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Chapter 2: Training and Bonding.

The next few months were… rough, to put it mildly. While Katara’s Devil Fruit made some things easier (especially keeping the inside of the cave dry), we’d quickly discovered that the island we were on had a… distinct absence of large animals in its ecosystem. Sure there were some birds and Katara had been practicing her multitasking so she could go past the surf while also catching fish, but by and large we were subsisting on coconuts and the various wild berries.

For my part, most of my efforts these last few months were focused on getting the hang of my own fruit. I quickly surmised that Calypso (because who else could it have been) had a sick sense of humor, because the pepper shaped Devil Fruit was a zoan that turned me into a big, burly, wolf-like animal. Except the colors were all off, having more in common with african painted dogs than wolves, and I had a mane.

In the end, it didn’t really matter. Our limited food options meant I couldn’t stay in hybrid or animal form long term, so most of my practice with it was in getting a feel for how the different forms moved and the swiftness I could change form. I was already tall as a human, being roughly six five. In hybrid form, I gained about two and a half feet and at least two hundred pounds of muscle. Then there was sparring with Katara. Mostly it was her figuring out how to move water fast enough and keeping it solid enough to be viable in combat while I tried to get close to her.

I also learned that my initial assumptions about her being dimensionally shanghai’d like me were sorely mistaken. She and her family were from a small island in the South Blue, before her father was reassigned to a Marine base in the East Blue.

It was at the end of the first month that we… kind of… gave up on clothes. The shirt I’d given to Katara had given up the ghost, my pants weren’t much better, and we’d long since buried all the bodies from the shipwreck with their clothes. It was awkward at first, spending all day around each other naked…

[quote]“Yes, that’s it, fuck me harder!”[/quote]

… but we managed.


“Logan?” Katara asked me hesitantly one day.

“Yes?” I asked, hitting the button to shut up the poop-shell.

“There’s… well…” she sighed, “There’s no easy way to ask this.”

“I already apologized for the boner during our last sparring session.”

That was embarrassing, I was in hybrid form at the time, she’d fallen awkwardly and ended up on her hands and knees with her pussy aimed right at me. Let’s just say that my dick was more animal than human in my hybrid form. Don’t get me wrong, after ten months on this island we weren’t body shy, but the fact was we hadn’t done anything in my hybrid or full animal forms.

“And I said it was okay, but that’s related to what I wanted to ask,” Katara said, before taking a deep breath to steel her nerves. “I want you to fuck me in your hybrid form.”

I blinked in surprise. “I thought you said…”

I know what I said when we started fucking!

So do I, and it involved her giving me an ice vasectomy if I tried to do anything funny to her while I was in hybrid or animal form. Hence why I did my best to keep from getting erections in anything but full human form. And was so quick to apologize whenever it happened.

“I know what I said then, and I’m telling you to forget that. I want to feel that cock splitting me open before you cum inside me,” Katara said, staring me in the eyes.

“Can I get that in writing?” I asked cheekily, ducking under a sweep of water from the pond that was our front porch.


Katara’s shouting was cut off as I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder in the same motion as I shifted to hybrid. I was making my way to our cave and ignoring the way her little fists beat on my back, when a surge of water swelled up in front of me.

“Right. Let’s talk,” I said, getting the point as I knelt down and dropped Katara to her feet.

“For starters, while I do want you to fuck me like an animal in your hybrid form, I’m not comfortable with the idea of having sex with your feral form. At least, not now. I want to say never, but I thought the same thing about your hybrid form when we first had sex,” she explained while rubbing at the back of her head nervously.

“Understood. Anything else?”

“Two things. First, I don’t want you to make love to me this time. I want you to take me, to claim me like an animal.”

My red rocket started to slide out of its sheath as she talked, “And the last thing?”

Katara gave a mischievous grin, before I got a face full of water. “If you want me, you’ll have to catch me!”

Shaking my head, I gave a lupine grin, “If that’s how you want it, let the hunt begin, Little Lamb.”

Katara only laughed in response, and with a barking laugh of my own, I leapt off into the woods to go after her. The biggest thing that called this island home besides us were some sea birds that I could fit inside my muzzle, and no reptiles or particularly venomous bugs so it was perfectly safe. More to the point, it was fun.

There was really no chance I wouldn’t catch up to her. My power was all about physicality, and I’d been in better shape than her even before I ate it. That was without considering the fact that I could track her by her scent, the aroma of her more than enough to drive me wild.

“There you are Little Lamb,” I cackled as I caught up to her.

Reaching out with a clawed hand, I gave a playful swipe that she ducked under. She jumped back from my second swipe, but gave a shrieking giggle as I tackled her, causing her to land on her back on the sand. My hands came down on either side of her head and I loomed over her.

“You’re all mine now,” I said with a husky growl, before reaching down with one hand and turning her over. Forcing her onto her knees while keeping her head against the sand, I took my dick in hand and slid in. No more foreplay, no teasing, just getting her into position and then burying myself in her.

“Urgk!” Katara gasped, unprepared for my size despite being completely soaked. I myself had to fight back to keep from cumming. She felt so much tighter, and the sensations were so much more intense than when I was human.

“Such a tight cunt you have, Little Lamb. I might keep you, maybe I’ll even give you some pups,” I mused aloud. I had no idea where any of this was coming from, but it was hot and seemed appropriate.

“You’re so big, oooh fuck, do it! Cum in me, fill my pussy, breed me, put a baby in my belly, just don’t you dare stop!

I wanted to hold out for longer, but with her begging me to knock her up, that ship had sailed, “Your wish is my command, my slutty Little Lamb.”

