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[center]<<Bear Sandosen>>[/center]

Poison Ivy moaned as I slid inside her, my length opening her wet pussy as Harley bit and nibbled at the redhead’s ear and jawline. She was wet, warm, and so very tight. Not from being small, like Lisa, Cameron, or the girls in the Coven were, but from having the skill and practice in using the muscles of her pussy to squeeze and grip at something inside her. That sort of control I’d only experienced with Nikhol, Lana, and Kara.

I wasn’t entirely sure what I expected Ivy to do, but leaning up, capturing my lips in a searing, lust filled kiss while wrapping her legs around my waist and pulling me flush against her was not it. She was stronger than I anticipated, with her feet hooked together, it was all I could do just to grind into her, my dick stirring and swirling her insides, but not able to pull back to properly fuck her. Her lips were soft, full, and… the only way I could describe it was that her kiss was like a cuddle under a cozy blanket in front of a fireplace after frolicking through autumn leaves.

“See Red?” Harley purred, her hands slipping between me and the red haired villainess sandwiched between us. “Ain’t he good? His cock stretches ya out perfectly, just enough t’really feel it wit’out it hurtin’ ya.”

I felt Ivy give an agreeing moan into the kiss, as the flower/leaf/bed curled up around us, enveloping the three of us in a pseudo cocoon. As the last of the light cut out, Ivy and I broke the kiss, panting as we greedily sucked in air. Without light, I couldn’t see anything but I could still feel Ivy’s sweat slick skin against me; feel Harley’s hands as one pinched and teased one of Ivy’s nipples as the other went down to trace where I was buried inside Ivy.

“You…” I heard Ivy pant out, even as I tried to pull back even a little without success. “You were right… Mistress. I needed… need this.”

I felt Harley move, and heard her whisper something into Ivy’s ear, before the green skinned woman loosened her grip on my hips ever so slightly. Barely, but it was enough for me to start actually thrusting into her. She let out a quiet gasp as I pushed into her, which faded into a sigh as I pulled back. Her hips met mine, meeting my thrusts with her own in what little space we had.

Ivy’s hands slid around my back, her fingers digging in, to the point I wouldn’t be surprised if she drew a bit of blood. Her front lifted up, her head coming to rest on my shoulder as she continued with her gasps and sighs. Before I felt her teeth bite down, hard, on the meat of my shoulder and a loud, pleasured scream tore its way out of her. At the same time, her pussy clamped down on me, and her grip, both with her arms and legs, tightened to the point I was having difficulties breathing.

“Ya like tha’ Red?” cooed the almost smug Harley, the hand tracing where we were joined moving to tease and play with Ivy’s clit. “Jus’ think how it’ll feel when he cums, his spunk fillin’ ya up, ‘till it oozes out cause there’s no more room.”

Ivy let out a whine, her torso rippling as she rode out her orgasm, before she finally fell back. Light flooded back in as the plant bed unfurled, and I was treated to the sight of an utterly exhausted looking Poison Ivy resting against Harley Quinn. Who promptly turned Ivy’s head so they could kiss. Even with all the things I’d seen thus far, that was still one of the hottest things I’d ever seen. I couldn’t help it, I hilted myself in Poison Ivy and came.

One jet, two, three, again and again I came inside her, filling her to the point that, like Harley had teased, it was coming out because there wasn’t any more room. Part of me wondered if I should have dialed back the settings on how much cum I was producing, but it was too late now. Ivy went even more limp than she had already been, as Harley broke the kiss and looked at me with a grin that was half satisfaction and half pure lust.

“C’mon over here, Fuzzy. Let Red clean ya up,” the gorgeous blonde said, taking her hand off Ivy’s breast to crook her finger in a ‘come hither’ gesture.

I gave a quick glance to Ivy, to see if she would protest, but instead, she just met my gaze with her own smoky, half lidded one. My dick twitched inside her, and upon seeing her bite on her lower lip, I was out of her pussy and making my way to her head as fast as I could. Harley, on the other hand, slid out from under Ivy and crawled down until she was directly over the redhead’s womanhood, her own directly above Ivy’s head.

Ivy reached out, one hand wrapping around me and guiding me to her warm, inviting mouth while the other curled around Harley’s leg to begin teasing at her slick pussy. I closed my eyes, saving the feeling of Ivy’s lips around my length, her tongue sliding over me as she tasted our mixed cum. I wasn’t paying much attention to what Harley was doing, the angle we were at meant that even if I looked I wouldn’t see much more than her (admittedly lovely) back, but whatever it was, it made Ivy let out muffled whines around my cock.

I looked down, seeing the pleased, almost lost look on Ivy’s face as she came from Harley’s ministrations. Deciding to give her a break, I pulled out of Ivy’s mouth, only to slide into Harley. Harley jerked up, surprised, as I hilted myself in her, before bringing my hand down to give her ass a swat that sent it bouncing.

“Another one, Fuzzy,” Harley said with a moan, as she buried her face back into Ivy’s muff. I obliged, giving her a spank on the other cheek, as Ivy leaned her head up and began running her tongue along both me and Harley. The way the meat of Harley’s ass rippled as my hand connected with it… it was hypnotizing, so I did it again, sending both cheeks bouncing, drawing a louder moan from her.

