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[quote][center]Congratulations! You have earned 100 points for the Celestial Forge: Drengr Edition!

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Category: Magitech Database


Perk: Research Notes

[quote]A tome of notes compiled by numerous doctors in biology, including one Doctor Frankenstein. These notes detail much about biological make-up of different creatures. But... wait, what's this? A hidden flap in the last half of the tome reveals a smaller book - filled to the brim with dark, scientific knowledge.[/quote]

Unfortunately, you lack the points for this perk. Try again at dawn.

Thank you for participating in the Celestial Forge: Drengr Edition![/center][/quote]

I stared at the floating screen in front of me. I’d been living on Azeroth for over twenty years at this point, having been reborn in the middle of the Second War, and this was the first time I’d seen anything even remotely like this. There hadn’t been any indication I’d been given some sort of cheat power, so I assumed that I hadn’t gotten one and turned towards becoming the closest thing that Azeroth had to a proper drengr.

I’d studied every form of crafting I’d been able to get my grubby little mitts on, not focusing on any one in particular. Engineering, enchanting, alchemy, jewelcrafting, even studying the scrimshaw that murlocs used! But more than that, I’d devised new ideas and abilities by combining the different disciplines. The subtle magics woven into items when a sufficiently skilled crafter poured his heart and soul into his creations were in many respects far more powerful than the flashy spells slung about by mages or warlocks.

I eventually waved it away, the screen disappearing as my hand passed through it. I had more important things to worry about. With a growl of frustration, I opened up a trunk containing a project I’d finished last month. The interior was woven with compression enchantments, turning into a ‘trunk of holding’, and I started pulling out the different pieces of armor out of it.

Immediately, I started donning the armor. It was as close to indestructible as I could make it, and the product of my personal experiments on saronite. As soon as I had the armor in place, I grabbed the accompanying greatsword, Truth, and raced out. Hopefully I wasn’t too late.

Thankfully, the ship that Proudmoore was taking hadn’t set off yet. Her blonde hair standing on the bow made it clear which ship was being used, and I quickly joined the other adventurers boarding. It was true what I’d said the day before: I hadn’t talked to Sally or Kylie in over a decade, but that didn’t mean that I wanted them to die.

I slipped into line behind a dwarf woman patting the side of a white furred wolf, a blue haired gnome sitting on the wolf’s back. I spotted Diz’die already on the ship, and Sami was bouncing around near where Proudmoore was. There was a tauren woman, who looked like a druid, over by the far railing, leaning on it and staring out at the far end of the bay. As soon as I boarded, I made my way downstairs, past a lithe yet muscular blood elf flipping through the pages of a book.

Her eyes glanced up briefly as I walked past, and I quickly found myself a room for the duration of the trip. I’d pull out some of my notes, and focus on my notes of something I’d pulled up from a dig. I hadn’t been to this particular dig in a little over two years, but if my understanding was correct, with my recent breakthrough in rune magic, I could probably turn it into a gift for Daz’die, something to show that there weren’t any hard feelings.

“Where’d you find that?” a voice asked in Thalassian, derailing my plans. I glanced up, seeing the tiny, leather clad blood elf I’d noticed earlier. Her brown hair was done up in a ponytail, and her piercing gaze was locked on the pendant I was wearing over my armor.

It was something that I’d found while on an archaeological dig in the Arathi Highlands, a prayer pendant from some of the earliest days of Light worship, when the faith worshiped an actual god. The family I’d been born into were some of the only nobles in Lordaeron who’d still practiced that particular interpretation. It featured an angel holding a bident, and it was a reminder of simpler times, before Lordaeron fell.

Still, I was asked a question, so I answered, slowly, “Dig. In Arathi.” My Thalassian was rusty, so sue me.

She looked up to meet my gaze, cocking an eyebrow before straightening up and holding out her hand, “Mellia Skyblade.”

“Seru. Inquisitor,” I answered, giving a fake name as I shook her hand. I didn’t want Proudmoore to find out I was here and think I was a spy for the Scarlet Crusade that managed to slip through.

She glanced at my notes and perked up, “Are you studying the fossil site in Terror Wing Path? I haven’t been there in years, I’m personally more interested in archaeology and historical architectural trends than paleontology, but there’s still a lot of crossover in the field.”

