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[center]<<Bear Sandosen>>[/center]

The sight that we arrived at when I flexed that new, world-hopping muscle was both surprising and very arousing. Pointed in our direction as the bared, naked ass of Lana, the pale, creamy expanse of her back on full display. Under her, was the equally naked but rope bound form of Hyacinth, her legs tied open and her arms tied behind her back. It was hard to see from this angle, but I was pretty sure that based on their positions that Lana had one of her breasts in Hyacinth’s mouth, while her hand teased the younger woman’s pussy with her hand.

“Who is our guest?” Lana’s smooth voice asked, more than a hint of her enjoyment at Hyacinth’s treatment of her breast in her voice. “And will you be joining us?”

As she spoke, I could feel her using the Force to undo my belt. It was an invitation that I couldn’t refuse, and one that both Ivy and Harley were happy to accept, if the way they were undressing was anything to go by. I pulled my shirt over my head, as Lana pushed my pants down before I stepped out of them. My length was already hardening just from the view as we arrived, and by the time I made the few steps up to Lana, I was at full mast. Reaching out, I cupped Lana’s ass with one hand while running the other along Hyacinth’s thigh.

Ivy and Harley soon walked up to join me, Ivy trailing a hand along my back, before climbing up onto the bed and laying on either side of Hyacinth. Lana lifted her front up, bringing her back against my chest as she reached an arm around the back of my head and met my lips in a kiss. From the corner of my eye, I saw Harley catching Hyacinth in a kiss of her own as Ivy leaned in to pinch, grope, and suckle at the teen’s still growing bust.

Lana looked down at the grouping beneath her, before doing a double take, “Did you and Harley bring Lily Potter back from the dead?”

“Wait, what?!” I asked, flabbergasted. I took another look at Ivy, and it suddenly dawned on me that at a glance, from what little I knew of her, Poison Ivy and Lily Potter had similar features.

Harley broke the kiss with Hyacinth, a wicked grin on her face as she said, “Ya hear that Red, give yer baby girl some lovin’, show yer daughter how ya feel.”

I have to admit, the incestuous dirty talk was more appealing than I’d anticipated. Something that Lana seemed to notice, if the way she ground her rear into my dick was anything to go by, along with the mischievous look on her face as she said, “Well, are you going to just stand there, or are you going to fuck me, Daddy?”

There was no way I could resist her when she asked like that, so I gripped my length and slid inside her tight pussy. Lana moaned as she leaned over Hyacinth, her hand idly tracing designs over the teen’s belly.


“Not that this wasn’t fun,” I began as the five of us used the Yamato’s communal showers after the impromptu orgy that ended when I came inside Hyacinth five minutes prior. “But I am curious why Hyacinth’s on the Yamato. Did something happen?”

Lana chuckled as Hyacinth blushed under the shower head. I waited patiently, and after a few moments, Hyacinth answered, “You remember the caveats for the ritual we did? Well… the thing is…”

“Your relations with dear Hyacinth and Luna resulted in their seeding,” Lana answered for the tongue tied teen. Lana’s word choice was odd, but I was pretty sure I understood.

“You’re pregnant?” I asked for clarification.

Hyacinth took a deep breath, and nodded. I stood there, in stunned silence. I… I honestly didn’t know if I’d be a good dad, let alone with what we were getting ourselves into with the oncoming Crisis. But, I pushed that aside for the moment, because I’d been quiet for a little bit, and Hyacinth was starting to look worried. I walked out from under the shower head I’d been standing under, and pulled her into a hug.

Almost instantly, she returned the hug and buried herself into my chest. There wasn’t anything sexual about it, despite our nakedness and the fact that we could feel everything about the other. The hug was soon turned into a group hug as Lana, Harley, and Ivy all joined in.

“So will this make me an auntie or a grandma?” Harley chimed in, the grin on her face audible in her voice.

The opening that Harley gave me with that was too good to pass up, “More of a GILF, really.”

Harley and Hyacinth both giggled at that, though Hyacinth’s was more of a hiccup, and we slowly extracted ourselves from the group hug. Full introductions, and establishing that despite the initial confusion Ivy was not in any way a blood relative of Hyacinth, followed immediately after.

Of the rest of the Family, only Cameron and Taylor were currently on the Yamato, and messages were sent to the rest currently on Earth, telling them that we’d grabbed Harley’s Ivy. Nikhol sent a rather interesting reply, saying that she was with Tonks and that the metamorph was quite insistent on talking to us. As a group.

Harley waved it off, saying that she wanted a little bit more time to “catch up” with Ivy and get her plants situated. I left them with a reminder to clean up after themselves, knowing that they’d be christening basically every wall and room on the ship.

We eventually arrived at Grimmauld Place to be greeted by an amused Nikhol and concerned Sirius. Who promptly led us to the den/office/whatever the main socializing room was called where Tonks was. Her current state of being, well…

“Just how much have you had to drink?” I asked her as she tossed back an amber colored drink before letting out a belch (judging from the small burst of flame, I’m guessing her poison was firewhiskey).

