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Sorry for how late this is, I could give some BS about life being hectic, but the honest truth is simple procrastination. But, here's over 2000 words of mostly lewd material.

[center]<<Bear Sandosen>>[/center]

The Yamato was quiet, the rest of the Family was still on Earth, but a few of us were here, enjoying some quiet time away from the madness and insanity that was Wizarding Britain. Nikhol, Lana, and Kara were checking out some historical sites, Nikhol and Kara both out of their interest (newfound, in Kara’s case) in history. Personally I think Lana went primarily to make sure that Nikhol didn’t do anything too crazy. Harley had mentioned something about mood rings, but trying to fathom what was going on in that woman’s head was an exercise in futility, half the time. Taylor and Lisa had mentioned shopping, while Cameron had volunteered to give anyone that needed it a lift to and from the Yamato.

I sighed as I set down the novel I’d been reading. I was trying to distract myself from the fact that sooner or later I’d be having yet another meeting with Dumbledore about killing someone, this time Cameron dealing with Umbridge. Plus the day after tomorrow was Halloween, and the Coven’s ritual. I still had a hard time processing the fact that three girls were asking for me to take their virginities in the same night, at the same time. What did I do in a past life to deserve this?

A chime from the monitor on the desk pulled me from my thoughts, the screen switching to a camera feed of the loading bay. The shuttle was touching down, moments before Lisa and Taylor stepped out, both of them with arms laden by paper bags that… I leaned in closer to make sure I wasn’t imagining it. But nope, both girls had bags from Victoria’s Secret. I had a sinking suspicion, but decided not to address it. If it happened, it happened. If not, I wouldn’t be setting myself up for disappointment.

Turning off the security feed, I stood up and stretched. I’d been sitting down for hours, and my back and neck both let out a series of satisfying pops. I wasn’t as old as I once was (and wasn’t that a weird sentence) but I’d still get popping joints.

“Hey Bear?” Lisa’s voice called out over the ship’s intercom.

I walked over to the intercom set into the wall by the door and pushed the talk button, “What’s up Lisa?”

“Where are you?”

“Captain’s Quarters, is something wrong?”

“No, no. Just… wait there, please?”

I blinked, trying to remember the last time Lisa said ‘please’. Assuming that she wasn’t hiding something and nothing was wrong, something certainly had her off her game. Still, she’d certainly piqued my intere…

“Oh Scion damn it, I said please,” Lisa’s voice came out the intercom, but quieter, like she wasn’t standing next to it.

“Calm down Lisa, it’s not like he’s going to run for the hanger just because you used a bit of politeness,” Taylor’s voice chimed in over the sound of rustling clothes.

“I have a reputation, Taylor. I don’t do politeness, I do snark, sass, and fake psychic bullshit. I don’t do ‘please’ or ‘would you mind’ or shit like that. Damn it, why am I so nervous? I’ve stared down death in the face without blinking, it’s not like this is any more difficult.”

As interesting and amusing as this was, I had a feeling that Lisa was going to be embarrassed enough. So I cleared my throat and said, “Lisa? The intercom’s still on.”

Neither girl said anything, but I still heard a muffled crash before the intercom clicked off. My guess was that Lisa threw something at the intercom which hit something to make it switch off. Part of me wished I could see Lisa’s face, or for Taylor to take a picture. It was so rare for Lisa to be embarrassed, and right now her face had to be redder than a Weasley’s hair.

Still, I sat in the chair at the desk and waited. What I’d heard had almost certainly confirmed my suspicion, and part of me wondered what it was about the month of October. This would make a total of four virginities I’d be given in a total of three days. I was honored and flattered, but I still had a hard time getting what I was doing that made so many women want me.

Such thoughts swirled in my head, until with a chime and whooshing sound, the door to my cabin opened and both Taylor and Lisa walked in. My eyes nearly popped out of my skull, Lisa’s blonde hair was done up in a single braid, which hung over her left shoulder and came to lightly frame her pert breast. Her face had a touch of makeup, not much, just enough to highlight her eyes and the faint smattering of freckles over her nose. What she was wearing though… if I had to compare it to anything, it would be as if someone took Jessica’s dress from Roger Rabbit and painted it onto Lisa. Glittering red sequins, a slit for her leg showing dark purple thigh-high pantyhose, her bared shoulders…

An amused giggle drew my gaze to the other person to enter. I don’t know if my jaw dropped when I saw Lisa in her shimmering red dress, but if not, it certainly did for Taylor. An amazingly short gray lace dress, paired with similar colored high heels emphasizing her gorgeous legs. A closer look showed that the lace at the shoulders were see-through, and as Taylor turned to say something to Lisa, I was treated to the sight of her bare back.

I’m not sure how long it took my brain to reboot from the sudden loss of blood (with the two visions of beauty before me, I think I’m justified in all the blood rushing to a different part of the body), but it couldn’t have been too long, as both girls were in the process of walking up to me. Lisa, I noticed, was blushing under her makeup, while Taylor was a bit unsteady on her high heels. The touch of human imperfections snapping me from my daze, and making me want them all the more.

Standing from the chair, I pulled both girls into a group hug and asked, “What’s the occasion?”

“You already know, you big lug,” Lisa grumbled, even as she melted into the hug.

“Is it really too much to ask for you to say it though?” Taylor asked rhetorically, her hand rubbing along Lisa’s back. I just stood there, hugging both girls who had seen far too much, far too young, as Lisa sighed before tilting her head back to look me in the eye.

“Bear,” she began, before swallowing nervously. Licking her lips to wet them, she tried again. “Will you please…”

“It’s okay, Lisa. You can do it,” Taylor whispered encouragingly.

