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Vicky frowned as she looked at the numbers. She was plateauing, her images were still bringing in a lot of money, but nothing like the growth she’d seen early on. It was still a decent income for something that she was essentially going as a side job, but nowhere near what she’d been starting to expect. Even her Fourth of July bikini pics weren’t doing as well as she’d expected.

There was an obvious solution, but Vicky wasn’t excited by the thought of letting a bunch of creepy weirdos jerk themselves off to pictures of her exposed tits. Although they were probably already doing that, considering how she’d posted a couple albums of her in a bikini. A shiver of revulsion ran down Vicky’s spine, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as it had been when she’d first started.

With a sigh, Vicky moved over to Messages, looking through the advice that Void Cowboy had given her. She’d tried the different camera angles, the different outfits he recommended, hell, she’d even done the risque poses he mentioned! The only things he suggested that she hadn’t done was bringing in someone else or making a video of her masturbating or shaking her tits on camera, neither of which were something that she wanted to do.

But what else could she do? It wasn’t like she had a lot of other options. Frown still on her face, Vicky closed out of CapeFans and made her way to the bathroom. After closing and locking the door, VIcky stared at herself in the mirror. She was pretty, she knew that. The fact that she was making as much money as she was while still showing so little said as much.

Swallowing nervously, Vicky pulled her shirt over her head before reaching behind her back and unhooking her bra. Setting her clothes aside, Vicky took in her reflection. Her breasts were large (second largest in her year, only Ames were bigger) and sat high on her chest, still perky despite how big they were. She didn’t have any tanlines, and her nipples were pebbly and pink.

Vicky’s mind churned and raced as she turned this way and that, looking over her chest in the mirror. After a few minutes, Vicky shook her head and threw her shirt back on. She’d manage this without showing her breasts to the world.

Her resolve lasted until the next week, when she uploaded her most recent album. Outside of the normal, long term backers, the deluge, small as it might have been, that she’d begun to expect didn’t happen. Sure, Queen0fR3d, Ferrygurl, and Void immediately snatched the new pics up, but not even Specific_Protagonist bought the album!

“Fuuuuuuck,” Vicky swore under her breath. Well, it wasn’t like she wasn’t working her way towards this anyway.

With a sigh, Vicky grabbed her camera bag and made her way to her closet for a change of clothes. She needed a reason to tell the rest of her family she’d been heading out so much, so with some of the money she’d made, she bought an okay camera and started doing basic photography. Nothing she’d consider putting up anywhere, landscape photography was surprisingly hard.

Still, she made her way to the Boardwalk, a change of clothes in her bag along with the camera. Upon reaching her destination, Vicky entered the bathroom by the beach and quickly got to work. Her top and bra were quickly discarded, and she snapped a few pictures on her phone. Flipping through them, Vicky frowned. Even hiding the top of her face, her nerves were still plain to see, ruining the pictures.

Considering a moment, Vicky put her phone down and pulled out her bikini top. It was one of the ones that tied in the front, so it would work for what she had in mind. Once her top was tied, she shimmied out of her jean shorts and swapped her panties for the bikini bottoms. The string on them was just long enough that she could hike them up so they would be visible after she put her shorts back on. Once her shorts were on, she pulled the bottom of the legs up a bit more, making them look somewhere between short shorts and daisy dukes.

With that done, Vicky pulled her plain white shirt back on. Her bikini was visible through the fabric, and she picked up her phone. First up was a series of pictures showcasing her as she was. Once she had some that she was happy with, Vicky pulled the front of her shirt up. After the first picture, she sighed. She was still frowning, despite trying not to. Well, nothing else for it.

Holding the front of her shirt up in her mouth, Vicky tried again. This picture came out much better, so she continued. First a series of pics showing her toned stomach and bikini clad breasts, then she untied the knot holding the two halves of her bikini together. Six or seven pics later, and Vicky set down her phone before removing her shirt and top. Her shirt then went back on, and, with her eyes closed in embarrassment, she started taking pictures of her naked tits.

Once she was… not happy but satisfied with the number of pictures, Vicky put her bikini top back on and made her way down to the beach. She was already here, might as well enjoy herself a little, right? Plus she needed some pictures on her camera to keep her mother from getting suspicious. A bit of time kicking back in the sun, some pictures of the beach and city line that made Brockton Bay look like a normal city instead of the shithole that it was, and Vicky was able to pretend that she hadn’t taken topless pics with the intent to essentially whore herself out on the internet for strangers with more money than chastity.

As she was heading up the stairs from the beach, a certain individual caught her eye. There, a good stretch down the beach, was Dean. But next to him was another girl. Straight brown hair, average features, small bust. But the part that hurt was the fact that both were laughing. Vicky grit her teeth, her eyes firmed, and she turned and stalked off, resolve filling her as she made her way home.


