beaten, as I kicked back on my makeshift throne. The other capes in the gang had been dealt with, either recruited, captured, or killed, leaving the dumbass that had been “in charge” of this rabid band of idiots. I scoffed at his delusions of grandeur and significance, before standing up and sauntering down the steps.

“So, you’re the bum I’m kicking to the curb,” I drawled as I walked around the worthless excuse for a person. I flicked the end of the knife that had embedded itself in the back of his shoulder, making him whimper in pain. “Really, it’s amazing that you lasted as long as you did. I suppose you and your ilk simply weren’t worth the trouble of exterminating. Well that’s over now.”

I stood and walked over to my throne, before grabbing the red block on the arm that unfolded into a chunky pistol, whirled around, and shot him in the head. Within the Executioner pistol, tiny fields of fluctuating gravity carved off a tiny piece of metal from the block that formed its ammo. That piece was pulled into the chamber, where cycling fields accelerated it to speeds far beyond what any conventional technology was capable of. It flew through the air, the sheer friction causing the air around the projectile to ignite, before it met its target with such speed that, even being the size of a grain of sand, it carried enough force to cause the entire head to explode in a cloud of charred gore and viscera.

Lifting the pistol and removing my finger from the trigger, I grinned at it even as vents along the top opened and began emitting waves of heat that caused the ambient moisture to turn into steam. Opening up a pouch on my belt, I pressed a lever on the side of my pistol, causing the top to open up and a red hot cylinder to pop free. Catching it with the glove I’d made at the same time, I slipped the overheated thermal clip into the pouch filled with coolant before sliding a new one in.

“Fredrick, would you mind getting rid of that piece of trash?” I asked/ordered the henchman. As he dragged Skidmark’s cooling corpse out of the room, I turned my attention to the much more physically appealing individuals in the room. “Reports? How’s the integration coming along?”

“Put out some feelers among the local mercs and runners,” a woman with the left side of her face shaved, a leather jacket, and metal lines under her eyes answered first. “The most well known and with the best track record are a crew led by a woman called Faultline. She also owns and runs a club, with a strict policy about not accepting work in the city.”

“Got the local net completely locked down, and from what I’ve seen none of the locals are hackers worth the name. The only challenge would be the Canadian girlfriend of the head of the local heroes, but I’ve outhacked omnics before,” a latin woman said as she tapped some buttons on the purple holographic interface over her arm. “As a side note, this omnitool is the best gift I’ve ever gotten, amigo.”

I chuckled, even as the tallest person in the room continued, “Needed to bust some heads, but the lieutenants all know what’s what and who’s in charge now. They’ve already mostly fallen in line, the last will too once they hear this drongo’s bit it.”

Turning to the last member of my retinue, I leaned forward ever so slightly, and sure enough, she didn’t disappoint, “The blonde ya grabbed’s almost done with the detox, and I’m almost done gettin’ some chemtech upgrades for everyone. I’m holdin’ off on making hextech for the moment, until after I’ve got something made for everyone.”

“Remind me later to see if we can combine shimmer with eezo,” I said as I sat down on my throne. I was really curious about the potential in combining eezo with both chemtech and hextech, along with getting a chance to examine local tinkertech, but for the moment I needed to focus on consolidating my power base. “How’s the shimmer stocks by the way?”

“A new pallet each of refined shimmer and the flowers it’s refined from arrived just before this meeting, if we’re going to start selling it as a drug like Silco did, then…” I held up a hand to cut off Jinx.

“No, shimmer’s too potent,” I explained. “If I’m going to be making our limited resources into a basic drug, it’ll be turning eezo into red sand.”

Standing up, I clapped my hands together, a wide grin on my face. All four girls perked up and I took them in. V, my street samurai and edgerunner. Sombra, stealth expert and hacker. Dez, better known as the Junker Queen, the one making sure my soon to be kingdom would actually function. Jinx, the crazy tech expert who had figured out two forms of magitech almost entirely on her own. Finally, myself, with a souped up version of Commander Shepard for my new body.

Pushing my mental musings aside, I focused on the task at hand, “V, put out subtle rumors about a drug that can boost powers. I’m sure we’ll get some bites sooner or later. Sombra, shore up our E-War defenses, use everything except large scale viruses. Dez, keep your ear to the ground and continue to network. Jinx, let me know the instant Squealer wakes up, I want to see how the bracelet is affecting her.”

There were nods, and the four split up. Nodding myself, I made my way to a wall and willed open a portal. Jinx joined me as I walked through, heading to the closest thing the pocket dimension had to a medical facility. Out of all of us, she was the only one with any prior experience with shimmer, so she was serving as the one looking over Squealer as she served as guinea pig.

I didn’t follow her, instead I made my way to one of the multiple workshops in the dimension. I needed to get my tech improved as quickly as possible. We arrived in Earth Bet two days ago, which gave me five to get myself kitted out before the first son of a bitch would show up. I was a little annoyed that my contract with The Company required my taking part in forced ladder promotions, but apparently The Company’s rivals had been getting bolder, so they wanted to get their field agents used to fighting against people who didn’t conform to the power structure of any single world.

