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So the ritual I performed with Ass worked… I really don’t want to say ‘like a charm’ because with what I know about magic there’s so many extra layers and connotations to the word. It’s like the difference between a scientist and a schmuck off the street in how they use the word ‘theory’. Point being: it worked perfectly. As was currently being demonstrated by Ass fighting Oni Lee, and not immediately dying. Sure, Ass wasn’t landing any blows, but everything that Lee did to him healed up almost as fast as Lee was hurting him.

“Quite impressive,” Yao Ming mused aloud as he watched along with the other high ranking members of the gang. “How often can you do this?”

“So long as you can keep me supplied with the reagents?” I asked as I considered the question. There was only so much [DEATH] that could be concentrated in a single area before it had to be given time to disperse. As I grew into my divinity, I’d be able to utilize more for bigger effects, but for now… “Probably one a day at most. Might be better to spread it out a bit to every other day.”

Yao Ming nodded as Ass finally landed a punch to Lee’s head. The explosion of blood, brain matter, and shards of bone caught most by surprise, before it all dissolved to ash and Lee appeared in front of Yao Ming, a hand clutching at his head where Ass’s fist had connected. Seems that Lee had just barely avoided dying, thankfully.

“Holy shit,” someone muttered.

“How do you feel?” Yao Ming asked Ass as he stood from his chair.

“Like I could grapple with Alexandria,” Ass immediately answered, “I’m not even out of breath.”

“That’s because you don’t breathe anymore,” I pointed out as I got up and walked over. “You have no pulse, so anything that relies on that won’t detect you. You regenerate, even lost limbs. You are strong enough, as we all saw, that you can crush a man’s skull with a single blow. You’re unaffected by toxins, poisons, or anything similar. Given time, you can even recover from being turned into puree by the nazis’ Boy Blender.”

There were chuckles at the nickname for Hookwolf, but a lot of interest. Just Hookwolf alone had killed dozens of members of the ABB, so it was unsurprising that any means of surviving his tender mercies would grab their attention. Rubbing at his chin, Yao Ming eventually came to a decision.

“As you have already done so today, you will empower another lieutenant the morning after tomorrow. You have done extremely well, Ophioc. Such service shall be rewarded. Dismissed.”

I admit, part of me wondered if there’d be another asian teen when I got home. But, much as I wanted to run home and find out, I figured I should check on a certain chocolate cunt first. A bit of magic and I had a small handful of berries as I entered the room I’d left her in. To my amusement, despite the fact that it had been at least ten hours, there were six men currently partaking in Sophia with a line of men still waiting their turn. Apparently word had spread that we had a bitch that needed breaking.

“Gentlemen, stand back a moment, if you will,” I called out, making some of the men groan in disappointment.

The ones making Sophia jerk them off obeyed first, followed by the man that had been holding her tits together to fuck. The man using her mouth pressed her down as he started to cum, so I let him finish, but the men using her lower holes didn’t seem to hear me. Growling in annoyance, I pulled the one on top off of her, before lifting her off the last man and kicking him aside.

Unhooking the ring gag, I gave her a chance to catch her breath, absently noticing the way her panting did certain things to her chest before dismissing it. I had more important things to be concerned with right now. Her hands were no longer bound by the extension cord, but it was instead wrapped around her neck. And she was completely covered in fresh and dried cum.

Turning to the angry man I’d pulled her off of, I snapped, “Dipshit, go get a hose. She’s filthy.”

When he didn’t move, I pulled at the lycanthropic blood within me, my features growing more bestial. As he scrambled to obey, I turned back to Sophia who was leveling a glare at me. Holding up the handful of berries, I asked with a smirk, “Ya hungry?”

Her eyes snapped to the first actual food she’d seen since before she attacked Taylor and I, and her hands snapped out. A slight twist of my hand and the berries vanish, and with a chiding tone, like she were a disobedient child, I told her, “No, none of that now. What do you say?”

“Fuck you, give me them,” she snapped. That wouldn’t do. With a touch of power, I made the spores she’d breathed in flare, her hands flying to her chest as her lungs suddenly burned.

“Naughty, naughty. Care to try again, little mouse?”

If her looks could kill, well, I’d have been dead long before now. But, through grit teeth, she growled out, “May I please, have some berries.”

“That’s a good little mouse,” I praised her, my free hand rubbing her head as I held out the ten small berries.

In the blink of an eye, she grabbed the berries out of my hand and gobbled them down. At the same time, Dipshit came back, trailing one end of a garden hose with him. Taking it, I sent him to go turn it on, and made sure that neither end of the extension cord was liable to get wet, nor were there any splits or openings in the cord.

“Arms up,” I told her as water started to come out of the hose.

This time, she obeyed without any backsass. Thus, I got to the task of giving her a cold shower from a garden hose. The goodberries had done a good job at fixing the damage from a twelve hour sex marathon, her pussy no longer puffy and raw, and her ass showed no signs of bruising or gaping.

Signalling for the water to be cut off, I turned to face So… no, best stick with the new name for when her training begins in earnest. I faced Little Mouse, and laid out the terms for her.

