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“So tell me about yourself,” Cherie said as she removed her stained and ruined pants in front of me.

“Why should I start?” I asked, admiring her ass as she bent over, her red pussy aimed right at me.

“If you wanted me to share details about my life first, then you should have asked before I did,” she quipped, moments before her shirt hit the floor.

I just stared at her back, admiring the smooth expanse of skin, the way her muscles moved as she reached back to unclip her bra. Finally, as she was about to turn around, I spoke, “Grew up in a well off family. Only child, did some kid acting, didn’t go anywhere. Family died three, four years ago. Lost a lot of the inheritance, did a stint in porn after I became worth looking at. Decided to find an out of the way nowhere place to start over when my contract ran out, and here we are.”

“Don’t sell yourself short, hunk,” Cherie said with a smirk as she turned to face me. Her breasts weren’t huge, not by a long shot. A nice, firm and perky handful, capped with rosey nipples that were already hardening.

“When my family made me an orphan I was over four hundred pounds,” I remarked, making her freeze.

“… okay, yeah, if you still weighed that much, no offense but you wouldn’t be getting any of this.”

“Why do you think I worked to get rid of it? To say nothing of the health perks.”

“I don’t think I can understate how good of a job you did. Shit, if you can put that kinda focus into other goals you could very well get any position in any job you wanted. Anyway, I can tell there’s more to the story than that, but I won’t push.”

“The fact that I’m white and blonde means I can get damn near any job in the city. Had I realized what a shithole this city was I would have picked damn near anywhere else to relocate to. And yeah, there’s some details I left out, but that’s all you’re getting for now.”

“Fair enough. Like I said, I’m not going to push. I can still feel what happened the last time I pissed you off. Which reminds me, we’re trying that the next time we fuck.”

I quirked an eyebrow at her, “I hope you mean me choking you and not the other way around.”

“Of course! I damn near came while you had me pressed up against the wall. Anyway, you shared some info about yourself, so I guess it’s my turn. Cherie, born and raised in a big ass French-Canadian family, ran off a few years back to get out from their overbearing rules, heard from a little birdy that a particular pain in the ass from back home was here. I felt the need to… clear up some misunderstandings from the last time we saw each other.”

Ah, one of those dysfunctional families it sounded like. Probably what sparked her powers. Standing up from the chair, I walked over to her and pulled her into a soft hug. The kind that if she wanted to, she could break out of easily. Despite that, she froze, like a cornered animal ready to bolt. When I just stood there, not moving to do anything else, she slowly, ever so slowly, relaxed.

Her hands reached around me, gripping my shirt in tense fists as her shoulders shook with unexpected emotion. Looking up at me from my chest, she leaned up on her tiptoes and I leaned down to meet her lips for a chaste kiss.

“Prince Charming indeed,” she said, her voice thick with barely controlled emotion. “Care to join me in the shower?”


“So, where can we find this exotic beauty of yours?” Cherie asked as I led her onto the campus, hand in hand.

Despite the cliche, we didn’t have shower sex. Nor did we have sex on the cheap hotel bed. Instead, we just climbed under the covers and cuddled. Occasionally we’d give the other a kiss, but the mood wasn’t right for sex. So despite sleeping completely naked in the same bed, the next morning the most action we did was some more cuddling before full bladders demanded we get up out of bed.

I claimed the bathroom first, and once I’d finished I let Cherie use it and threw together a little breakfast for us. I’m not the greatest cook, but even I can scramble some eggs. Despite the fact that there were plenty of chairs, Cherie decided that she’d rather sit on my lap while we ate. Again, like last night, nothing happened, but it was… nice.

I didn’t have class today, it being Friday, but a sexy girl insisting on helping you seduce another girl that had shot you down the day before without letting you get a word in edgewise was hard to resist. To be honest, I was mostly over it, having the best sex of my life would do that, but there was still a part of me that couldn’t help but look forwards to seeing what Cherie had in mind. The fact that Sabah was one of the hottest girls on campus also didn’t hurt. She was even shorter than Cherie, but her chest was twice as big as the Canadian girl’s.

