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[center]<<Nymphadora “Don’t Call Me That” Tonks>>[/center]

“Yo, Rookie!”

I bit back a groan, knowing that Buckling’s voice never meant anything good. Still, I looked up from my desk covered in case files at the more senior auror, “Yes sir?”

“Need a report on the Macnair case, Minister Fudge’s taken a personal interest in it.”

It was difficult keeping my hair from shifting color, but I managed it, “I see. I’ve only just started on the case and am still reviewing the details of it myself. I’ll have a report ready…”

“You don’t understand, the Minister wants a report now.”

I blinked, before saying, “Sir, I’ve been assigned this case for less than an hour, I’m still reading the files.”

“Doesn’t matter, Minister Fudge is demanding a report right now. Personally I think he’s still mad about the Undersecretary dying. Because this case isn’t important enough for the kind of shouting I was hearing coming from his office.”

Oh bollocks, it was going to be one of those days. With a sigh, I collected myself and stood up before making my way to the Minister’s Office. Reaching it, I was admitted by the secretary to stand before the red faced Minister of Magic.

“You’re the Auror assigned the Macnair case, yes?” he said, beady eyes glaring at me.

“Yes sir, I was…”

“Doesn’t matter, Dawlish will be taking over the case. He has the proper experience to handle the sensitive nature of the case.”

In other words, whichever person that was holding Fudge’s pursestrings today decided it. Of fucking course. Still, I did my best to keep myself calm and collected as I returned to my desk, where the Macnair case files were already gone along with about half the unrelated paperwork I’d had on my desk. So I headed to Dawlish’s section of the department and spent an hour trying to get it through his thick skull that he had papers I needed and wasn’t after the Macnair files. Then dealing with him practically breathing down my neck as I collected my paperwork, because whatever bloody fuckwit took the papers from my desk got them mixed in with the case files.

In the end, nearly half of my shift was wasted on the Macnair case in some way or another. That colored the rest of my shift, and by the time I was able to leave, I was so mad I’d be shocked if my hair wasn’t redder than a Weasley’s. I needed something a lot harder than Tom would serve at the Leaky Cauldron, so I headed to Grimmauld Place. Sirius was sure to have some good shit hidden away there. When I arrived, the house was mostly empty, only Sirius and the older blonde from Harley’s family.

“Ah, Tonks I believe it was?” the blonde asked as she swirled a toothpick in an empty glass.

“Yeah, sorry, I’m having a hard time remembering…”

“Lana. You look like you’ve had a difficult day.”

“You have no idea, I need lots of alcohol after a day like this.”

Lana gave a sympathetic hum as I started going through the different bottles. Butterbeer, too light. Gin, not enough kick. Ogden’s, not in the mood for firebreath. Don’t know what this is, but I’m getting a bad feeling from it. Where’s the good shit?

“If you’d like, I brought some drinks down from our ship,” Lana’s voice pulled me from my too-sober bitter musing.

I glanced over, to see a bottle of a purple drink floating in the air as it poured into a glass. Then, after it was finished pouring, the glass floated over to me and I quickly tossed it back. Sweeter than I was expecting, but it still had that alcoholic burn on the way down, so I slammed the glass down and said, “Hit me again.”

“That bad a day?”

I unloaded everything that had happened, leaving out names (I wasn’t that drunk yet) but still venting my frustration at the entire system that seemed designed to prevent me from doing my damn job!

At some point, things were a bit fuzzy by then, but I was pretty sure different bottles were flying through the air, their contents mixing as Lana used her wandless space-magic bollocks to mix drinks without touching a thing. It was nice, sharing drinks with her, and Lana seemed to understand the frustration I’d been feeling while dealing with the bullshit at the Ministry.

Lana even shared some stories about her time as head of Sith Intelligence, and how she needed to work around the bumbling of blockhead Sith that wouldn’t know subtlety or discretion if they walked up wearing a neon shirt labeled “Subtlety & Discretion” and cunt punched them.

I blinked, before turning to stare at the glass of purple booze in my hand. I think I might be drunk…

[center]<<Bear Sandosen>>[/center]

It was interesting, feeling the influence of the much talked about veela allure. I could tell it was affecting me, but I’d had so much exposure to multiple women of incredible beauty, charm, and power that it wasn’t hitting me as hard as it would have a few months ago. I glanced over at Taylor, and did my best to smother the amusement I was feeling at seeing the woman who would be nicknamed the ‘Queen of Escalation’ with a lovestruck expression on her face.

“I think I found the ritual the Coven used,” Fleur said, drawing my focus to her, and my eyes to the way her light green robes hugged her form and accentuated her curves, with just the barest hint of cleavage showing.

Standing up from my chair, I walked around to look at the book Fleur had in front of her, reading over the French witch’s shoulder. A quick read through and it certainly looked promising. I heard Fleur breathing deeply, as Taylor snapped out of her Allure induced haze and moved closer. Taylor’s hand reached out, lightly resting on Fleur’s shoulder as she leaned in.

