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Salt burst across Harley’s tongue as she tasted the sweat on Stephanie’s skin, her tongue swirling around the firm nipple, before her teeth bit down and tugged on it. Above Harley’s head, Stephanie gave a groan, muffled by the length of phallus shaped wood in her mouth, the length of plant material perfectly smooth without so much as an out of placed grain (let alone a splinter). The fake cock was attached to a harness, also made out of wood, that wrapped around Ivy’s hips like a strap-on made by a dryad.

Stephanie’s tongue swirled around the strap-on, tracing the lines of it as Ivy’s hips rocked back and forth. Ivy's head was tossed back, her power allowing her to feel the sensations of the heroine’s warm, wet mouth as if it were a flesh and blood part of her. Stephanie gave a slight squeak, as Harley’s fingers teased at her clit, before inhaling deeply through her nose, the floral scents of both Ivy and her plants sending a wave of warmth through the blonde heroine, and pushing her head forwards. Relaxing her throat, Stephanie began to swallow as the head of the wooden phallus reached the back of her mouth, pulling it deeper down and doing her best to avoid gagging.

Harley lifted her mouth away from the younger blonde’s breast, a small frown on her face, “Red, hurry it up already. Mamma Harley wants her treat!”

The part of Stephanie’s mind that wasn’t clouded over with lust wondered what Harley was talking about, but it was drowned out by the rest, which wanted to take Ivy’s wooden cock down even deeper into her throat. Deeper… all the way to the base… so she could breathe in Ivy’s scent.

“Patience, Harley,” Ivy said with a groan as she pushed even more of her strap on into Stephanie’s mouth. The young heroine’s throat began to bulge as her head leaned back, to allow easier passage. “The Little Bat here is much better at this than I anticipated.”

As she said that, the sensations of Stephanie’s mouth and throat, felt through Ivy’s power over plantlife, broke the red haired villainess’s composure. Her hands reached down, fingers sliding through blonde locks, forest green eyes meeting blue green, before Ivy rolled her hips forwards as her hands pulled Stephanie’s head towards her. Stephanie choked, the sudden forceful invasion catching her off guard.

Ivy pulled Stephanie deeper, driving the wooden phallus down Stephanie’s mouth and throat. Despite the sudden forcefulness, it wasn’t brutal. The part of Stephanie’s mind still aware of anything other than her pleasure or pleasing Harley and Ivy noted that while she was being dominated, it wasn’t like the women she’d been too late to save from rape. There was no sense of violation to the movements, rather, there was a sense of being taken, but not in a bad way.

Stephanie’s nose touched the red, neatly trimmed triangle of hair between Ivy’s legs, the smell of Ivy filling her mind with its thick, heady scent. Her body went limp, the last of Ivy’s fake cock slipping into Stephanie’s mouth, before the blonde girl’s eyes widened in shock. She tried to pull back in surprise, but Ivy held her head down as something pulsed from the end of the strap on like it were a flesh and blood member. With it so far down, Stephanie had no choice but to swallow whatever it was.

She felt it settle in her stomach, a tingling feeling inside her as it did. Almost immediately after, the tingling spread throughout her torso, concentrating on her breasts. A questioning noise, with more than a hint of concern, made its way past the wood in Stephanie’s mouth, moments before Harley leaned in and wrapped her lips around one of her nipples again.

The pigtailed blonde gave a hard suck, her hand wrapping around the tit she was sucking and giving it a squeeze. Stephanie moaned, her back arching at the sudden burst of veritable ecstasy that shot through her, far more powerful than the already pleasurable sensations that Harley’s earlier affections had provided. Ivy pulled back, the wooden phallus unchanged and just as hard and firm as it had been before.

“Does that meet your approval, Harley dear?” Ivy asked as she walked around the edge of the bed, Stephanie panting and groaning from the sensations radiating from Harley’s ministrations.

Harley didn’t respond verbally, merely raised a hand to give a thumbs just as the cocktail that had been ‘injected’ into Stephanie bore fruit. Ivy reached down, fingertips trailing along Stephanie’s skin before coming to her unattended breast. Her fingers wrapped around it and gave a squeeze, causing pearls of white fluid to form at the nipple.

Stephanie lifted her head, her eyes going wide in surprise as Ivy ran her finger across Stephanie’s leaking nipple, collecting the secreted milk, for what else could it be. A knowing, seductive smirk graced the green-skinned woman’s face, as she leaned over Harley, and pushed the milk-covered finger into Stephanie’s mouth. The heroine, for her part, dutifully took the finger into her mouth and began suckling it, like she had on the fake cock not two minutes before. Ivy traced the lines inside Stephanie’s mouth, before pulling away, the younger woman letting out a mewl of disappointment, her head lifting to try to follow the digit.

“Move your leg, Harley dear,” Ivy purred.

Harley glanced back without lifting her head from Stephanie’s nipple, a grin spreading across her face as she realized what Ivy had planned. Shuffling on the bed, Harley left Stephanie’s lower body clear, before finally releasing the milk laden tit from her mouth and leaning up to purr into her ear.

“Get ready cutie, I can tell ya this’ll be better than any guy ya ever been with,” Harley whispered, before lightly biting down on Stephanie’s ear and pulling back.

Stephanie whimpered as Ivy moved between her legs, lifting her pale, toned thighs into the air, resting the back of Stephanie’s knees on Ivy’s shoulders. Reaching down, Ivy took her strap on in hand and guided it to Stephanie’s gushing sex. With a roll of her hips, Ivy penetrated the young heroine, making her throw her head back against the bed with a groan.

