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[center]<<Kansas City, September 1995>>[/center]

Christine Mathers adjusted her son Elijah on her hip, considering the offer she’d been given by the local branch of the Fallen. It was a very good offer, and it would allow her to gain both power and security while raising her baby boy. After being kicked out of the house when she got pregnant, both power and security were things that she desperately wanted.

The local chapter leader, a handsome, charming young man, was waiting for her answer. Christine bit her lip, hesitating. Eli was eighteen months old now and had a beautiful, innocent smile and eyes that saw into her very soul. Her power from that Cauldron group had made dealing with his own power a simple matter, but in the end, she didn't really have much of a choice but to accept the offer.

She was reaching out to shake the chapter leader's hand, when she paused. She'd gained awareness of anyone who perceived her, and could alter that person's perceptions as she wished. But this was the first time she encountered someone whose perceptions felt...heavy. Normally, the perceptions of those her power infected felt like a panel filled with dials that she could adjust with ease, this new individual...it was like trying to manipulate molten lead with her hands.

Turning to face the source of the resistant mind, her eyes widened in surprise at the figures that entered the room. They were eight of them, all identical, and clearly inhuman. At a guess, they were seven and a half feet tall, so thin they looked to be skin and bones, their eyes an ominous turquoise glow, and black veins visible through gray skin.

Yeesss… you are the one…” the eight figures said in unison, their voices deep and raspy, like stone moving on stone.

The Fallen chapter leader took a step back, and then another, and another, before he turned and fled. Christine stared at the group in horror. What was going on? The creatures approached, their steps in unison. There was a sound of a scuffle from the other side of the door that the chapter leader had fled through, before he was brought back in the grasp of two more of the creatures.

One of the creatures, some sort of fur cloak over its shoulders and a dull, golden crown upon its head, stepped forward, moving past Christine to stand in front of the still struggling Fallen chapter leader. Christine wasn’t sure what the chapter leader’s power was, but it didn’t seem to be having any effect on the creature.

I think you will do as another of the draug,” the creature proclaimed, holding up a hand, a thin, black splinter held between two fingers. Christine felt her breath catch as the creature pressed the splinter into its prisoner’s head, before manifesting a second splinter and repeating. Then a third, and a fourth, and a fifth, on and on until finally stopping with the fifteenth splinter.

Something was happening to the Fallen chapter leader, but Christine couldn’t pay attention to whatever cruel and terrible death he was experiencing as the creature turned to face her and her son. The creature approached her stopping a short distance away, before getting down onto one knee, a hand held out towards her, as if expecting her to put hers in it.

“Who are you?” she asked, holding Elijah closer to her.

The creature blinked, seeming confused by the question, pulling its offered hand back to rub at its deathly pale chin, “A name… We had not considered naming Ourself… we know we are draugr, but we know not what Our name was before Our conversion. We will think on this matter. In the meantime, We should not delay the first steps to forging Our Empire.

Christine finally realized that she and her son were alone with an insane Cape that thought he was some sort of monster and planned on making some manner of nation. Since something about him made her power not work, it was for the best that she went along with his delusions.

The creature smiled, holding his hand out again, this time with the palm up, as if asking for her hand, “It is good that you will come along willingly. We will make Our Empire great.

“Of course,” she replied, reaching her hand out and putting it on top of his. She couldn't help but shiver as the creature's ice cold hand wrapped around hers.

Do not be frightened, the runes showed that Our Empire would be best served if your and your children were not converted,” the creature said.

While she was glad that he didn’t seem inclined to harm her or Elijah, there was something wrong about what he’d said, “I only have one child.”

For the moment, yes. We will begin correcting that upon securing quarters until such time that We are able to construct a proper fortress,” the creature said with a shrug as he led her out of the office building she’d met with the Fallen chapter leader.

Christine’s stomach seemed to fall out from under her. She was still only sixteen, and already this thing was suggesting she should get pregnant again as soon as possible. She was beginning to wish she had never agreed to meet with the Fallen.

Her mind whirled as the creature led her and her son outside, where three trucks waited. He opened the passenger side door of the closest truck and helped her inside, then put Elijah in her lap.

The creature got into the driver's seat, starting the truck, and began driving.

The ride was mostly silent, other than the soft sounds of the radio playing classical music, and the occasional snuffling or murmuring from Eli. It was a tense and awkward silence, and Christine was relieved when the truck came to a stop.

The creature opened the passenger side door and helped her out, keeping an arm around her back, like a lover, as he led her to one of the buildings, and then inside. She was grateful when they came to a stop at an elevator, and the creature pushed the button for the top floor.