“You have no idea how much of a relief that is,” Dean told Sarah as he got his chuckles under control.

“I told my parents that it was too soon after your breakup,” the older girl told him, her giggles continuing.

“That too,” Dean acknowledged. “But even without that, you’re like my sister.”

That set off another round of laughter, the two teens feeling a weight coming off their shoulders. Their parents might have been longtime business partners, but that just made the two form a different kind of bond than the parents assumed.


“Why am I not surprised,” Vicky muttered to herself the following morning.

Her first album where she went past the line that could be explained away, where she showed her full breasts, and she made more in one night than she had in the last three weeks combined. Nearly seven hundred dollars just by showing her tits to a camera. Vicky didn’t know whether to be happy for herself or disappointed in humanity. She settled on both. Both felt appropriate.

“Now I need to keep this up, joy oh joy,” Vicky grumbled. “I can only imagine what kind of freaks are jerking themselves off to me.”


The next week, Vicky decided to try something different. The main pictures were still topless, but instead of focusing on her front, she took pictures of her sides and back, teasing and hinting rather than blatantly showing. It was partially a way for her to justify stopping to herself, but, like practically everything she’d done thus far in this endeavor, it backfired.

“I show my tits, I get seven hundred. I show my back and sideboob, I get nine hundred? I will never understand boys,” Vicky muttered to herself, shaking her head.

Letting out a sigh, Vicky ran a hand through her hair as she considered how to proceed. It was likely that she’d plateau again, but the question was how much would she be making before then? She also needed to set up a separate bank account, she’d managed to hide the money she was making from her parents, but there was only so much she could do if she used her regular account. She’d swing by the bank tomorrow, after she came up with a decent reason.

For the moment, there was a family dinner. Dad was having one of his good days, to the point that he managed to fix a pasta casserole dish for dinner, Amy and Mom were even home. It was too rare that all four were home for dinner at the same time, with Mom being a workaholic and Amy volunteering as much as she could, so Vicky made sure that she wasn’t the one keeping them from happening.

“Vicky,” Dad greeted her with a smile as he placed the casserole dish in the middle of the dining table. “Have a good day?”

“It was alright,” she said with a shrug. “Nothing particularly stood out, just another lazy summer day.”

“Is that why you haven’t gone out with that new swimsuit I saw you bring in last week?” Amy, her traitorous sister, asked drily.

“It was cute at the store, but the changing room was busy, I couldn’t try it on until I got home!” Vicky defended herself. There was no way she’d admit she got it to wear on camera. Or that she hadn’t worked up the nerve to actually take pictures of herself in a thong.

“Well, you do seem happier lately,” Mom said as she spooned some of the casserole onto her plate. “I was a touch concerned you’d do something foolish after your breakup, but it seems that it turned out to be for the best.”

Vicky blinked, taking a moment to reflect. Was she happier? She… honestly wasn’t sure. It had been a change, as before now if they’d just been on one of their off periods it would have already ended, but there was no drive to get back together with Dean. The breakup still hurt, but looking back… she couldn’t say she wished it hadn’t happened. Not just the breakup, but her entire time with Dean.


Elsewhere, in the very same city, a certain teenage girl was looking through the images that Antares had uploaded the night before to CapeFans. Swallowing nervously, she double checked to make sure that the door was locked (if her family found out, she’d absolutely die of embarrassment) and opened up the new album.

They started out normal enough, the stacked blonde in a white shirt with a bikini under it. It was certainly hot, and she’d gotten off from similar pics in the past, but she had images like it already. She flipped past the preview images, the ones you could see without paying, and her eyes nearly popped out of her head. She’d been expecting more of the same, not seeing the pale, glorious breasts, even hidden under the untied bikini top.

Was it hot in here? It felt unusually warm in her room. Glancing again at the door, seeing that it was locked, she walked over to the window and opened it, letting a breeze in, before returning to her chair. Forcing down the lump in her throat, she looked at the next few images, wiping away the drool that formed at the corner of her mouth.

Then, there was the sight she’d barely allowed herself to hope for: Antares’s exposed, naked breasts. They were utter perfection, gravity defying, full, with nipples that she wanted to have her face shoved in and ordered to suck. God, the number of fantasies that just one image would fuel, all the different things that she’d have done to her and ordered her to do…

It normally took her close to half an hour of furious masturbation before she could cum, but with the fantasies spurred on by the new material, she was screaming into her pillow after a mere ten minutes. A new record for her, beating her previous one by five minutes.

Panting, the exhausted and sweaty girl removed the pillow from her face, and looked over the images one last time. Smiling an almost drunken smile, she spent the next few minutes airing out her room and cleaning up her mess. She was looking forward to the next album far more than she should.


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