Harley chuckled, leaning down and biting on Stephanie’s neck, sending another jolt through her body. That part of Stephanie’s mind that had held out against all the ministrations, against the heady aroma of the room, against everything the two villainesses had treated her to, buckled. The sensation of Ivy’s wooden cock spreading her open, with the increased sensitivity brought about by the same blend that made her breasts begin to swell with milk, nearly broke the last semblance of reason and restraint the heroine had.

That part of her mind tried to focus, it did its best to remember Tim, to concentrate on her boyfriend. She took in a deep breath, focusing on that one thought, even as her hips became flush with Ivy’s own and Harley left a trail of nips, sucks, and kisses along her neck and jawline. Ivy’s hips gyrated, swirling the strap on and stirring up Stephanie’s pussy, sending waves of lusty pleasure through her body.

‘Focus on Tim, remember Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!’ Stephanie’s thoughts shattered as she came, the rush of ecstasy shattering what little semblance of control and composure she’d had left. She cried out, her back arching and her limbs flailing as a veritable storm ran through her.

Harley and Ivy both waited for Stephanie’s orgasm to run its course, looking down at the panting young woman with satisfied amusement on their faces. Wagging her eyebrows at Ivy, Harley swung her leg over Stephanie’s face, bringing her own wet core to rest over her mouth.

“C’mon Blondie, I’m sure ya know what to do from here,” Harley said with a smirking grin before she leaned over and pulled Ivy into a searing kiss.

Stephanie, that tiny part of her mind broken, leaned up and licked along Harley’s slit. Her hands came up and her fingers dug into the meat of the jester’s ass as her hips gyrated against the wooden cock splitting her in two.

“Hey Red, seems she’s gettin’ inta it,” Harley said with a moan as she ground her pussy against Stephanie’s mouth.

Ivy just grunted as she rocked her hips back and forth, driving the strap on deep into the heroine, her focus on neither Harley nor on the physical activity she was partaking in. Rather, her focus was on manipulating the plants above them, altering their pollen and making them continually produce it at rapid rates.

The pollen, once Stephanie breathed it in, stoked the fires of lust within her, driving her to ever increasing heights of lust and ecstasy, until all she could think about was pleasing the two women above her. Her tongue worked to bring Harley to her peak as quickly as she could, while the muscles in her pussy clenched and rippled, trying to pull Ivy ever deeper into her.

Harley and Ivy broke their kiss, looking down at the eager to please blonde between them, and Ivy asked, “How do you feel, Little Bat?”

“Sho ghud,” Stephanie said, her voice muffled as she continued eating out Harley. “Sho mu’ be’r th’n R’bin.”

Ivy’s eyebrows shot up in genuine surprise, “I didn’t think you’d go for one so young.”

Stephanie pulled her head back into the mattress of the bed just enough to answer, “Not the brat Robin, the other one,” before diving face first back into Harley’s wet pussy.

Ivy didn’t hold back the snort of amusement, before resuming her ministrations, driving the wooden cock into Stephanie, churning up her insides into a white, frothy mess.

Fuuuck, she’s really good at this Red,” Harley said with a groan. “We should keep her, she’s better at eatin’ pussy than any o’ the other sluts we’d tried out. An’ look how big she’s gotten!”

Harley groped Stephanie’s breasts, which had swollen at least a cup size with milk, the woman in question letting out a muffled squeal of pleasure as Ivy’s wooden strap on brushed against her g-spot at the same time. Ivy gave a flat look at Harley, ignoring the heroine between them beyond the rhythmic thrusts of her hips.

“You just want a new toy to play with after you wore out our last slut,” Ivy drawled.

A muffled noise came from Stephanie, and her hand tapping on Harley’s thigh prompted the jester to lift her hips enough for Stephanie to talk, “Please, lemme please you forever Misstresses, I’ll tell you anything, I’ll do anything, just let me be your Bat Slut.”

With the last word, Stephanie’s eyes rolled up into the back of her head as she came again, consciousness leaving her from the sheer force of her climax. The two villainesses blinked, before meeting each other’s eyes. This time Harley had a flat look and Ivy had a slightly embarrassed expression on her face.

“Ya ovah did the pollen, Red,” Harley drawled.

“Fine, we can keep her,” Ivy conceded. “On the bright side, we can have the fools stop spreading rumors about those ‘Boney Bloods’. Really Harley, you couldn’t think of a better name?”

“Hey! It worked, didn’ it? ‘Sides, look at this stomach and these hips! We been talking for ages about a surrogate, and she came right to us!”

Ivy gave a considering hum as she let Stephanie’s legs fall to the bed, pulling the strap on out as she did so. Harley, for her part, continued unabated, her eyes gleaming as ideas flooded her mind, “Dis went so well, we should turn up the charm on some o’ the other Gotham Babes. I been wantin’ to strap-slam Selina straight inta your cunt! Ooh, wadda ‘bout that redhead Batwoman? Or the other Batgirl? Think Pengy would be willin’ to let us have some fun wit’ his girls? Oh, and tha’ loonie’s got a really hot daughter!”

Ivy put her hand to Harley’s lips, shushing her, “I’ll think about it, Harley Dear. Why don’t you take the Little Bat to the shower and get her cleaned up.”

Harley gave an energetic salute, and crawled off the bed, hooking her arms under Stephanie’s armpits and dragging her away. Just before she left through the doorway, Ivy called out, “Which loonie were you referring to?”

“The old geezer who’s even crazier ‘bout the environment than you Red!”


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