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Arukenimon’s breasts were the biggest of any person I’d ever been with, softest too. The way her hands sank into them, as she pressed them together around my cock, it was like a pillowy pair of marshmallows. I chuckled in my head at the comparison, but continued the best titfuck of my life. Her head was tilted, her tongue hanging out to lick at the head of my dick as it popped out through her cleavage and provided a continuous stream of drool to keep her breasts lubricated. Her eyes looked up at me over the rim of her sunglasses, the emotion in them unreadable.

I pulled out from her chest, moved between her legs and spread them open. Her slit looked just as human as the rest of her, that is it looked like a slightly exaggerated porn version, and as I slid in, she let out a sigh. Her hands were squeezing and groping her tits, her pussy was like a warm, wet vice, and I let go, thrusting into her as hard as I could. The force of the thrust sent a jolt through her body, and I reached down and grabbed her wrists, pinning them on the ground on either side of her head, before thrusting again. Her breasts bounced, coming up to nearly slap her in the face.

“That’s it,” she cooed, as I thrust into her with what would be bruising force on a human. “Let it out.”

Her legs wrapped around my hips as I leaned down, biting into her neck as I came, flooding her passage with my seed. But I didn’t stop thrusting, I kept going, pouring my cum into her even as I fucked her, putting my frustration, anger, everything into each thrust into the woman-shaped digimon under me.

“Keep going, as long as you need,” I heard her murmur into my ear, and felt it through her neck. So I did, my cock churning our combined juices into a frothy mix that leaked out of her tight passage.

The softness of her breasts against my chest, the firm pebbles of her nipples rubbing against me, the smooth skin of her thighs against my hips, the quiet gasps and exhalations, the way her pussy squeezed down on my length, it was all something I needed. But… it wasn’t what I was used to. I’d never been the one on top during sex. My rhythm was all off, as wonderful as it was, it felt… weird.

“I see,” Arukenimon whispered, before, louder, she said, “allow me, Dear.”

With a twist of her hips, she flipped us over, so that I was on my back and she was straddling me. Rolling her hands, it was now my wrists that were held above my head. Holding my hands in place with one hand, her other one cupped my head. Lifting her front up slightly as she began to roll her hips, she pulled my face up into her breasts.

“Let me take care of you, you’ve done a lot for me, Peter,” she said, a gasp leaving her as she sank down on my cock. “The Real World will still be there, just relax and enjoy this.”


“There you are!” DemiDevimon shouted as I walked into the remains of my office, humming the tune to Be A Man under my breath. “The fuck have you been?! The boss’s boss’s boss’s boss’s boss’s boss’s BOSS was looking for you!”

I slowly wiped away the spittle from my face as Bakemon floated over to his coffee maker and let out a mournful wail. Looking my partner in the eye, I told him, “Some of the dumbfucks in the wider Digidestined thought you and I were a very specific Devimon. They fucked up the donair stand, to the point that unless some sort of miracle happens, they’re going to have to shut down. Two of the local girls showed up, gave them a talking to, I went to decompress, and I got a Happy Ending. On an unrelated note, think you can get a hold of Tapirmon? I have some petty, passive aggressive vengeance to meet out.”

DemiDevimon stared at me for a few moments, before giving a nod and flying towards the stairs. He paused, turning to look back at me, and said, “I was serious about the boss wanting to see you. The creepy green haired one, on the fiftieth floor, Rei, I think her name is. She looked right at me and said, I quote, ‘As soon as that cutie gets back, send his delightful tushie up to me.’”

“Oh goodie,” I drawled lightly, as he flew up the stairs and out of the building. I had a feeling that the damages to the office were going to be coming out of my paycheck. Which meant it would be at least a month before I’d be able to get Bakemon a replacement coffee maker.

With a sigh, I resigned myself to the inevitable and made my own way out of the office. I saw DemiDevimon leaving through the front door, and made my slow, reluctant walk to the elevators. Unfortunately for me, the elevator opened as soon as I hit the button. I got in, hit the button for the appropriate floor, and waited. The door closed without anyone else getting on, so I could only hope that someone got on while on the way up fifty floors to let me stall for longer.

My hope was denied. Seriously, we’re an office building for one of the biggest MegaCorps in the world, how the hell did not one person need to use the elevator while I was heading up? Someone had the elevators rigged, it was the only excuse. Taking a deep breath as the elevator dinged and opened for the top floor.

Stepping out, I made my way across the almost springy carpet to the office for one Kishibe Rei. I really didn’t like her. On top of being nuttier than a squirrel just before winter, she had some pictures of me after a job for Lilithsoft where DemiDevimon and I had passed out on the cot after a mission and Bakemon had joined us. I admit, it was a nice picture (and seeing DemiDevimon with one of his wingtips in his mouth like it was a thumb was fucking hilarious), but did she have to sound so cutesy when she talked about sending it to the local Digidestined? It was embarrassing.

