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The door to the locker room had just shut when Kori’s voice spoke up from above and behind me, “She’s a worthy mate.”

“Gyah!” I yelped as I jumped into the air. Turning around, it took me a moment before I spotted her. She was floating up by the ceiling.

“She looks like she’d give you some strong children,” Kori continued as she floated down to the floor.

“Dammit Kori, are you trying to give me a heart attack?” I asked, feeling my racing heartbeat.

She just gave me a cheeky grin. I was about to speak up when my phone buzzed in my pocket. Giving her a look that said we weren’t done, I pulled out my phone. My heart dropped into my stomach. ‘Erik Lensher’ read the Caller ID.

Sighing, I hit accept, “Felix speaking.”

“Mr. Tennyson. I see Sombra’s done well in making sure you are working and getting some training,” came Magneto’s voice over the line.

“Well being perfectly honest I can’t think of much better jobs. About ten, fifteen minutes of excitement and adrenaline, then I get paid more money than I ever got working a nine to five.”

“Indeed. If you are interested, I have a separate job for you.”

“Depends on what it is. Kori and I are settling in rather nicely, I don’t want to jeopardize that.”

“Understandable. But it wouldn’t be anything strenuous or even criminal. There is a well known parahuman signer whose stage name is Bad Canary. She’s on trial for Assault with a Power, but the case seems strange.”

“From the fact you said the job wasn’t criminal I’m guessing it’s not a jailbreak.”

“No, I simply want you to see if you have any forms that could process information at an accelerated rate. The trial is a clear cut kangaroo trial, but what I am unable to determine is who is pulling the strings to make it such. That is what I want you to focus on.”

“Alright, none of the forms I’ve found this far are appropriate, but they’ve all been focused more on direct combat. I’ll do some soul searching as it were and see what I can come up with. Anything else?”

“That is all for now. Good day, and give Mrs. Tennyson my regards.”

“Will do, bye,” I said before hanging up.

I sighed. On the one hand, I owed him a lot. On the other, I couldn’t get everything that he’d done in the comics out of my head. He’d done some seriously fucked up shit in the name of mutantkind in the source material, and I didn’t exactly have a whole lot to go off of with this version.

“Felix?” Kori asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

“That was Erik, has a computer focused job for me. I’ll tell you more at home,” I told her, wrapping an arm over her shoulder as we made our way to the gate that would send us home.


Finding an appropriate form took about two days, not including the two more combat oriented forms that I’d discovered while trying to find one that focused on brains over brawn. The resulting form, dubbed Cerebrum, was small enough that Kori could hold me in one hand. She immediately decided to see how distracting she could be by slipping me into her cleavage. To her surprise, the answer was not very. Best guess this species practiced R-selection reproduction, so didn’t have much of a sex drive.

So while I spent the next three days devouring anything and everything I could get my tiny little gray mitts on that was relevant to the case, Kori spent the time sulking after giving up on following with my progress three hours in. I on the other hand found a lot that didn’t make sense.

Certain laws that were being completely ignored, or partially followed. Authorization for restraints that didn’t match her powerset. Canary’s lawyer is not even doing the bare minimum to defend her (hell in some of the footage the man’s asleep during the trial). Members of the trial staff being brought in from more than a dozen states, and not one from the state where she was accused of the crime. I wasn’t able to find anything conclusive, and it was all ‘plausible’ but…

I hadn’t ever read the original Worm story, and didn’t even read that much fanfiction, but I vaguely remember something about a cape illuminati. Even as Cerebrum, I couldn’t remember their name, but if I’m right they’re the ones pulling the strings behind the Canary case.

Regardless if a Cape-inati were behind the case or not, I’d gathered enough evidence to get it thrown out of court assuming it was given to someone both higher ranking than the presiding judge and wasn’t corrupt themselves. That wasn’t my job though, instead I gathered up all my evidence in a concise, detailed report and emailed it to Magneto.

The next morning, Kori and I had a surprise visitor at our kitchen table: “Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson, good morning.”

“Erik, this a pleasant surprise,” Kori greeted with a warm hug for the older man.

“Is this about the report I emailed you last night?” I asked as I got the coffee machine started.

“Indeed. I want you to take a closer look at the case, specifically the judge and her immediate superiors. I have a feeling that even if she were to be replaced, the new judge would be no different. See if you can find evidence of widespread corruption, or some other means of getting the case thrown out,” the holocaust survivor said.

“Alright, what time do we leave?”

“You will be going alone Mr. Tennyson. This is a job that needs to be done quietly and discreetly, and Mrs. Tennyson’s skin tone is quite distinctive.”

That was an unfortunate truth. Plus the fact that she was a solid twenty out of ten meant that anything that required discretion pretty much excluded her by default. Giving her an apologetic look, Kori hovered over to me and gave me a hug.

As she did, she whispered in my ear, “Be sure to keep an eye open for potential pride members.”

Ah, right. That whole can of worms.


An hour later I was in some city I didn’t catch the name of in New York state, slinking about trying to get more info on the crusty judge on the Canary Case. Thus far, I’d determined that Cerebrum was a lot more useful than just at figuring out brainiac type stuff. Small, lightweight, and with sticky pads on fingers and toes, I was damn near a fly on the wall.

I’d also come to a rather… unfortunate conclusion due to my eavesdropping. The court wasn’t in session when Erik brought me here, but I’d managed to sneak my way into the presiding judge’s office while they were on a conference call. With the local PRT Director, some asshat named Tagg, who said in no uncertain terms that if “that fucking Master walks I’ll have your job.”

