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On the one hand, I got to leave my boring ass, 9 to 5 cubicle desk job for the opportunity to fulfill every late 90s kid's dream. On the other, doing so means I'm stuck in the body of a four legged fluffball!

Or at least, that was my thought process at first. Up until a cute little girl with black hair and green eyes started to scratch behind my ears. Fuck, no wonder dogs like this!

My leg started kicking against the floor as the girl spoke, "Hey there, do you have a name, boy?"

Name? Not important, keep scratching. Her free hand reached for my neck, feeling for a collar that wasn't there.

"No collar? Hmm… I'll call you Pad."

"GIRL! We're leaving!" the unholy shriek of a horse like woman made the girl flinch.

"Yes Aunt Petunia."

Oh hell no! Ain't no bony harpy taking my scratcher away! As my ear scritcher walked away, I immediately got up and followed her. Hmm… she looks light enough…

"PAD!" she cried out with a bit of a laugh as I raced forth and dove between her legs, resulting in her grabbing onto my floofy mane as I carried her like a noble steed.

“Where did that mangy beast come from? Get off it, you don’t know where it's been,” the harpy snapped.

Yeah, no. I ain't leaving you dried up prune. I have adopted this bespectacled youth! Granted if things go the way I expect/want I'll be doing some very unfamilial things to and with her but that's not important here!


“I can't believe that Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia are letting you stay, Pad,” Ear-Scratcher Harriet said that night. It was a tight squeeze, fitting both her and my illustrious self under the stairs, but I managed it.

In any case, I had some important preparations to do. I wasn't the most moral of people, the clearest evidence of such being the fact that I was planning out how to get Harriet Potter to eagerly and enthusiastically take my knot in each and every hole she has.

With that in mind, I turned my head and started to give her gentle licks across her face. There wasn't enough room for me to reach any of the really fun spots, but it had to start somewhere, and it got her used to me licking her. Plus… with this enclosed space and the fact that I chose a pheromone perk, by the time Hagrid shows up I'll have her sucking me off every night before bed.

Sure enough, I could smell her arousal within five minutes of us being in this cupboard. It was torture, but I managed to resist the temptation of doing anything more than some dog kisses. Truly, I possess a will the gods would envy.

I didn't know the date, and the early books had been kinda vague about them anyway, but to my surprise, I only had to deal with the cupboard for a single night. I apparently arrived a day before the first Hogwarts letter, and we (yes 'we') were moved to an actual bedroom that afternoon.

“Today was such a weird day, Pad,” Harriet mused that night as she got ready for bed and I enjoyed the view.

Don’t get me wrong, she’s no beauty, not yet anyway. She still has the awkward, bony frame of girlhood not quite into puberty yet. But besides the fact that I know exactly what she’ll be capable of achieving in the future (I don’t care what age they are, badasses are [b][i]hawt[/i][/b]), I’m pretty sure being stuffed into the body of a dog the size of a small bear affected my standards.

Crawling aside on the bed so she could fit, my gaze locked on her tight, pert bottom, a-size-too-small panties stretched over her cheeks as she crawled onto the bed. Earlier plans, out the window, I need to taste her.

“Pad?!” Harried softly cried as my wide, thick tongue licked along her panty-covered mound. Ignoring her short-lived protest, I continued lathering licks and affection to her core, trying to use my tongue to push aside her panties as I did so with little success.

“Pad… that…” she moaned, her head dropping down to the pillow as she lifted her butt higher into the air and spread her legs to allow me better access. I, of course, had no complaints about this turn of events!

Harriet buried her face into the pillow, before reaching back with one hand and hesitantly, almost nervously, pulled her panties aside, allowing me unrestrained access to her tight little pussy. Immediately, I cupped my tongue, driving the thick muscle past her lips, up into her passage, making the black-haired witch scream in pleasure, the sound muffled by the pillow.

I paid little attention to that fact, too busy savoring the taste of her rapidly moistening pussy as the scent of her arousal flooded my canine nose. Whether it was because my sense of smell is much more powerful or taste much weaker, I don’t know, but her flavor was much different from any woman I’d done this for when I was still human. Much more pleasant too.

“Pad, something… some… something’s happ…” Harriet stammered incoherently before her body locked up, her tunnel tightening down like a vice around my tongue moments before a surge of wetness flooded my mouth. Until, like a puppet with its strings cut, she collapsed on the bed. A quick inspection (after cleaning her up and doing my best to straighten out her panties) showed that she was out cold, I guess her first orgasm was too much for her to handle this time.

No big deal, there’d be time for coaching next time. It’s not like I was going anywhere without her. So, curling up on the bed next to her, I gave a happy sigh as she nuzzled up against my thick fur. This was going even better than I’d expected. Far better than I would have guessed yesterday upon realizing my thumb-challenged state. Look out Wizarding World, the Girl-Who-Lived has a fluffy bear in her corner.


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