Opening the door, I stepped into the office as the crazy woman looked up, her fake, plastic smile up as she stood and held her arms wide open, “Emile-kun! I’m so glad to see you safe and sound! It’s terrible what those hoodlums did to your office.”

“Kishibe-san,” I greeted, sitting down in the chair across from her. “How can I be of assistance?”

“It has been brought to my attention that you’ve been doing such outstanding work for the company,” she said as she strutted around the desk. It was probably supposed to be sexy, but I couldn’t help but try to figure out how she managed it with such spongy carpet in what looked to be six inch heels. “Even while working in that dark and cluttered basement office, you performed outstandingly well.”

I suddenly had a very different bad feeling. I was going to lose the office, wasn’t I? Swallowing nervously, I tried to talk my way out of here, “I’m glad my efforts have been appreciated, Kishibe-san. If that was all, I would like to clean up my office and get back to work.”

“Oh no, no, no,” she tittered. Seriously, who the hell titters? “You have done far too much for this company to be tucked away in a dingy office and forgotten about. That is why you are getting a promotion!”

Fuck! I didn’t let my mental cursing show on my face, a smile frozen as I tried to think of an acceptable way of saying Hell The Fuck No! I was not going to give up my three macros a week job without a fight! But before I could open my mouth, the green-haired spawn of Sauron continued, “You are such a valued employee that we’re going to have you moved onto this floor, you’ll get the empty office in front of mine, so we’ll be seeing so much more of each other! Isn’t it wonderful?”

Shitfuck! Quick, think of something! Wait, the windows! “I’m afraid I’ll have to decline, my ocular melanism has made my vision extremely sensitive to bright sunlight, and all of the offices on this floor have large windows along one of the walls.”

I made sure to show remorse and regret on my face, all while smothering a cackle. Legit medical issue, take tha… my stomach plummeted as Kishibe held up a small remote and pressed a button. The windows behind her, showing the Chiba City nighttime skyline, immediately went opaque, plunging the room into darkness before the lights adjusted.

“Every office on the top ten floors can be customized to the specific needs and tastes for the individual working them, don’t you worry about that,” she said with that plastic smile of hers.

Shit, shit, shit! Before I had a chance to think of a different excuse, she continued, “Your digimon’s furniture is already being moved up, and a replacement coffee machine for the Bakemon you’ve befriended is already being delivered, along with ten kilograms of his preferred blend.”

Her gaze hardened, and I’d almost swear that I saw a glint of pink in her yellow eyes, “Make no mistake, Emile-kun. You are getting this promotion, and you will be moving to this floor. As much as I personally am in favor of this move, for the eye candy if nothing else, this specific order comes from Montsblac-sama herself.”

Any possible argument I could have made instantly died the moment Kishibe said that. Layla Montsblac, the CEO and owner of Lilithsoft, was a woman with enough power and influence to make other MegaCorps shut up and listen when she spoke. She also had… peculiar tastes in how she dressed. She was skilled enough in business and politics that she got away with it, but powerful CEOs didn’t typically dress all in black and look like a slutty secretary.

“May I ask who will be getting my old office?” I asked instead. “I have a lot of sentimental attachment to it.”

“Oh, it’s going to be turned into a server room, it turns out that your old job can be completed by a few macros, so we’ll be teaching them to you as part of your training for your new position,” she said, a knowing gleam in her eyes. Fuck. “I feel just terrible, knowing that you’ve been working so hard the last few years doing what amounted to little more than busy work. Now don’t you worry your cute little tushy, you’ll still have more than enough time to complete your side-jobs. Why, you just might have even more time to dedicate to it!”

Seeing as I worked like fifteen, twenty minutes a week, I found that to be extremely unlikely. Still, I didn’t really have any other options I could take. Combined with the fact that the only place where I could get my favorite food was likely shut down forever, and I was afraid that this was only the first shoe to drop.


“So that’s what I’m after, standard arrangement,” I told Tapirmon later that night. We were in my apartment, since my new, shiny, and unwanted office wouldn’t be ready for another two days.

“You got it!” Tapirmon said while giving me a salute. “It’s been a while since I’ve gotten to do something like this.”

“Just keep it to dreams,” I told him, “I’ve had enough trouble with them for one life, neither of us need the kind of trouble that’ll come if you make them too real.”

He nodded, heading to the window and floating through it as he slipped into an ethereal state. Plan Petty Vengeance was a go, let’s see those idiots enjoy a Bond-Villainesque death trap of being lowered into boiling coffee!


“You are going to make a few adjustments to the dreams that Peter-kun hired you to deliver,” Arukenimon said to the struggling digimon trapped in her web. “I’ll even throw in a bonus for you.”

Tapirmon stopped struggling, “I’m listening.”


There was a chirp on my Digivice, and I pulled it out to see that I had a new message. Opening it, I raised an eyebrow reading it.

‘I have an offer for you regarding the incident. I’ll explain in person, but meet me here.’

An address was included, and my curiosity was piqued. It was Aiba’s home address. Suspicion forming, I called out, “Hey DemiDevimon, I need you to check something for me.”

