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Late, I know. Still, here's a second chapter of the story that was started last week.

Date Unknown
Location Unknown
Dawn, 14 Hours Post Arrival

I groaned as I came to, my head pounding like an entire herd of elephants was doing a four legged rendition of Riverdance inside it. Sitting up, I pinched the bridge of my nose before rubbing at my eyes. There was a medicinal smell that filled my nose, before a small hand took my free one and placed a warm cup in it.

"Drink," a girl's voice said, and I did so, my eyes still closed as I tried to drive back the pounding in my head. I don’t know what was in the drink, but it tasted strange, in a way that reminded me of advil. Carefully opening my eyes, I was met with the sight of a girl that looked to be in her late teens/early twenties, hazel colored eyes, and dark brown hair with a thick white streak in the front.

As I finished the cup of whatever drink, I rasped out, “Where am I?”

“We were hoping you’d have some idea of that,” the girl answered, gesturing to my left. I followed her arm, to see three women around a small fire and beyond them the mouth of a cave. “We all woke up here, no idea how, and you’ve been unconscious for four days.”

I blinked in surprise, as the pounding in my head started to reduce, “Four days? I don’t… what?”

“Tintin’s awake I see,” one of the women around the fire snarked, standing up and making her way over. She had long black hair that flowed past her shoulders, honey brown eyes, and was barefoot while wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and an oil-stained, white tank top. Under her shirt, there was a sky blue glow just below her collarbone. “Name’s Toni, you got one or should we stick with Tintin?”

After rebooting my brain (holy fuck was she gorgeous), I managed to spit out, “Isaac Fisher.”

“Well, if you can stand up, come on over to the fire and get some food in you. We can compare notes and see if we can’t figure out what’s happened.”


So, I was stuck in a cave with a grand total of five women from various comic book worlds, while in the body of one myself. I was wondering why Toni’d been calling me Tintin, but it turns out that whoever or whatever brought me here gave me a different body. More specifically, I was a certain blonde haired, blue eyed japanese hero student by the name of Mirio Togata. Or Togata Mirio, I’m not sure which it is.

Still, a day after I’d woken up and all the necessary exposition/discoveries had happened, and here I was in a mountain clearing with Brenda Wayne (thankfully not Bryce, I’d heard enough about Dark Knights Metal to be wary of that particular female Wayne) going through physical training. Mostly figuring out how much muscle memory stayed from Mirio and how much training I had ahead of me.

“From what you’ve described, the body you were given has had a high level of training along with a meta-power that allows for intangibility,” she noted as we stood apart from one another.

“Intangibility with a lot of finicky bits and pieces to make it practi…” I started to answer, only to pause as her arm flashed and something dark flew my way.

Immediately, my torso twisted, dodging whatever it was she threw, my clothes falling away as I flexed something. I couldn’t describe what it was exactly, but I instinctively knew it was Mirio’s Quirk.

In the same movement, Brenda pushed off the ground, flying towards me, her leg scything out in a kick that would leave fractured ribs. Instead, it caught the simple tee shirt I’d been wearing as it fell and continued on to pass right through me.

Continuing with the instincts my body was shouting at me, I dropped into the ground and altered my stance as I fell, before releasing Mirio’s Quirk and shooting out of the ground like a rocket, fist extended. Only for it to pass through a mass of hair and a foot to fill my vision. Stars flashed and darkness crept along the corners of my sight, but I shook my head to try to banish them. Instead they only got worse, and I fell flat on my ass as all sense of balance decided to take a vacation.

“Not terrible,” Brenda concluded as I held my head in my hand and tried to get the trees to stop dancing. “You have some training and control over your power, but the way you use it is stilted, unpracticed, and rigid. The muscle memory is there, but you need practice to fully integrate it.”

“Thanks… I think?” I said before trying to shake the last of the spots away. “Could you hand me my clothes?”

There was an uncomfortably appreciative look in her eyes as she did, and I quickly got dressed before we made our way back to the cave, picking some wild berries on the way. Ones that Dani had identified as safe to eat, having received more thorough and extensive wilderness survival training than the rest of us. It was only upon our return that Katharina returned from her continued scouting run. In something of a panic.

“What’s wrong?” Brenda asked upon seeing the razzled form of the blue-furred teleporter.

“We are definitely not on any of our Earths, I saw in the distance mammoths, wooly rhinos, and what I believe to be a dragon,” she answered, running her three fingered hands through her long hair.

I took a deep breath before letting it out slowly. I was in the body of an anime superhero, surrounded by extremely gorgeous women in a cave, in what sounded like an ice age inspired fantasy world. Fuck my life, with a rusty anchor sans lube.


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