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[center]<<Bear Sandosen>>[/center]

I’ll admit, I didn’t expect the conversation that followed when Bill burst into the library. After Fleur, Taylor and I got dressed and a quick clean up (via a few spells from Fleur), Bill pulled me aside and took me to a bar. Not the Leaky Cauldron or the ones in Hogsmeade, but a normal bar in Dublin. I was a bit surprised, but thinking about it for a moment made me realize that wizards had apparated longer distances from London to Scotland.

“Come on, I’ll show you the right spot for this,” Bill said, leading me inside. He kept a close watch on my face, and upon entering I realized why. It was a gay bar. Which explained why he wasn’t pissed about Fleur having sex, but being pissed about the lack of silencing charms. I sat at the table Bill indicated, as the taller man explained, “This corner is unofficially for when we need to talk to people who aren’t… you know.”

“Yeah, so Fleur’s your beard?” I asked. It was obvious that she was, but I figured that it would be polite to ask anyway.

Bill nodded, as a member of the staff came over with a pair of drinks and placed them in front of us. I sipped at it, not really much of a drinker, while Bill took a much larger pull. Setting down his mug, Bill took a breath before speaking, “So… what exactly is it you plan to do about…”

He waved a hand at the rest of the bar, and I couldn’t resist the opening he gave me, “Not really interested in buying a bar, and I don’t plan on sticking around in this universe long enough to run it if I were.”

Bill gave me a sour look, and I held my hands up in surrender before saying, “I’m not going to out you. For one I respect you too damn much, but also when and where I’m from it’s gotten a lot better. I personally never cared about that kind of thing anyway.”

He sighed in relief and leaned back in his chair, “Thanks. You have no idea how hard it is in the Wizarding World. The main reason I work for the goblins is that despite everything else, I don’t have to worry about them finding out and sending it to the sort of people who’d corner me on the way home.”

“I don’t know your folks as well as I could, but from what I’ve seen I don’t think they’d reject you. Have you considered…”

“Of course I have, but being gay is a lot harder in the Wizarding World than it is in the muggle one. Coming out to family and it not being taken well is a serious risk. If a muggle is disowned by either of their parents, it would be terrible, but only injure them on an emotional level. For a wizard? Simply the statement of being disowned could have serious effects on my magic, let alone any of the two dozen rituals I can think of off the top of my head involving casting someone out of a family.”

I blinked in surprise, “Yikes. Wait, then why didn’t that happen to Sirius?”

Bill gave a chuckle, “There are two ways around the backlash and rituals. The first involves both a wizard and a witch doing a ritual of their own centered around starting a family on their own. The other involves a witch and wizard allowing the one cast out to link to their magic instead of the magic of their parents. It’s not direct adoption, that’s something different, but it’s close.”

“How’s it work for muggleborns or those with a magical and a muggle parent?”

“Muggleborn don’t have anything to worry about, as far as magic is concerned they’re the first in their family. As far as direct halfbloods are concerned, it depends on if the individual is a wizard or a witch as well as a couple other factors. A wizard who is in the process of becoming a father can handle the backlash and the rituals better as their magic becomes more protective in its nature, while a witch who is part of a coven can have it spread throughout the entire coven, dampening the effects. In any case, the backlash is worse for halfbloods than purebloods unless both the pureblood’s parents disown them.”

I took that in, “The severity of the backlash is determined by the percentage of magical parents doing the disowning? Fifty versus one hundred?”

Bill gave an agreeing nod before taking another drink. As he set down his mug, I asked, “How’d the arrangement with Fleur start?”

“It was after the Triwizard Tournament, I’d gone with Mum to support Harry since I had some vacation days saved up. She figured it out pretty quickly, since the Allure doesn’t work on gay men, and things just fell into place from there. Don’t get me wrong, I can recognize that she’s a beautiful woman, but…”

“I’m more your type than her?”

“No offense, but you’re not really my type either,” Bill quipped with a smile. “You a bit shorter and much paler than I like.”

I blinked, before giving Bill a knowing look, “I’m guessing that’s why you spend so much time in Egypt.”

A content, far off look spread across Bill’s face, “Anwar Nader. He’s working on getting a transfer here, to do work on studying pict and early celtic sites. We met at one of the digs in the Valley of Kings and just… hit it off.”

“Well,” I said while lifting my own glass, “here’s to those that we hit it off with.”

“I can certainly drink to that,” Bill agreed, tapping my glass with his.

[center]<<Hyacinth “Harry” Potter>>[/center]

I suppose we should have expected this, having slept in the Room of Requirements ever since we realized what side effects the ritual had. Combined with the fact that we hadn’t been to classes or school meals until Nikhol had helped us get our magic under control, obviously Lavender and Parvati were going to be demanding answers. Though casting Incarcerous as soon as we entered the dorm was a bit much.

“Where have you three been? We’ve been worried sick!” Lavender snapped, twirling her wand and tucking it into her belt.