I blinked behind my helmet. Two days, and I’d stumbled across three women who I shared passions with. I was starting to wonder if someone was trying to tell me something. Regardless, I wasn’t going to pass up the chance to have a nerd out with someone, “Savage Coast, Stranglethorn. Early raptors. Long term project.”

Mellia looked up at my helmet with a bit of a frown, “You’re awfully reserved, I can leave, if I’m bothering you.”

I shook my head, and patted the bed next to me. Watching her move as she sat down, I concluded that she was probably a rogue. I didn’t see any daggers on her, but that meant jack shit, it was the way she moved. Light of foot, graceful, nimble, everything I associated with how rogues moved.

“Tea too hot,” I told her, hesitant to tell her I’m human. “Throat still burns.”

I’d taken jobs from members of the Horde in the past, but on a small ship I wanted to risk as few issues as possible. Especially with someone who probably had more daggers hidden on her than I had projects I was working on.

“Sorry about that, I can pass a message to Lanny, see if she has something for it?” Mellina offered. Seeing my look of confusion, she explained, “She’s the ship’s cook, I met her about a decade ago, her uncle taught me pretty much everything I know.”

“No need,” I said, turning my focus back to the notes in front of me.

“You still seem pretty tense. How about a massage? I’m told my massages are to die for.”

Before I could answer, her hand had reached out and plucked my notebook from my hand and set it aside. Then in a blink, she was behind me, her fingers slipping under the plates of my armor and pressing on my skin through the chain under it. Despite everything, my muscles relaxed where she pressed, and I was surprised. My surprise was the reason I wasn’t able to react before she pulled my helmet off, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

“Oh, sorry,” Mellina said in Quel’Thalas accented Eastron, “should have said you were human.”

I sighed and stood up, “I’m not officially part of the Alliance, but I figured it would be better to avoid any problems. Speaking plainly, I’m a little concerned about Proudmoore.”

“As am I,” she agreed as she stood up and moved to stand in front of me. “I am… concerned that she’s showing similarities to Kael’thas. The princess of Quel’Thalas was an accomplished mage, but Lady Proudmoore is on an entirely different level.”

That was another reminder that this version of Azeroth wasn’t the one I saw in my first life. Arthas and Kael’thas were women, Jaina Proudmoore was more aggressive than Varian Wrynn, and who knows what else.

“That’s one of the reasons I’m here,” I told Mellina. “To keep an eye on her in case she goes too far.”

Mellina looked up at me, before nodding to herself, and reaching out to pinch the back of my neck. Immediately, my body froze. What the hell? How’d a pinch paralyze… it hit me as she took my armor off my unresponsive form. I’d just thought the words ‘who knows what else’ for Pete’s sake! Mellina wasn’t a rogue, she was a flipping monk.

“I know it’s rude, but I was talking to some friends, and you match the description of a cute guy they had a threesome with, and, well… you’re both really tense and it’s been a while since I’ve had an opportunity to drain some mana,” Melinna explained as she pulled my pants down and pressed a few spots on my groin, giving me the fastest erection I’d gotten in my life.

With a quiet ‘hup’, I had a pair of legs wrapped around my head, her ankles hooked against the back of my neck. I then felt a hot, wet mouth wrapping itself around my cock, sucking me off without so much as a second thought or hesitation. At the same time, I felt a slight tug within me, behind my navel. The tug turned into a reluctant feeling stream, down my torso, through my groin, into her mouth.

She let out a surprised noise as the first reached her, but quickly got over it and started bobbing her head faster and faster. It was amazing; her lips were so soft and warm, and her tongue seemed to be everywhere at once. As if that wasn’t enough, she also seemed to have perfect rhythm and timing, keeping me hard and ready by pulling on me every now and again with her teeth, or licking the underside of my shaft. I wanted… I needed to return the favor.

My hands were still unresponsive, but I was able to lean my head forwards, trying pointlessly to reach her core. Her legs tightened their grip, holding me in place as she made a muffled tsking sound, the vibrations going through my dick. Her head slid off my length, and she spoke, her voice sounding like she had just eaten an entire jaw of peanut butter.

