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The next week was spent making sure that the Yamato was prepared for the journey, and picking where we’d be heading next. There was some debate between us about what world to head to but, in the end, it was decided that with how magic was a major factor in the original Crisis, we’d head to a world where that was their shtick. There were a couple worlds that fit that criteria, but we settled on one that best resembled the Earth we were familiar with. It didn’t perfectly match but, from the overview we were given, it was pretty close to a certain set of seven books and eight movies in our media library.

Our nights were spent in the big room, enjoying each other's company. There was a lot of sex, yes, but there was just as much cuddling and sharing personal histories. But more than that, I was able to get a hold on the gifts that Tara had left me with.

For starters, in addition to de-aging me I was now much more able to perform physical activity, beyond just what youth allowed for. Scientific, engineering, and stuff like that just clicked now, whereas before they would have gone right over my head. I still needed to study and exercise, but it’s the difference between understanding something after five revisions versus getting it the first time. Most of the other gifts were things meant to protect me, unless I allowed it my mind couldn’t be read and my soul was similarly protected. The rest of my abilities were eh… bedroom related. I could turn my fertility on and off (it was currently set to off) and emit pheromones that were an aphrodisiac for pretty much everyone except for me. While I couldn’t stop emitting pheromones, I could adjust the amount and set it to as low as I could.  There were more, but, well...

True to her word at the meet and greet with the League, Supergirl was free of obligations after a week, and we were on the League’s satellite to meet/welcome her aboard.

“Bear,” Superman greeted as we walked off the shuttle.

“Superman,” I returned as Harley raced past me to wrap Supergirl in a hug.

“I understand that Supergirl is a grown woman, but she’s still my cousin. I realize that you’ll be without supervision and that some things are… tempting in such cases,” was he… “But if she comes back with a story about how you took advantage of her…”

“Are you giving me the shovel talk?” I asked incredulously, before spotting the twitch at the corner of his mouth.

Unable to hold it in anymore, he burst into laughter, “You wouldn’t believe how long I’ve wanted to do that. And the look on your face, I get why it’s a fatherhood tradition.”


Supergirl managed to wriggle out of Harley’s bear hug and flew over to her cousin, hovering so that she was eye level and leveling the Disappointed Female Relative Glare at him.

“Should I share some stories about Argo City? Maybe you’d like to hear about the nightlife and parties when we realized we were fucked? Or maybe I should tell you about my first orgy?” Supergirl all but shouted at her horrified cousin.

I, meanwhile, could only blink in a mix of surprise and confusion. First orgy? What the hell was Kryptonian society like and how much had the comics left out?

“I like her,” Nikhol bluntly said, not bothering to lower her voice or be discreet.

“I’m not surprised, my love,” Lana said with a chuckle as she walked past us to approach the still furious Supergirl and disturbed Man of Steel.

The goodbyes lasted a while, but within the hour we were on our way back to the Yamato, while I got Supergirl up to speed on our current plans.

“Once we’re docked, Cameron will be taking us to the next world we’ll be recruiting from. From what the database has told it, it’s similar to an urban fantasy book series that, on my Earth anyway, was released in 1997. No aliens or metahumans, but a small percentage of the population are born with the ability to use magic. Those with this ability, who call themselves witches and wizards, form their own society separate from the nonmagical population, who they call Muggles.

“We’re not precisely sure when we’ll arrive, or what the entirety of the differences are, but it’ll be a day or two until we breach the dimensional barrier and arrive in orbit. In the meantime, I believe I promised you a movie night.”

The squeal and hug were painful, but worth it.


I considered the order to show the movies, and in the end I decided to start with the best of the Disney Era films: Rogue One. From there, we'd watch the Original Trilogy followed by the Prequels. Regardless of what my feelings about the rest of the Disney movies were, it was probably best not to have them play while there were two Sith in the room.

As I expected, K2 was a major hit amongst my fellow Earthlings, though Nikhol and Lana both groaned when they heard about the Death Star. Too similar to many of the more out there ideas come up with by Sith drunk on the Dark Side, was my guess.

To my surprise, the version of A New Hope featured two scenes that weren’t in the theatrical or remastered versions: the deleted scene with Luke and Biggs as well as the Death Star Vader versus Obi Wan reimagined fight. It was certainly a pleasant surprise, and I couldn’t help but wonder if Tara had done something similar with the other movies in the original trilogy: combining the best elements of the original and remastered cuts.

Turns out, she did. The edits in Empire weren’t particularly noteworthy, but the sarlaac pit prompted a comment from Harley, “Heh, reminds me o’ Red. Good times.”

That prompted confused looks from most of the other girls, while I couldn’t help but picture Harley wrapped up in vines mimicking the countless tentacle hentai. Something that normally creeps me out but didn’t this time. Maybe the curiosity about what Harley and Poison Ivy got up to? Not important.

The rest of the movies went by with relatively little fanfare. Supergirl (who gave us permission to call her Kara) had declared that she knew Vader was telling the truth, Nikhol and Lana called that Vader was going to turn on Sidious once he started torturing Luke, and everyone cringed at Anakin’s attempts at flirting.

When Revenge of the Sith concluded, I considered putting on The Mandalorian, but we’d already watched the seven movies back to back. Plus Nikhol and Lana’s expressions were rather worrying. While the other girls went to bed, I followed Nikhol and Lana as they went to the mess hall and headed straight for the liquor cabinet.

“Nikhol, Lana?” I asked as Nikhol used the Force to bring down a bottle of something green.

