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Missy couldn’t help but think back to what had happened yesterday. She’d gone to the Boardwalk after school, mostly to avoid listening to yet another shouting match between her folks, and been window browsing when she heard something from an alley. Being the upstanding citizen she was, she’d gone over to see what was happening. What she saw… it was a firm reminder that puberty had indeed hit her.

Intellectually, she knew about sex and how a boy’s penis was supposed to go into her vagina. That did not mean she was expecting to see a couple having sex in an alley in one of the busiest parts of Brockton Bay! Initially she wanted to turn around and go anywhere else so she could forget what she saw. But… part of her was curious. She’d seen medical diagrams in her sex ed course at school, but she’d never seen a guy’s penis up close.

“No need to scream or anything. We’re just having some fun. How about… you consider joining us as an apology for ruining the mood?” the woman being held up in the air by her boyfriend’s arms said, her voice perfectly at ease despite being in what looked to be a very uncomfortable position.

“Sorry,” Missy said, her curiosity making her step deeper into the alley.

“That’s it,” the woman cooed as she rubbed at her boyfriend’s penis.

Missy knelt down and reached out as his penis came free. Wrapping her fingers around the slick length, Missy ran her hand up and down it a few times before he grunted and the rod of meat in her hand twitched. Once, twice, three times, again and again the man’s penis twitched as it shot warm, sticky goo over her. Missy couldn’t prevent the gasp that came out of her as it did, and the second shot landed on her tongue.

Salty, extremely so, but not… bad? Missy ran the flavor over her tongue, trying to decide how she liked it.

“See, you made my boyfriend really happy. Can we get your number? We’d been considering threesomes to spice things up a bit. Especially with such a sexy thing like you,” the woman asked as her boyfriend let her down. Kneeling next to Missy, she pulled out a handkerchief and helped Missy clean up as much as she could.

Seeing how Missy had gotten some in her mouth, the woman grinned and said, “Not a bad taste, is it? I quite like it myself.”

The more she thought about it, the more Missy thought she could like it. The taste itself wasn’t that great, but what it signified, that the guy she was with really enjoyed what she did, and the fact that they weren’t treating her like a kid more than made up for it. Despite herself, she did leave her number with the woman as her boyfriend (who was even hotter than Dean an annoyingly loud, traitorous part of her mind admitted) caught his breath and tucked himself back into his pants.

When she got back home (her power was so helpful in preventing anyone from seeing that she had… stains on her dress), the first thing she did was close the door to her room and throw her dress into a hidden corner of her closet. If she put it in her clothes hamper, her mother would surely find it and then she’d be lucky if she was let out of the house before she was twenty!

It was late enough in the day that she decided to just go to bed early. She didn’t have much homework, and nothing due the next day, so she changed into her pajamas. Much as she hated having her own costumed face on her pajamas, they were far more comfortable than anything else she had. As soon as she could access her Ward trust fund, she was buying silk pajamas so she could burn these.

Settling into bed, she reached up and turned off the lights (truly the greatest way to use her power) before drifting off to sleep. At least, that was the plan. Instead, her mind kept going back to the alleyway. It was easily the most arousing thing she’d ever seen, and after tossing and turning in her bed for half an hour Missy groaned in frustration. Since she clearly wasn’t going to sleep like this, she let her hand slip under the waistline of her bottoms to try to relieve the tension she was feeling.

Shaking her head as she walked into the schoolyard, Missy did her best to dismiss the thoughts and memories of her rather eventful day after school yesterday. It happened, no need to revisit it. Spotting some of her classmates, Missy made her way over to the girls that were whispering back and forth.

“Hey Missy,” Dinah, Rory’s cousin, greeted her. Dinah was really the only one of the girls Missy was close to. She’d visited Rory once and Missy had realized they were classmates. The others… Missy had seen too much to really click with any of them.

“Hey Dinah. What’s the gossip topic this morning?” Missy asked. Nine times out of ten it was pointless gossip, but on the rare occasion she’d find out something interesting that she could take to her superiors so she put up with it.

