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[center]<<Bear Sandosen>>[/center]

“… my dear friend Nicolas and his wife came to Hogwarts to personally thank her. Miss Potter asked if they could show her a bit of alchemy, and they agreed. However it seems my old alembics weren’t as well maintained as I thought they were. Fortunately nothing dangerous was being worked on, but,” Dumbledore paused to return the first Harry Potter book to me with a twinkle in his eyes, “I can only describe it as ‘Harry’ Potter and the Philosophers were stoned.”

I groaned at the joke as we made our way up the way to the Gaunt Shack. Nikhol stopped us a good thirty feet from the door that had the snake nailed to it, “Hold up.”

“What’s up?” Kara asked.

“Feels like some of the defenses of the tombs on Korriban.”

“Oh? You should speak to young William, he spent years breaking curses in Egypt for Gringotts,” Dumbledore said as he pulled out his wand and started casting diagnostic spells.

“Maybe later, if I’m sensing these right then none of you want to be victim to these.”

Kara and I waited as Nikhol and Dumbledore systematically broke through the wards, curses, and other defenses. Once or twice, Nikhol made noises of reluctant admiration, but eventually we were at the door itself.

“How intact do we want this place?” Nikhol asked moments before Dumbledore reached for the door.

“Oh? Do you have something in mind?” Dumbledore asked as he took a step back.

“Nine times out of ten all of the particularly… creative curses and traps are bound to the walls and only set to go off once the victim is far enough in. With this thing being made of old, rotten wood there’s a potential means of dealing with those that weren’t available on Korriban.”

“Well, color me intrigued. By all means, my dear.”

Nikhol smirked, before holding a hand out, palm up, and slowly lifting it. The air was filled with the sounds of timbers snapping and groaning before the entire shack lifted into the air. The floor and the few bits of furniture inside were left alone, but the walls and door all rose ten feet into the air before Nikhol placed it off to the side.

“Impressive,” Dumbledore muttered, before saying more loudly, “Most impressive.”

Kara and I shared a look, but managed to avoid laughing as Nikhol waved him off, “That’s nothing. I’ve seen Sith that specialized in telekinesis rip entire fleets apart.”

“Kara, can you take a look?” I asked, getting everyone refocused.

Nodding, Kara took to the air, and despite the seriousness of what we were here to do, part of me couldn’t help but admire the way the jeans she was wearing hugged her curves. I could just barely make out her narrowed eyes before she pointed to a spot, the old wood floor smoldering in a circle.

“Is the floor safe to step on?” Kara asked, floating down but her feet not touching the floorboards.

“Yes,” Nikhol said as she walked over to the point that Kara had pointed out. “With rare exceptions, the floor is one of the safest places in a heavily warded tomb, crypt, sepulchre, or what have you. The builders and ones laying the traps need to be able to move in and out, if there are traps in the floor, they are typically simple ones that don’t interact with the rest, making them the simplest to break.”

Because the floor traps had to be placed as the builders were leaving, it made sense. With the four of us standing around the smoldering circle, Nikhol reached down and used telekinesis to physically rip the floorboards out, revealing a small dug out area with a cheap wooden box in it.

Dumbledore’s wand flicked a few times before he declared, “Nothing on the box. Strange.”

“Like I said,” Nikhol began as she lifted the box out of the ground and opened it. “The most dangerous defenses are in the walls, not the objects themselves.”

The ring was deceptively simple. A simple gold band with an onyx stone set into it. It looked like a piece of cheap costume jewelry, or something that’d be worn to make one look wealthy by having a lot of rings on their fingers. Appropriate, I suppose, that something so powerful be so simple looking.

“There’s something on the ring, and this is definitely what we’re after…” Nikhol began, looking at it with a confused expression.

“Something wrong?” Dumbledore asked.

“There’s something on the stone… the last time I felt something similar was when Vitiate devoured Ziost.”

There was a tension in Nikhol’s shoulders as she worked, and I remembered her saying that she was raised on Ziost. I… didn’t know what to say to that. So I just kept quiet as Dumbledore and Nikhol both started working on unraveling the magic on the ring. Once the curse was broken, Nikhol pulled out the soul fragment before prying the stone out of the ring.

After a few minutes of carefully examining the stone, Nikhol spoke up, “If I’m right, this stone is some sort of… holocron commlink? I’m not entirely sure. I can tell it involves communication and death somehow, but I’m not seeing the connection, or even how it’s supposed to work.”

“Resurrection Stone,” I whispered, prompting Dumbledore to perk up.

“I believe I can explain, Miss Diomedes,” he said, before explaining the tale of the three brothers. Kara and I listened impassively, me already knowing it and Kara having seen weirder shit on DC Earth, but Nikhol seemed particularly… curious, for want of a better word.

“If I may,” Dumbledore began after he finished the story, “may I hold it for a moment?”

“Your sister?” I asked.

“I… yes. If you’ll excuse me for a moment.”

Dumbledore walked away, but remained in sight before a pale shade appeared in front of him. We let him have his moment, Nikhol moving the shack back in place while Kara and I kept watch for anyone who might have been drawn by the noise. Eventually, Dembledore returned, eyes shining with tears and a small, bittersweet smile on his face.

“Aay’han,” Nikhol said as Dumbledore joined us, causing the rest of us to look at her in confusion. “It’s a word from Mando’a, it references a perfect, bittersweet moment of mourning and remembrance. A moment of joyous memory and celebrating the lives of those we’ve lost.”

“A wise concept,” Dumbledore said, wiping away his tears. “Shall we move on to Hogwarts for the Diadem?”

