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Just another day down by the river, checking the traps, collecting some water plants, the monotonous day to day that had been the last God knows how many years. I admit, I was better equipped than most people to be dropped into the middle of an unknown wilderness with nothing but my pajamas (thanks Boy Scouts), but that first year was brutal. It felt like I died only to wake up again nearly once a month, closer to once a week that first winter.

By the time the second passing of winter was over, I'd managed to find a cave that kept the wind out and had enough space to make for a decent home. I'd expanded it over the years, and now it was more like a mansion inside a cliff face than a cave. It had bedrooms, a bath, a central living area, a kitchen, the whole shebang! I'd even managed to fashion paints to give the walls some color. It had taken me a while to figure out how to make some candles, but once I had the entire complex could have proper lighting.

If I was being completely honest, reinventing things was more than a little fun. There were really only two issues I had with it. The first was the fact that I wasn't doing it for fun, but necessity. The other was the fact that in the many years (I lost track after the first decade) I'd been here, I hadn't seen a single hint of other people.

I'd considered the possibility that I was completely insane, and was living out hallucinations but honestly I kinda thought my hallucinations would have at least included a shoulder devil to try to talk me into sin and shit. Come to think of it, can you commit sins if it's just you in a survival situation? I can't cheat, can't steal, murder, gamble, have premarital sex, or anything like that.

Wirh is sigh, I pushed aside the thoughts I'd had at least five different times and refocused on sorting through the contents of the crawdad trap I'd set in the river. Tossing the last of the crawdads I was keeping into the basket, I stood up and started making my way back home. I'd boil them and have them for dinner tonight, then come back out later to check some of the other traps. If there was anything in them, I'd smoke the meat and set it aside in the pantry. Tomorrow I'd be making some more clay jugs, and then building a kiln to fire them.

That was my plan, up until I heard a strange sound coming from the direction of my cave. A ripping sound, like when pulling the hide of a deer from the muscle, and an echoing sound that sounded like… laughter? Was I going to have company? I hadn't had company in ever!

Racing to the entrance, I froze. There, on the ground in front of the wooden door I'd fashioned years ago, was… a girl. She looked young, wearing clothes like I vaguely remember from the time before I was here, when I would give metal and paper to people and get things in return, instead of having to make everything myself. On her chest was a bright, vibrant red piece that wrapped around her torso with two tiny strings going over her shoulders. Below that was a short skirt of dark blue and white lines that formed framed boxes. On her feet were shoes that had a rounded checkmark on them. She had vivid red hair, freckles dusted liberally across her face, upper chest, and shoulders, and a cute, dainty nose.

I swallowed, even as certain things started reacting to the first girl I'd seen since arriving here. Setting down the basket with dinner in it, I picked her up (she was so light) and took her inside. I'd get some candles lit, grab my first aid kit, and check her over. Then I'd make dinner. After that… I'd worry about that later.

"Really, Adam," I muttered to myself as I set The Girl down on one of my beds. "Focus, now is not the time to be thinking with your dick."

Easier said than done, my brain responded as I grabbed the basket from outside and took it to my kitchen, which is where I kept my first aid kit. We've been stuck at fifteen since whatever douche dumped us here.

I ignored my brain, even though it was right. I didn't have any mirrors, but from what I could tell I hadn't aged a day in my years here. I hoped it wouldn't be the same for The Girl, don't get me wrong, a pussy is a pussy, but I would like to experience a titfuck at some point and as it stood she didn't look like she was old enough for training bras.

Grabbing the sack that was my first aid kit, I made my way back to the bedroom with The Girl and set it on the floor next to her. I wasn’t a doctor, not by a long shot, but I’d managed to figure out enough stuff to keep things from being infected. A quick inspection found a few scrapes and bruises that I wiped down with some booze I’d managed to make before smearing an ointment over them. The largest cut was from her shoulder to her chest (just under the middle of her neck), but it was still shallow enough I wasn’t too worried about it. The ointment was sticky enough that some bandages I’d made out of woven fur adhered to her securely, then I took a moment to just look.

Honestly, despite her age she looked kinda like a hooker. What sort of parent gives a kid who can’t even be in middle school a skirt that short or a shirt that shows half her chest? Her skin was smooth, and outside of the bandages there wasn’t a blemish to be seen. Her belly was tight, and from what I’d seen of her butt while checking her back for injuries I just knew it would look amazing bouncing on my…

“That’s enough of that,” I whispered as I packed up my first aid kit and left the bedroom.

