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Winter is Coming: Revenant “Revy” 1

I looked between the circle etched in flour on the floor of the Crypts and the design on my Company smartphone. Everything seemed to match, and with it being well after everyone had gone to bed, I shouldn’t be interrupted. Stark had told me that no one came this far into the Crypts unless they were visiting a specific individual, so there’d be no guards. Fortunately for me, since I was only able to grab a single purchase of Greater Bandwidth, even after binding Sansa and Cat.

Fortunately, with some careful budgeting and a lot of waterskins close at hand, that would be enough. Taking a deep breath to steel my nerves, I sat down in the middle of the circle, pulled up the incantation’s pronunciation guide, and started reading. Almost immediately, the flour burned away, eldritch red light illuminating the deepest part of the Crypts.

I could feel the energy being gathered and directed into my body, but I didn’t stop chanting. I only paused periodically to take sips of the water I had T… Draugur boil until it was safe before picking up where I left off. His new name was still taking some getting used to, not like my own. But at least I hadn’t slipped up out loud.

Finally, three hours of chanting later, I felt the ritual finish, as the circle flared in a burst of ominous, red light before vanishing. The extra weight in a very specific location told me that the ritual had been a success, but pulling out the smartphone I turned on the flashlight and checked where the ritual circle had been drawn. There, etched in the stone floor, was the circle. Well… crap.

I’d been hoping that I’d be able to leave without any sign I’d been here, but… well, unless another Contractor who also had the Ritual Circle for their binding passed through, it’s not like anyone would be able to figure out what it was for, right? Regardless, I had a new… appendage to take for a test run.


"You asked for us, Lady Revy?" Sansa asked, all demurred and innocent. I was going to have so much fun ruining her.

"Yes, first things first though, Cat, stand right here," I said, directing the older redhead to stand in the middle of a circle, similar but slightly different from the one I'd used for myself earlier.

"Of course, may I ask wh…" I held up a hand as I looked at my smartphone and hit a button.

The effects would take a little bit to fully kick in, and it was only going to last for an hour when they did, but that should be enough. Until then…

"Sansa, strip," I ordered, unable to resist any longer. I'd been waiting for this ever since I realized we were in Westeros.

Sansa blushed, her cheeks matching her hair for color, before slowly, she reached up and began to remove her dress. The pale blue piece slipped from her shoulders to pool around her feet, before she reached around her back to untie the breast band she needlessly wore. A sparse red smattering of hair covered her pubes, and I pulled off my own clothes in preparation.

“My Lady, how?” Sansa asked, confused as she stared at the rapidly swelling cock between my legs.

“I created a magic ritual that bound you to me, mind and soul, and you’re surprised it can give me that?” I asked rhetorically. “That is on top of the new one that is giving your dear mother some of her youth back.”

Sansa turned to stare at Catelyn in surprise, seeing that indeed, her mother was looking twenty years younger. Cat was about to step out, but I held a hand up, there was still a few minutes before she could move, but in the meantime, I sat on the edge of the bed and had sweet, innocent Sansa kneel in front of me.

“I want you to get your hand wet, then rub my cock up and down,” I told her.

“Um… how am I to wet my hand?” the naive girl asked, making me chuckle in amusement.

“Spit on it, enough to spread around, that’s it,” I encouraged her as she spat into her hand a few times.

Gingerly, hesitantly, Sansa’s right hand wrapped around my cock (and that was a thought that would take some getting used to) as her left moved to my base. Slowly, her hand began to stroke my length, the occasional nervous breath leaving her lips as she gave her first handjob. I’m sure it was terrible from a technical perspective, but seeing as it was the first time anyone had touched it, myself included, it felt amazing!

Just a hand, with no real grip, no rhythm or skill, and I was getting close to cumming faster than I’d ever had without it. If this was anything like what men had to deal with, no wonder they were always so eager for sex!

“That’s it, Sansa, now point the tip towards your face,” I told her through grit teeth, “then open your mouth and stick out your tongue. I’m close to cumming.”

The little redhead did as she was told, adjusting her grip and opening her mouth wide, all the while continuing to stroke. With a groan, I leaned my head back and closed my eyes as the balls I’d given myself along with the dick pulsed, sending my first load of sperm up along the length of my cock to spurt along her face. The first shot missed Sansa’s mouth, instead streaking along the length of her face, making her close an eye. The following shots met their intended destination, filling the young girl’s mouth with jizz.

Collapsing back against the bed, I took a moment to regain my breath, before lifting my head to see Sansa still kneeling there with a look of nervous confusion. Chuckling, I sat back up and gently cupped her cheek.

“You did a splendid job, Sansa. Now: swallow it all, even what’s on your face,” I ordered her, and she gave a shallow nod. It took her several tries, but she eventually managed to swallow down the entirety of my load. I gave her a smile, before I stood up and walked over to her mother, now physically in her early twenties.

“Now then Cat, it’s your turn. Give it a kiss,” I told her, making the woman blush as she hesitantly kneeled down.

