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Fingers dug into her head, threading through her hair as it felt like liquid lust was flowing through her veins. Her breath came out in hot, heavy pants, a pink foggy haze clouded her vision. She’d managed to sequester herself away when whatever curse this was first struck her, but she was beginning to feel that if she didn’t relieve this supernatural lust soon, she’d either go insane or break her isolation and fuck someone until she physically no longer could.

The latter sounded really good right now, finding a young man with a nice thick cock, sucking it, feeling it open up her pale pussy, wringing every last drop from his body… Vampirella shook her head, forcing back the lust fueled haze again. It was getting harder and harder to control herself, and masturbating had stopped working after the first day. If something didn’t change soon…

The door to her crypt slammed open, pulling the voluptuous vampiress from her musings. Standing there, wooden stake in hand, was a certain blonde vampire hunter. Vampirella considered her situation, she was alone with a supernaturally empowered human who had a decent track record against the soulless breed of vampire while she herself had been subjected to a lust curse for the last week. Her eyes ran up and down the blonde Slayer’s form as the human said something, before shrugging. It wasn’t a big dicked hunk, but a blonde bombshell would do just fine.

The Slayer, she’d have to be sure to ask her name once they started, walked through the halls of Vampirella’s crypt. Her eyes scanned every room she walked through, but she made one crucial mistake: she didn’t look up. Humans almost never did, something that had helped her on more than one occasion. Deciding to play with the Slayer, Vampirella removed one of her boots and threw it to a far corner.

Her prey, much like she expected, whirled around to face the source of the unexpected noise. Slowly, she made her way over to the dark corner, when Vampirella threw her other boot at the opposite corner. A predatory, hungry grin stretched across her face as the Slayer took the bait, her eyes dancing across the interior of the crypt. With nimble fingers, Vampirella took off her collared one piece, waited until her delectable meal was directly under her, before dropping it.

As planned, the last piece of Vampirella’s clothing landed on top of the Slayer’s head, mussing up her hair and thoroughly ruining her awareness of her surroundings. Grin stretching wide, Vampirella moved from where she’d been hiding on the ceiling, behind one of the pillars along the back wall, as the Slayer pulled the skimpy garment off her and looked at it.

“What the hell?” the human woman asked, before looking up for the first time since she entered the crypt.

While this little game of cat and mouse would have been fun on its own, Vampirella’s current state added a whole new layer to it. Her core was slick with her arousal, her nipples firm and erect, and her clit was throbbing with need. She couldn’t remember the last time she was this horny, even ignoring the lust curse on her. The Slayer was beautiful, with her perfect ass, perky tits, and a gorgeous, youthful face. But most importantly, despite her prowess against the soulless, she was a vulnerable target, one that would be so easy to gobble up.

Vampirella licked her lips as she watched the Slayer look down at the clothes, before picking them up. After a moment, the blonde tossed them aside with a muttered, “I’ve seen street walkers more modestly dressed.”

Hearing those words, Vampirella’s smile managed to stretch wider, a hint of annoyance breaking past the lust suffusing her. The Slayer turned around, lifting up her stake, and started moving towards the stone sarcophagus in the middle of the room. With her free hand, the Slayer threw the lid off, lifting up her stake and preparing to drive it down into the body of her “helpless prey” only to pause as she took in the interior.

“Stairs?” the Slayer asked, incredulously before letting out a sigh and stepping over the side and starting to descend. A muttered line reached Vampirella as the blonde went further down, “This is going to take up the rest of my Friday night, isn’t it?”

Vampirella chuckled lightly to herself. Teasing this Slayer was proving to be the most fun she’d had since she led Conrad on a merry chase through the Parisian Catacombs twenty years ago! But this was certainly going to have a much more… pleasurable climax than that did. With utter silence, Vampirella made her way to the sarcophagus and followed the Slayer down to her bedroom.

The decor was more of the same, stone walls with the light fixtures looking like something out of a castle dungeon. The center of the room was dominated by a king sized bed, with crimson, silk sheets and a wooden trunk at the foot of it. The Slayer carefully opened the trunk, before jerking back in surprise.

“Seriously? What self respecting vampire has Adam West Batman pajamas?!” the Slayer all but shouted incredulously.

This time, Vampirella didn’t bother restraining her laughter. She’d had those for around thirty years at this point, and the stylized, comic book sound effect images on them still made her giggle. Shaking her head, Vampirella looked at the Slayer, the blonde girl now facing her, stake held up and her eyes wide. The stake in her hand shook, a pink tongue traced her lips, hazel eyes traced Vampirella’s naked form, a delicate neck throbbed as she swallowed, all in all she was looking even more delicious now than she had before.

“W-well,” the Slayer forced herself to say, Vampirella’s choice of dress knocking her off her game. “I thought vampires were, uh… slutty before?”

“Shall we skip the part where we fight and get to the fun part?” Vampirella asked as she strutted into the room, ignoring the discombobulated words of the Slayer.

