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[center]<<Bear Sandosen>>[/center]

The tours lasted about an hour, before gradually everyone reconvened in the satellite’s mess hall. Won… Diana and I were the last ones to arrive, and I was pleasantly surprised to see how much mingling was going on. Except for Nikhol, who was practically hiding in a dark corner, eyes keeping careful note of where everyone else was in the room, everyone was interacting with someone from the other group. Though the way that Harley bounced from Firestorm to Batman had me a little concerned.

Cameron was still with Red Tornado, talking about something while she gestured towards a plate with half a quesadilla on it. Taylor and Lisa were sharing a table with Green Arrow, Zatanna, Black Canary, and Flash. Superman and Batman were both discussing something with Supergirl, and Lana was deep in conversation with Atom and Elongated Man.

Diana showed me how the food synthesizer worked, and I immediately took advantage of it to get me some New York deep dish pizza. I was considering where to sit, when I saw a hand wave me over. Surprised, but not unpleasantly, I made my way over and joined Hawkman and Hawkwoman at their table.

“To what do I owe the pleasure?” I asked as I sat down.

“Relax kid, this isn’t an interview or interrogation,” Hawkman said with a smirk.

“Kid? I may not look it but I’m probably older than both of you. If I have a counterpart here, they’d be about ten, eleven years old. It was early 2021 when I got this offer.”

Both looked at me in surprise, before shrugging it off. I suppose that someone looking twenty years younger than they should wasn’t really all that odd compared to some of the other things the League had seen and done. I was just happy I had my cholesterol back under control. I wouldn’t be eating like this every day, that’d result in me being back where I started, but every once in a while I was going to savor pizza like this.

“I know he said it wasn’t an interview or interrogation, but do you mind if we ask some questions about your Earth?” Hawkwoman asked, before taking a bite of some kind of deep red stew.

“Sure, provided I get a few questions of my own,” I responded.

“Can’t promise we’ll answer, if it ends up being related to something we’re working on. Has your Earth had any contact with other species?” Hawkman asked.

Swallowing the bite of pizza in my mouth, I shook my head, “Unless you count the species that evolved alongside us like neanderthals, no. There’s conspiracy theorists that claim the world is being secretly run by reptilian aliens that live on the moon, but other than what the crazies claim, we seem to be alone. No Kryptonians, no Martians, no Tamareans, no Gordanians, no Thanagarians. We’ve looked, there’s even a program all about the search for other intelligent life out there. But so far… nothing.”

The two looked at me with surprised expressions, before Hawkman softly said, “That sounds lonely.”

“Sometimes, but most of the time we’ve got enough problems with just other humans. Even without freeze rays, magic, or people that can tie steel beams into pretzels with their bare hands. Just normal, mundane humans. Anyway, my turn for a question, right?”

“Go ahead.”

“Unless I’m mistaken the two of you are working at a museum, while the Earth 2 Hawkman and Hawkwoman are field archaeologists. Do you think that’s a pure coincidence, or a sign of something more?”

The two paused as they considered my question. After a few moments, Hawkwoman answered, “That’s actually something that we’ve talked about in the past. Thanagar doesn’t have as strong a religious presence as Earth does, so a divine hand isn’t something that we’d previously given much credence to. Whatever the case, when we found out about our Earth 2 counterparts, it was comforting.”

I gave a nod, just as Supergirl sat down across from me, “Bear right?”

“That’s me. What can I do for you?”

“Don’t know if you’d been told yet, but it was decided that the League would be more comfortable if one of us went with you. I can quit my day job easiest so Batman and Kal asked me if I’d be up for it. I’ve been looking for a reason to quit anyway, so I said yes. Give me a week or two, and save a bunk for me on that ship of yours.”

Don’t pop a boner. Don’t pop a boner. Don’tpopaboner! I frantically thought to myself. Distraction, distraction, “What do you do in your day job?”

“Acting. I’m stuck in a contract I want out of, you wouldn’t believe how cutthroat the acting field can be.”

My mind went to the recent news about Gina Carano’s firing, and everything that had come out in the immediate aftermath, “Some of the stuff that’d happened just before I got sent here means that I can believe quite a bit.”

“Looks like there’s a story there, you’ll have to share it once I’ve managed to get out of my contract. Speaking of acting… you said you’re from 2021. That means you know the answer to a question that’s been driving me crazy. I can’t wait the three years until they tell us: Was Vader lying?”

