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I led Yue into the closest thing the ship had to a cabin, and sat down next to her. She was in one of the chip’s chairs, but I was so big that none of the chairs would fit me and thus sat on the floor. I was still nearly eye level with her. From the blush she had, I was pretty sure that she was expecting me to ravish her, and was looking forward to it.

“How much do you know about me and my people?” I asked, throwing her off.

She blinked, looking like a confused puppy for a moment. Slowly, hesitantly, she answered, “You were found among members of one of the various barbarian tribes that live in the Wastes, I didn’t recognize the name of their tribe. But I don’t understand why an Air Nomad would be with a group of savage barbarians.”

I raised an eyebrow, feeling the eyepatch under it rub against my skin, “What made you think I’m an Air Nomad?” The confused puppy look returned, she was just adorable like this.

Still, she gave the answer I’d expected, “I saw you airbending.”

“And?” I asked pointedly.

“So you’re an Air Nomad,” she concluded, understandably but incorrectly.

I shook my head, “Just because I was born with airbending doesn’t mean I follow a culture and philosophy that resulted in all its people killed or assimilated into the people who took them in. My grandfather was born to the Air Nomads, but by the time he died he’d long since renounced their culture and philosophy.”

“Then…” Yue trailed off, looking at me in a new light. “You consider yourself a member of their tribe who airbends?”

“I don’t consider myself a member of the Blood Eagle Tribe,” I immediately shot back. “I am a member of the Blood Eagle Tribe. The fact that I bend air instead of water doesn’t change that. But this does answer my earlier question about how much you know about us: nothing.”

“He… he mentioned that you… stole me. Does that mean…” she trailed off as I stood up, looking both scared and aroused at the same time.

“That we are married as far as the tribe is concerned? Is that what you’re asking?” I asked her, gently running a finger up her neck and along her jaw, saving the perfect smoothness of her skin.

“Yes?” she whispered as my finger reached her chin.

“Not exactly,” I told her, even as I began to trace her lips. “I am already betrothed to another woman back at the Tribe. Had this not happened, we would have been married during the winter solstice. Each member of the tribe is only permitted a single spouse. You would have been our thrall. You would have been ours to warm our bed, to share, to enjoy, to take, to breed.”

[quote][center]SEDUCE - YUE (9 VS 49) SUCCESS T4[/center][/quote]

I was a little surprised at the needy whine that came out of Yue when I said the last word, but apparently Daddy’s Little Princess had a thing for being taken and knocked up. All the better for me, from what my memories were telling me, I’m pretty sure my fiance was a wildcat in the sack, and I’d certainly miss her. Having Yue would take some of the sting away, but it didn’t change the fact that we were no longer able to return home.

Setting that thought aside, I looked down into Yue’s lidded eyes, her breath coming in soft pants and her hands pressed surreptitiously into her core. I could take her right here and now, she was clearly eager for it, and none of the others on the ship would blame me in the slightest for taking the Princess of the most stuck up and hated tribe in the North Pole for a ride. It was the former that made me make my decision.

I stood up, much as I was able, and loudly declared, “Well, I’m off to bed.”

Yue blinked, looking utterly poleaxed, “What?”

“I said I’m heading to bed. I didn’t get any sleep last night, what with being in the lair of a murderous spirit, followed by stealing you. So I am understandably tired,” I answered.

Yue stared at me, before blurting out, “Aren’t you going to ravish me?”

“Maybe next time,” I shot back before shutting the door behind me, barely managing to keep a straight face as I did so.

Buk, seeing the strained look on my face, walked up and cheekily asked, “So how was she?”

It was all I could do to keep from bursting into howling laughter as I answered, “I finally understand what your mother was talking about when she said it was fun to bully Umare.”

He snorted in amusement, before turning serious, “You’ll be happy to hear that we found a hammock in your size. Go down and get some sleep, you deserve it man.”

I nodded, following the ship’s new captain down to the bunks where, sure enough, one long enough for me had been set up. Giving him a nod, I clambered up into the hammock and closed my eye to get some sleep.


I awoke to the sound of shouting. Lots of shouting, including a very familiar voice that I honestly wasn’t expecting to hear. Flopping out of my hammock, I caught myself with my hands and immediately pushed myself into a standing position and made my way to the top deck. The sight I was treated to made me want to weep in joy.

Sure, Yue was standing stiffer than a Fire Nation officer in front of their superior. Sure, she was standing like that because of a spear embedded in the wall of the ship right next to her. Sure, there were five of the men on the ground, either unconscious or wishing they were. Sure, Buk had his hands up and was very careful in how he spoke lest the spear at the base of his neck ‘slip’. But that was all fine, specifically because of just who the one woman army responsible for all of this was.

VIRA!” I shouted, my arms spread wide as my grin.

The woman holding the spear to Buk’s throat turned to look in my direction, and her face twisted into a scowl as she saw me. With a furious scream, she turned away from Buk and threw herself at me, spear aimed right for the center of my chest.


Wisely deciding not to get in between Vonrir and Vira, Buk rubbed at his neck to check for any nicks or cuts before making his way to Yue. Wrapping an arm around her shoulder, he guided her away from the top deck down to the galley.

