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[center]<<Nymphadora “Don’t Call Me That” Tonks>>[/center]

I still don’t know how I ended up on wrangling duty on my day off, but here I was, in Hogsmeade trying my best to keep the hamster on crack that was Harley from destroying the village and too many people’s sanities. I swear, if I find the one who gave her coffee before coming here I’ll show them a few of the jinxes I picked up in my time at Hogwarts. People think Slytherin’s vindictive, they should have seen the inside of Hufflepuff.

“Ooh! What’s this?!” the hyperactive blonde asked, running to a storefront fast enough to be mistaken for apparation.

“Zonko’s,” I answered, coming up behind her as she all but shoved her face into the window. “It’s a joke sho…”

I blinked, as my charge seemed to disappear. The ringing of Zonko’s door bell told me where she went, accompanied by her manic cackling. A sudden, ominous chill went down my spine, and I had the sense that I’d just made a horrible, terrible mistake.

“Tonks?” a familiar voice spoke up from behind me.

Turning around, I gave a grin and replied, “Wotcher. How’re the three of you doing?”

Harry, Rhonda, and Hermione ran up, and there was a short lived group hug. When the group hug ended, Rhonda asked, “What’re you doing in Hogsmeade?”

“Someone told Harley about the village, and I ended up drawing the short straw of being her minder.”

The three stared at me, eyes wide as their gazes glanced between me and Zonko’s. Immediately there was another loud cackle from Harley inside, and Hermione quietly said under her breath, “Well, Britain’s doomed.”

I snorted in amusement, it wouldn’t be that ba-

“MOOD RING!” Harley shouted from behind me as she threw open the door to Zonko’s. “I NEED MORE MONEY! Oh, hiya kiddos!”

Just as fast as she’d run into Zonko’s, Harley raced back over to the four of us and immediately grabbed the trio into a bear hug, lifting them up and spinning them around. I personally was surprised such a small woman had the strength to lift up the three teens with such ease.

Together, the trio and I managed to talk Harley out of buying the entire stock of Zonko’s and then the five of us made our way to the Three Broomsticks. Harry bought each of us a round of butterbeer, even if Rhonda gave a playful glower and mumbled about being able to pay for her own butterbeer.

“Hush,” Harry said with a wide grin as the bottles floated over to the table. “Let me pamper my friends.”

“Aw,” Harley cooed as she pulled Harry into a hug that resulted in the smaller girl’s head being pressed into the crazy woman’s chest. Harley continued as Harry’s face grew red, fast enough I almost wondered if she were a metamorph. “Dat’s so sweet, we ain’t known each odda long an’ ya already consider me a friend!”

“Please let go, Mama Harley,” Harry quietly squeaked out, her face a brighter and more vibrant red than a tomato by this point.

The table was still for a moment, as Rhonda, Hermione, and I looked at Harry with various levels of interest and amusement at what had slipped out of the teen’s mouth. Harry soon realized what she’d said aloud and her blush became practically luminescent.

“How much would it cost me for you all to forget that?” Harry managed to ask after clearing her throat.

In response, Harley pressed Harry’s head even deeper into her chest and chided, “Nuhuh, none o’ dat! No way are we ignorin’ dat.”

There was a quiet whining sound, and what might have been a moan, from Harry as she muttered, “Can’t believe I said that.”

With a chuckle, Harley let Harry go and returned to her seat, picking up the bottle of butterbeer and taking a pull. She blinked and looked at the bottle before shrugging, “Weak, but country miles ahead o’ smilex.”

“What’s smilex?” Rhonda asked, confusion twisting her face adorably.

Harley waved the question away, “Not important. So Emy, wha was dat about ‘Mama Harley’?”

Harry flushed, her entire posture screaming embarrassment, as she reached over and tried to hide her face behind her butterbeer. It might have been effective, had it been in a mug instead of a glass bottle.

Unfortunately for her, Harley wasn’t willing to let it go, as she stared, bug eyed, at Harry and said, “Imma keep staring like dis until ya spill.”

Sure enough, Harley continued to stare bug eyed at Harry for nearly ten minutes before Harry cracked, “That first night, when you held me during… that… I don’t know when it started, but… well, you’re gorgeous and I found myself… kinda… sorta… wanting to nurse from you…”

I smothered a snort of amusement, as Hermione’s head whipped around to look at Harry, “Is that why you started looking up the recipe for the Wet Nurse potion?”

Harry flushed, and before she could say anything, Harley slapped her hand over Harry’s mouth, “Doncha worry Emy, Mama Harley’s got this. My client pleads the Fifth!”

“The what?” Rhonda asked.

“That’s in Muggle America, not Wizarding Britain,” Hermione managed to say through giggles.

“Oh,” Harley gave an exaggerated look of consideration. “Sorry Emy, yer on yer own.”

Harry gave a mock glare, before returning her attention to her bottle. After a minute, she mumbled something under her breath, that made Harley smile and put a comforting hand on Harry’s shoulder. The table was quiet for a bit, as we enjoyed the butterbeer and atmosphere.

The quiet was broken by Harley with the grace and tact of a hungarian horntail with a hernia, “So how’d ya go from wantin’ ta enjoy da girls ta thinkin’ o’ me as ‘Mama Harley’?”

“How it started is a bit of a mystery, since nothing I’ve found is sure, but since the early fifteen hundreds it’s been commonplace in the Wizarding World for witches to teach their daughters about their sexuality,” Hermione explained. “In the case of muggleborns or those without a maternal witch figure, typically the mother of a close friend will take it upon herself to teach them.”

Harley looked at the four of us one by one before saying, “So what ya sayin’ is dat between witches incest is common?”