I blinked, before smothering a laugh. I’d forgotten just how big a reveal the final twist of Empire was when it was released. I could tell her, but considering that Harley had mentioned finding a cache of movies while we were in the shuttle…

“Well, I guess we’ll have to have a movie night once you can visit,” I told her with a shit eating grin.

“Oh come on!

“Nope, you’ll already be getting spoilers just by seeing it before ‘83. I’m not going to spoil it any more than that.”

She crossed her arms with a huff, both annoyed and amused. I meanwhile did my best to ignore what that did to her cleavage.


“Well I think that went well,” I said as Cameron began shutting down the shuttle.

“Indeed,” Cameron said.

“No kiddin’, it was good seein’ Bats again, and the way that Flame-Hair kept blushin’ was adorable,” Harley chuckled as she stood up and stretched, her back popping as she did so.

There was small talk amongst the group as we debarked from the shuttle onto the ship proper. The meeting with the League had mostly stuck to mingling after that point, though most of the League seemed to be cautious about Nikhol, not that I could blame them given her… religious affiliation.

“Oi, Fuzzy,” Harley called getting my attention. She had her arms wrapped around Lisa and Taylor’s shoulders, a scheming grin on her face and a blush on theirs, “Gimme fifteen minutes then come to ya cabin. I got something in mind for ya.”

As Harley dragged the two girls off, I stared at them with a bemused smile. I don’t know if it was getting to know Harley, the fact that I’m back in a younger body, or that I couldn’t pull my gaze from the three delightful asses on display as they left, but I had a hunch I knew what she had in mind.

Well, while I waited, I might as well make sure our entertainment library could deliver what I’d promised Supergirl. When I found said library it was… much more extensive than I’d anticipated. Not only did it have all the Star Wars movies (in addition to both seasons of The Mandalorian), but there was every big name franchise and then some going back over forty years. And that was just the movies, without getting into the TV shows, cartoons, books, manga, games, and porn.

I’m sure I spent more than fifteen minutes trying to wrap my head around the entertainment options we had, but I managed to pull myself away and make my way to the captain’s cabin. Nerves were making me sweat as I rode the elevator up to the top of the ship’s tower. Finally, the door opened, and as I stepped out, my mouth went dry.

All three had changed, and Harley had somehow found lingerie for them. Hers was red and blue, like what Margot Robbie had worn in the Suicide Squad movie. Lisa was in a light lavender nightie that did nothing to hide how Harley’s fingers were teasing her. Taylor was in a deep red set that didn’t emphasize her chest, not like you’d see on a big chested figure. Instead it complimented her slim figure, drawing attention to her legs. Her long, endless, wonderful legs.

It was then, following those perfect legs, that I saw that Harley had certainly been making sure that Taylor was ready to go for tonight. On top of the fact that the panties Taylor was wearing were absolutely soaked, the former henchgirl was slowly pumping two fingers into the girl’s core while her thumb held the front of the panties to the side.

“Bout time, was startin’ ta think ya’d gotten lost,” Harley drawled as her other hand pinched at one of Lisa’s nipples.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, and did my best to ignore the fact that my pants were far too tight, “This is certainly a pleasant surprise.”

“Stop talkin’ and start strippin’. Tanight’s ‘bout Taytay here,” Harley flicked Taylor’s button with one of her free fingers, causing her to let out an adorable squeak and shudder.

I had no issues following those commands. Shucking my shirt, followed by my pants, I stepped up to the end of the bed. I could tell how nervous Taylor was, so I decided to give her a bit of a treat, lifting her up by her ass and pulling her to the edge of the bed.

“Lisa,” I said as I knelt down, bringing my head level with the confused Taylor’s core, “kiss your friend, I think she needs a reminder about how special she is.”

“Wha-” was all Taylor managed before Lisa’s lips captured hers.

Bringing my face down, I buried myself into Taylor’s pussy and drove my tongue as far in as I could, drawing a muffled squeal from her. Smirk on my lips, I devoted myself to the worship of this gorgeous, incredible girl, while Lisa frenched her and Harley began to leave a trail of kisses from just above my head up her body.

I’d just started to circle her hood when I heard Lisa break their kiss, gasping for air. Just as I flicked Taylor’s nub, Lisa whispered, “Love you, Taylor.”