“Whazzit?” he asked sleepily as he climbed out of the cat tower he’d just entered.

“I think Aiba sent me a message, I need you to hope EDEN-side and double check,” I explained.

He let out a groan, before flying over to my upheld Digivice and dissipating into a stream of data. Five minutes later, he reappeared and said, “It’s kosher, now I’m going back to sleep.”

I hummed in contemplation. I’d looked up the CCTV feeds after digitizing into EDEN, and the fact that she’d torn into the idiots was a point in her favor. I considered ignoring the request, but my curiosity got the better of me. So forty five minutes later, I was knocking on the door to the apartment of Aiba Ami and her mother (the latter currently working abroad in Cornwall).

The red-headed teen opened the door, her posture slumping in relief as she saw me, “Thank you for coming, Emile-san.”

“Thank my curiosity,” I told her. “I was wondering why one of the local Digidestined asked a hacker and fixer to come to her apartment while the only other resident is overseas.”

She made a somewhat annoyed noise, muttering under her breath, “Just another reason those five were complete dumbasses.” Louder, she asked, “Would you like to come in? I have tea, coffee, and I think there’s also a bottle of sake in the top cupboard.”

I stepped inside instead of answering, and asked, “Why did you ask me here, Aiba-san?”

She shut the door behind me, and answered, “I wanted to take steps to ensure that there isn’t an incident like today again. So I concluded that the best way was to ensure that there was M.A.D. between us: you know where I live, and I know where you live. You already knew about my… my body, so I…”

She swallowed, looking aside nervously and scratching at her cheek. I didn’t answer, simply continued to watch her as I considered her offer. I’d already known where she lived, I knew where all the girls lived. My “knowing” didn’t change much, it just let them know that I was aware of where one of them lived. That if another incident like today happened, I’d be able to target her in her sleep.

“My concern,” I finally said, making her turn to look at me. “Is that as soon as I tell you, your superiors will write it down, and someone else will act on their own, like they did today.”

“I’m not going to write it down,” she said firmly. “That thought occurred to me already, I don’t even have my digivice on me, and I sent Terriermon to tell Kari and Sora about what happened. All the terminals in the apartment are off, the blinds are shut so no one can read your lips through the windows, this is as secure as I can make it.”

I took another look around, everything seemed to be the way she’d described. With a sigh, I decided to take a leap of faith, and told her. True to her word, she didn’t move to write it down. Instead, she got onto her knees and got into a seiza before bowing, her forehead pressed against the floor.

“I searched through EDEN to see if there was another donair place in Chiba City, in an attempt to try to make up for what happened, but there isn’t. I know we destroyed one of the few places that you could have food from your home, if it will make things even slightly better, I am willing to let you absorb the free data I’m using to make my body.”

I rocked back on my heels, eyes wide. I wasn’t expecting her to offer anything like this. I was about to ask her why she thought I’d be willing to do that, when her body flickered, like an old time TV, and she let out a whimper of pain.

“I’m sorry,” she immediately said. “It’s getting worse, I don’t know how much longer I have, but I thought if it would help, then I’d at least make something better when I die.”

My mind raced, her body was composed almost entirely of digital code, from an incident in EDEN a few months back when she and a few friends had an encounter with an entity called an Eater. Her original body was comatose, her current one had more in common with digimon than the average person on the street. But it was unstable, the mix of digital and human not meshing well. Wait a second…

I had an idea: because of how much I’d merged with DemiDevimon and now Bakemon, my body had become something similar to Aiba’s current situation, but a lot more stable. There wasn’t time to build a device that would stabilize her, but there just might be a stopgap.

Kneeling down, I lifted her head from where it was still pressed against the floor. There was pain in her eyes, almost certainly from her condition, and as I took one of my motorcycle gloves off, I told her, “I’m not going to kill you. I have something else in mind.”

With one hand holding her head steady, I slipped a thumb into her mouth, her eyes shooting wide. I felt along her teeth, her tongue moving to press against my digit, trying to push it out. When I felt the tip of one of her canines against the pad, I told her, “Bite down.”

The fear that had been rising in her gaze disappeared, replaced with confusion, so I elaborated, “I have a hunch, but I need you to bite first. Enough to make me bleed. Do it.”

I made the last two words as firm and commanding as I could, and she immediately bit down, her canine teeth punching through the skin of my thumb and blood welled out. I traced my now bleeding thumb along the inside of her mouth, and after a few moments of this, her eyes widened and she leaned back.

She was breathing heavily, her gaze vacant and her teeth red with my blood, before she turned her gaze to me, “It’s better. I don’t feel as bad anymore. What did you…”

“I suspected that with how much I’d merged with digimon, my genetic material might help stabilize your body. I’m not a rapist, so this was the next best option,” I explained.

“Genetic… material…” she murmured quietly, contemplatively. Her fingers played with the collar of her shirt, before her eyes turned to meet my own.


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