[center]<<Taylor Hebert>>[/center]

Harley’s lips were soft, and the way her hands threaded through my hair…

Breaking the kiss, I looked into Harley’s eyes, “Let me help you, Harley. That first morning, when you made sure Lisa and I weren’t just watching, was the first time in years I felt comfortable in my own skin.”

“Tay,” Harley began, before I leaned in with a kiss, silencing her.

“You did more than that, you made me feel special and wonderful. Then, you made sure my first time making love was more than I’d ever dreamed it would be. Harley, despite what it may seem at times, I feel very strongly. I already deeply cared for Lisa; I’m falling for Bear; but you’re special to me in a different way. I love you, Harley.  Let me show you.”

With that confession, I leaned in and kissed her again, gently pulling her clothes off as she did the same to me. Our tongues dueled as our fingers found each other’s cores. I moaned into Harley’s mouth as her talented fingers spread me open and drove them into my depths. Not wanting to make her do all the work, I focused my attention on her button, flicking and teasing in an attempt to figure out the best ways to make her go crazy.

As our fingers danced, part of me couldn’t help but be painfully aware of her breasts against my chest. Not stopping my ministrations, I broke our lip lock and began to plant kisses along her jaw, down her neck, occasionally nipping or sucking on my way down to her pillowy chest.

“Tay…” Harley moaned as I took a nipple into my mouth. Some part of my brain considered whether or not the locals had a potion or spell that could induce lactation. I’d be surprised if they couldn’t, but that would be for a later time. The thought of drinking from Harley’s chest pushed me that much closer to cumming, but I wanted to make her cum first, so I redoubled my focus on treating her.

Soon, just barely before my own orgasm hit me, Harley tensed up. Her back curled, pushing her chest into my face as she let out a piercing scream, “YATZEEEEEEEEE!!!”

My own release was much quieter, but the way my whole body tightened before snapping… I collapsed into Harley’s chest, using them as pillows as I panted and basked in the afterglow. After a few minutes, I moved my legs around, bringing our cores together.

“Ooh, didn’ think ya knew ‘bout tha’,” Harley slurred, as one hand cupped my butt and the other threaded through my hair.

I let Harley pull my forehead to meet with hers, as I started to rub my pussy against hers. It wasn’t as intense as when Bear made love to me, but it still felt really good. Seeing the pleasure and gratitude in Harley’s eyes just made it better. I could feel a tightening coil in my core, but before it could release, Harley pulled back.

I opened my mouth to ask what I did wrong, but Harley leaned in and kissed me before I could ask. Breaking the kiss, Harley softly smiled and said, “Let’s end this in styahl.”

I was confused, until Harley lay back on the bed and pulled my hips so I was sitting over her head. My time since hitting puberty was hardly normal, but even I’d seen enough porn to figure out what she was thinking. Leaning down, feeling her breasts pressing against my stomach, I paused as I took in what she’d done with her pubes.

The heart shape she had it trimmed in wasn’t what had surprised me, it was the fact that she went to the trouble of dying it. Red and blue, on opposite sides as the color in her pigtails. She even made sure there wasn’t any color bleed, a hard line where one color stopped and the other began.

I was pulled from my surprise as Harley’s tongue ran along my slit, reminding me what I was down here to do. Leaning the rest of the way, I reached out with my tongue and gave her puffy, glistening lips a lick. I’d heard from Lisa about the flavor of Bear’s seed after she cleaned it out of me on that first night, so I was prepared for it to be the same. It wasn’t. Harley tasted sweet, with a hint of the lavender soap she used when she showered.

With that knowledge in hand, I eagerly dove in, doing my best to listen to the sounds and physical movements Harley made to show what felt best for her. As I settled into a rhythm, Harley did something that… well, it made me squeak in surprise.

Harley?!” I cried out as her finger slipped deeper into my butt.

“Jus’ relax,” Harley cooed as her finger pumped in and out.

It… I didn’t have the words to describe the sensation. All I could do as Harley ate me out and fingered my ass was lay there as she played my body like a fiddle, moaning into her thigh. After what felt like hours, my orgasm crashed into me like a tsunami. Burying my face into Harley’s core, it was all I could do to ride out the waves of pleasure coursing through me.

I’d only barely gotten my head on straight when Harley turned me around and softly kissed me. Locking her gaze with mine, she whispered, “Thanks fer tha’, Taytay.”

[center]<<Nymphadora “Don’t Call Me That” Tonks>>[/center]

I was heading downstairs after getting up (late night busts were brutal), when I heard a scream coming from one of the other bedrooms. Obviously, I opened the door to make sure that no one was hurt, or if they were to help them with whatever pest had been missed. What I saw looked more like what happened at some of the parties in the Hufflepuff dorms after a bit too much firewhiskey filched from The Hog’s Head.

I was immediately glad I was a metamorphmagus, because otherwise I’d be blushing so hard I’d light up the entire room. I couldn’t help but stare, I’d been working double shifts for over a month by this point, and even without that I hadn’t had the opportunity for any ‘relief’ in nearly six months before that. That’s the only reason I couldn’t bring myself to shut the door and put up a silencing charm before continuing on. It had nothing to do with the fact that both participants were really not, no sir.

As they moved to start scissoring, I shook my horny-haze off and quickly shut the door before laying half a dozen silencing charms on it. Forcing back the blush that wanted to form and making a mental note to find a quiet place after breakfast, I straightened my auror robes and made my way downstairs. Where I was treated to the surreal sight of the ginger twins with their boxers stretched over their heads.

I stared for several seconds before deciding I didn’t want to know, especially with the utterly serious looks on their faces.


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