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I’d just signed the paperwork agreeing to the contract when a sharp pain filled my side, sending me flying. I felt myself rolling on asphalt, despite having just been in a cushy Victorian office. My body also felt different, my arms were longer, my skin didn’t hurt as much as it should from my impromptu barrel roll. Right, I agreed to that.

“Are you okay?!” a woman’s voice drew me from my inner monologue. “Shit, I swear, I’m normally paying better attention. Do you need a doctor?”

Shaking my head, I turned to look at the woman kneeling over me, and blinking as I caught a good look at her. Short blonde hair, big perky tits held behind a purple shirt, piercing red eyes, soft, smooth skin… she was a bombshell. She was also the mother to one of the main characters of my favorite anime/manga, and despite looking to be in her mid twenties she was most certainly a Grade-A MILF.

I could feel the instincts of the body I’d been given reacting to the presence of a human within arm’s reach. The way my mouth began to water in anticipation of food. Something that in hindsight I should have anticipated when I picked this origin. Oh, wait, she’d asked if I was okay…

Pushing myself up into a standing position, her head going further and further down as I realized just how tall my new body was. I had to be over ten and a half feet tall!

“Holy shit, you’re a big boy,” I heard her mumble as I took a quick look around. We were on a bridge, it was fairly late in the day, and from the looks of it I’d done more damage to her car than it had to me. But most importantly, we were alone on the bridge. Looking down at her, I found the instincts roaring at me. I couldn’t completely ignore them, they were far stronger than any humans had. But I could redirect them.

“You should have run before I got my bearings,” I rumbled out, my eyes spotting a culvert in the rocks under the far side of the bridge.

“Like Hell! I hit you with my car, even if you have a regenerative Quirk I’m not the, hey what’re you doIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGGGG!!!!!”

Her question turned into a scream as I picked her up and jumped over the edge of the bridge to the water below. Quickly twisting, I braced myself for the pain as my back slammed into the water at speeds that made it like doing a back-flop on concrete. But just as soon as I felt my flesh rip and spine shatter, I also felt the damage healing. In seconds, my spine had healed enough that I could start swimming.

My… captive kicked and thrashed in my grip, but even with her Quirk (better get used to the local terminology) making her tough to keep a good grip on, she wasn’t able to get free. I soon enough reached the edge of the water, and while keeping her in my grip and held close to my chest, I climbed up to the culvert I’d seen earlier. My new strength and claws made short work of the drain, and climbed into the surprisingly spacious tunnel.

“Oh god, did you have to take me into a sewer?!” my captive asked as I walked deeper into the sewer tunnel.

“What’d you expect? A white mask and an opera house?” I quipped as I came to a junction.

“The fuck does an opera house have to do with anything?”

I rolled my eyes, “Uncultured rube.”

The irony of a troll calling anyone uncultured was not lost on me.


Well slap a shell on me and call me a ninja turtle, I think I’d found my new home. Looks like a place some homeless bum had squatted in for a while, based on the fact that it had actual furniture and a thick layer of dust. The only downside was the power didn’t work, but for the time being that was a feature, not a bug. Since, y’know, trolls can see in the dark but normal humans can’t.

“Welcome to our new home!” I declared as I dropped my fellow soon-to-be sewer dweller on what was once a couch.

“Fuck you, you piece of shit! Just you wait until the heroes find us, and then they’ll kick your ass, you kidnapping son of a bitch!”

“There’s no reason to bring my mother into this, that’s terribly rude. Now, let me see if I can find us a proper bed.”

A bed? Just what the hell are you planning, you ugly bastard?! And how do you expect to find anything in this pitch blackness?!”

“Well, if you’re that impatient I guess we can christen the couch first. Or maybe one of the walls…”

She wasn’t looking right at me, but I could tell what she was thinking based on the expression on her face. Focusing inwards, on the gifts my contract had given me, I altered my new body’s production of pheromones and started to suffuse them into my body’s various fluids. Drawing a claw against my arm, I let the blood well up and collect on the tip before pricking her on the arm.

“What the fuck was that?” she asked as she brought her arm up against her chest.

“Oh, I just pricked you with a claw soaked in my blood which at the moment should be acting like an aphrodisiac. I think. To be honest, I’ve never done this before, so I might have gotten it wrong. If you start having a bad acid trip I’m really sorry. I’m still getting used to being a crazy mix of fantasy game monster and transhuman nightmare beast, and it didn’t exactly come with a user manual. Or if it did, I misplaced it.”

“… I’ve been kidnapped by a crazy person who lives in a sewer. Who did I piss off in a previous life to deserve this?”

Despite her words, I could see the aphrodisiac in my blood doing its job. Her breath was quickening, her skin was looking flushed, and her nipples were threatening to poke holes in her shirt… that last one might just be the temperature, it’s rather chilly down here.

“I feel like an idiot for not asking sooner,” I began, letting my voice drop deeper into my chest, improving its husky quality that was sure to go straight to her panties (assuming she wore any). “But what is your name?”

She turned to look in what she thought was my general direction, licking her lips as she took deep breaths, unknowingly inhaling more and more of my pheromones, before she finally managed to respond, “B… Bakugo Mitsuki.”

I opened my mouth to give her my name, only to pause. Oh, sunnova bitch! Seriously, fuck you Zoat with a rusty anchor for coming up with the rule that a character has to forget their name when they’re isekai’d!

“I… will get back to you once I’ve found a bed,” I deflected, while trying to think of a name I could call myself.