“By the Sunwell, you’re mana’s thick. It was like trying to drink melted taffy,” she exclaimed. Her posture shifted, and she continued, “I know guys love cumming in a girl’s mouth, but I’m not willing to do that. The taste is bad enough, but the texture’s the worst. So, with that taken care of…”

Her hips pivoted, and I let out a yelp as my body went flying onto the bed, still unresponsive. The whole thing was far hotter than it had any right to be. I’m beginning to think I have a thing for women who can throw me around. I managed to land in such a way that I could watch her undress. Her leather jerkin was undone and tossed aside, revealing petite breasts on her athletic frame. She wasn’t visibly muscular in the way that Daz’die had been, more of a swimmer’s build. She was also covered in freckles. Across her shoulders, over her breasts, down her arms, pretty much everywhere except her face.

She pushed her pants down, and I was surprised to see a dick pop up as the leather slid down her legs. There hadn’t been an outline in her pants, but given how widespread magic was that didn’t really mean much. She wasn’t as big as me, not anymore, but she was a little bit longer than I’d been before I was shot up by a certain goblin priestess.

“Been a while since I got to do this,” she muttered. “Lanny’s been really busy. You’re not as fluffy as her, but you look like a treat in a different way.”

Mellina reached over, grabbing my ankle and dragging me to the edge of the bed. She rolled me onto my front, leaning against me so her chest was flush against my back. I felt the head of her dick come to a rest against my asshole when she froze.

“Dammit, I always do this,” she whispered to herself. Her body shifted, and her head popped into my field of view as she met my gaze. “Blink once for ‘keep going’, twice for ‘stop’, three times for ‘get away from me you crazy woman’.”

I locked eyes with her, and deliberately gave a single blink. She gave a megawatt grin and climbed back down to resume her previous position.


Mellina smiled as she guided her member to Peter Emile’s butthole. She was glad she’d been right, after Daz’die had told her the story at the tavern last night, she’d figured that he sounded like a human who just might be up for a roll in the sheets. Even better, he wasn’t like the other prudish human men she’d been with. They’d all freaked out upon seeing her scepter, as Lanny liked to call it, and run off. Still, she might have gotten a little carried away after draining some of his mana.

Bracing her hips, Mellina grit her teeth as she began to push into the cute ass in front of her. The tight ring of muscle resisted for several moments before yielding slightly beneath her thrusting cock. Mellina groaned in pleasure as she pushed deeper, feeling her shaft sink between his cheeks until it hit bottom. It took several more strokes, but eventually her dick sunk into his hole completely.

“Ahh…” Melina moaned as she pulled back, only to push forward again. Her pelvis slapped against his ass, eliciting another moan from him. His body quivered underneath her as she continued to pound him into the mattress. With each stroke, her balls smacked his thighs hard enough to leave bruises on them. He couldn't help but squeal when they did so.

His butt was no longer soft and warm now; it felt hot and slick. Every time Mellina shoved herself inside him, his ass would tighten around her shaft, squeezing tightly as if trying to pull her deep inside. Each time this would happen, her eyes watered as she tried to focus on what she was doing rather than the sensation of filling an ass.

“You're really tight,” she gasped as she began to pick up speed. “I think I'm gonna cum soon.”

She could feel her orgasm rising within her, threatening to overwhelm her. She knew there was no way she could hold back much longer, not when the sensation of having her cock stuffed inside his ass made her head spin. Her fingers dug into Peter's fleshy rear end, pulling his skin taut as she slammed forward. The sensation of his ass around her shaft, like something alive sucking her dick, sent waves of ecstasy through her entire being. She let go then, letting her mind drift while focusing solely on how good it felt sliding into that perfect hole. As she fucked him harder, Peter came first, screaming loudly as he shot his seed directly onto the bed. Mellina wasn't there yet, her climax still in the process of building. That didn't stop her though, she wanted every bit of it. She wanted to fill this young man full of cum and then do it over and over again.

For a few long minutes she kept pounding away at his asshole, shooting rope after thick rope of semen down its gullet. Finally, her own orgasm peaked. She screamed out loud, pumping one final time inside that tight orifice. The first shot went straight towards his prostate, making him scream even louder as it triggered his own release. Cum gushed from his anus,splashing across his thighs as well as coating Mellina's throbbing rod. When she finished cumming, she withdrew from his ass and collapsed beside him, panting heavily. Their bodies were covered in sweat by the time she finally caught her breath enough to reach over and pinch the nerve clusters to end his paralysis.

He collapsed, bonelessly, onto the bed, barely dragging his lower half up and flopping onto his back. His head lolled to the side to look at her, and he said, “I don’t remember the last time it felt that good.”

