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Vicky swallowed nervously as she looked through her closet. She couldn’t wear her usual attire, that’d out her in an instant to anyone even remotely familiar with her. But she needed something for her first Album. In the end, she settled on a black, v-neck t-shirt, faded blue jeans that hugged her legs, and a pair of boots that (much as she loved them) were just a hair smaller than what she could comfortably wear. If they didn’t pair so well with just about everything, she’d have thrown them out already. Packing the change of clothes into her gym bag, she made her way downstairs.

“I’m heading out,” Vicky called out as she made her way to the front door. While she could have just flown out the window, she didn’t really like doing that. It… it just felt rude.

“Vicky!” her sister’s voice called out, making her stop and turn to face her.

“Yeah, Ames?” Vicky asked, doing her best to keep her voice level. She really didn’t want Amy finding out about what she was going to do. It’d be bad enough if her parents found out, if her sister did, Vicky would absolutely die of humiliation.

“Are you okay? Do you want me to give him ED for life?” Amy asked, her face a blend of concern for Vicky and vindictive anger towards Dean. The offer was tempting, Vicky was still hurting and mad, but she didn’t want Dean to suffer that much.

“Thanks, but that’s a bit much, Ames.”

“How about warts? I can make it so they don’t immediately appear, if you want to wait a bit.”

“No Ames, no making my ex grow warts on his face,” Vicky said with fond exasperation.

“Who said anything about his face?” was Amy’s immediate response, a vicious grin on her face.

“Amy…” Vicky chided, pinching her nose while trying to suppress her smile.

“Oh fine, I won’t give him genital warts,” Amy conceded.

Vicky gave her sister a suspicious look, but the brunette just gave an innocent smile. After a moment, Vicky sighed and said, “I’m heading to a new gym. I read some good reviews online, and it’s in a different part of town from my old one.”

“Alright,” Amy nodded. “You got your phone?”

“And my keys, and my purse, pepper spray, extra change of clothes, underwear, week’s supply of emergency rations, and road flares,” Vicky listed off, fighting the smirk at their old game.

“Can never be too careful,” Amy finished the conversation they’d had more times than either could count before hugging her taller sister. “Have fun.”

“I will, and don’t worry, I won’t get my sweat all over the place this time.”

Amy laughed and pushed Vicky towards the door, shooing the more athletically inclined of the sisters away. Vicky didn’t like lying to her sister, and a lie of omission was still a lie no matter what anyone said. She was going to go to the gym, but she wasn’t going to do her normal workout and after she showered she’d be taking pictures to post on CapeFans. She considered taking some pictures of her workout clothes, but quickly decided against it. Sure, she looked good in her workout uniform, but she felt uneasy knowing that a bunch of faceless boys would be beating their meat to her in yoga pants and a sports bra.

The gym she’d found online was further away than her old one, but seeing as she knew pretty much everyone who went to that gym she’d rather not go there for what she had planned. It was embarrassing enough knowing that people she’d never meet would be paying her for pictures of herself, without adding to it by making it easy to connect her clothes with the new pic girl on CapeFans.

Signing up for a day pass was simple enough, and the gym wasn’t in the bad part of town, it was certainly a lot more bare bones than her old one. There were some treadmills and bike machines, but almost everything was either dumbbells or free weights. The place was dead too, the only other occupant was a black guy her own age who thankfully was more focused on his own workout than checking out Vicky’s ass.

Rolling her neck, Vicky set her gym bag and windbreaker in the rented locker before getting started on her workout routine. She couldn’t lift weights, not with her power, but she could still get a good cardio and aerobic workout in. Since she missed her last gym day, she pushed herself harder today, getting that satisfying burn in her muscles, the sweat from a good workout, the feeling of accomplishment of beating her previous record. Much as she enjoyed the physical perks working out had for her body, it was that last one that she enjoyed the most.

Finally, after going an hour longer than she normally would, Vicky stepped off the treadmill she was using. Her legs wobbled, and she used just enough of her flight to keep from falling on her face. Heading over to her gym back, she took it into the showers attached to the locker room. Forcing herself not to think about it, Vicky quickly showered and got dressed in her change of clothes. Standing before the mirror, she fluffed up her hair before pulling out the mask she’d gotten.

Staring at the simple piece of hardened felt, Vicky swallowed. Was she really going to do this? Well… it wasn’t like she’d really be showing anything, right? She showed more skin with her swimsuit. With that thought, and before she could second guess herself more, Vicky slipped the mask on and pulled out her phone. Taking a quick series of pics, Vicky made some poses and did some adjustment of her hair as she did so. It was embarrassing, but Vicky took a picture where she pulled the front of her shirt down and pressed her breasts together, emphasizing her cleavage.

After she had about two dozen pictures on her phone, she put both it and the mask in her gym bag before leaving. She was quite pleased with how she managed to keep the embarrassment from her face as she walked through the gym to leave.