She was going to wake up in a strange place, surrounded by stuff not too out of place in a mix of Clan of the Cave Bear and the Flintstones, she did not need to wake up to me shoving my dick in her. Though it would feel great… FOCUS!

“Dinner, deal with the crawdads. I should have enough for two,” I murmured. “I’ll get out some of the veggies, make a soup. That’ll stretch it.”

I put the first aid kit away and got to work prepping the crawdads. Shelling and deveining before tossing the meat into a jar filled with water and the rest into a bowl that I’d take out later to my garden to use as compost. Once that was done, I went to the pantry and grabbed a bunch of root vegetables to serve as the majority of the soup. I was more than a little confused when I first discovered potatoes a valley over, as all the wildlife looked like it was from ice age Europe. But that didn’t stop me from growing the shit out of them, as many as I could each season.

I soon had a cooking fire burning, and my clay soup pot on top of it. A few bits of condensed and dried stock went in first, followed by the potatoes and herbs, and once the spuds had gotten a proper consistency, I threw in the crawdad meat. After they were fully cooked, I took the soup pot off the fire and set it in the middle of the dining table. I got out my spare soup bowl, set a spot for The Girl and went to check on her.

I swallowed down a lump in my throat as I approached the bedroom. I’d never been much of a people person, in the time before I was dumped here. But I was still human, and humans weren’t meant for the long time isolation I’d been subjected to. So I was understandably nervous. And hoping that my isolation hadn’t killed my ability to speak or understand her.

I opened the door, and was met with a pair of bright green eyes. The Girl was sitting up, and her hands were on one of the bandages, I’m guessing she was inspecting them. Her eyes widened, and before I could force words from my suddenly tight throat, she screamed. Very loudly. My hands flew to my ears, as she scrambled back on the bed into the furthest corner she could.

“Stop screaming!” I shouted. She didn’t. She just screamed louder. Not even pausing to take in a breath of air. She was making it so that I was having a hard time remembering why I was so excited to see another person. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore and bellowed at the top of my lungs, “SHUT UP!”

That finally got her to stop screaming, instead she huddled up into a ball in the corner where the bed jut out of the wall. As I took my hands from my ears, I studiously did not think about a different kind of screams I could draw from her. Instead, I did my best to ignore the ringing sound and asked, “Do you speak English?”

She didn’t answer, simply continued huddling up in a ball and letting out quiet sobbing sounds. I let out a sigh as I ran a hand across my head. My hair had gotten a crap load of knots and tangles in it since I’d been too busy with prepping for spring to make a new comb, so I’d decided to start from scratch. Addressing The Girl, I sat on the other end of the bed and said, “Look, I’ll be right back with some food. Then we can talk, okay?”

The Girl peeked out from behind her arms at me, but didn’t say anything. I took that as an agreement, so I went to the dining room, filled up both bowls with some soup, grabbed a pair of spoons, and made my way back. Kicking the door open, I placed one of the bowls in front of The Girl and took a seat on the foot of the bed.

“Help yourself,” I told her before taking a bite myself. I closed my eyes as I savored the flavors, my diet most days was pretty bland, so even this was splurging for a guest. Opening my eyes, I felt a tiny surge of annoyance, seeing that The Girl was still curled in a ball, not having touched her soup. “If I wanted to hurt you, I would have done so.”

“But you’re a nazi,” The Girl whimpered, making me blink.

“…the heck are you talking about?” I asked in pure confusion.

“Mommy said any white man who’s bald is a nazi, and not to drink anything a man gives me,” she continued.

I blinked again. A third time. Just what the fuck was The Girl’s mother smoking? Where was her father in all this? Pushing that thought aside, I decided to be patient and gently said, “My comb broke a few weeks back and I haven’t had the chance to make a new one. I cut all of my hair off because it had gotten so tangled that no amount of brushing would ever get it all out. I’m not a nazi, just a guy who is starved for human interaction.”

She looked at me in confusion, “Why didn’t you go to the store for a new comb?”

I gestured to my furs and the room around us, “There is no store. You’re the first person I’ve seen in over ten years, and not for a lack of trying on my part.”

Hesitantly, The Girl uncurled and picked up the bowl, taking a spoonful of soup and trying it. She gave it a considering look, before taking another bite. A confused look spread across her face, “What’s wrong with the tofu? It feels weird.”

I couldn’t remember what tofu was, but something about the word sent a surge of annoyance through me. Ignoring that, I answered her, “The meat’s from some crawdads I gathered earlier today.”