That seemed to refocus the Slayer, her grip on her stake firmed as she launched herself at Vampirella, who easily moved out of the way, coming to a stop on the opposite side of the blonde. She turned around, thrusting the stake at Vampirella, who twisted her torso to avoid the strike, chiding the Slayer, “Slow.”

The grip on the stake shifted, attempting to turn the thrust into a downward stab, but Vampirella twisted in the opposite direction, not moving anything below her stomach, “Sloppy.”

This time, the Slayer didn’t try to use the stake, instead rushing forwards in an attempt to drive her elbow into the vampire’s face. A single finger pushed against the extended limb, sending her into an uncontrolled spin, “Sad.”

The Slayer’s free hand landed on the floor, a single leg, clad in jeans so tight they looked painted on, lashed out. Vampirella ducked under the kick, moving to stand at the Slayer’s back, her hand lashing out for the first strike the entire fight.


There was a yelp as the Slayer threw herself away from Vampirella, coming to her feet and her free hand against her ass where she’d been slapped. Vampirella grinned, letting all the lust she was feeling show on her face, “You have a very nice derriere, darling. Nice and spankable. My compliments to your workout routine.”

A flush of red graced the Slayer’s cheeks, as her eyes narrowed in a glare. With a growl, the Slayer leapt forwards, point of the stake leading. Again, Vampirella smoothly moved to the side. Again, Vampirella reached out with a hand. There was the sound of tearing fabric, and what felt like a cool breeze passed over the Slayer’s torso. The young woman glanced down, her blush spreading past her cheeks to encompass the whole of her face as she saw that her shirt had been ripped off of her.

“As I suspected, your core is just as delightful as your glutes,” Vampirella mused as she admired the smooth belly and toned back of the Slayer, before her eyes rose up to the bountiful breasts restrained by a sports bra, two suspicious points just barely visible. “Shall we peel those pants off, or free your breasts next?”

The Slayer let out a scream of rage, her free hand coming up to cover her breasts, even as she lashed out with anger and embarrassment fueled speed. Vampirella continued to dodge, letting the Slayer throw herself fruitlessly at the older woman, before she said, “Pants it is then, a lovely choice, darling.”

This time, there was no sound of tearing fabric, as Vampirella reached out, nails growing into claws, as she parted the threads holding the two halves of the Slayer’s jeans together. The front and back flopped about as the Slayer tried to back away, a leather belt being the only thing holding her pants up. A swipe of a hand, and the leather parted just as easily as the now ruined jeans fell to the floor, tangling up the Slayer’s feet and sending her to the ground.

Her hands flew out, the stake flying from her grasp but preventing her face from smashing against the stone floor, and there was a brief flow of air along her back before the pressure on her chest vanished, her breasts falling free as her sports bra was cut. Before she could react, her feet were pulled out, and her boots were taken off her feet.

“High heel boots, when going against a vampire like me?” Vampirella made a tutting sound as she took in the almost completely naked form of the Slayer, a pair of knee high socks and baby blue panties being all the clothes that remained on her. “I appreciate the desire to look one’s best and to accentuate your femininity, but there’s a limit if you are not going to incorporate it into your standard approach, darling. Especially when, Slayer or not, you are still just human.”

The Slayer looked over her shoulder at Vampirella, before scrambling to her feet and running for the stairs. Vampirella admired the way the Slayer’s muscles moved and flexed under her skin, particularly the meat of her ass, allowing the blonde to reach the midway point of the stairs before she moved.

There was a muffled shriek as Vampirella captured the Slayer’s lips in a kiss, her right hand cupping a full breast while her left slid under the Slayer’s panties, tracing her damp slit. Vimpirella’s tongue reached out to run along the Slayer’s lips, even as her fingers teased her womanhood, stroking and prodding but not entering. A reluctant moan filled the stairwell, before the lower hand slid further down and lifted up, causing the Slayer’s feet to leave the ground. Moments before both were back in the bedroom, the door slamming shut with a kick.

Like the other articles of clothing before it, the baby blue panties were swiftly torn off as Vampirella spun the Slayer around. Face to face, Vampirella gazed down into the confused, frightened, and aroused eyes of her “foe” before leaning in and capturing her full lips in another searing kiss. Her hand reached down, finger tracing her slit and pressing the heel of her palm into the Slayer’s clit, making the blonde moan into the vampire’s hungry mouth.

Fingers probed, explored, and danced along and within the Slayer’s womanhood. Until, mere minutes later, she screamed into Vampirella’s mouth as the older woman drove her to climax. Her toes curled in her socks and her back arched, her head flying back and breaking the kiss as her hair hung down. Vampirella pulled her arm up from the fluttering core, sliding along her side, leaving a wet trail of femininity, until she had both hands cupping the Slayer’s head.

She leaned in, the lust within her drowning out the hunger for blood, and licked a trail from the valley between the Slayer’s breasts, up her neck, along the underside of her jaw to her chin. Staring down at the hazy eyes, there was only one thing that needed to be said.




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