The trip up was silent, and the doors opened to reveal a penthouse suite, the kind she would never be able to afford. The creature led her over to a couch, and helped her sit down. She was glad to let him, after everything today, she was having a hard time wrapping her head around it all.

Rest, We will begin the conception of the Imperial Family ‘pon the morrow,” the leader of the creatures said, before all of them filed out of the suite, leaving her alone with Elijah.

Christine curled up, cradling her son, and began crying.


“Elijah…” Christine began, as one of the creature’s bodies picked up her son the next day, taking the baby out of the room.

We are monsters out of myth, but We still have some standards,” the creature said, bending down and picking Christine in a bridal carry. “Children should not be exposed to carnal matters.

Swallowing thickly, Christine was silent as the creature carried her over to the king-sized bed. Laying her down, the creature crawled up on top of her, the weight of his body pressing down on her. Christine closed her eyes, and tried to pretend that the cool, clammy lips kissing her were those of a human, but the illusion was broken by the feeling of the sharp, needle-like teeth that scraped against her lips, drawing blood.

The creature licked her lips, its tongue cold and slimy. Then the creature reached a hand down, pushing up her skirt, and pulling her underwear aside. He began touching her, and she felt her body respond to the stimulation. She bit her lip, fighting back the moan of pleasure. His fingers, long and thin, reached deep inside her, stretching her.

He kissed her neck, and she felt her body shudder. His mouth moved further down, biting her breasts through her shirt, leaving small red marks on the skin. She could feel her heart beat faster, the blood pumping through her veins. She could hear her breathing become more rapid, the air coming out in short gasps.

His fingers continued their movements inside her, and her hips moved involuntarily, thrusting towards him. She could feel her body heating up, sweat starting to form on her skin. Her eyes were half-lidded, and she could feel the pleasure building inside her.

She couldn't stop herself, the pleasure was too intense, and she let out a moan. His lips returned to hers, and he kissed her again. She felt his tongue invade her mouth, and she let it happen, her own tongue swirling around it.

After a moment, he pulled back, his fingers withdrawing from her. He stood, and began removing his clothes, exposing his naked, emaciated body. She could see his erection, large and thick, and she swallowed nervously. She had never had anything that big inside her, and the idea made her feel afraid.

He approached the bed, and she could feel her heart pounding in her chest. He crawled onto the bed, his erection bobbing between his legs. He leaned over her, his mouth returning to hers, his tongue once more invading her mouth.

His tongue was long, so much longer than she anticipated, and she could feel it slide down her throat, making her gag. He pulled back, his eyes staring into hers. He was smiling, and she could see his sharp, pointed teeth.

We will take Our pleasure from you, woman,” he said, his voice a low, growling sound. “And in Our pleasure, We will ensure the conception of Our future family.

He moved back, his hands grasping her legs, spreading them. He moved into position, his erection brushing against her opening. She could feel the fear, and anticipation, building within her.

She was so distracted, she barely noticed as the creature lined himself up and pressed his hips forward, the thick head of his erection pressing into her. She let out a gasp, the sensation of him stretching her causing her body to react, her muscles tightening around him. He groaned, his eyes closing, and he began to thrust, slowly, steadily.

His erection was hard, and thick, and it felt like it was going to split her apart. It was easily larger than the boy who'd fathered Elijah, and she could feel her body stretch to accommodate his girth. The pain and pleasure mixed together, making her head spin.

She could feel his hands grip her hips, and his pace quickened, his thrusts becoming harder, deeper. She could feel the tip of his erection pressing against the entrance to her womb, and she moaned, her hands reaching out, gripping the sheets. She hadn't expected it to feel this good!

Your body is a treasure, Christine,” the creature said, his voice a deep, gravelly rumble. “It pleases Us that you will carry Our progeny, and ensure Our Empire's growth.

She felt her body tense, the pleasure building inside her, threatening to overflow. She could feel her muscles clenching around him, and his thrusts became faster, harder, his cock pressing deep inside her, the head hitting the very back of her womb.

The pleasure exploded within her, and she let out a loud, guttural moan. She could feel her whole body shaking, the pleasure coursing through her like an electric current. The creature's thrusts slowed, and he let out a deep, satisfied groan. She could feel his seed spill inside her, filling her womb.

A magnificent display, woman,” the creature said, his voice sounding pleased. “We are sure that your body will carry Our child well.

The creature withdrew, his erection still hard, and he began to stroke himself. His seed, his cum, spilled from her, covering her thighs. She could feel it dripping from her, coating her skin, and she shuddered. She didn’t know what fate lay in store for her, but she knew that, one way or another, she was going to end up with a lot more children than just Elijah.


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