Lisa took a deep breath before spitting out in a rapid deluge of words, “Wouldyoupleasemakelovetome?”

The fact that I was expecting it was the only reason I understood what she asked. Admittedly, I was expecting something a bit more clinical or ‘risque’, instead of romantic or ‘sappy’. Still, I gave Lisa a smile and leaned down to plant a kiss on her nose, making her go cross eyed.

“I’d be honored,” I whispered to her. The way that her face lit up, her bottle green eyes shining like emeralds, that alone made this worth it.

Smile on my face, I leaned down and caught Lisa’s lips in a gentle, loving kiss. Taylor slipped out of the hug as Lisa’s arms wrapped around my neck, leaning into the kiss, her eyes fluttering closed. Much as I devoted my focus on Lisa, I couldn’t miss the way that Taylor crouched down, slender fingers fumbling with my belt and pulling my rapidly swelling erection from my pants. Nor the way she leaned in and took me into her mouth.

I’d gotten more blowjobs since accepting Tara Q’s offer than I had in the twenty years prior, but this was the first time I was essentially getting a girl’s first time giving oral. From a pure technical perspective, it was terrible. Taylor had little to no rhythm, her attempts at sucking were poor, and she couldn’t keep herself from trying to take too much of me before she was ready. That said, it was apparent that she’d either watched a decent amount of porn or talked to the more experienced members of the Family beforehand. Plus the sheer enthusiasm and the knowledge that in another reality, this girl would kill a god more than made up for the lack of experience.

After a few minutes of locked lips with a gorgeous blonde, I felt Taylor pull away and heard the rustling of fabric. Moments later, I felt more than heard Lisa squeak before she broke the kiss and looked down. I did as well, to see that Taylor’d slipped under the leg cut in Lisa’s dress and was now giving Lisa the same treatment she’d given me. Lisa’s hands flew to Taylor’s head, fingers threading through her dark, curling hair as a guttural groan left her.

Chuckling lightly, I stepped out of my pants and slipped my shirt over my head before stepping up and started to pepper Lisa’s jaw and neck with soft kisses, trapping Taylor between us. Lisa moaned as Taylor and I smothered her with affection, my hands reaching behind her to find the zipper on the back of her dress. Hearing the sound of my loosening up Lisa’s dress, Taylor pulled her head out from under her, her lips gleaming with juices.

Taylor stood, kicking off her heels as she did so, before reaching up and peeling the dress away from Lisa’s chest. Leaning in, Taylor took one of Lisa’s breasts in hand and gave the nipple a lick. Giving a last, lingering kiss and nip where Lisa’s neck met her shoulder, I stepped back. Moving around to stand behind the shorter blonde girl, I pulled down the rest of her dress; slowly, savoring the view as more and more of her pale skin was revealed. There was a long scar across her back, starting maybe two ribs from the bottom and crossing diagonally across her back to end just above her kidneys.

I could feel Lisa tense up as the scar was revealed, so I started to give it the same treatment her neck had gotten, planting soft, gentle kisses along the entire length as it was exposed. Finally, the dress slipped over her athletic, heart-shaped ass, revealing the strings that made up what looked like a dark purple thong. Soon after, the dress fell to the floor, allowing Lisa to step out of it, standing in nothing more than pantyhose and risque panties.

Standing up, I reached around and gently hugged the still nervous Lisa, who turned her head to look at me. Before she could say anything, I leaned in and gave her another gentle kiss. My left hand started to rub circles over her stomach, feeling the lithe muscles hidden there, while my right drifted up, cupping the breast that Taylor wasn’t all but nursing on. They weren’t particularly large, each one just big enough to fill my palm, but from the way Lisa’s breath hitched, it seemed that they were quite sensitive.

Taylor and I smothered Lisa with affection for I don’t know how long, I just know that we brought her to two orgasms, and that my dick, wedged as it was between the cheeks of her lovely butt, was so hard it was physically painful. Still, eventually the three of us broke apart, Taylor with a mischievous grin that looked strangely fitting on her face, Lisa with a lidded gaze from the sheer mind-numbing pleasure and affection she’d been subjected to.

“C’mon, Lisa. There’s still the main event,” Taylor gently said, guiding Lisa by the hand to the bed. The same one that Taylor had given me her virginity those months ago.

As Lisa climbed onto the bed, and I could see that what I’d thought was simply a thong was instead more like the outer edges of a thong and leaving her glistening core exposed, Taylor reached up to her shoulders and pushed the dress she was wearing down. Revealing, to my surprise, that she’d been wearing nothing underneath it.

A glance at her face showed that Taylor was now as red as Lisa was, though I’m guessing the reason was embarrassment rather than the ‘exertion’ that Lisa’d been subjected to. Lisa’s bubes were still in the shape of a blonde ‘B’, but to my surprise, Taylor appeared to have copied her. My heart might have skipped a beat upon seeing that, but I shook off my surprise, and climbed up onto the bed with Lisa and Taylor.

Lisa looked down, through the valley between her perky breasts, as I hooked her legs over my shoulders. Meeting her gaze, I told her, “Last chance to change your mind. No hard feelings if you do.”

She didn’t respond verbally, just shaking her head furiously. Taylor reached down and took Lisa’s hand in hers, drawing the older girl’s attention. Giving her a smile, Taylor simply gave an encouraging nod, causing the blonde to take a deep breath and whisper out, barely loud enough for me to hear, “Love me? Please?”

Giving her a smile, I took myself in hand and placed the head to her entrance, before slowly slipping inside her.


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