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It was immediately apparent that something had changed since the Locker. She’d been ready for the Trio to lay into her but instead…

What had happened while she was gone? Emma was the Queen Bitch of Winslow when she was admitted to the hospital, with Sophia as her muscle and Madison her lead hanger on. Now Madison was avoiding Emma and Sophia like the plague, Emma looked broken, and Sophia looked like she was a hair's breadth away from killing someone. All of the girls that used to follow them around like lost puppies were now tormenting Emma and Sophia with the same vitriol that they had Taylor.

Her tormentors didn’t even seem to have realized that she was back, and while Taylor was grateful for the reprieve, past experience kept her on edge. The last time they left her alone it resulted in her being stuck in a cramped locker filled with disgusting muck for hours. So she kept her guard up all day, yet nothing happened to her.

As she was leaving, however, she overheard something that could possibly provide some clues. A group of jocks huddled over a phone on the bus as she was getting on. A glance down nearly made her freeze. Were there not several people behind her, she would have. So, after taking a moment to memorize the title of the video they jocks were watching, she found a seat and tried to process what she’d seen.

She knew that there was no way that it could be real, it wasn’t possibly real. But… if it were (which it wasn’t) it would explain the complete one eighty of the school’s behavior towards them. Her dad would be at work for hours by the time she got home, she could use the computer in his bedroom to make sure that she didn’t see a porn video of Emma and Sophia in a foursome!


The bus ride home couldn’t end soon enough. Taylor refused to believe she’d seen that, it had to be some look alikes. Besides, she’d only caught a brief glimpse. It was almost certainly two pornstars that happened to look similar enough to be mistaken at first glance.

Practically racing up the stairs, hopping over the rotten one, Taylor all but threw her backpack into her bedroom before entering her dad’s across the hall. She had to verify that it wasn’t them, after everything they’d done to her, it didn’t make sense that they’d show up in a porn video.

Turning on the computer, Taylor’s leg bounced nervously as she waited for the old machine to start up. Then she waited for it to connect to the internet, and the browser to load. The internet at the library would certainly be faster, but for what she was planning on looking up, she couldn’t do this in public. Finally, she was able to search for the video title she’d memorized. She didn’t find the proper video, but she did find a short, two minute video with the same title on a free porn site.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” Taylor muttered to herself as she clicked on the thumbnail.

The video’s page loaded, and Taylor waited for it to buffer. While she waited, she plugged in the headphones that were off to the side of the desk and secured them over her ears. With them on, she got tired of waiting for the video to buffer and just hit play.

[quote][center]A Master/Stranger Productions Demo

Ebony & Ivory, A Gangbang Debut


Emma Barnes


Sophia Hess[/center][/quote]

Taylor paused the video, her eyes wide as she stared at the title card. It… it had to be a lie. There’s no way that either of her tormentors would have agreed to this. Hell, she’d have an easier time believing that they would approach her and apologize for everything they did to Taylor than star in a cheap porn video. Hitting play again, Taylor couldn’t help but watch. It was like an accident on the road, it was horrifying but you couldn’t look away.

The title card cut away, showing a threadbare couch in a bland, empty room. Then two girls walked into frame and sat on the couch. Taylor couldn’t deny it anymore, it really was Emma and Sophia.

“Hi, I’m Emma Barnes. This is my best friend Sophia Hess,” Emma said cheerfully.

“And we’re here because some guy from school pointed us here and suggested that we give it a shot,” Sophia continued, her voice lacking a lot of her usual aggressive tone.

“And how old are you two?” a gravelly voice asked from off screen.

“Fifteen,” Emma answered, her hands gripping the end of her skirt.

“Same, but I’ll turn sixteen at the end of April.”

“I’m five foot three, 98 pounds, and wear a 31C.”

“Five six, last time I weighed myself I was about 110, all muscle, and 28B.”

Taylor immediately paused the video, not wanting to hear much more of her main bullies’ personal details. Letting out a groan, Taylor rubbed at her eyes under her glasses. Somehow, someway, someone managed to talk them into a casting couch video. And they accepted. That didn’t make any… no… no, no, no…

There, in the related videos, was another M/S video. But with her name in the title. It couldn’t be real, the most risque thing she’d ever been involved in was that time she and the other girls went skinny dipping at camp before Emma went crazy! She’d barely even looked at porn before this! She hardly even masturbated, let alone starred in an illegal porn movie. Hesitantly, the cursor moved over to the video. It was just to make sure it wasn’t real. That was all.

[quote][center]A Master/Stranger Productions Demo

Greatest Hits: First Times


Taylor Hebert[/center][/quote]

The title card faded, showing the same threadbare couch, but this time… there was already someone sitting on it.

“No,” Taylor whispered as she saw herself in the video give a nervous, jittery wave.