Breathing out a sigh of relief, Vicky leaned back in her computer chair. She’d gotten home and hidden the mask without any issues, then gone about the rest of her day as usual. She didn’t immediately head to her computer, but she waited until after dinner. What homework there was, given how it was almost time for summer break, was already finished, but she typically used this time to work on it. So she wouldn’t be bothered as she uploaded the pictures from her phone to her computer.

The photos had finished uploading, so now she had to look through them and figure out which ones were the ones to keep and upload. A few she immediately tossed, the ones that were blurry or out of focus, the rest she sorted into three groups. The first group she figured were the best of the batch and would for sure be going up. The second group were the ones she wasn’t sure about, while the final group consisted of those that she for sure wouldn’t be uploading. Mostly the last group consisted of ones that looked too similar to the ones in the first group.

A check of other users on CapeFans found that most photo albums had between four and eight pictures in them, so Vicky decided to settle on six. Looking through the first two groups of pictures, Vicky let out an annoyed huff. The one picture where she did something naughty was easily the best one. She stared at the screen for a good five minutes, rolling the idea back and forth in her head before biting the bullet.

“There,” Vicky muttered to herself as the pictures uploaded onto the internet. “I am now officially an internet whore. Congrats Dean, because of you now everyone gets to see Glory Girl’s glorious girls.”

Vicky blinked. Where the hell did that come from? Shaking her head, Vicky closed the tab and went to bed. She had to be more tired than she thought if she was making jokes that bad. She’d feel better in the morning, probably take the pictures down too. After all, how many people would find it and fork over money for a couple pictures from a smartphone over a single night?

[center][The Next Morning][/center]

“You have got to be shitting me.”

Vicky wasn’t the type to swear, she normally felt that if you had to resort to swearing you lacked the vocabulary for anything else. But at this moment, it felt appropriate. Because from the time she went to bed to right now, she’d gotten seven Fans who had pledged a combined hundred and ten dollars a month! Did people really have nothing better to do than throw money at stupid girls with shitty ex-boyfriends?

“Ferrygurl, Queen0fR3d, Specific_Protagonist, ew, fap_m4ster, double ew, Xx…oh you gotta be kidding me!” Vicky barely managed to keep from shouting. What kind of moron thinks spelling the username backwards was a good idea? Then again, it was Void fucking Cowboy, what could she… Vicky blinked, suddenly feeling a touch green. He’d pledged fifty dollars. Nearly half of what she made from about an hour’s worth of effort came from the biggest loser on PHO.

“An hour’s work…” she muttered. With just an hour and some cheap clothes, she’d made more than her allowance for a month. If she put more time and effort into it, how much would she rake in? She hadn’t seriously been considering doing this, even with there being women on the site making more than her mother, it wasn’t like she’d thought it’d be viable. But now… now she thought it just might be something that could work.

Vicky put the thought out of her head. She’d deal with it later, she had some finals at school today, she didn’t need to think about a bunch of faceless guys (and faceless guys pretending to be girls, because that was the less unsettling thought) drooling over her cleavage or her butt. To say nothing of the comment from Specific_Protagonist that just said “Boobies!”

She’d just go to school then head to the Boardwalk after, there wasn’t any reason to make this more than a one off thing. Yes, it was just something she did as a one off to get it out of her system. It wasn’t something she’d be repeating.

That conviction lasted until the end of the day, when two things happened that would push her to continue pursuing a career on CapeFans. The first was when she saw Danielle Browns (who had all but admitted her plans post Arcadia to find a wealthy sugar daddy and be a trophy girl) all but throwing herself at Dean. Vicky wasn’t too mad at Dean for it, especially since he had his ‘you’re pissing me off’ face on, but it still stabbed at her. The second was getting an alert on her phone about a new email. She almost ignored it upon seeing the message title “XxyobwoC_dioVxX has sent you a message” but something made her open the email and read the message.

[quote]Congratulations on getting so many fans so quickly. I want to support local heroes, so I would have joined regardless, but you have a good eye for pictures and poses. Hell, they’re better than Mouse Protector’s first pictures were. Given enough time and set up, you could probably make more money than her on the site. I also like the handle you chose, Antares has a nice ring to it.[/quote]

Vicky read the message a dozen times, turning it over and over again in her head. Out of curiosity, she found the Mouse Protector look-alike's page and sorted her stuff from oldest to newest. Sure enough, while the pictures weren’t bad per se, they weren’t anything spectacular either.

Putting her phone away, Vicky took off into the sky, going for a flight to clear her head. Fifty grand a month was a lot of money, and even if she didn’t make that much, the average from what she’d seen was still easily enough to live off of. That was for women working by themselves, with maybe someone behind the camera at most. It wouldn’t be what her mother was bringing in, but it would be enough for her and Amy to rent a place in the safer parts of Brockton Bay, especially if she focused hard on saving until she graduated. Plus, it hadn’t been nearly as bad as she’d been anticipating.

It was something to think about, at least. Ever since she got her powers, her original plan of a sports scholarship (which she’d heard her parents mentioning some colleges already scouting her, even before she went to Arcadia) were shot to shit. This would definitely be able to pay for college, possibly both hers and Amy’s.


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