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It’s one thing to know something on an intellectual level. It’s quite another to go through the relevant experience. Yao Ming and Oni Lee had left yesterday, and in that time I was given a shit load of appreciation for how much work went into running a gang the size of the ABB. For starters, I needed to go over the income reports (yes, even gangs had income reports, Yao Ming didn’t trust that some of the guys running the ABB’s various enterprises wouldn’t skim off the top). Don’t get me wrong, numbers make more sense than people, but there’s still a lot of math going on here.

On top of balancing the books, there were reports on the various movements within the other factions in the city. Both external reports and those from our various spies and moles. At the moment, I was comparing notes from both our spies in the PRT with Little Mouse’s reports. There were a lot of differences, mostly in stuff that you’d kinda expect to have changed when someone like Little Mouse went AWOL (specific code phrases and the like), but by and large the information in the two reports matched up.

What Little Mouse’s report contained that really surprised me were amazingly detailed psychological profiles and personal histories of the Wards and local Protectorate members. For example: Vista, real name Missy Biron, age twelve, place of residence alternating between her mother and father every two weeks with a crush on fellow Ward Gallant. Has subtle implications of a superiority complex because of her longtime experience as a Ward, having been one for approaching two years.

The thing that concerned me the most about Vista was how her power would interact with the Brute Squad. Her power has a hard time interacting with living organisms, but the Brute Squad were dead flesh given a necrotic imitation of life, but were still dead. Would her Shard confuse them for being alive, would the warping space rip them apart, or some other possibility I hadn’t thought of?

Honestly of the current batch of Wards, Vista was the only one I really had any concerns over. The rest were either vulnerable in close quarters (Gallant and Kid Win) were only dangerous if they could touch us (Clockblocker), or were a poor man’s parahuman version of the Brute Squad (Aegis). With Little Mouse on our side now, the ABB had her, me, Oni Lee, Yao Ming, about a dozen Brutes, and presumably Bakuda (assuming that’s who he was going to recruit). That’s nearly twenty capes, almost four times the size of the local Wards branch.

Leaning back in my chair, I rubbed at my chin as I considered the current numbers of the other major factions in the city. The Protectorate, if you fold in the Wards and New Wave, had a total of twenty, assuming that no one came in from out of town. The Merchants had three, while the Empire had fifteen. Even without having the time to get Kaede trained up, we have the second highest number of capes in Brockton Bay, and that’s only if you count all the “heroes” under one banner.

But, thanks to Little Mouse, we had the information to hit the heroes when they weren’t expecting it. If we chose to escalate to that. Personally I’d rather sit on that information until someone like Tagg comes in and starts pissing over everything, but it wasn’t my call to make. For now, I'll keep quiet about it and give my opinion to Yao Ming when he gets back.

In the meantime, I had some more education to dispense upon my warlock waifu. Oh, and figure out what new tricks Little Mouse can do with her power. Mental note: study the connection between cape and shard, see if I can track the planar frequencies and narrow down the true body of the entity. Sure, Ophioc (and thus, me) is a druid not a wizard, but druids got planar travel spells eventually.

Shaking my head, I put the files away and left the office building that served as the bureaucratic branch of the ABB. I had planz, and I needed to get Yumi on the ball for it. Also talk Kaede into playing along. But after that! Then planz would commence!


In the end, it took less weight throwing than I’d been expecting to get Yumi to go along with the plan I had. Kaede was the more resistant one, up until I told her that she wouldn’t be participating. Not just because having her involved would hurt more than help at this stage, but also because I have far grander plans in mind for her. For her, I focused more on developing her warlock abilities, and figuring out what sort of Patron I counted as.

I’m still not quite sure which Patron I was, but the day to enact Plan Honeypot was fast approaching. Kaede managed to get Prestidigitation down, as well as what I think was Unseen Servant. Kinda hard to tell for sure since, y’know, Unseen.

Still, the Friday after Yao Ming and Oni Lee left, the twenty eighth of January, Kaede was out inviting herself to a sleepover with Taytay and I opened the door of my apartment with a smile for Yumi and my dinner guest, “Danny-Boy, come on in.”

The dock worker gave me a sour look. Hardly surprising given how resistant he’d been. Seriously, I had to call on the bolts in my arm and eye for him to agree to leave work at a sane time instead of the normal eighteen hour shifts he’d been doing. How he’d managed to avoid burning out, I have no fucking clue.

“This is Yumi, my roommate,” I introduced the lonely widower to the gorgeous asian MILF. “Yumi, this here’s Danny. He’s Taylor’s father.”

A bit of explaining later, apparently I’d somehow forgotten to mention that Kaede was the reason I had heard about Taylor being in the locker, and the three of us were seated at the dining table with dinner in front of us. I bit back a smirk as I ate, making sure that Danny ate the shit he was supposed to for the plan.

I’d had some success with my mushroom garden, in more ways than one. Specifically in cultivating fungus that had different, specialized effects once consumed. I’d included two in the meal, either of which would affect me (my non-neural nervous system basically made me immune to any sort of non-magical mental manipulation I’d been able to think of). No mind control mushrooms, not for humans anyway. But bumping one thing up and another down? That I could do. Which is why I’d included shrooms to induce ovulation and rampant arousal.