“Oh, hello Bear. Thank you for showing us that vid series,” Lana greeted with a strained smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

“Join us for a drink?” Nikhol asked, her voice pure bitterness.

“Do you even know what that is?” I asked, giving the liquor a sideways look as she poured it into three shot glasses.

“It’s green. If it’s anything like Kaasian Blood Mead, that’s good enough for me.”

Ignoring the questions that answer prompted, I took the offered shot glass and clinked it with theirs. Tossing it back, my eyes watered from the burn even as Nikhol was pouring more.

“Are… you two alright?” I asked as the burn faded.

“Why wouldn’t we be?” Nikhol sarcastically asked, “We just saw that the Sith drove the Jedi to extinction, like they tried to do to us during the Great Hyperspace War. When they slaughtered every Sith they could find, bombarded our holiest sites into rubble from orbit, destroyed every trace of our culture they could find. But in the end we had victory.” Some of the chairs started to shake and Nikhol was blinking back tears. “Or we would have if one of the two kriffing Sith remembered the whole reason his apprentice joined the Sith was to save his family! A Sith that didn’t even show the slightest hint of belonging to the Sith culture!

Oh… oh. Setting down the shot glass, I walked over to Nikhol and wrapped her in a hug. My head barely came to her shoulders, but she returned the hug and buried her face into my hair as she let the tears out. I heard the sound of Lana’s glass hitting the table, before she approached and joined the hug. The three of us stood there, me sharing comfort as the two women mourned the cause that they had dedicated blood, sweat, tears, and more to.


After the bottle was finished, the three of us retired to my cabin for sleep. No funny business happened, we just slept together. Nikhol and Lana needed the comfort, not me being a perv. I’d like to think it helped, but I don’t know by how much.

The next morning, or whatever passes for morning on a spaceship traveling through the space between different multiversal clusters, I decided that I’d see how Cameron was settling in. I know that she’s a robotic killing machine, but she’d always been more human than other Terminators, even on the show. And that was ignoring whatever Tara might have done to change her.

Down in the mess, while Nikhol and Lana were going gaga over the realization that a particular fruit could be synthesized, I got myself an English breakfast and sat down next to the pint sized killing machine.

“Bear,” she greeted as she took a bite of the rather bland looking porridge.

“Morning Cameron. Sorry if I’ve been avoiding you. How are you settling in?” I asked.

“It’s alright. The others are less familiar with being dropped into strange circumstances without their usual support networks,” she said, a hint of a smile on her face, and that forced me to remember that she’d been through something relatively similar, being sent decades through time past an apocalypse. “In answer to your question, I’ve been familiarizing myself with the ship’s systems. When I arrived here I’d received a mass download containing the technical details of the ship and everything in it, along with several modifications to my internal systems.”

That could be very good or very bad, but I’d ask for more details later, “Will we need to pick up specialists to keep the ship maintained and running safely?”

“At some point, yes. We’ll be fine for at least a standard year as is, but we should make our next destination after we are done recruiting in this universe one with advanced technology. Perhaps Nikhol and Lana’s world, but later with a higher tech base.”

I gave a nod as I considered that. Perhaps during the Clone Wars? It’d have the two largest factions, both of which would be pouring resources into the coming conflict. If we could out Sidious, we just might be able to negotiate a ceasefire and have the manpower of both the Republic and the CIS. Definitely something to discuss with the others at a later point, but in the meantime, I hadn’t forgotten the mention of modifications Tara had made.

“You mentioned modifications made to you earlier, is it something to be concerned about?” I asked.

“I don’t believe so. The primary changes seem to be an increase in my systems resilience to electric discharges, along with vastly improving my previously rudimentary food processor’s ability to harvest energy from food I consume,” she answered while holding up a spoonful of porridge as an example.

“I remember that you were shown eating, how’s it improved?”

“Before I could handle a very limited list of food products, and anything with too much liquid would clog my systems. My recent diagnostics showed that I can now process everything that humans can, more even, since I lack the ability to be affected by a number of toxins. My tongue has also been given the ability to taste, though I’m unsure if it is comparable to humans or more sensitive.”

I blinked in surprise, glancing down at the half empty bowl of rather bland looking porridge in front of her.

“I chose to make breakfast about the energy content, so that at least one meal each day I’m not at risk at becoming lost in flavors. Like that first day, when Lana and I shared your cum.”

As hot as that was, the breakfast table in the mess hall isn’t the time to get a boner. Looking to change the topic, I asked, “Any other changes?”

“I now possess an additional organ and several parts of my organic covering now more closely resemble humans. Should we so desire in the future, I am now capable of having children.”

Wait, what?

“You… what?” I asked, my brain still rebooting.

“I’m now fully capable of reproducing. I cannot say for certain, but I believe that any children we have will possess some form of enhancement over baseline humans. Additionally, from what I have read of the files provided to me about my reproductive system, my ovaries will not automatically release an ovum unless I desire it.”

If I remember my lessons on human biology correctly, that means…

“So not only do you control when you’ll get pregnant, you don’t have periods?”

“Correct. Taylor was most upset with me when I shared my realization. She’s still giving me ‘the silent treatment.’”

Huh, to be honest I was more expecting that from Lisa. Maybe Taylor had particularly bad periods? But I hadn’t missed how whenever she talked about having children she always said ‘we.’

“When this mess with the Anti-Monitor is over, I’d be honored to have children with you, Cameron,” I told her, before standing up and placing a soft kiss on her lips.


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