Moving throughout the rather massive room that I think was supposed to be part of a subway at some point, I racked my brain for a possible name to call myself as well as something that’d serve as a bed. I was just walking past some windows when I saw something inside what might’ve once been a store front. Crouching down, I looked in.

Bright side, what I saw was just my reflection in a mirror. Down side…

“I look like Snape after chugging down a bad potion,” I mumbled. Eh, it’d do. He was a douche, I’m a troll, it works. So, now I have a name. Now I just needed a bed to defile my blonde MILF on and plant my seed inside her so the binding starts.

After fifteen minutes, I gave up on finding a bed, and to be fair I’m probably way too big for any local beds anyway. So I headed back to where I left Mitsuki, the aroma of her sweat and arousal growing ever stronger as I got closer. Sure enough, the aphrodisiac blood and pheromones had done their job: her shirt collar was pulled down to free one of her large tits which was being mauled by her right hand, while the other had pulled her skirt up and was buried under her panties between her legs.

“Ahh… Marasu,” she panted, her face flushed and covered in sweat as she furiously masturbated. I waited for a moment, half expecting to hear another name, but was disappointed when that didn’t happen. Eh, it was too risky to try to nab another MILF at this point anyway.

Still, the smell of her arousal filling my senses was having the effect I’d been hoping for, the instincts I’d been fighting stopped seeing her as food. Grinning, even as a certain appendage started to swell with blood, I reached down and picked her up, making her shriek out in surprise.

“Hey what the fuck!” she shouted as I lifted her up to my face.

Ignoring her, I reached out with my tongue and licked up along her thighs and delved into her core. Her shouts and shrieks turned into moans as my saliva fanned the flames of her arousal, even as my tongue drove deeper into her than any of the pencil dicks she’d had before me. Her taste was pleasant, citrusy without the acidic tang. The taste, her moans, and her scent soon had me at full mast, ready to fuck her brains out.

Pulling her back, I held onto her thighs with both hands, using my right index finger on her back to keep her upright, and brought her soaked, gushing cunt to the head of cock. As soon as her lips were kissing my head, she snapped back into focus.

“WAIT A SECOND! THAT’S TOO BIG, IT'S THE SIZE OF MY HEAD!” Mitsuki screamed as I started to pull her downwards onto my length.

“Oh don’t be such a drama queen,” I chided as I tried to fit inside her. “I’m perfectly average sized.”


I rolled my eyes as the tip finally managed to slide in, stretching her wider and wider until, with a sigh of relief from me and a screaming moan from her, the flare at the base of my cockhead popped inside.

“There, that wasn’t so bad now was it?” I asked, my left hand letting go of her thigh to pat her on the head like a puppy.

“My… my hips should be broken…” she murmured, her hands feeling where we were connected. “I’m… I’m not tearing? How? Why… why’s it feel so good?”

I simply chuckled, before pulling her down, now that the thickest part of my dick (at the moment) was inside her it should be smooth sailing from here. I hummed a cheery tune as I pushed her further and further down, until all too quickly I bumped up against something simultaneously spongy and hard.

Ffffuuuuucccckkkk! Yer… yer sho deep,” Mitsuki slurred.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, seemingly confused. “I’m not even a quarter of the way in you yet.”

The look on her face, a nearly drunken mix of terror, lust, excitement, and apprehension, nearly made me break character and start laughing. But I managed to resist, and gave another tug on her thigh to see if that’d be enough to slip past her cervix. Frowning when it wasn’t, I wrapped both hands around her waist, widened my stance (making her gasp at the resulting shifts inside her), and gave a sharp pull while thrusting forwards with my hips.

“Gugh!” Mitsuki gasped, as my dick pierced her cervix into her womb.

“Ah, much better,” I sighed in contentment. “Now we can really start having fun.”

A gurgle with a faint questioning tone to it was her only response, as I chuckled and patted her on the head again. Under my thumb, I felt the outline of my length pressed up against the skin of her abdomen and couldn’t help but wonder just how far I’d be able to fit inside her.

Slowly, to give her time to get used to it, I pressed more and more of my length into her depths, driving the outline of my cock up higher and higher. When the head was visible just below her sternum, her hand came up and rested on it, feeling it under her shirt.

“Pleash… no… no mohr…” she begged.

“But I’m only halfway in, don’t you want to feel me balls deep before I cum and knock you up?” I asked with an innocent tone.

“Bu… bu…”

I didn’t let her finish her sentence, pushing with my hips and pulling with my hands as I eagerly wanted to get to the finale. She was so fucking tight. It was better than any sex I’d ever had before signing that contract, and I was finally going to have a family and be a dad. I couldn’t wait, but first I needed to nut inside her. Which, unfortunately, couldn’t happen until I got the knot swelling at my base inside her. Finally, with Mitsuki limp in my grip and on my dick, her lips reached the bulging knot.

“I should warn you,” I said, gently tapping her cheek to wake her up from her fuck-drunk haze. “This is going to be bigger than anything you’ve ever taken.”

With that obligatory warning provided, I shifted my grip, braced myself for what I was about to feel, and popped my watermelon sized knot into a warm, wet pussy for the first time. Now it was my turn to moan nonsensically, as my balls started to pump the blonde MILF full of my cum, the powers I’d gained making sure she’d be carrying twins.

This was just the start, once I found out when in the story I’d arrived, then I could start making more plans. I had so many girls I wanted to gather, but I needed to be smart about it and I needed more information. Like if Dungeons and Dragons had survived, letting anyone with a certified nerd card instantly spot the weakness in my regeneration.


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