Thus, the previously optional PvP mode having been made mandatory. Stepping into my workshop, I grabbed the safety gear and put it on before making my way over to the fabricators. With a roll of my neck, I got to work. My particular version of Shep had been a military combat engineer, which meant a lot more than one might think. Given the wide range of environments that an Alliance soldier could expect to be deployed to, while also dealing with the tech developed by multiple species, any engineer who made it to the N rank, let alone full N7, could jury rig damn near anything in the field.

The catch was that this training was broad rather than deep. A jack of all trades in regards to tech, as it was. Of all my retinue, Dez was the only one who I was sure didn’t have me beat in their field. Still, I came with enough blueprints in my omnitool that I was able to make a lot of different pieces of tech. My main focus right now was on armor, getting something put together to keep my meat where it belonged, and then working with V and Jinx to combine our respective tech bases for something better than any of us could make alone.


“Boss, blondie’s awake,” Jinx’s voice came through my earpiece, making me pause in my project and shut down the soldering gun I was using.

Holding up the arm my omnitool was on, I told her, “I’ll be right there.”

Shutting down then putting the equipment away, I removed the safety gear and about twenty minutes after Jinx told me that Squealer was up, I was leaving my workshop. As I approached the room where Squealer was being held, I noticed that the door was open slightly. When I opened the door fully, I saw Squealer sitting upright in the center of the cell, wearing a white shirt and scrub pants, both of which looked like they'd just come off a rack. Her hair was still short and blonde, but it seemed much healthier than when I last saw her, even if it was styled differently.

She turned to look at me, blinking slowly as she tried to figure out who I was. There was a clarity to her eyes that hadn't been there when we captured her and pulled her out of the monster-tank she'd been driving. The detox we'd put her through to flush out all the drugs in her system had apparently been more effective than I'd anticipated.

“Who are you? What happened?” she asked me, her hand rubbing along the inside of her elbow.

“Pretty soon the PRT will hear that the Merchants had a change in management,” I said bluntly, crossing my arms over my chest and drawing her gaze to my muscles. “I’m that new management. You can call me Shep, Junker King, or Boss.”

“Wha? What about…” she began.

“Skidmark’s dead. I put a bullet in his skull,” I interrupted her. It wasn't hard to do since she was staring at me blankly. “He's gone. And your name isn't going to be Squealer anymore. Take some time, give it some thought, but you will have a new name.”

Squealer stared at me for another minute, looking me up and down once again before saying, “You... you're the one who smashed my truck?”

“I'm the one who pulled you out of that rust bucket, my right hand's the one who took an ax to it,” I said with a half shrug, before turning to Jinx. “She’s clean now, right?”

Jinx gave a thumbs up and a grin as she said, “Yup! The sip of Shimmer cleared out everything V’s stims didn’t.”

“Good girl,” I told her as I reached out and ruffled her hair. “Go ahead and finish up with the chemtech gear. I’m going to properly welcome our new member.”

“Have fun~,” Jinx singsonged as she left the room, leaving me alone with the vehicle tinker.

I turned my gaze to the blonde woman in clean, sanitary white clothes. I couldn't help but notice how cute she looked, especially considering what she must've been through while under the influence of whatever drugs she was on. Almost certainly thanks to the Universal Calibration perk I’d made sure to get. That was going to make this next part easier. I didn't have the time to wait the full week for the binding to finish, but I had the perks needed to shorten that. All it took was a little rape.

“So,” I started as I walked towards the bed, “this is going to suck for you at first, but by the end you'll be thanking me for it.”

I grabbed the collar of the shirt she was wearing and tore it off her, exposing her huge breasts. They were perfect; round, firm, and perky. My mouth watered at the sight of them and I felt myself getting harder already. Taking advantage of the momentary distraction, I unzipped my pants and let my cock spring free. I was at half mast, but already five inches long. At full size I was nearly ten.

It was only at this point that she reacted, shocked into inaction when I exposed her tits. After a few moments of shock, she managed to speak.

“What are you doing?!” she shouted, struggling against my grip.

“Relax, I won't hurt you,” I soothed her. “Just relax and enjoy it. This might not seem like it now, but trust me, you'll love every second of it.”

With that, I leaned forward until my lips touched hers. Her body jerked back in surprise, but I held tight to her wrists, keeping her pinned in place. When her eyes widened in fear I smiled at her, enjoying the way they darted from side to side nervously.

“Don't worry, you'll get used to it eventually. Now, kiss me,” I ordered, giving her no other option but compliance.

Her mouth opened slightly as she hesitated, clearly nervous even though she knew exactly what I wanted. I waited patiently as she slowly brought herself closer to mine, hesitantly pressing their lips together. She seemed surprisingly well behaved. Then again, maybe she was just scared.

After several seconds of hesitation, she finally pressed her lips more firmly against mine, allowing me to slip my tongue between her soft, pink lips. As we kissed I slipped two fingers underneath her scrubs and panties, feeling the warm skin of her ass and hips beneath the fabric.

My fingers danced, each and every touch sending a trail of fire through her. After a few minutes, I pulled my hand out from under her pants and pushed them down. My lures were doing their job, a magic touch and beating her in a fight making me far more attractive to her than anyone she’d have ever met before.

With the path cleared, I took myself in hand and slammed into her. She gasped, only now breaking the kiss, and looked down, her eyes wide.


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