“Did you hear about Kimiko?” Aisha, a trashy black girl who was practically a shoe-in for the Merchants if she didn’t clean up her act, asked. The asian girl hadn’t been at school all week, but Missy had assumed that she was just sick since flu season was just around the corner.

“No, is she back?”

Aisha snorted in amusement, “Fuck no. A little birdy told me she set her eyes on an older guy and used her ‘advantages’ to score her a ticket out of this hellhole of a city.”

Missy frowned at the language, but unlike some of the other girls didn’t chide her for it. She’d heard worse. She’d been called worse. She couldn’t help but consider what Aisha had said: Kimiko got hit with the puberty stick hard and she got hit early. With some proper makeup, Missy could easily see her being mistaken as being much older than she was.

A traitorous part of Missy’s brain latched onto the thought and pulled back the memories of yesterday. They hadn’t known how old she was (they’d have told her to go home if they had), maybe if she learned how to apply make-up, said she was petite… she could probably pull it off. Not that she would, she wasn’t a slut like Aisha but it was a thought that wouldn’t leave her mind.

Shaking her head to dismiss the thoughts, Missy bit back a groan as the act caught Aisha’s attention, “Oooh, is the goodie two shoes having dirty thoughts?”

“Shut up, Aisha,” Missy snapped back.

“That wasn’t a noooo~!”

Missy rolled her eyes and walked away. Class was starting in less than five minutes, she really shouldn’t get into an argument with the wannabe Merchant in the hallways. When they were let out for recess, Dinah grabbed Missy by the arm and dragged her to the library. When the two girls were in an isolated corner, Dinah turned to Missy and said one word: “Spill.”

“What are you…” Missy started to ask, only for Dinah to interrupt her.

“I know you Missy, the others might not have seen it, but you blushed a little when Aisha asked if you were thinking dirty thoughts. You’ve never blushed when talking about that Dean guy, so there’s something else that happened. So, spill.”

“Yesterday… I’ll tell you later, not at school.”

“I’m going to hold you to that.”

Sure enough, as soon as school let out for the weekend, Dinah dragged Missy off to her house so she could interrogate her. Missy tried to resist, she really did, but the brunette girl eventually managed to get the information out of her. The alleyway, the man and woman, the fact that her dress had semen on it and was hidden away in her closet, all of it.

“Well, looks like someone really does have a thing for older guys,” Dinah teased, making Missy blush.

“It’s not like anything’s going to happen. It was just a couple of strangers I bumped into, that’s all,” Missy insisted (‘unfortunately’ her traitorous brain provided).

“Except you gave them your phone number, what are you going to do if they call you back?”

Missy sighed, that was the question of the day, wasn’t it. She should tell them that she was underage, and all of them could forget about the whole thing. But… they called her sexy. They treated her like an adult, something she’d been trying to get for years from everyone. Her parents, the PRT, her fellow Wards, everyone in her life treated her like she was a little girl. She wasn’t a little girl to be held in a tower like some princess, waiting for the hero of the story to rescue her!

“Well?” Dinah asked, snapping Missy out of her thoughts.

“I don’t know!” Missy snapped. Dinah held her hands up and leaned back, making her feel guilty for snapping. “Sorry.”

“It’s alright. Look, whatever you do, just be careful. Even if they don’t know, you’d get in a lot of trouble if they do call you back and you take them up on their offer. Plus, well… use protection.”


“You think the PRT benches you too much as it is, how do you think they’ll react if you’re not careful and end up pregnant! Just promise me you’ll be careful. In all parts, not just… yeah.”

“You know I can take care of myself.”

“Being outed in case something bad happens would be a problem by itself. Just... watch out, I'm kind of worried. And... curious myself.”

Missy groaned, not wanting to continue the conversation, “Can we please change the subject?”

“Fine, any news out of the Protectorate you can tell me about?”