Mellina smiled, happy that he enjoyed it. She rolled over, slinging her leg over his waist to straddle him. She’d been in his, now it was his turn to be inside her. Reaching down, she rubbed at his still hard cock. Much as she enjoyed the feeling of a big hard dick inside her, she was glad that her own shaft wasn’t as big as his. It had to be close to a foot long, and twice as thick as her own!

Lifting her hips, Mellina placed the tip at the entrance of her pussy before grabbing his wrists and dragging his hands to palm her breasts. They weren’t large, big A cups, but the shape and firmness suited her perfectly. His thumbs grazed lightly over her nipples before pressing firmly downward, pinching them gently. A sharp gasp escaped Mellina as she arched her neck backward, giving him better access to both her tits.

Peter leaned up, kissing her lips softly with little nibbles along the edges. “God you taste good,” he murmured huskily as his tongue traced patterns along her jaw.

Her arms wrapped around his shoulders and pulled him tighter against her chest. Gasping as he wrapped his mouth around her nipple, she moaned loudly, buckling her knees slightly until she found purchase once more. Then, she lowered her hips, allowing his cock to enter her. She pushed slowly, enjoying the sensations coursing throughout her loins. She hadn't ever taken such a large shaft, outside of Lanny's toys, but it did nothing to detract from the pleasure she'd experienced thus far. Instead, each thrust caused another wave of euphoria to wash over her body. With a moan of satisfaction, she sat atop his lap, impaling herself fully upon his stiff prick. He groaned appreciatively at her action, running his hand through her hair as they continued to fuck.

His movements grew rougher and faster; slapping wet sounds echoed off the walls. Her breasts bounced freely under his touch, sending pleasant shivers of delight through her frame. After several minutes of fucking, she slowed things down for a moment, looking deep into his eyes. His face bore an expression of lustful passion mixed with tenderness. Even so, she couldn't help but laugh aloud. It was silly, but his blunt ears looked funny.

“Something, ahh, funny?” he asked.

Mellina leaned down, laying her body over him and planted a kiss against his chest, before she said, “It’s your ears. I haven’t done this with a human before.”

“Well, glad my tiny human ears amuse you, my lady,” Peter said with a teasing note.

She giggled and began riding him again. This time, however, there was no longer any pretense about how rough things got between them. Within moments, he grunted deeply while filling her cunt with hot seed. She moaned at the sensation, tightening her inner muscles around his cock as her climax took hold. Waves of bliss washed over her as she came repeatedly on top of him, her own cock shooting strands of white along his torso. She fell forward, resting her weight on his chest and sighing contently.

“That… was…”

“Good?” Peter offered hopefully.

“Fuck yes!” They laughed together then, sharing some kind of private joke only two people who just fucked could share. She raised her head, asking, “Mind if we share the bed? I really don’t want to get up right now.”

“Sure,” he said with a smile.

Mellina returned the smile and pulled the sheets up over them, keeping his dick inside her womanhood. Where it belonged.


[quote][center]Congratulations! You have earned 200 points for the Celestial Forge: Drengr Edition!

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Category: Quality - Durability


Perk: Reliable Invention

[quote]Anything you construct is only broken when used improperly or purposefully targeted with attacks. The items you create do not malfunction and are completely resistant to damage caused by regular usage.[/quote]

You have the points to purchase this perk. Do you wish to do so?

[Y] [N]

Thank you for participating in the Celestial Forge: Drengr Edition![/center][/quote]

I woke up with empty balls and a petite, waifish body on top of my own. As well as the display floating in front of my face. Once I read what it offered, I immediately accepted. It didn’t matter what it offered down the line, reducing if not flat out removing the need to do maintenance on my gear was worth a Titan’s weight in gold!

The rest of the morning passed smoothly. Mellina and I didn’t fuck again, but she introduced me to Lanny for breakfast. “Lanny” being short for Xiulan. Who was a pandaren. One who had, from watching her work, studied Arcane, Fire, and Frost magic specifically to apply them to cooking. I felt like I should be surprised, but honestly I was smacking my head for not having thought of combining the two before.

Watching a master chef practice their craft was one thing, watching as Xiulan used arcane constructs to chop, dice, and filet the fish that the dwarf woman brought her, before throwing the ingredients into a wok that she heated with carefully controlled fire magic, while at the same time using a juicer construct to squeeze some citrus and chilling them with a brief burst of frost magic…

“I’m a damn good cook,” I said as I took a sip of the juice put in front of me. It was definitely citrus, but not any I’d had before. “But you make me look like a scruffy street urchin holding a fish from the canals over a brazier.”