“Hey, Trevor, get your head outta the clouds. She here?” Cherie asked, tugging on my arm.

I looked around, seeing Sabah off in a corner of the quad. I hesitated. Yes, Sabah was a bitch, but should I really go through with this?

“If it makes you feel better,” Cherie whispered, holding my hand in hers, making me look down to her, “I’ll just give her a small tweak, make her less likely to snap. Like yesterday. That one thing, then I’ll leave to go shopping and meet up with you later. Okay?”

I looked up at Sabah again, before sighing and nodding. Cherie grinned, before leaning up to give me a peck on the cheek. With that, she turned and made her way straight to Sabah, despite the fact that I hadn’t specified which girl she was. Probably was reading my emotions when I spotted her.

Cherie sat down next to Sabah, and the two began to talk. Cherie’s body language was much more animated, but Sabah wasn’t dismissing her out of hand like she did when I approached her yesterday. After about five minutes, Cherie turned towards me and gave a thumbs up as she stood and walked away. Well, no backing out now. Cherie seemed like a good person despite her shitty home life, and she said she’d just give a nudge to make talking to her easier.

Sitting down next to Sabah, she looked up at me before glancing away. Not out of disdain or lack of interest like yesterday, but… guilt?

“Hey,” she whispered.

“Hey. Sabah, right?” I asked, despite knowing the answer.

“Yeah. Sorry about yesterday. I know I shouldn’t have been so rude, but… well, you were the sixth guy that had approached me. I was tired of it. I know that doesn’t… sorry.”

“I won’t lie and say it didn’t hurt,” I began, trying to think of what to say. I really wasn’t very good with girls, “How about this: one date. If either of us aren’t happy by the end, that’s it.”

She glanced over to me, looking me up and down. Her gaze was somewhat calculating whenever she looked at my hair, but finally she said, “I’m going to take a chance this isn’t a ploy to lead me to an E88 initiation, so alright. My last class gets out in three hours, meet at the fountain in front of the main building?”

“Sure,” I agreed, doing my best to keep from exploding.

Sabah gave a small smile and a nod before standing up and leaving. While I remained sitting there fuming. I freely admit I have a temper, one that burned hot and fast. But calling me a nazi, even indirectly? I wasn’t jewish and neither were my parents, but my grandmother was and had the fucking barcode on her arm to prove it. So yeah, being called a nazi was an easy way to piss me off.

I was pulled from my rage when my phone started ringing. Pulling it from my pocket, I didn’t bother checking the caller ID before answering.

“What?” I snapped.

“I was just about to leave my range when I felt more anger coming from you than I’ve felt in a long time, what happened?” Cherie’s voice asked through the line.

“Fucking bitch said she was taking a chance I wasn’t E88. My grandmother survived Auschwitz. Do the goddamn math,” I snarled.


Pulling the reigns on my temper, I took a deep breath and in a calmer voice, “Sorry, didn’t mean to snap. It’s one of the things that really pisses me off.”

“What? Oh! Thanks, but that’s not what I was saying ‘wow’ about, I was saying that because I didn’t think she’d be so tactless. I mean, holy shit. Does that girl have any people skills whatsoever?”

I just grunted. To be honest I didn’t have much room to talk about people skills, but I was too angry to say so out loud. Cherie and I talked for a little bit, before she hung up to continue her shopping and I went to the library to wait for Sabah’s classes to get out. By the time I went to meet with Sabah, I’d mostly cooled off, but I was still annoyed.

I reached the fountain first, and pulled a specific picture out of my wallet when I saw her walk out of the building. She walked over to me, and before she said anything, I handed the picture over to her.

“That’s my grandma with me,” I said.