I thought I was prepared for Taylor’s orgasm. I wasn’t. In addition to the guttural moan, the thighs clamping down on my head, and the clenched core, Taylor is apparently a squirter. But calling the flood that filled my mouth a squirt is like calling the Mississippi a big river. True, but only in the simplest terms. Regardless, I swallowed down the flood of girlcum as quickly as I could, as Harley circled her tongue around Taylor’s nipples.

Finally, Taylor slumped back onto the bed, her legs releasing their deathgrip and sweat making her hair stick to her forehead. After giving the younger girl a chance to catch her breath, Lisa went back to making out with the brunette. Harley moved onto the other nipple. And I dove right back in. If Taylor still has body issues by the time we’re done, we’ll just have to try again.

Together, the three of us turned Taylor into a limp pile of goo with another three orgasms. It was after the fourth orgasm that Harley gently pulled my head out from between Taylor’s legs.

“I think she’s ready fer the main event, Fuzzy,” she said with a wicked grin on her sweat soaked face.

Giving her a grin of my own, I shot up and managed to land a kiss on the end of her nose before she managed to pull away. Which earned me a laugh and a slap to the shoulder as I stood up and slid my boxers down, finally freeing my painfully hard member. Gently nudging Lisa aside, Harley slid under Taylor, sitting up so that the younger girl’s head rested between her breasts.

“Ya ready sweety?” I managed to hear Harley whisper into Taylor’s ear, running her hand through the blissed out girl’s hair.

“Yesh… pleash…” Taylor slurred, pleasured grin and unfocused eyes on her face.

“You heard her Fuzzy!”

Chuckling lightly, I took a moment to peel the soaked panties off her, dropping them to the floor where they landed with a wet ‘plap’. Gently setting her legs onto either side of my hips, I leaned down and gave Taylor a gentle kiss as I put the head of my rod at her entrance and slowly pushed in.

Slowly, I inched further and further into her, drawing a throaty moan from Taylor before I finally bottomed out. Leaning back, I gave Taylor a chance to adjust, much as I wanted to start thrusting. For her part, Taylor stared down at where we were joined, her right hand drifting down to rest over where she felt me. Her expression sharpened as a look of confusion spread across her face.

“… it doesn’t… I thought it was supposed to hurt?” she whispered, causing Harley to chuckle.

“Girl, why d’ya think I made sure ya were wet n’ lubed before Fuzzy got here? With the amount a physical activity our lifestyle calls for, there was no way ya still had ya hymen. That’s where mosta the pain comes from. Th’rest is from not enough prep work before ya get started,” Harley told the blushing Taylor.

“I’m glad I didn’t cause you pain,” I told Taylor, a warm smile on my face, “that’s the exact opposite of a turn on for me.”

“Alright, enough mushy stuff,” Lisa groused, a hint of pink on her cheeks, “I thought this was supposed to be the main event.”

“Don’ worry, you’ll get your turn,” Harley cooed, causing the other blond to splutter, before turning back to look at me. “She ain’t wrong though. Gorgeous Taytay here’s had enough time t’adjust.”

Instead of saying anything, I pulled back. Taylor let out a needy moan as I slid out. Finally, with the head just barely inside her and Taylor’s hips making small motions to try to pull me back in, I stopped.

“Lisa,” I said, while looking Taylor in the eye, “I think Taylor could use some affection.”

“Says the man fucking her,” Lisa quipped, but bent down and took a nipple into her mouth all the same.

Ignoring Lisa, I gently pushed back into Taylor. Slowly, until our hips were again flush. Pulling out, I pushed back in, faster.

“God Taylor, you feel amazing,” I groaned as Harley leaned down and turned Taylor’s head so they could kiss, I picked up speed. Soon, my hips were a veritable blur, and Taylor let out a keening moan as she came again.

That was it for me, my hips drove myself as deep into her as I could, just before I erupted. My seed filled her channel to the point that some spilled out by the time I finally finished. Reaching up, I cupped Taylor’s face, my thumb rubbing against her cheek.

“Thank you, for letting me be your first,” I told her, causing her to flush scarlet.

“Ya left a bit of a mess,” Harley noted, looking down to where I’d pulled out. “Someone should clean ‘er up.”

Lisa rolled her eyes before sliding down to lap up my seed leaking out of her friend. I climbed up onto the bed, just in time to hear Harley whisper, “Soon, Imma get you alone and glomp ya, Fuzzy.”


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