“It’s easy enough,” the plump pandaren woman said with a shrug. “The hardest part was getting those snooty Magisters to lighten up the first time they saw me use a Firebolt to sear a haunch of lynx. The issue is that most mages don’t think about using magic for anything but spells or enchanting, unless they’re so focused on research that’s all they do. But even then, I can’t think of another mage that specifically studied cooking the same way they did magic.”

“Shame,” I commiserated with her. “Just think of the recipes that could be made.”

“I know! It’s incredible how many different ways people have developed to prepare food, but no one else seems to care,” she said as she started moving the now cooked fish onto bowls of already prepared rice. She also added an assortment of vegetables and sauces, which were almost too pretty to eat, before snapping her fingers. A violet glimmer danced across our bowls, and I narrowed my eyes as I tried to figure out what she'd done. Xiulan seemed to read my mind, and chuckled, “Relax. It's a little something I picked up when Uncle Chen and I traveled through a place called Suramar. A touch of mana infusion to make the flavor explode in your mouth. Also good for your mana intake, Milly.”

“Thanks, Lanny,” Mellina said as she took her fork and snapped up a bite of the meal, her eyes closing as she moaned.

I took a bite, and nearly moaned myself as the flavors danced across my tongue. If having another meal prepared by Xiulan required me to give Sergeras a rimjob… I probably would say no, but I’d be depressed for the rest of my life. I forced that aside, enjoying my meal as I considered how to approach my concerns.

“Xiulan…” I began, but she waved me off.

“Call me Lanny, anyone who can get Milly to relax like that is a friend,” she said.

“Lanny then,” I agreed before continuing. “What are your thoughts on this endeavor? About the assault on the Scarlet Monastery?”

She hummed, serving herself a bowl of rice and taking a bite before she answered, “Fightin’ wise, we’re almost certainly fine. Most of the folks on this boat fought against Illidan and everyone else in Outland, and everyone has had at least a few sorties against the Scourge in Northrend under their belts. The Scarlet Crusade’s tough, they have to be given where they’ve been, what they’ve been up against, and for how long, but even without Archmage Proudmoore I’d bet all the dumplings in Townlong Steppes on this group.

“As for the rest of it…” she trailed off, before sighing. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m no friend of the Scarlet Crusade, I mean just look at me. But that aside, I’m not sure this is the right move to make. Why are we heading after them instead of the ones responsible for the Wrathgate? It doesn’t make much sense to me, but then again, I’m just the cook. I don’t decide policy or marching orders.”

I hummed, taking in her words as I considered everything going on. I had a very bad feeling about whatever spell that Jaina had cast after having Daz’die and Sami lay with me. Not what it did to me, but what it might do to her. But I didn’t know enough about Arcane magic to…

My gaze snapped to Xiulan, and I asked, “Hey Lanny, you’re pretty wide traveled, right?”

“Yes, I went with Uncle Chen when he traveled across Azeroth a decade ago. He wanted to sample all the alcohol, I wanted to see how they cooked. Best decision I ever made.”

“Have you ever heard the words ‘lethi’ or ‘mareth’?” I asked, recalling those two specific words from the ritual.

She perked up, her gaze snapping to mine, “Where did you hear those words?”

“Stumbled across a ritual that included them. Didn’t perform it myself, but you’re the friendliest mage I’ve talked to in a while, so…”

Xiulan let out a breath of air, “Only know of one place that has those two words as part of their incantations, a really isolated village named Ignam in the Eastern Kingdoms between the Blasted Lands and Swamp of Sorrows. Don’t know too much about them, only that they claim to have a way to purify demons and use them to power crystals. Don’t know what they use those crystals for, but I didn’t really ask either.”

Ignam again… I wondered what Jaina was thinking. I couldn’t think of a single instance where working with demons or demonic magic, directly or not, ended well. I was missing something, something big had happened in between when I saw her walking away from Arthana outside of Stratholm and her coming to my workshop two days ago. I needed more information, information that I wasn’t sure how I’d get without giving myself away.

I finished my meal, thanked Xiulan, and headed back to my claimed cabin. I wasn’t going to get answers now. For the moment, all I could really do was bide my time. An opportunity would arise, I only hoped that it did before Jaina did something that couldn’t be taken back.


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