I reached up, slipping my hands under the cheerleader top Harley was wearing to grab onto her breasts as I increased the pace of my thrusts. All while Ivy continued licking both of us, and Harley continued to drive the redhead wild…


“Well, that was more fun than I was anticipating coming here,” I mused as I relaxed on Ivy’s plant bed. Harley was curled against my side, while Ivy was cuddling against her.

“Told ya,” Harley said with more than a little smugness in her voice as she ran her fingers through Ivy’s hair. Turning to look at the woman nuzzling her face into Harley’s breast, she continued, “Red, think ya could get Selina t’look after the place?”

“Yes, Mistress,” Ivy responded, her voice full of happiness and contentment. “She’ll be glad to hear that you’re no longer missing. I also need to decide which seedlings to bring.”

“If I can make a suggestion,” I interjected, “some heavy oxygen producers wouldn’t be a bad idea. Having them on the ship would be most welcome.”

“Some o’ your special seeds too,” Harley chimed in, before a mischievous grin spread across her face. “Pack the ‘friendly’ ones.”

I knew there was something significant about the way that Harley said the word friendly, but I decided that I didn’t want to know. Instead, I simply said, “We can dedicate a room or three to whichever of your babies you decide to bring.”

“Thank you, Darling,” Ivy said as she reluctantly rose from Harley’s embrace to move to a different part of the building.

Harley’s head fell back against my shoulder, and I wrapped an arm around her and hugged her close. The blonde snuggled in closer, letting out some adorable noises as she did so. In the distance, I could hear Ivy speaking, presumably on the phone, but she was too far and too quiet for me to make out the precise words she was using.

I suppose that what happened next shouldn’t have been that surprising, but having the catsuit clad form of a certain thief drop into the room from seemingly nowhere still caught me off guard. I glanced down, and I was pretty sure Harley’s leg was covering everything. Before things could get too awkward, a leaf lifted off the bed and covered both my and Harley’s lower halves. Just in time too, as the woman who could only be Catwoman turned to face Harley and I.

“Harley, who is this?” Selina asked, her voice hard and suspicious.

“My name’s Bear,” I answered. “I’d offer to shake your hand, but I’m pretty sure you know where it’s been.”

My attempt at levity didn’t seem to amuse her, the backlit, white lenses that hid her eyes boring into me. Ivy re-entered the room, dressed in a white, fluffy bathrobe and carrying another. She tossed the spare bathrobe towards us, and Harley easily reached up and caught it without looking, before stepping up behind Selina and giving the woman a hug.

“That was fast,” Ivy commented.

“I was in the area anyway,” Selina responded, not taking her eyes from me. “The hell is going on? Who is this? Where’s Harley been and how did this guy kidnap her?”

“We’re on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan!” Harley gleefully declared as she slipped on the robe.

“…what?” was Selina’s understandable response.

“We haven’t been to that universe yet, Harley,” I chided with a chuckle, before turning to Selina. “Long story short, we were both ‘kidnapped’ by the same entity, a little g goddess, and given a mission to form a coalition to save the omniverse.”

“High level Justice League bullshit, basically,” Ivy chimed in as she stepped away from Selina to give Harley a kiss.

“Not this Justice League, but I suppose that’s a simpler way to put it,” I allowed with a shrug. She’d been having rooftop romps with Batman long enough that she should have heard about other realities by this point. This shouldn’t leave her shell-shocked.

Her response was to pinch her nose and mutter, “I need a fucking drink.”

“Ya know where the good stuff is, Kitty,” Harley said between kisses with Ivy.

A few minutes later, I had my pants back on and was sitting with the cat burglar holding a glass of some sort of honey/brown booze as Ivy and Harley rather noisily ‘caught up’ in the covered bulb-bed. The drink, if I had to describe it, tasted like a mix of chocolate liqueur and mead, and came in an unlabeled bottle.

“We weren’t planning on asking you to join us,” I said as I took a sip of the booze.

“So Ivy said,” Selina answered as she poured her second glass. “You want me to play plantsitter while the three of you go galavanting across other Earths, fighting Crime Syndicates and Justice Lords, and that sort of crap that’s too fucking big.”

“It’s a bit worse than that, but we’re not going to be on the front lines,” I said. “We’re the ones doing the diplomatic work in getting the defenses set up. Basically we’re going to the people who will be on the front lines and doing support work and recruiting them.”

“So I suppose you want me to call Batman and the Just…” she trailed off as I shook my head. “Why the hell not?”

“We’ve already working with a version of the League, one that’s still on their satellite. In 1980, for that matter,” I answered, taking another drink. I wasn’t much of a drinker, but this blend was starting to grow on me.


“Look, I’m not expecting you to keep secrets from someone known as The World’s Greatest Detective, but your version is too paranoid for us to trust him at our backs. Our group includes Dark Ladies of the Sith and a gynoid designed for infiltration and assassination, consider what that means and tell me that he’d be okay with it.”

Selina stared at me, before tossing back her glass and quickly refilling it. Thus proving my point. Chuckling, I continued, “What this visit comes down to is that Harley needs Ivy and Ivy needs Harley. With Ivy coming with us, they won’t be apart again. As… angry and justifiably suspicious as you’ve been, it’s still good to meet one of Harley’s friends. Take care of yourself, and if possible see about talking the pointy-eared grouch into some therapy before he burns out. Assuming he hasn’t already.”

If the amused look that Selina sent me was a bit confusing, what she said next nearly made me choke on my spit in surprise, “He left on his honeymoon with Wonder Woman two days ago.”


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