“Who is that?” Yue asked as the door closed behind them.

“That was Vira, second best warrior in the Tribe and easily the best with a spear,” Buk answered as he checked the coals in the stove. “She’s also the best at healing, which is why no one wants to piss her off. She knows how to hurt you without doing any lasting damage. And any damage she does, she can heal you right up so she can hurt you some more.”

Building the fire back up, Buk put a kettle on top of the stove to get some water heated for tea. Moments after the kettle was placed on the metal, the door opened and the various men who had gotten between Vira and Buk rushed inside. The door was shut and a chair was propped against it to keep it shut, mere moments before there was the ‘THUMP’ of some sort of blade sinking into the wood on the other side.

“Why is she so angry?” Yue asked, eyes wide.

“Well,” Buk began, rubbing at the back of his neck. “Vonrir wasn’t supposed to go on a raid for two more moons. Him joining us was my idea. I also… might have talked him into not mentioning that he was joining us until we’d left.”

Yue opened her mouth to speak, only to let out a squeak as a spear buried itself into the door, the metal head punching a good two inches inside. After a moment, when it became apparent that neither of the two outside were going to try coming inside, she continued, “Is she his sister?”

There was a round of laughter, Tonos’s especially loud as the waterbender showed off as he was wont to do by making the tea with just his bending, the globe of water floating out of the kettle and picking up the leaves. Buk answered the confused girl as Tonos began distributing the tea, “We’re not from Foggy Swamp, Princess. She’s his fiance.”

There was another rattle from the door, as if a body slammed into it, and a wide eyed Yue asked, “If they’re engaged, why are they trying to kill each other?!”

“They aren’t,” Sorem answered as he used his own bending to freeze his tea and placed the ice against the lump forming on his head from where Vira slammed the butt of her spear against his head. “This kind of fight between them, there’s another word that rather accurately describes it.”

“Wha-” Yue began, only for everyone else in the galley to interrupt her.

“‘Foreplay’,” they all said at once.

The declaration was immediately confirmed by a low, guttural moan, accompanied by a woman’s voice crying out, “C’mon Vonrir, fuck me!

Each member of the Blood Eagle Tribe had long since become accustomed to the couples… enthusiasm in the bedroom (regardless of where they were at the time), but Yue immediately turned such a bright red that Buk couldn’t help but wonder if she’d start whistling like a kettle herself.

“They’ll be at it for a while,” Buk told the embarrassed girl. “Vira might give you a hard time, but if what she’s told some of the other women of the tribe is true, she’ll be happy for someone else to take some of his ‘attention’ off her.”

As she let out a whine like a dying foxhare, Buk had to agree with Vonrir: bullying Yue was fun. Even if Buk had no thoughts of touching her himself (like he’d told everyone else, Vonrir had stolen her fair and square), her reactions made her so much fun to tease. Setting that thought aside, Buk turned his focus to the cupboards in the galley. There had to be something edible on this ship besides tea leaves. Though he supposed that they could use the tea leaves to season some fish caught with waterbending.


“So, now that the runion’s over,” Vira said with a pant as she leaned against me, my seed leaking from between her unresponsive legs. “Just what the fuck did you do to get the biggest tribe in the North pissed off at you?”

I pulled her close to my chest, her head nuzzling against my pecs, as I answered, “Made a deal with an ancient spirit that smashed their prison, their outer walls, and ran off with the chieftain's only child.”

Vira tilted her head up so she could meet my gaze, but didn’t move any more than that, and raised an eyebrow. Hearing the unasked question, I explained, “The white haired girl, she’s Chieftain Nanook’s daughter. Name’s Yue, and I now understand why Auntie Yeshi bullies Umare so much.”

Vira chuckled, before resuming our post-coitus cuddle session. This was the part of our relationship that would probably surprise people the most, if they knew about how heated our spars could get, but both of us were cuddlers. The spar got our blood pumping, the sex was the climax, and cuddling was our cool down. Plus it was just nice to have someone wrapped up in my arms, it made me feel good, knowing that someone trusted me enough to relax in such close proximity to me. I closed my eye, ready to drift off into a nap with my fiance/cuddle buddy, when there was a knock on the other side of the wall I was leaning against.

Buk’s voice came through the wood, “Hey, guys? Can you cuddle somewhere else? We kinda need to leave the galley at some point.”

“Go suck a porcupine bear’s dick, Buk!” Vira shouted, making me chuckle.

“Right, Vira’s not asleep yet, guess we’re stuck here,” Tonos groused.

“We can still hear you!”

“You were supposed to!”

“Vonrir, let us out and I’ll let you, Vira, and Yue have the Captain’s Quarters!” Buk shouted over Tonos.

“Deal!” I hollered back, standing up with Vira in my arms and making my way to our new quarters.

“Right then, everyone start looking for the cleaning supplies, we’ve got one hell of a mess to clean up after them,” the rest of whatever Buk said was cut off as the door to our quarters closed behind us and I placed Vira on the bed.

Moving to the other side, I climbed up onto the bed and pulled my snuggle buddy in close. Welcoming Yue to the family could come later that evening, for now it was time to be a cuddlebug. Vira agreed with me, snuggling up close to me and nuzzling her head against my chest.


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