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“And what of me, the writer of these words, the half-demon witch known as the Architect of the Worldwound?” Areelu Vorlesh asked the goddess Pharasma with a small smirk. “I gained more than I could have hoped. I achieved my purpose, I vanquished death - untold might and all eternity lie ahead. How should I spend that eternity? I have not yet decided. But I know - from experience, I know - that every moment is priceless if it is spent with the one who matters most to you.

“I have recounted the story of my life to you, Pharasma, Lady of Graves. Not only of my life, but Commander Crolazar’s also. I believe the tale of such an illustrious figure would pique even a goddess’s curiosity. I have come to say that he and I are no longer in your power. This is the last, most significant result of my Transformation experiment.”

Seated upon her throne, Pharasma, the goddess of death responded, “He is no longer within my power. This is true. Divinity has given him the right to decide his own fate. But you - you entered my Boneyard to bring me these tidings, and it is within my power to unmake you, destroy you, and erase you from the cosmos. I wonder, did he anticipate such an outcome? Did he purposefully choose you to be his emissary?”

“I did, but not for that,” I said, using my newfound divinity to step through the fabric of reality and stand before Areelu and Pharasma.

“I have relayed my message. Farewell, Lady of Graves. We shall not meet again,” Areelu hastily declared, her smirk stretching to encompass the entirety of her face as I moved the stand behind her.

Placing a hand on Areelu’s shoulder, I met Pharasma’s gaze and gave her a wink, just before I dragged the witch to my domain in the Abyss. We arrived at the gates of my citadel, the bodies of Deskari and Baphomet standing watch, their corpses animated by my powerful magics. A scant week before and I’d have never considered attempting to turn a demon lord into my undead minion, now I had two as gate guards.

Areelu let out a shuddering breath, “That was the most nerve wracking thing I have done in a long time. I suppose that no one is ever prepared for…”

She was cut off as my hand moved from her shoulder to grab her by her throat. Her hands came up, the spell she was attempting to cast fizzling in her hands. We were in the heart of my domain, a section of the multiverse that obeyed my will. At this moment, my will was that within my domain only I could cast spells.

My gaze glanced down at the struggling Areelu as I dragged her inside with my draconic and necromantically enhanced strength. I’d wanted to do this ever since I first saw her in Kanabres, taking back the Worldstone. Before even, back when I saw promotional art for the antagonist of an upcoming computer game. I still have no idea how I ended up in this body, but with the amount of power I now possessed I could barely recognize the person I once was. One thing that hadn’t changed, I mused idly as I threw Areelu into one of the many dungeon cells under my citadel, the fact that I’m a degenerate perv.

“Crolazar, what are you doing?” Areelu demanded once she stopped coughing and got her breath back under control. I smirked down at her as I stepped into the cell with her and closed it behind me, the lock clicking shut with a minor flex of will.

“For someone so brilliant, you sure are stupid, ‘mother,’” I teased as I towered over her, my leathery, draconic wings blocking out the torchlight from outside the cell, leaving the only illumination she could see coming from my glowing eyes.

“Don’t talk to me like… gah!”

Smirk still on my face, I admired the way the most hated human on Golarion looked as skeletal hands reached out of the wall and pulled her head back by her horns. More hands pulled her arms against the wall, tore off her dress, and spread her legs open. Terror filled her eyes as her position left no doubt what I was planning. Her mouth clicked shut as I loosened my belt and walked up to her trapped form, but a thought later, and two more arms came out of the wall and forcefully opened her mouth.

“If you bite, then we’ll have an eternity to see how much pain I can inflict before your mind shatters,” I warned her, fear, disgust, and hatred warring in her eyes as I stroked myself to hardness.

She glared up at me, even as I slipped the head of my dick into her mouth. Her tongue pressed at the bottom of my shaft as I fed more into her warm, wet hole, trying to push me out but only making it more enjoyable for me. Cock in place, I let go and grabbed her horns, the skeletal hands letting go to instead hold her by her head.

Smirking down at my partial-mother (the mechanics of how much of her son’s soul made me was so confusing), I pulled her horns while driving my hips forwards, the hands on her head pushing her down. The head of my dick slammed into the back of her mouth, battering through her reflexive gag to force its way into her throat. Had this happened before our ascension, I’d need to be more careful. But as divine beings, things such as breathing or mortal fragility were no longer something to be concerned about.

What this meant is that the ensuing face fuck I’d be subjecting Areelu to would by far be the harshest and most brutal that any had ever received in the cosmos. After that, I think the Architect of the Worldwound should have a second shot at motherhood.


“How did it go, Master?” Wenduag asked as she draped herself over my chest, my hand cupping and squeezing her firm, toned ass.

“Well enough. It will be some time before she’s well and properly broken,” I answered, enjoying the sensations of Arue driving her ass down on my cock over and over, her moans muffled by the bright red ball gag in her mouth. “In the meantime, I should consider what to do next. The Worldwound is closed, I’ve achieved divinity, made the four of you immortal to serve as my concubines and broodmares for eternity, but I have no interest in getting involved in interplanar politics.”

“So what do you plan to do next, my Lord?” the fourth and final member of my harem asked, Camellia briefly pausing in her suckling of my balls.

I rested my face on my hand as I considered the question. I could already feel the prayers coming from Golarion, asking for my blessings and aid, inquiring what my dogma was, a whole host of shit that sooner or later I’d have to deal with.

Later, definitely later.

“I haven’t really had a break since that day the roach attacked Kenabres,” I started, an idea coming to me as I thought back to my original life, the tales and stories flooding my mind. “I think I’ll take a vacation, go for a jaunt across the multiverse.”

“Where do you plan on going first, Master?” Wenduag asked as I stood, shoving the succubus off my cock as I made my way out of the throne room.

“No idea!” I called back with a grin on my face. I think I’d let myself be surprised.


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