“Yup,” I confirmed. “In some cases it lasts well into puberty. Mum and I would let off steam together all the way up until I went into Auror training.”

Harley’s eyebrows shot up, and her gaze turned to me, looking me up and down. I felt a little embarrassed, especially when she licked her lips, but didn’t let it show on my face or in my body language.

[center]<<Bear Sandosen>>[/center]

I sighed in frustration as I tossed the pseudo-robe thing I wore to the meeting of the ICW that Dumbledore had taken me to. Dumbledore mainly wanted me there to present Tara Q’s shifting pensieve thingy, to get the ICW to recognize the threat. They all did, recognize it that is, but that’s where things went… annoying.

The ICW had representatives of roughly seventy countries (which I’d been told rarely had the same borders as their non-magical counterparts), and over twenty of the representatives were firmly against providing any aid. ‘It’s not here, therefore it isn’t our problem,’ they said. Still, at least some were taking it seriously. The MCUSA representative (the accent giving them away as a Texan even if the hat didn’t) made calls back to the states to get potion production up, so we had the beginnings of a potion stockpile in the works. Still, I needed to… vent off… steam…

As I’d walked into the Yamato’s rec room, I was treated to the sight of Nikhol leaning over a pool table, lining up a shot, while wearing tight, form fitting, black leather pants that looked to have been painted on. Her hips shifted back and forth as she calculated the angle of her next shot, the polished pool cue sliding through her fingers before lunging forwards.

“Are you just going to stand there staring?” Nikhol asked with a smokey purr, slowly arching her back as she rose to a standing position, her head turning to look at me over her shoulder. A knowing smirk was on her face as she pushed her ass in my direction.

If someone could be treated to that view without getting an erection, then they don’t have a dick. I strode into the rec room and stood directly behind her, my rapidly swelling length grinding into the meat of her ass as I wrapped my arms around her. My right arm slid around her belly, fit muscle under a layer of softness, while my left slid up under her shirt, royal purple of some material I didn’t recognize, to palm her firm, full breast.

“No bra?” I asked, even as my fingers began to tease a nipple.

“Where’s the fun in that?” she cooed huskily, as she started grinding her ass against me.

My right hand popped the button on her pants before worming inside, to find that she was wearing just as much under her pants as she was under her shirt. And she was very, very wet.

“How much do you want me?” Nikhol asked, her voice thick with lust and sensuality. “Do you want to fill me up? To have my breasts wrapped around your throbbing manhood? To see me, one of the most powerful Sith in the galaxy, on my knees staring up at you with devotion in my eyes? Or perhaps bent over, my quim on display for you to enjoy and savor at your leisure?”

“All of it,” I answered, in something that could charitably be described as halfway between a croak and a growl. “I want all of it. All of you.”

“Then take it. Take me.”

My hands pulled out from under her clothes, grabbing onto the waistband of her pants and yanking them down. The twin, perfect globes of her ass rippled with the force of my actions, catching and drawing my eyes even as my hands came up and pushed on her back. With her pants around her knees, Nikhol fell forwards, leaning over the pool table and looking back at me with more passion and fire than I can remember ever seeing in her eyes.

Her hands reached back, fingers digging into the meat of her ass and spreading herself open. I kicked off my shoes as my fingers undid the button and zipper of my pants, before stepping out of them and coming up behind Nikhol. Normally I’d start with eating her out a little, but right now I was so aroused I could barely put two thoughts together. Lining myself up with her soaked entrance, I buried myself into Nikhol, drawing a satisfied groan from me and a pleased moan from her.

She was warm and wet, almost velvet in how smoothly I slid inside her. My hands gripped her hips and I pulled my hips back before bucking into her with all the strength I could muster. Nikhol wanted to be taken? Then that’s what she’ll get. A hard, rough fucking.

“Yesss…” she moaned out, her voice fluctuating each time my hips slammed into her ass. “That’s it. Give into your passions, stop holding back.”

She wanted me to stop holding back? My right hand came away from her hip before I brought it down, slapping against her ass, causing a ripple to radiate out. Reaching up, I grabbed the deep neck of her shirt and yanked down, her full breasts popping free and bouncing in time with our fucking. I reached around, palming and squeezing the firm titflesh, and pulled Nikhol back so she was flush with my chest.

“You want this? You want to be taken?” I growled.

“I want yo-oooh… to act on, kriff, your desires,” Nikhol panted, turning her head to look at me as she focused. “We want you just as much as you want us, dear Bear. We want you to approach us when you want us. Being the ones to initiate everything gets exhausting.”

I wanted to respond to that, say something in my defense, but right then Nikhol flexed the muscles in her pussy, tightening on me to a degree far beyond what I would have thought possible. My balls clenched, and I hilted myself inside her as I came, sending jet after jet of cum deep into Nikhol.

My breath came in gasps, my muscles twitching as I filled this beautiful Dark Lord of the Sith. After what seemed an eternity, I stepped back, sliding out of Nikhol. Were I an ordinary man, that would probably have been all I could manage. But thanks to Tara Q’s upgrades, with a minor flex of thought and will, I was ready to go again. And I knew exactly how I wanted to continue.

Grabbing Nikhol by the shoulder, I spun her around to face me as I pushed her to her knees. Her eyes widened in surprise as, without giving her the opportunity to speak, I slid my still slick cock into her mouth.

“I believe you said something about having your chest wrapped around me and looking up at me with devotion,” I quipped with a smile.

Smokey, satisfied lust blazed in her eyes as she took me deeper into her mouth and lifted her breasts up to wrap them around my base.


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