So, appealing to higher authority was out. That meant whistleblowing. I could think of a few things that’d probably do the trick, but I should gather more evidence first. So I figured out where Canary was being held, and snuck in. What I saw pissed me off like nothing else.

I already knew that despite not being a Brute, she was kept in Brute grade restraints while the court was in session. What I didn’t know was that she was being kept in them while in “solitary confinement.” I use air quotes because having a fucking rapist for a security guard meant she wasn’t alone.

Erik had discussed payment while bringing me here, if it meant dealing with this kind of shit, I’d do it for free. A recorder, camera, and a few minutes on a computer, and the entire sordid affair of this “trial” was released onto the internet. I’d originally figured on ten or so sites, but as I got the chance to actually look at the internet through Cerebrum’s brain, without the focus on finding information from earlier, I realized something. Ten sites, twenty, fifty, even a hundred, it wouldn’t spread fast enough and be suppressed long enough for the sham trial to go through.

Even the best hacker would be limited in the number of sites they could upload the data to, but as Cerebrum, my brain worked not just better, but faster than any human possibly could. Meaning, after spending an hour with my “borrowed” laptop, I uploaded the dirty laundry of the Canary Case to the internet. Everywhere on the internet.

End result: the sheer outrage ripped the sham trial apart before six hours had passed. The case was dismissed, everyone involved was looking at charges of corruption at best. The guards that had been raping the singer were fired and arrested before the second hour was even up. The judge was disbarred, the lawyers had their licenses (or whatever lawyers have) revoked, that asshat Tagg was out on his ass, and that’s just what I’d gathered from idle listening.

By this point, it was happy hour, and I felt the need to celebrate a job well done. Kori wasn’t expecting me back for another two days, and she’d been rather insistent on me finding other women, but if this was a shit test, I’d worked out a way around it.

So, human form once again, I made my way over to one of the local bars to get a drink. And see if any of the women there met Kori’s standards. First place I found was a sparsely populated irish pub. The barkeep was a black guy with a thick accent. For lack of anyplace else in easy sight, I took it.

Second drink in, a gorgeous redhead stormed into the bar. She sat down with a huff, and told the barkeep, “Strongest you’ve got.”

The barkeep looked about to protest, but the glare on her face discouraged him. Within seconds, she had a mug of booze in front of her that she picked up and started to drink. Not the cliche tossing back, but taking periodic drinks.

I looked her up and down from my spot further down the bar. Fiery red hair, midriff exposing pale purple shirt under a jacket, tan cargo pants. If I weren’t with Kori, I’d have already gone over… but Kori did say…

Snapping a quick picture with my phone, I sent it to Kori while asking her thoughts. Within thirty seconds, Kori responded. With an image of a begging puppy and the words, “Can we keep her?” Well, if that wasn’t permission I don’t know what is.

So I picked up my glass and made my way down the bar. Stopping two seats away, I cleared my throat to get her attention and asked, “May I sit here?”


A pair of lips smashed against my own as we fumbled into the bar’s restroom. I had the presence of mind to set the latch so we weren’t interrupted, as my impromptu partner pulled back just enough to reach for my belt.

“I’m Felix,” I said as I slid my hands under her pants to cup her ass.

“Jean,” she responded as she finally got my pants undone before unbuttoning her own.

Too impatient to wait for her to get her pants all the way off, I spun her around and pushed on her back, making her bend over and grab onto the sink. Pulling her pants and underwear (crimson thong, nice) down just enough for her bare slit to be made available, I fished my throbbing hard dick out of my boxers and thrust in. This wasn’t lovemaking, this wasn’t even sex. This was raw, primal, fucking. And she was all for it.

“Yes, that’s it, fuck me you beast! Ah, yes, fuck you’re so big! DOn’t stop, don’t you fucking dare stop fu-ucking me!

I had no intention to stop, especially not when I could see the look of pleasure on her face through the mirror, the delirious, sex happy expression on her face and the hunger shining in her green eyes. Plus the way her wet, sopping, tight pussy fluttered around my length spearing into her, it was different from Kori. Not better or worse, just different. Less squeezing and more massaging.

“Oooh, fuck. Quit, oooooh, pussyfooting. Harder dammit! Aaaaaaahhh, yesssss. Fuck me like you, ooooh, own this pussy.”

Well, I could hardly ignore such a request like that. Picking up the pace, I drove my hips into hers as my hand came down on her ass with a loud ‘SMACK’. The way her eyes met mine in the mirror, the lust clear on her face, made it hard not to cum right then and there. But I held out. My free hand not focused on guiding her hips back into mine as I brutally fucked her slipped up under her shirt, pulling her back flush against my chest as my fingers pushed her bra out of the way to play with her rock hard nipple.

“Don’t you, ah, dare pull out. Oooh, fucking cum in me, paint me white, I want to feel it, make me, ooh yesssssssss, forget my ex. Cum in me, claim me!”

That did it. Pulling her flush against me, I turned her head and caught her lips in a bruising kiss as I came inside her. She moaned into my mouth, her hand running through my hair while the other covered the one on her breast.

Eventually, we broke apart, panting in exertion. My softening cock slipped out of her, and she pulled her thong up to keep any of my seed from leaking out. Turning around to face me as she pulled her pants up over her ass, she asked, “Got anywhere else to be?”

“Not for a few days, got something in mind?” I returned, a knowing smirk on my face.

“I might have a few ideas. Care to join me in my hotel room?”

“I’d love to.”


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