“What’s a crawdad?”

“Think a shrimp that’s from a river instead of the sea.”

Her eyes went wide, and she put down the bowl, “I can’t eat that! It’s from an animal!”

I had a sinking suspicion that The Girl’s mother was some kind of hippy, but I felt the need to point out, “So are the furs you’re sitting on, the leather that I’m wearing, the candles providing the room’s light, the bandages over your cuts and scrapes, the broth, and that’s just the stuff off the top of my head in this room. I don’t have the luxury of ignoring a resource because it came from an animal. I’ve had to rediscover how to make pretty much everything from scratch, so if I can get some use out of something, I’m going to get as much out of it as I can.”

“But it’s evil! Mommy was right, you are a nazi!”

I took a deep breath, held it, before letting it out. Getting angry would just scare her, so I decided to focus on a different subject, “How good are you at sewing?”

I figured it would be a safe topic, most likely she’d say something about learning how to use a sewing machine, and I’d tell her I’d teach her what I’d figured out about making and stitching clothes. That is not what I got, “I don’t know how, because it’s another way the patriarchy oppresses women by making them stay at home.”

All things considered, I’d like to think I was being extremely patient. Had it just been the uncalled for name calling and general spoiled, ungrateful brattiness, I probably would have continued to try to be patient. Instead, she adjusted how she was sitting on the bed, bringing my attention to her creamy, smooth legs, and the hidden treasure between them. Fuck it, if she was going to be a burden straining the supplies and resources I had, I was at least going to get something out of it.

I placed my bowl on the side table, picked up the still full bowl I’d given to her and put it next to it, and stood up to my full height. I didn’t have an exact measurement, for obvious reasons, but I was tall, in the ballpark of six feet. My lifestyle had also given me a very broad, solid build. As I glared down at her, she pressed herself further back into the corner while looking up at me with frightened eyes.

“I am going to be blunt: to the best of my knowledge the two of us are the only humans in existence. I will not let you lounge about doing nothing while I gather all of the resources and supplies, make all of the tools, to make everything that we need. One way or another, you will contribute. If you won’t learn how to lessen the workload yourself, then you’ll contribute by providing me additional hands that will,” I told her as I approached her, reaching out with a hand and grabbing her by the ankle.

She let out a shriek as I used my grip on her to pull her closer to me, out of the corner she’d huddled into. Her free leg lashed out, flying towards my head with a kick that would certainly hurt, if I didn’t lift my arm up in response to intercept it. Smoothly, I wrapped my arm around it and pinned her leg under my armpit. Her shirt rode up as I pulled her across the bed, exposing her smooth and flat tummy to my hungry gaze. With both her legs elevated, her skirt fell up to bunch around her waist, revealing the plain, simple white panties she wore.

My cock was already rock hard in my leathers, as I reached down with the hand not full of ankle and hooked a finger under her panties, just below her pubescent pussy. With a tug, they came free and I slid them down her legs. Her hands came up, trying to keep me from removing them, but she was seventy pounds soaking wet, at most. The fabric slipped out of her grasp, and I briefly let go of her ankle to slip them around her foot.

I leaned over her, pressing my hips between her legs before she could even think about closing them. I could feel the eager grin on my face; excitement, anticipation, and lust after being celibate for at least fifteen years driving me forwards. She screamed, tears in her eyes as her hands pressed against my chest. I reached down, tugging my pants down just enough to free my throbbing shaft and let it lay against her, showing just how deep inside her I’d reach. The head poked against her belly button, and I felt my cock twitch at the thought of reaching so far inside of her.

I pulled my hips back, lining myself up with her tiny cunt, as I leaned down to whisper into her ear, “I’m going to fuck you, and breed you. You’re going to carry my children, and there is nothing you can do to prevent it.”

With that declaration, I pushed forwards, my cock bending as her tight loli pussy resisted, before my head pushed her lips apart, and something tore. She let out a wail of pain as, with her virginity taken, I slipped deeper and deeper inside her. As I hit the halfway point, I felt my cockhead bump against something spongy and hard. I glanced down, and saw a bump in her formerly flat belly where my cockhead was poking through.

“It hurts,” The Girl sobbed under me.

“I know,” I said, nonchalantly, making her look up at me through her tears. “I really don’t care that much right now.”

There’d be time for gentle lovemaking later, right now I had a too-damn-many-years long dry spell I was going to end, and in the process I was going to do my best to plant a baby or two in that petite womb of hers.


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