“Um… hello, everyone. I’m, um… my name’s Taylor. Taylor Hebert. I’m a freshman at Winslow High School in Brockton Bay, Massachusetts. I’m five foot five, 89 pounds,” the Taylor on the screen looked away from the camera and asked, “Like that?”

“You’re doing great, Taylor,” the same gravelly voice in the Emma/Sophia video said soothingly, causing the real Taylor’s eyes to widen in horror. The Taylor on the screen straightened up and gave a smile, “Keep going, tell the viewers what’s happening.”

“W-well… this is my first time doing… anything like this. I’ve, um, I’ve never even kissed anyone. I’m a complete virgin. S-so, I guess that means I’m going to get my cherry popped on camera. I… I’m really nervous, but also kinda excited?”

The scene skipped, a sudden cut from Taylor talking on the couch to her on her hands and knees on the couch. She had a dick in her mouth, loud slurping sounds filling the headphones as the person she was sucking had his hands on her head and his hips were pumping back and forth. Behind her, there was another man, his cock the size of the typical porn star, and his hand repeatedly came down on her ass as he pumped her.

“That’s it, girl. You’re doing so good for your first time, taking two cocks like a champ. Fuck you’re so tight I can’t believe it!” the same gravelly voice from before practically cooed as her ass was slapped again, the pale flesh turning a bright red.

“And her mouth, god damn she feels divine. It was almost worth putting up with her shit for the last year,” a different voice said, clearly the less endowed man that was getting oral from the Taylor on the screen.

The real Taylor’s hand flew to her mouth. This… she didn’t remember any of this! She’d lost her virginity, been treated like a two dollar streetwalker, and she didn’t remember any of it! Unless… her eyes shot wide open. Last May, shortly before school let out for the summer, she had a Saturday where her entire core was feeling sore, and a lingering aftertaste that wouldn’t go away. That had to have been it!

The scene skipping pulled Taylor from her recollections. A sense of dread filled her as she took in the new scene. It was in a bathroom, and the person with the camera had it aimed down at her as she licked and suckled on his dick. It was a different person from the previous scene, the visible skin being that of a black man certainly matched the size of the shaft video Taylor was slathering spit on.

“You’ve gotten a lot better at this, haven’t you Taylor?” the cameraman asked, his voice raspy.

The Taylor on the screen made a cheerful noise of agreement, before pulling her mouth off his cock and pumping her hand along its length. She gasped as she tried to catch her breath, before asking, “Feels like you’re good and slick, ready to take my third cherry?”

“I’d almost think you’re more eager than I am. Hop up on the counter.”

Taylor watched as the smaller, naked version of her on the screen grinned and sat on the bathroom counter, spreading her legs to show her slick, shaved lips and a blue buttplug underneath. While watching the man reach out and tease the toy in her ass, Taylor’s hand drifted down, touching her jeans as she stared in wide eyed horror. She… it… she couldn’t figure out when that could have been!

With the “debut” she’d been able to figure out from the clues left behind, the effects that being gangraped had left on her the following day. But nothing came to mind for… for… it couldn’t have happened, there’s no way it…

“Oh shit, fuck, go slow, go slow, goslow,” the Taylor in the video chanted as the big, fat dick was slowly but surely pushed into her bowels.

“Relax, you’ll only make it harder if you get all tense like this. There’ll be time for that later,” the man just barely popping the head of his shaft into Taylor’s ass promised. The Taylor on the screen took deep breaths and nodded, her hands grabbing onto his hips as he pushed further and further into her.

There was another scene cut, and Taylor felt her stomach plummet. She recognized the design of the park bench. It was one of the most popular and crowded parks in the city, and there she was: dressed like a streetwalker and bouncing on the lap of a man with her shirt pushed up over her barely there tits. There were people on the edges of the frame, yet not one of them seemed to take note of the girl being fucked on a park bench, loudly moaning.

“Soo goooood,” she moaned, before a man with a beer belly sat down next to the fucking duo.

“Is this a private party, or can I get some?” the newcomer asked.

“You’ll, oooh, have to, yes, wait your turn.”

“Two hundred extra?”

“Oh fuck, hold on,” the video Taylor said, reaching back to put a hand on the shoulder of the man she was fucking. He obliged and she slowly turned around, so that she was facing him before flipping the back of her skirt up over her ass. “Four hundred in total, and you can pound my ass. Four fifty and you can cum in my tight little asshole.”

Beer Belly chuckled, running a hand over the pert bottom on display, “Well, with this on display, how could I possibly refuse?”

He pulled out a wallet before slipping several bills in her waistband. Standing up, he began undoing his belt, the camera changing position to a top/side view. It was the perfect angle to capture the soda can thick cock as the bulbous, mushroom head poked and prodded against her winking rosebud.

