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Chapter Seven: Challenger Cheetah Appears!

“This is the Tennyson house, Felix speaking,” I said into the phone, sending a meaningful look to Kori as she got a mischievous grin on her face.

“Hi, this is Sarah Pelham, I sent my daughter Crystal over with a gift basket when you first moved in,” the voice on the other end greeted as Kori hovered an inch off the ground and floated over towards me.

“I remember, thank you for that. You managed to include the one drink I like,” I said as Kori’s grin got even more devious, her posture shifting before she hovered under the table I was sitting at. I bit back a sigh, after a month living together I’d learned that when she was in the mood for sex there was no stopping her.

“Well now that you’ve had a chance to settle in, Neil and I were wondering if you and your wife would be interested in coming over this weekend for a barbecue?”

I paused to consider the offer as Kori fished my dick out from the workout shorts that I was wearing. We pretty much had only socialized with people at “work” so far. Biting back a groan as Kori took my length into her mouth and started sucking, I turned my focus back to the phone and answered, “That sounds good. What time would you like us to be there and should we bring anything?”

Judging from the reply, I think I did a pretty good job at hiding what was going on below the belt, “We typically eat around one at these get-togethers. My sister’s family should be there too, provided she can be dragged away from work long enough to remember to socialize.”

“Work-aholic?” I asked, barely containing the grunt as Kori shoved her face down, burying her nose in my pubes and my cock down her throat.

“You have no idea. Don’t worry about bringing anything, we typically make enough for a few days worth of leftovers. We’ll send some with you. See you Saturday, and tell your wife to enjoy her snack!”

I blinked as the line suddenly went dead. Before groaning as my beautiful orange goddess started swallowing. Dropping the phone onto the table, my hand went down to Kori’s head, holding her in place as she coaxed an orgasm out of me. My cum shot down her throat, the corner of her mouth curling into a self satisfied smirk as she drank it all down.

Finally, Kori slid her mouth off my softening cock and, after planting a kiss on the tip (minx), asked, “What was that about?”

“Remember the girl you tormented after seeing her spy on us? Her mother just invited us to come over this Saturday for a barbecue,” I told her as I helped her up.

“So we’ll be seeing the cute blonde again?” she quipped with a grin as she sat down on her favorite seat: me.

I couldn’t help but chuckle every time Kori did this, climbing up into my lap and nuzzling her head against me like an overly affectionate cat. She even enjoyed light scratches behind her ears.

“Yes, we’ll be seeing Crystal. Try not to mortify her too much. As amusing as it is, it would be poor manners. Plus it puts too many ideas in my head,” I admitted.

I could feel Kori blink, before she lifted her head from my chest and looked at me with furrowed eyebrows and a confused gaze, “What do you mean? From what I’ve seen I think she’d make a fine pridemate. Even if she doesn’t stay.”

It was now my turn to blink, meeting Kori’s gaze, “‘Pride’?”

“Do humans not have those?”

“Kori, the default assumption amongst most human societies is that a relationship involves two people. Typically, one of those two people having a similar relationship with someone else is seen as a betrayal.”

Kori stared at me, before her hand reached up and cupped my cheek, “Felix. I want you to find more mates, mates that will make our family stronger. To spread your bloodline, and secure your line.”

I admit, having this goddess telling me that she wanted me to bring other women into our bed made my dick twitch. I’d hold off for now, much as I wanted to trust Kori, I’d been burned too many times in the past by girls saying something was okay only to get pissed when I did that exact thing.


The barbecue was more or less what I’d expected, minus a complete lack of anything resembling hot dogs. And the burger patties all looked hand made. Plus the grill that looked more expensive than any computer I’d ever owned. The way that the giant of a man (I say this despite the fact that I was pretty tall myself) chased away anyone who offered to help with the food prep with a pair of tongs and grill fork told me that the Pelhams took their cooking seriously.