With both hands enveloping her hips, I pulled her flush against my hip, my knot slipping past her stretched lower lips with an almost audible ‘POP’ and her head jerking up as it did. If she’d changed her mind, it was far too late as my vision went white and my balls clenched, sending wave after wave of cum into her hungry womb.

I lost track of time, but eventually my knot deflated enough I was able to slip out of Katara. Looking down at her sweaty back, her bubble butt still raised up high, a tiny trickle of my seed dribbling out of her red, swollen lips… well, I was ready for round two.

“Time for more, Little Lamb,” I told Katara as I lifted her head up.

Her eyes looked at me, still clouded over from the fucking she’d just received. That was fine, she said to take her like an animal, so with one hand holding her head, I slid into her warm, wet mouth. Unlike previous times, I didn’t stop when I hit her throat, instead I used my hand on her head to force her down, until her lips met the outside of my knot.

“Once you’ve cleaned me, I’ll get back to breeding you,” I promised her. From the pleased moan and gurgle, I think she liked that idea.


I was woken one day by Katara racing out of my arms and out the cave. Pushing myself to my feet, I followed her out and held back her hair as she puked her guts out while with my free hand I rubbed circles along her back.

Once her dry heaves seemed to be done, I asked her, “You okay? Was it the crab last night?”

Over the last month, I’d basically given up on rescue (the two of us had been on this island for a year by this point) and taught myself something akin to pottery. Anyone who even had an arts and crafts class in highschool would cringe at the bowls and pots I’d made, but they worked well enough for us to boil water.

“I don’t think so,” Katara answered after rinsing her mouth out with some water she pulled from the pool. “We had those same crabs a dozen times over the last month.”

A thought occurred to me, “You know… we haven’t exactly been careful.”

She looked at me with confusion in her eyes for a moment, before she realized what I was suggesting. Her head shook, “No, it can’t be that. I’m sixteen, I’m too young to be a mother. I can’t be.”

Katara’s hands flew to her belly, her whole body freezing, before her knees buckled. Quickly moving to catch her, I cradled her against my chest before shifting to my hybrid form and putting my ear against her belly. It was faint, so soft I wasn’t sure I heard it at first, but… a small, tiny pulse. It might be wishful thinking, making me imagine it, but I was going to be a daddy.

It took everything I had not to howl in celebration, Katara was much more hesitant and losing myself in a celebratory mood when she was close to panicking wouldn’t help anything. Still, my tail was whipping back and forth like crazy as I tried to contain my excitement.

“You… you’re not nervous?” Katara asked, looking up at me as I pulled my head back.

“Oh I’m terrified of screwing up,” I admitted. “But I honestly can’t remember the last time I’ve been this excited. The only thing that comes even remotely close was when you let me fuck you ass the first time.”

Katara swatted my chest with a blush, but I continued, “And that’s not even half as exciting as this. I’m going to be a dad!”

I couldn’t contain my excitement anymore. Hugging Katara to my chest, I threw my head back and let out a joyous howl. The trees shook, ripples spread across the pool, and from the return echoes my howl was powerful enough it could be heard across the entire island. Katara giggled as I spun around in a happy dance, even as part of my brain made note to see if I could turn that howl into some sort of attack.

We didn’t get much done that day, most of it was spent with Katara snuggled up against my chest as I continued to celebrate our impending parenthood.



Well, despite months of effort, I was no closer to making a long range sonic attack out of a howl. I managed to scare the crap out of all the birds, bugs, and fish that called the island home though. Seriously, it’s been three months (I think) since I last saw a bird on the island. Katara was really craving some poultry, but we had to make do with crustaceans, shellfish, the odd fish I was able to catch, and whatever edible plants were in season.

To be perfectly honest, we’d kinda lost track of how long we’d been on the island, but Katara was most assuredly pregnant. I paused my training as a fond sigh left me. Motherhood very much suited Katara, she was even more radiant and beautiful than she already was. She was also the kind of woman that became an insatiable minx while pregnant. Seriously, we’d fucked more since she’d started showing than in the first two months after we’d started having sex.

Without an ultrasound, we had no idea if we were having a boy or a girl. Katara had hesitantly asked if we could name them after her family, and I agreed. So if they were a girl, she’d be named Kya. If they were a boy, we were going with either Hakoda or Sokka. Still undecided which one.

My musings were interrupted when I noticed something on the horizon. Narrowing my eyes and shielding them from the sun, I peered out. Only for my eyes to widen as I realized what I was seeing.

“HEY! OVER HERE! HEEEEEEEYYYYY!!!” I bellowed at the top of my lungs, jumping and waving my arms, desperately trying to get the attention of the ships on the horizon.

“Logan? What’s going on?” Katara asked as she walked past the treeline to join me on the beach.

“I see some ships! Move some water! Get their attention!”

Katara immediately joined me in desperately trying to get the attention of our potential rescuers, shaping the surf into a giant hand waving like my own arms. Fortunately, they saw us, and sailed up to the island. Katara slinked back into the trees as they drew closer, both out of modesty and the fact that she had more than just herself to think about.

Watching those two ships come closer and closer seemed to take forever. When I was able to make out the jolly rodgers on the sails, I tensed and prepared for a fight if necessary. My hackles along my spine raised, only to pause as a pale, fleshy thing came soaring from one of the boats, past my head, and grabbed onto a tree.

“WOOHOO!!!” an excited voice shouted as the body attached to the stretched out arm came soaring towards the island, and me. If the fruit I ate was of a smaller animal, I’d be able to dodge by shifting to my feral form. It wasn’t, so I had to dive to the side to avoid the rubbery collision.

“Dammit Luffy!” a woman’s voice shouted from one of the boats.

Turning to face the crazy rubber ma… woman. I was in a world where Monkey D Luffy was a chick. Did Calypso swipe Dionysus’s home brew before sending me here?


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