“So Little Mouse,” I smirked at her annoyed growl, “You have two options before you. You can either go back to being a stress relief cumdump for dozens of men for hours on end. Or you can kneel and swear allegiance and obedience to me. The choice is yours.”

“Choke on a dick,” she snarled, before spitting at me.

“That’s your job,” I replied, before gesturing to the men.

In less than a minute, the gangbang continued where it had left off when I showed up. I left orders that I was the only one to feed her, and to not let up on her until I returned. I’d make sure to be back in, oh, twelve hours or so. She’d probably be much more agreeable then. If not, there was the next twelve hours.

In any event, I was sleepy. It was time to go home. Hell, I couldn’t believe I was saying this, but I was probably not even going to have the energy to give another shot at breeding Kaede. Eh, it could wait until the morning, tomorrow was Saturday, she didn’t need to go to school.

In hindsight, had I not been so tired, I would have remembered that Kaede’s mother had gone back to the whorehouses two days ago, instead of just climbing into bed and pulling an asian girl to my chest with each arm.


I awoke with the sun, a habit ingrained into Torrent that transferred over to me. A glance down showed two sleeping heads resting on my chest, and a quick inspection confirmed that both of my hands were full of tight assflesh. Further inspection made my morning wood twitch. In the two days I’d secured Kaede’s mother as a reward for telling me about Taylor, she’d slept on the couch. Now I had mother and daughter in my bed, both of them naked from the feel of it.

Yao Ming, you are such a fucking bro. Not only do you give me a tight asian teen, you give me her MILF of a mother, both of whom I can do whatever to? Shit, no wonder you don’t hear about people leaving the ABB, not like Purity and the Empire.

Better make sure before I get started on making Kade a big sister, so with reluctance, I took my left hand off Kaede’s ass and gently shook her shoulder. “Wake up,” I softly said.

With a soft, adorable mewl, her eyes fluttered open and she lifted her head to look at me. Sleep still clouding her eyes, she murmured softly, “Hai, Ophioc-sama?”

As cute and adorable as she was when she was half-asleep, I needed her awake. So, my hand slid down, savoring the smooth skin of her back, the swell of her ass, and slipped a finger into her still virgin tight pussy. The sleep in Kaede’s eyes vanished as she gave a squeak, her cheeks flushing as she woke up the rest of the way.

Seeing that she was fully here and now, I nodded towards her mother. She glanced at the woman in my other arm and hesitated, trying to find the words to explain. I let her, my right hand caressing her mother’s ass. Which reminded me, I really needed to get her name.

“Last night, Lung-dono brought her,” Kaede began, swallowing nervously, “he said that you had performed beyond expectations, and the same restrictions on me apply to her.”

“So basically I can do whatever?” I ask, sincerely hoping the answer was yes.

“Yes, Ophioc-sama.”

I grin, old fantasies of oyakodon suddenly becoming possible. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Yao Ming is such a bro. Much as I wanted to wake her up and give Kaede a sibling while she ate her daughter out, it was better to establish a tradition in this household. So, much like her daughter, I gently shook her shoulder until she woke up.

“Sorahiko-kun?” she sleepily asked, before her eyes opened. From the wince Kaede gave at that, I’m guessing that was the name of the guy I replaced. Eh, no big deal.

“Not exactly,” I said, a bit of amusement in my voice. That certainly woke her up, and her head jerked up as she looked at me with a fearful gaze. I just gave her a soft smile.

Kaede said something to her mother in Japanese, and they had a short conversation, before both turned back to me and Kaede asked, “What is it you wish of us, Ophioc-sama?”

“I realize I should have asked this when you were here earlier this week, but what’s your name?” I asked Kaede’s mother.

“Ch-Chiyumi, Ophioc-sama,” she said, still nervous, but not quite so fearful.

“Right then. Yumi, there are some aprons in the left hand bottom drawer by the sink in the kitchen, go put one of those on and fix me a breakfast sandwich.”

I’d picked up on the fact that her English was fairly basic earlier in the week, so I wasn’t surprised when Kaede whispered a translation. I half expected to have to clarify that she was to wear just the apron, but either she’d already figured that out or Kaede had predicted it and included it in the translation because Yumi climbed out of bed and walked towards the kitchen without reaching for any other clothes.

“Do… do you plan to bed us, together?” Kaede asked as her mother left.

Looking to her, I couldn’t keep the incredulity from my voice as I answered, “I have a hot japanese mother and daughter living in my house with free reign on your bodies. Kaede, not only will I be bedding both of you, but I want to have at least half a dozen kids between the two of you.”

She swallowed nervously, her hand drifting over her stomach as she considered the thought I’d put in her head. Besides the fact that knocking up women was fucking hot, I genuinly relished the thought of being a dad, and I wanted to have a big family. How much of that was which of the three parts that went into making me, I didn’t know, nor did I care.

“So… you’re planning on making me both a big sister and a mother?” Kaede asked, her voice apprehensive.

It took but a moment to realize what was bothering her. Snorting in amusement, I set about dissuading any thoughts she might have about me replacing her. By using the hand still wrapped around her ass to pull her onto my lap and lining myself up with her entrance. Within ten seconds of sliding into her, I’d fairly successfully banished any such thoughts from Kaede’s mind as I worked to plant another load inside her.


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