About half an hour after Kori and I arrived, two more guests drifted in. Quite literally, a blonde teen flew down with a mousy brunette in a princess carry. I remembered enough of Worm to guess that these two were Vicky and Amy Dallon, Glory Girl and Panacea. The local flying brick and biokinetic pretending to just heal.

The lack of either of their parents told me a bit. Carol was being a workaholic and Mark was having a bad day. I’d mentioned one or two things about my birth world to Kori, including what little I remembered of Worm, but also that the world we were in seemed to have material from half a dozen franchises at least. I had been worried when I told her about the fact that in my world she was a comic book character, but she just laughed at the fact that upon meeting one of my childhood heroes, I almost immediately ended up fucking her.

Shaking my head, I dismissed my musings as Crystal brought her cousins over to introduce us, “Vicky, Amy, our new neighbors: Felix and his wife Kori.”

“Miss Dallons,” I greeted with a handshake to each, a welcoming smile on my face. Vicky returned it with unexpectedly cautiousness, while Amy’s eyebrows immediately furrowed.

Well, that is until Kori pulled both girls into a hug, causing the blonde to squawk in surprise while her sister did an admirable impression of a tomato. While I imagine that her power was telling Amy about Kori’s less than local point of origin, it seems that having a buxom redhead (wearing a miniskirt and a bikini top) enthusiastically hugging her was enough to take up the majority of her focus. I’m just glad I’d talked to her about kissing.

“Your wife is…” Sarah Pelham began to my left.

“A hugger? You have no idea,” I said with a chuckle.

Conversation after that remained light, and the food (as I’d expected from how seriously Neil took it) was amazing. Kori partook in some light teasing, not just of Crystal but also of Vicky and Amy as well, while I did my best to pry the recipe of the barbecue sauce that Neil made from him without success.

In the end, Kori and I were sent home with ten burger patties, about two pounds of pulled pork, two racks of ribs, a dozen chicken wings, four chicken breasts, and at least three meals worth of homemade potato salad. When Sarah had said they always made a lot of leftovers, she really wasn’t kidding. Even with how much Kori and I could put away thanks to our crazy metabolisms, this was enough leftovers to feed us for a couple days.

The last of the potato salad was stuffed into the fridge when my cell phone rang. There were three people it could be: Magneto, Sombra, or my “agent” for the fight club. A check of the caller ID said it was the third, so with a sigh I accepted the call and held the phone to my ear.

“Legion speaking,” I answered, already slipping into the role.

“Got a fight lined up. One of our regulars wants to fight your Rath form. Gate opening in your living room in fifteen minutes.”

Sighing, I rolled my neck before turning to the curious Kori, “Fight lined up, it’ll be starting in half an hour.”

Kori cocked an eyebrow, “I thought you weren’t supposed to have another fight until Wednesday.”

“Apparently the other fighter specifically requested me. Well, Rath to be specific.”

“Do you know who?” Kori asked as she untied her bikini top.

“Nope, bastard didn’t even give me that much. Just that a gate’ll be opening in the living room soon.”


“Too soon for a quickie.”

Kori pouted, making me laugh and pull her into a hug before gently kissing her lips. Ignoring the way her breasts pressed against my chest, I broke both the hug and kiss before telling her, “You’d better get a top on. You know I do best when you’re watching.”


“Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls! We have an unexpected treat for you all tonight! An up and comer challenged by a long time contender, in one corner, the Man with a Thousand Demons: LEGION!”

As my fight name was called, I stepped out into the arena, a surly expression on my face. I might not be able to act for shit, but I could do that much at least. Stepping into the ring, I pulled at the requested form. I’d figured out a way to make the transformation slower, more dramatic, which helped with the fights. Muscle bubbled, bones cracked and split, my back hunched over as fur pushed out of my skin. It didn’t hurt, but it sure as hell looked like it did.