“A little early to be sharing baby pictures,” Sabah joked before her eyes narrowed as she tried to make sense of a particular blue line, “What’s that on her arm?”

“Her number. From when she was at Auschwitz.”

Sabah froze, her body rigid as she realized the point I was making. “I am so sorry, I’m such a bitch.”

“Just don’t say anything like that again, and let’s try to forget this ever happened.”

The two of us left the campus, making our way towards a quieter part of the city. Away from the Boardwalk and the other major gang territories. Well, depending on if the PRT/Protectorate counted as a gang. Regardless, it was the safest place for a date featuring an interracial couple when one of them was white.

We went to a quiet coffee shop, talked about our families (hers were all still alive, but had been pressuring her to settle down with a muslim man and start pushing out kids, her words not mine), our studies (I was between majors at the moment while she was strongly considering changing from architecture to fashion), and other sundry details about our lives. Eventually we left the shop and made our way to one of the more quiet parks in the area. Things had been quiet for a bit, when Sabah took a deep breath with a resolved look on her face.

“I know I already apologized, and you said we should try to forget it, but I was such a bitch to you earlier…” she trailed off, swallowing nervously. Steeling her nerves, she reached up, wrapped her arms around my neck, and pulled me down so she could kiss me.

I returned the kiss, wrapping my arms around her waist as I did so. Pulling her close to me, I relished the feel of her chest pressing against mine, the smell of her perfume, the taste of her lips. She moaned into my mouth as I resisted the urge to bring tongue into the equation. After a few moments, we broke apart, gazing at each other. Her eyes were hooded, half glazed over with… something.

“I… I don’t…” she stammered before taking a breath and trying again. “I’ve never really been attracted to men before, but…”

“Have you ever really tried?” I asked softly, our faces still close together.

“Not… really? My family tried, but… well… had you asked me an hour ago, I’d say I don’t think…” she trailed off, nervously glancing around. I had a hunch of what she was trying to say, and didn’t blame her for being worried.

“So you’re a five on the Kinsey scale?” I asked, going out on a limb and offering an olive branch so she didn’t have to say it. We were alone, but with the fucking nazis in this city, better safe than sorry.

“I mean… maybe? I always turned them away before so…”

“How many of them were introduced through your parents?”

“Until this last year and I started at University? All of them.”

“You started out doing it to spite your parents and it became habit?”

Sabah blinked, her eyes looking down and dancing back and forth as she considered my guess.

“I guess it’s possible?” she looked up at me, her gaze becoming more sure, “Yeah, that seems likely.”

“Well, let me ask you this then,” I said with a smirk. “How would your parents feel about you dating a blonde, white guy?”

She chuckled, “They wouldn’t be happy, to say the least. They’re still hoping I’ll settle down with some muslim guy with a lot of money.”

I managed to resist a cliche quip about money and happiness, and instead asked, “So is that yes to another date?”

She giggled, “First date isn’t even over yet, and you’re already looking for a second one?”

Smirking, I took her by the hand as we left the park. There was a motel a few blocks down, and as we left the main office, a certain someone bumped into us.

“I swear, I wasn’t following you,” Cherie said with both her hands up in the air.

“Really?” Sabah asked sarcastically with a guarded expression.

“Do you see my haul?” Cherie asked while pointing to the shopping bags at her feet before reaching into her purse and pulling out a key to one of the motel rooms. “I’m staying here while I’m in town, seriously.”

Interesting since this wasn’t where she led me to last night, but I wasn’t going to say that aloud. Sabah still seemed skeptical, but not as much, and I couldn’t help but notice that her eyes locked onto Cherie’s cleavage as the older girl bent down to pick up her bags.

“Tell you what, why don’t you come in? I’ll make you some tea. Trevor, can you head down to the corner store and pick up some allergy medication for me? I thought I had some in my purse but completely forgot to grab it.”

I could take a hint, and glancing at Sabah to make sure she was okay with it, left her with Cherie while the brunette had her private conversation.


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