Despite my best efforts to remain focused, my eyes were pulled from the tome to Fleur’s chest. The angle I was standing at let me see more of the valley between her breasts, beads of sweat starting to form as the skin over her collarbone started to become flushed. Tearing my gaze away, I’m pretty sure she was dating Bill Weasley by this point in canon, my eyes instead found the blushing, almost vacant expression on Taylor’s face as her thumb started to gently rub circles into Fleur’s shoulder.

Fleur muttered something under her breath in French before she turned to face Taylor and cupped the younger girl’s chin. Taylor’s eyes widened in shock as the blonde leaned in and kissed her full on the lips, before her eyes rolled up and fluttered shut, leaning into the kiss with enthusiasm. Apparently we were moving on from research, I couldn’t say I was disappointed.

As Taylor and Fleur made out (unsurprisingly given Fleur’s French, I was pretty sure I saw some tongue between them), I marked the page with the ritual and moved the book to a safe spot a ways away from the table we’d been sitting at. Upon my return, Fleur had Taylor pinned to the table with her shirt gone, her pants around her knees, and one hand in Taylor’s panties fingering her if the motions I was seeing were anything to go by.

I couldn’t make out what Fleur was whispering to Taylor, but I couldn’t resist as I stepped up to the two of them and cupped the two glorious butts in front of me. Twin, musical moans filled the air as I kneaded the asses of these two gorgeous women. The two broke apart, their eyes alight with lust and passion.

“Get on the table,” Fleur growled, and Taylor leapt to obey. As Fleur began removing her robe, I pulled off my shirt and Taylor climbed up onto the table, shoving books and notebooks off in the process. As she leaned down to untie her shoes, I had a sudden thought and grabbed her hands.

“Leave your socks and shoes on,” I told Taylor when she turned to look at me in confusion.

Taylor nodded, before shimmying out of her pants and panties. Laying back on the table, she scooted back until her head hung over the edge. After making sure that her hair was out from under her, she lifted her head to look at me, her eyes focused on my crotch as I kicked off my shoes. Her gaze shifted up to my face, and she gave me a grin that looked like it came straight from Harley.

“C’mere,” she said as I stepped out of my pants, her tongue licking her lips telling me exactly what she had in mind.

Needing no further invitation, I walked to the side of the table as she let her head fall back to hang over the edge and opened her mouth, sticking out her tongue invitingly. I guided my dick into her inviting mouth as the now naked Fleur climbed up onto the table. Taylor’s mouth was warm, wet, and the way her tongue wrapped around me was a delight as always.

Fleur’s legs slid over Taylor, making the younger girl squeak and give a little start, as the blonde witch moved so her core was over Taylor’s head. Those smooth legs wrapped around my back, and I couldn’t help but run my hands along her thighs, feeling the perfectly smooth skin without so much as a single hair to be felt. Fleur’s legs flexed, pulling me deeper into Taylor’s mouth, the head of my cock prodding the entrance to her throat.

Taylor gagged, and I pulled back, not wanting to hurt her even by accident. She then let out a throaty moan, and I glanced up to see the back of Fleur’s head moving over Taylor’s core. Fleur’s ass shook from side to side, drawing my gaze to her glistening slit. Well, how could I say no to that?

Sliding out of Taylor’s throat, I slapped the head of my dick against Fleur’s pussy lips a few times, before pushing in. Fleur let out a groan as I slid deeper into her wet pussy, moments before I felt Taylor’s head lift up and her tongue start licking around where we were joined.

The feel of Fleur’s depths was… different, than anyone else I’d been with. It was a current of energy flowing into me and coursing through my body like a jolt of erotic electricity as I thrust in, before flowing back into her on the pull out. It was, quite literally, magical. Combined with Taylor licking the two of us and her hands reaching up to grope and knead at Fleur’s ass, and there was no way I’d be able to last for long.

“Mon dieu! Oui! Fuck me!” Fleur cried out, her voice muffled as I drove into her again and again.

Her pussy clenched down on me, starting from her entrance then moving further back, almost as if she was trying to pull me in. That was the final straw for me, I grabbed Fleur by her hips and drove myself as deep into this blonde sexy witch as I could before I erupted. Whatever Fleur was doing pushed Taylor over the edge at the same time, her sock and shoe-covered feet kicking as she came. I could put into words precisely what it was, but something about the sight of those perfect, long legs made me cum all the harder.

I admit, my vision blacked out for a little bit, but as I stumbled back and blinked the spots from my eyes, I was treated to a wonderful sight. Taylor leaning up and licking my dripping cum out of Fleur’s puffy, red slit. But, despite how hard I’d just cum, I had two more things I wanted to do. So I walked around to the other side of the table, where Fleur had Taylor’s pussy lips spread wide open and was teasing the sexy brunette’s clit with her tongue.

Fleur looked up as I approached, giving Taylor’s clit one last flick with her tongue, before lifting her head and reaching out to grab me by my dick. Pulling me close, she leaned down and gave my cock a long, slow lick from base to tip.

“Mmm…” Fleur hummed, deep in her throat. “You smell… magnifique. Perhaps I should have you cover my face, so I can smell it for hours?”

The door slamming open cut off my potential answer, as Bill Weasley stormed in with an almost thunderous expression on his face. “Dammit Fleur, how many times do I have to tell you: Silencing Charms!”

… what?


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