“But… such an act is…” she began, before I gently shushed her.

“Worcestershire,” I said, carefully enunciating the word as Catelyn went still and her face blank. “Whenever I have youthened you, you will do any sexual act I request, regardless of what your faith says is good and decent. Salisbury.”

Catelyn blinked as she fell out of the trance, looking up at me with her bright, blue eyes as she leaned in and took the head of my cock into her mouth. She suckled, swirling her tongue around the head, but after a few seconds, I knew I wanted more. Reaching down, I put my hand on the back of her head, making Cat let out a noise of surprise as her eyes danced from side to side, moments before I pulled her down, choking and gagging all the way to the base.

“Yesss…” I hissed, marveling at the way it felt to have my cock buried down her throat. There was a sound of movement, moments before I felt a hand through Cat’s throat.

“I can see it, Mother. I can see Lady Revy’s cock in your throat,” Sansa whispered, rubbing at the bulge I was making in an awed voice.

Pulling back, I slid my cock out of Cat’s throat to let her have a moment to breathe, but I didn’t let her pull away. When she had a few moments to catch her breath, I pulled her head back down. Again, the tightness of her throat, the vibrations as she tried to speak in protest, the feel of her gagging…

“Sansa, be a good girl and take over for me,” I told her, guiding her hands to the back of her mother’s head. “I want you to make sure she gets all the way down to the base each time. Can you do that for me?”

“Yes, Lady Revy,” she whispered, almost reverently, before putting action to words.

I threw my head back, just enjoying the oral attention as the daughter choked her mother on me. The physical sensations were exquisite, but were minor in comparison to the sense of control, of power, that such submission and obedience gave me. Groaning, I felt myself cumming, again, and shoved my hips forward as I covered Sansa’s hands with my own to drive Catelyn’s head as far down as it would go.

My legs twitched, and I was having trouble standing up, but I held out long enough that my orgasm finished, and my cock softened in Catelyn’s throat. Pulling out, I braced myself on my knees as I panted and Catelyn coughed while rubbing at her throat.

Taking a breath, I looked at the two naked redheads and told them, “Up on the bed. Sansa, on your back with a pillow under your butt. I’m going to fuck you first.”

“But… I’m…” Sansa stammered, even as she and her mother moved to obey.

“You are mine,” I told her firmly, as I climbed up onto the bed, while Catelyn slipped one of the pillows under her daughter’s pubescent ass. “There is only a single man in this world or any other that I would even consider letting them see you as you are now, let alone touch.”

Sansa’s big, blue, doe eyes stared up at me as I slid my length along her lower lips. Catelyn took her daughter’s hand in her own as I moved to press my cockhead against Sansa’s entrance. All but looming over her, I pushed forward, her pussy looking absolutely tiny next to my dick as it spread her open.

Sansa gasped as I took her virginity, spreading open her depths at a pace neither slow but not fast or brutish either. I didn’t feel anything tear, but didn’t stop until I was fully buried in the young teen. Even then, I only stopped for a moment, before pulling out and thrusting back in. Sansa couldn’t hold in another gasp as I bottomed out, the force making her tiny, budding breasts bounce.

I kept up my steady pace, enjoying the soft sounds and bouncing of her chest for a few minutes, before deciding I wanted to have some fun with Catelyn. So, reluctantly, I pulled out of Sansa and nudged her aside.

“Come here, Cat,” I said as I lay back on the bed. “I want to see your ass bouncing on my dick.”

Catelyn blushed at my crude talk, but obediently swung one of her legs over my waist and reached down with a hand to grab onto my cock. Holding it upright, she slowly lowered herself until my tip met her pussy. Sliding the head in, she let go and leaned forwards before she started bouncing her hips up and down.

I watched Catelyn’s cheeks ripple as her passage clenched and contracted along my length. Occasionally she changed it up by shaking her ass from side to side as she went down, which resulted in some very enjoyable sensations. After a few minutes of this, Catelyn decided to take initiative and leaned back, har hands coming around to brace herself on my chest, just under my breasts while her legs came up to put her feet flat on the bed. With her new position, she picked up the speed at which she fucked herself on me. I grinned as I watched Catelyn drive my dick into her over and over again.

Reaching over, I grabbed the company smartphone and pressed a few quick buttons before chucking it off into some corner of the room. With that taken care of, and feeling the tingling in my balls as the effect kicked in, I grabbed Catelyn by the hips and adjusted my position as I really started fucking her.

Catelyn’s pussy clenched down on my cock like a wet, velvet vice as I drove myself up into her, faster than she’d been doing herself. I could feel myself approaching the brink, and just as I started to cum, I reached up and pulled Catelyn flush with my chest. Catelyn moaned and her pussy began fluttering around my gushing length as she came, sucking my seed deeper into her womb, where it would fertilize an egg and in nine months she’d give birth to two twin girls. Fertility Calibration 2 made sure of that.

I let Catelyn gather her breath, before pushing her off me, just as the circle I’d used to make her younger wore off. But I still had another redhead to knock up…


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