One way or another, Yumi was going to have a baby by the end of the night. I didn’t particularly care if it was mine or Danny’s, to me Yumi was always more about kinky threesome sex with Kaede, unlike her daughter. Wonder how that sleepover was going…


“Why are you here?” Taylor snapped seeing the freshman that had basically forced her way into Taylor’s life standing at her door, a duffle bag in hand and her backpack on her back.

“My mother’s called a guy over in the hopes of turning dinner into a booty call and she tends to be rather vocal, I have no interest in being anywhere approaching earshot of that,” the asian girl quipped as she entered the house.

… Taylor couldn’t begrudge her that, just the thought of her father having sex sent a shudder of revulsion through her.


Eh, not important. For now, the important thing was in making damn sure that ol’ Danny-Boy would be bound and tied to the ABB. Which, judging from the increasingly heated looks that he and Yumi were sending to each other was going to happen sooner rather than later. Now, to nudge things along.

I took the plates and made my way to the kitchen, and almost before the door closed, I heard the sound of scraping chairs and the fluttering of clothes. Smirk on my face, I set the dishes to soak and leisurely made my way back to the living/dining room. Sure enough, Yumi and Danny were in each others’ arms, furiously making out. A glance at the clock… assuming I got the doses right, then in about another minute, they should be so horny that they’ll be down for anything. Hell, if I were into dudes by that point Danny’d probably let me stick my dick up his ass. But I wasn’t, so I wouldn’t.

What I would do is walk up as Yumi yanks Danny’s shirt out from his pants, and cup her bountiful bosom from behind. Such a hefty handful, time to share it m’dear. Our clothes didn’t last long, and as Yumi continued making out with Danny, I knelt down and hooked one of her smooth legs over my shoulder, two fingers slipping into her already soaked cunt and pumping into her.

“Sugoi,” Yumi moaned as she got fingerfucked, the entire apartment filling with the wet, slopping sounds of her flooded pussy. I glanced up, seeing that Danny had moved down to suck on her tits as I made sure her thighs were wetter than a waterpark.

Smirk once again on my face, I focused back on Yumi’s pussy, my familiarity with her letting me rapidly bring her to a moaning orgasm. Her knees buckled, and she drifted down to sit between Danny and I as she recovered. Well, recovered as much as I let her; dick in hand, I gently turned her head and guided my cock into her mouth. By this point, Yumi’d been trained well enough that she automatically opened her mouth and started sucking.

As Yumi got to work polishing my prick, I ran my hand through her hair and told her, “Stand up, don’t take my dick out of your mouth.”

Glancing up at me, her eyes clouded over with lust, she did so, sticking her ass towards Danny, who needed no further invitation. I just love it when a plan comes together.


Yumi groaned as Danny paused from thrusting into her, giving me the chance to slide into her ass. Her lower body clenched, as she was stuffed full in both holes. I held out a hand, and Danny met it in a high five before we started to saw in and out, taking a moment to find a good rhythm that left Yumi babbling nonsensically (or in Japanese, I wasn’t sure which it was).

Reaching down, I grabbed Yumi by the wrists and pulled her back. Not much, just enough for the third member of this threesome to bury his face into her chest. Nice to see that Danny was a man who appreciated the finer things in life.


“Yumi…” Danny said throatily, staring down at the woman with her tits wrapped around his cock as I pounded into her from behind.

It’s a shame that Danny had tuckered out so quickly, we were barely on hour four and he was turning into limp fish. Still he had cum inside Yumi at least three times, and from the looks of it he had just enough left inside him for this last titfuck. I’ll leave instructions to Yumi, then take him home after we finish up here.


The drive was simple enough, even if it required 4/65 AC to avoid the overwhelming stench of sex and booze. Fun fact: apparently the mushrooms I laced the food with break down into ethanol after about three hours (and no, I hadn’t planned on it, apparently that’s what happens when you use drunk homeless fucks as a mushroom fertilizer). A happy accident for me, as it would make Danny less likely to realize that he’d been deliberately drugged.

I already knew the correct address, thanks to Kaede, so as I put the truck in park and made my way to the passenger side to pour Danny to his feet, I took a look at the house. It was old, old and in serious need of some TLC. The next three houses on either side all had For Sale signs in the front yard, and judging from the amount of dust they’d been there for some time.

Hooking Danny’s arm over my shoulder, I guided the dazed and woozy man down the walkway to the house, stepping over a step that looked unsafe. Spotting a doorbell, I pushed on it and waited. After a minute or two, the door opened to reveal the frowning face of Taytay.

“Why are y… Dad?” her voice took a concerned note as she realized who I was supporting.

“He might need an icepack when he wakes up, Yumi is not gentle in the sack,” I told her as I guided Danny inside.

“How are you… why… what?!

“Oh,” Kaede’s voice rang out from the top of the staircase, my wonderful warlock waifu doing her part in this play. “I didn’t know you’d be home.”

“Honestly, you were the smart one. My noise canceling headphones were not enough,” I said, giving Kaede a wink that Taylor couldn’t see.

“How do you two know each other?!” Taylor demanded.

“Roommates,” I called back. “Kaede and her mother share a bedroom, I get the other one, and we split expenses. Much easier that way.”

A few minutes later, Danny was in bed to sleep off the crazy monkey sex he’d been a part of, I was on my way out, and Kaede was being “interrogated” by Taylor. All in all, a pretty successful day if I do say so myself.


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