As the transformation finished, I leaned back and let out a roar, the crowd going wild. My display and intro done, the announcer finally got around to announcing the asshole who challenged me when I could be working at planting a baby in my wife’s belly.

“Aaand in the other corner, you know her, you love her, the Sexiest Feline Alive: CHEETAH!”

The woman who raced out into the ring certainly lived up to her name. She looked like a gorgeous woman covered in cheetah patterned fur, a long tail waving in the air behind her, and a cocky smirk on her face. My gaze briefly dropped down to the way her purple leotard complimented her chest, before snapping back up. This was a fight and I already had Kori. But Kori did say… no, not now!


At the signal, we launched ourselves at the other, claws out and battlecries on our feline lips. My right arm led with a swipe of the claw protruding from my wrist. She ducked under it, her fist launching out to deliver a jab into my ribcage. It hurt, but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t take.

With a snarl, I drove both claws into the base of the arena, unleashing a shockwave that tore up the ground and hopefully ruining her footing. It partially worked. She leapt out of the way, and easily landed on a stable patch of floor, but that was one segment that she’d have to avoid.

“Not bad,” she sarcastically quipped, “a little faster and you just might have messed up my hair.”

“I don’t have to hit you, I just have to out last you,” I returned with a toothy grin.

It was true, while Rath wasn’t actually a tiger despite appearances, if Cheetah was even remotely like her namesake animal, she’d have absolute shit endurance. From the narrowed eyes and growl, I’m guessing my prediction was spot on.

Before she could attack, I leapt at her with both claws out. As before she dodged and launched a powerful kick into my side. I was going to be badly bruised from it, but I wasn’t even close to being finished. I’d gotten her measure from her blows. She was a lot faster than I was as Rath, both in actual movement and in reflexes, and while she was stronger than Kori she wasn’t quite as strong as I was.

The crowd went wild as my attacks continued to narrowly miss her, while I flinched each time she landed a blow on me. It was mostly for the crowd, but also partially to see if she’d think I was hurt more badly than I was.

Soon, I had my chance. Pulling my left claw back into my arm, I drove my fist into her gut just as she was bringing her leg around for another kick. Her eyes widened as the air was forced from her lungs, but I wasn’t done yet. With the same hand, I grabbed her and drove her down into the floor, before grabbing her wrists with my other hand. Straddling her stomach, I held her wrists down over her head while lifting my left hand from her and extending the claw tip under her chin.

“Do you yield?”

“Yeah, I yield.”

Stepping off her, I forced Rath back down. Once I was human again, I offered a hand to Cheetah to help her to her feet. As usual, the crowd ate up the show of sportsmanship. I wasn’t sure how much I made off this fight, but even just one fight a week was paying more than double my old job.

As we made our way to the locker rooms, Cheetah stopped me outside the door to the women’s locker room looking like… well like the cat that caught the canary.

“Next time, if you want to feel my tits, take me out to dinner first,” she said with a throaty rumble.

“Wha?” I eloquently asked.

My response and the confusion on my face apparently threw her off, “After you punched me in the stomach, you grabbed me by my breast when you knocked me onto my back. With the straddling and grabbing my wrist immediately after I figured you had done it on purpose.”

I blinked, before my gaze dropped down to her leotard clad bosom. Assuming there was a sports bra underneath, they’d still be almost as big as Kori’s. Shaking my head, I chuckled before answering, “Honestly when I’m in Rath form, it’s hard to focus on anything but fighting. I didn’t even notice.”

“Well, this is the first time I’ve had a guy cop a feel and not even realize it. Still, you’re cute and a good sparring partner. We should meet up again some time, Handsome. Name’s Britanny Diggers.”

Before I could respond, she leaned in and kissed me on the lips. It was soft and short, but it still surprised me enough that I just stood there as she turned around and walked into the women’s locker room, her hips swaying sexily and her tail held up and to the side. Great, now I had to go back to Kori with a raging boner.


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