Missy latched onto the change in topic like a lifeline, “Yeah, there was a bomb threat at the University last month that some of the Thinkers say…”


It was a week later when Missy pulled Dinah aside before school, “Remember what we talked about last week?”


“I, um… ItalkedtothemonthephoneyesterdayandI’mmeetingthemtonightandIneedyoutocoverforme.”

Dinah blinked, “Slower please.”

Missy took a deep breath before starting again, “I talked to them on the phone yesterday, and I’m meeting them tonight. I need you to cover for me with my mom.”

“Hmm… I’ll do it on one condition.”


“Nope, agree first. If I tell you, you’ll get all stubborn and draw way too much attention.”

“Fine, I agree. Now help me!”

“Send your mom a text or call her, tell her you’re having a sleepover with me and after school you’ll just be back home to grab a change of clothes. I’ll tell my mom I’m staying at your place. Our moms hate each other so they won’t try to call to ask how the sleepover’s going.”

“Why are you… Dinah, no.”

“That’s my condition: I’m going with you. The way you talked about them… I’m more than a little curious how good looking they are. I’m not planning on losing my virginity, but, well…” Dinah blushed despite how assertive she’d been just a moment ago. “I’m curious. Plus I can, well, offer support?”

With a frustrated groan, Missy sighed, “Fine. You make it sound like you’d be a cheerleader. Who’d want to have one of those stuck up girls at this kind of thing anyway?”

The two girls went through their school day, sending messages to their mothers early. After school, they went home to pack an overnight bag. Since both parents knew about Missy’s power, she told her mom that she’d “walk” to Dinah’s while Dinah told hers that Missy was picking her up. Both were true, but the girls still felt a little bad for lying.

Once they were a few blocks away, Dinah asked, “So where are we going?”

“When I talked to Cherie on the phone last night, she said they were staying at a motel in one of the better parts of town. So, we’re heading there.”

Missy did her best to control her nerves. She couldn’t believe she was actually going through with this! She was meeting with an older couple at a motel so she could lose her virginity! It was the kind of thing Aisha would do, only Missy wasn’t charging money for it. Did that make it better, or worse? Well at least Dinah would be th… a furious blush burst across Missy’s face as she realized a crucial fact she had somehow overlooked.

Dinah was going to be there. Dinah was going to watch Missy lose her virginity. She was going to watch as Missy had sex. How would she ever manage to look the other girl in the eye without remembering that? It was going to make things so awkward between them at school. Maybe she should call the whole thing off?

Yeah, it was too much. She’d call ahead and tell them that she changed her mind, it was too embarrassing. They were three blocks away from the motel, there was no way they could see her and Dinah. But… Missy couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel. Lips on hers, fingers teasing her nipples and her button, his penis spreading her wide open…

“Which one?” Dinah asked, shaking Missy from her thoughts and making her realize that they’d arrived at the motel. She’d told Dinah that there was just one guy… oh, the room.

“Um… I think it was room F9?” Missy responded, if they were already at the motel, then it was too late now, she was doing this.

Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, Missy led Dinah to the room in question and knocked on the door. After a minute or two, the door opened and the woman, Cherie, stood there in an elegant green dress with her hair in a bun and a bright smile on her face.

“Missy, glad you made it! And who’s this freckled cutie?” Cherie asked.

“I’m Dinah. I wrung the story out of Missy and, well… I got curious,” Dinah answered, trailing off into a whisper as her face grew progressively redder and redder.

“You wanted to make sure she’d be okay, right? That’s so sweet,” Cherie said with a smile, pulling the smaller girl into a hug. If Missy had to describe her friend’s face with one word, it would be ‘nuclear’. Granted, her own wasn’t much better, the hug revealed that Cherie’s green dress didn’t have a back.

“Well, let’s not wait around outside, come on in!” the older woman said with a pep in her step as she led the two secret middle schoolers into the motel room, closing the door behind them and quietly locking the deadbolt. There were some crazy people on the streets at night.


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