The screen suddenly split, half continuing to show the imminent double penetration while the other showed Taylor’s face; nervousness on full display. As Beer Belly’s dick pushed into her ass, her eyes shot wide open, her mouth opened in an uncomfortable grimace.

“God damn your ass is tight,” Beer Belly groaned as he pushed deeper.

“F-f-fuck!” the Taylor on the screen swore. Gritting her teeth as she pounded her fist on the shoulder of the man she was straddling. Finally, Beer Belly was fully buried in her backdoor, and he began to pull out. At the same time, so did the man in her pussy. Taylor groaned, her head dropping down onto the man’s shoulder.

“How’re you enjoying getting stuffed in both holes?” the man under her asked cheekily, before sharing a high five with Beer Belly.

“I-I-I’ve, fuck, never, ooh. Th-this is my, shit!”

“Sounds like she’s trying to say this is her first time getting double stuffed,” Beer Belly quipped, before shoving his dick back into her ass.

Taylor’s head shot back up, her eyes wide and bloodshot as both men set a brutal pace, pounding into her without any care for her comfort or pleasure. Simply using her as a living sex toy.

“O-oh! Fuck! Shit, you’re raping my ass!” she cried out, her eyes having difficulty focusing on any one thing. “D-don’ shtop! Keep raping my…”

The video stopped, Taylor having hit the pause button. She’d… how… whe… why couldn’t she remember any of this?! Not even the lingering after effects of the kind of sex she’d clearly been through?

Wait… back in November, she’d gotten five hundred dollars from… Taylor’s hand flew to her mouth as she gasped in shock. She’d had an extra five hundred dollars in her wallet, and set it aside when she’d gotten home that day. She’d paid no mind to where it came from then, but for the life of her she couldn’t figure out why.

Glancing down at the time stamp on the video, there was still two minutes left. A large part of Taylor wanted to close it, delete the history, completely forget that she’d seen any of it. After everything she’d seen, she didn’t want to know how much worse it got. That was ignoring the half a dozen video thumbnails she could see her face in, on top of at least three with either Emma or Sophia.

“… ass!”

Taylor blinked, her gaze briefly snapping to her hand on the mouse, before returning to the screen. The park scene ended with that… encouragement, instead it showed Taylor on a bed, her legs in the air with a cheeky grin. Naked sans her glasses and a pair of running shoes, she slipped her arms between her upraised legs, elbows hooking behind her knees, and pulled them back. In the real world, Taylor’s jaw dropped as on the computer screen, her knees came to a rest by her ears. She… she didn’t know that her body could bend like that!

“Well, well, someone’s looking ready,” a familiar gravelly voice practically cooed.

“You did say that if I improved my flexibility I’d get another first,” naked Taylor all but pouted, “I’d say this is improving my flexibility.”

“It is indeed, any I must say, it’s a lot more than I expected. Well done, Taytay.”

The Taylor on the screen blushed, the red hue reaching her collarbone as yet another soda can sized cock entered the screen. With a groan from him, and a needy moan from her, his massive shaft split her pussy open, her lips already slick from arousal. The first few pumps, burying himself as deep as he could before pulling nearly completely out, were slow and smooth. Then, a cut to a different camera angle, showing the man’s bare ass and dangling balls as he thrust madly into her.

His thrusting was erratic, without the rhythm that was characteristic of most of the compilation until this point. Taylor sitting at the desk had a bad feeling about what this first was supposed to be, and, sure enough, he pushed himself in as deeply as he could, his ballsack twitching. After a few moments, he pulled out and the camera moved, getting a clear shot of his pearly white seed leaking out of her gaping, abused, hole.

“Well Taylor, how’d ya like your first creampie?”

“It’s warm…” the Taylor on the screen panted, satisfaction filling her voice.

“Well, there’s a lot more where that ‘came’ from, sweety.”

“Oh, goodie… way better than a pony for Christmas… jus… lemme catch my breath…”

As the scene faded to black, and a card saying to send money to the site for the full versions, something wouldn’t leave Taylor alone. That last scene… the room looked familiar. Setting it aside, she closed the tab and wiped the porn from the internet history. She didn’t need her dad thinking she was using his computer to look up porn, let alone think that she was starring in underage porn films… despite the fact that she apparently had.

Setting the computer to shut down, Taylor got up and made her way to her room across the hall, trying to place why the location in the last scene was bothering her so much. Picking up her bad from where she’d carelessly tossed it earlier, she set it on her bed and unzipped it to get her textbooks out. As she set them on her bed, she froze… Christmas… she’d changed sheets since then, but… no. No, no, nononononononononono…

That last scene, where he came inside her, it was shot in her bedroom.


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