“How many bottles are here?” she asked in response, her voice surprisingly clear for how much she had to have gone through.

I looked around, “Three, all of which are empty.”

“Then that’s how much I’ve had,” she replied before muttering under her breath, “Fuckin’ Ministry.”

I glanced over to Sirius, who just shrugged and whispered, “No idea, she just showed up and started tossing back the firewhiskey.”

“A bloody murderer walked, and I was fucking suspended!” she snapped, her hair shifting between various shades of red. “What’s the point of being an auror if all it takes is a name and a small purse to ignore the law?!”

I shared another glance with Sirius, before hesitantly asking, “Context, please?”

Tonks glared at nothing, before seeming to deflate and slumping into a chair, “Fuck professionality, I’m done with the whole bloody Ministry. I grabbed a murderer the other night, Robert Applewood, killed a witch who’d been staying at a shelter in Muggle London. I caught him standing over the body, which looked like someone tried to reenact Jack the Ripper, the spell residue on the body matched with the Priori Incantatem on his wand, it was as open and shut as it gets. The closest thing he had to a defense was ‘it was just some mudblood whore who walked down the wrong alley, no great loss.’

“Not only do I find out today that he was released on account of ‘insufficient evidence’, but I’m also placed on suspension for ‘unbecoming conduct of an employee of the Ministry’. Since when is doing my fucking job unbecoming conduct?!

With the last, shouted words, Tonks grabbed one of the empty bottles and hurled it at the wall with all her strength. Not the wall that Sirius and I were standing by, fortunately. Slumping back into the chair, Tonks murmured, “I can’t do it anymore. I can’t try to uphold the law if it’s going to always be ignored.”

Making a mental note to have Cameron take a look into Robert Applewood, I walked up to Tonks, gently pulled her up out of the chair, before wrapping my arms around her in as comforting a hug as I could manage. She returned the hug somewhat stiffly, but after a minute or two I could feel her chest heave, as she struggled to maintain her composure. That’s when another pair of arms joined the hug, and I saw Taylor’s familiar hair in the corner of my vision.

That was the last straw, Tonks broke down, sobs wracking her frame. Neither Taylor nor I said anything, just letting Tonks pour out the raw deluge of emotions she’d been feeling. My shirt was utterly soaked, but I didn’t mind. Taylor and I maintained our hug for the next ten, fifteen minutes, until Tonks, emotionally drained, started snoring. With some help from Sirius, we got the metamorphmagus into a bed to sleep it off, before heading down to the dining room.

“So, was it always that bad?” I asked Sirius.

“Worse, believe it or not,” he responded, flopping into a chair. “Back when James and I were Aurors, things were getting to the point that it was a coin flip if even a purse snatcher would still be behind bars by the end of the shift. The fact that it took a few days means that things have gotten better, but I don’t blame her if she’s serious about not continuing. Hard to support a system when it betrays your trust time and again.”

Further conversation was cut off by the sound of the Floo in the next room, and to my surprise Mr. and Mrs. Weasley entered. They glanced around and asked, “Is Hyacinth here? Hedwig arrived with a letter asking to speak to us.”

“She’s in the library,” Taylor answered, a moment later saying, “she’ll be here in a moment.”

“Spelling with bugs?” I asked, to which she nodded.

“Nikhol’s also in the library, I’ll be with her. There were some things I wanted to talk to her about anyway,” Taylor said, standing and departing.

I couldn’t help but notice the wide berth the Weasley parents gave Taylor, which I suppose made sense, given how to my knowledge there wasn’t a spell or ritual that could kill a person from three blocks away without having a piece of that person as a focus. Given the public manner in which Taylor dispatched MacNair, it was outside the context of what they were used to being capable of with magic, and it had been confirmed by multiple individuals that Taylor didn’t have a lick of it.

Hyacinth arrived a minute later, her clothes just a touch out of place and a fading blush on her cheeks (given she’d been with Nikhol, I assumed the Lady of the Sith had been having some fun with her). Upon seeing Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, the last Potter took a deep breath to calm herself.

“Harry dear, is something the matter?” Mrs. Weasley asked, concerned.

“No,” she answered, glancing at Sirius and I before visibly steeling herself and saying, “I’m pregnant.”

Both glares (one from Mrs. Weasley and the other from Sirius) sent my way were somewhat expected, though thankfully one only lasted a moment before Mrs. Weasley turned her attention back to Hyacinth.

“Oh, sweety. Are you happy?” the Weasley matriarch asked, even as she moved up and pulled the young mother-to-be into a warm, but not smothering, hug.

“I can’t remember being happier,” Hyacinth replied without hesitation, returning the embrace.

“Would you like me to arrange a meeting with my Healer? Poppy is wonderful, but pregnant witches aren’t her speciality, and you need to be careful with yours since you’re so young.”

“I think I’d like that,” Hyacinth agreed, and I felt a previously unknown weight lift off my shoulders. She was young, and even with advanced medical aid women sometimes died during childbirth. So the knowledge that Mrs. Weasley knew a Healer that specialized in pregnant witches was a relief.


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