I shared an amused look with Rhonda, who chuckled before easily bringing her arms up to cross them behind her head, the ropes that had been binding her snapping like dry twigs. Hermione rolled her eyes before using a focused bit of magic and the ropes fell to the ground cut in a dozen places. Me, I simply disintegrated the ropes.

“How…” Parvati trailed off, both her and Lavender staring at us in shock.

“We did a coven ritual that had some unexpected side effects,” Hermione began.

“We’ve been spending the time since Halloween trying to get enough control over our magic that we wouldn’t hurt someone in class. Even now we’re still a little prone to overpowering our spells,” I continued.

“Silver lining: wandless magic is now stupid easy,” Rhonda finished, forming a small ball of blue bell flames above her hand.

“A coven ritual? The only kind that could possibly have…” Parvati trailed off, a wicked grin spreading across her face. “Who was it? Who took your virginities?”

At that, I blushed and looked away, Rhonda and Hermione both doing the same. Parvati and Lavender manhandled the three of us into a circle in the center of the dorm room, and a quick call to Dobby had bowls of ice cream in each of our hands.

“So girls, spill,” Lavender demanded while pointing a spoonful of cherry vanilla at us.

“We met over the summer,” I started, taking a bite of my own neapolitan. “He and his extended family are staying in London for a year or so.”

“His name’s Bear,” Rhonda continued between bites of strawberry ice cream. “The rest of the family include two girls our age, Taylor and Lisa, a badass woman named Cameron, Lana who managed to box in Lucius Malfoy with just a few words, Harley who I’d bet money on being the one to teach the Sorting Hat the song it sang this year, and Nikhol who’s been helping us get a handle on our magic.”

“So one guy, surrounded by six witches?” Parvati asked, a large helping of chocolate ice cream on her spoon.

“Well…” Hermione hedged, absently stirring her bowl of french vanilla. “They aren’t technically witches, but I can’t say that they’re muggles either. More like they have a single thing they can do instead of being able to use a spell for any possible circumstance.”

“So what can Bear do?” Lavender asked.

I felt my cheeks start to burn as I thought back to Halloween, the words slipping out breathlessly, “Keep going for ages.”

“He, um… between the four of us he came sixteen times over a total of seven hours, and we were exhausted before he was!” Hermione gushed, her own face as red as Rhonda’s hair.

Parvati put her spoon in her bowl before lacing her fingers together and resting her chin on them, elbows on her knees, “Oh please, do go on.”

We spent the next hour or two giving Lavender and Parvati a full breakdown of everything we’d done with Bear on Halloween, both of our dormmates having faces as flushed as our own well before the ice cream was finished. ‘Mione took special care to emphasize how peaceful and stress free she felt, having Bear’s length resting in her mouth. Part of me wondered if she was fantasizing Bear sitting at a desk and her spending hours under it with him in her mouth, just kneeling there.

I didn’t mention how I’d begged him to get me pregnant, but Rhonda was all too happy to gush about he’d been able to pick her up and fuck her while being the only thing keeping her in the air. Something that Lavender seemed particularly interested in, if the hastily wiped away line of drool was anything to go by.

I had a suspicion that within a few days Parvati and Lavender would be asking if we’d be able to arrange a meeting with Bear for them. My hand drifted to rest over my stomach. It was too soon to tell, even with magic, but regardless of whether or not I was pregnant yet, I knew that I at least would be asking for a repeat visit with Bear. And Nikhol, a part of my brain eagerly whispered.

The thought sent a jet of heat straight to my pussy, as images danced in my head of myself entwined with both Nikhol and Bear, a six month pregnant belly on me. Well, I wasn’t going to be getting any sleep before I could deal with that fantasy.

Shaking my head, I pushed the fantasy aside, the curtains of my bed had silencing charms woven into them. I'd address the ‘issue’ once Parvati and Lavender were satisfied with their interrogation.

“So… how big is his wand?” Lavender asked, setting aside her now empty bowl of ice cream and leaning forwards.

Dammit Lav, I’d just pushed the fantasies aside, and now here you go making me think about how it felt to have him spreading me open. Regardless, I held my hands up about sixteen to seventeen centimeters apart. Lavender and Parvati’s eyes widened as their jaws dropped, not that I could blame them. From what Rhonda had told us, wizard ‘wands’ were on average only about ten centimeters, Bear was more than half again that size.

“Please tell us you can arrange a meeting with him?” Lavender asked, her voice thick as her eyes partially glazed over from the fantasy playing in her head.

“Probably, it’d be up to him though,” Hermione said, her voice somewhat distracted from the images dancing in her own head.

My traitorous mind started providing more images, this time Bear with not just the five of them, but also with Luna and Padma from Ravenclaw. At this rate I wasn’t…

My thoughts trailed off as Parvati leaned in close to me and kissed me on the lips. Instinctively, I found myself submitting, my tongue dancing with hers as it pushed past my lips and my legs opening as her hand slipped down into my pants.


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