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Harley couldn’t understate how much she owed her ‘roommate’ for rescuing her and nursing her back to health after her ex threw her out a window. A neck brace, blood transfusions, arm and leg in a cast, and that was just what she remembered. But now? It was as if Harley had never been hurt at all. No neck brace, no crutches, no limp.

Her roomie had offered to bring her back to Gotham, having treated her in his mansion, but what did she have to go back to? She was wanted in twelve states, and if she showed her face she’d be thrown back into Arkham. If she ended up in Arkham, she’d almost certainly find herself face to face with the Joker again, and she didn’t know if she’d be able to avoid falling back into his orbit if that happened. So instead she’d asked to stay, and he had thankfully said yes.

Now she made herself useful around the property, cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, gardening. The only thing she really couldn't do was maintenance, because the one time she'd tried to fix a leaky sink, she'd broken it to the point where the roommate had had to replace the entire thing.

But she could garden. The plants she had nurtured here were thriving, and they seemed to respond to her voice and her touch, growing faster than anything should have. She didn't have the same kind of knack with plants that Red did, but that was like saying the moon wasn't as bright as the sun.

Harley wasn’t complaining. It was nice to have something to do, and she honestly enjoyed the homey, domestic life. She hadn't expected anything like this, but…

But he’d been kind to her, kinder than she deserved after the hurt she’d caused at the Joker’s side. Was it really so surprising that she’d want to repay him for that kindness? Besides, it wasn’t like she was being forced to do it, or even like she was obligated to do it. He'd given no hint of expecting anything from her, and the outfit was entirely her own idea. He'd given her a card to use to make online purchases, and the uniform was the first thing she got besides groceries.

If she was being honest with herself, which she was trying to be more and more these days, she would admit that it felt nice to dress up for him. Plus, maybe this would finally make him take notice. She was a woman, after all, and it wasn’t like she couldn't tell that he was an attractive man. She hadn't initially thought of him as being sexy, but her eyes had started lingering on the way his shirt stretched across his shoulders, and the way the muscles in his forearms moved when he worked. She found her gaze drawn to the line of his jaw, and the way his lips quirked up at the edges when she made a joke. And she found her eyes straying down to his hips more and more.

He didn’t seem to care that she was a criminal. She'd told him some of what had happened with her and the Joker, and he'd been a perfect gentleman. Not once did he push her to share anything she wasn't ready to. And then there was the fact that she'd been having wet dreams about him for the past few nights.

She was definitely attracted to him, and if the way he looked at her was any indication, the attraction was mutual. If only he'd do something about it. Well, that’s why she ordered the maid uniform with the super short skirt and foregone panties. He should be getting back…

Harley’s train of thought was cut off as she heard the front door close and a voice she’d come to love call out, “I’m home!”

“In the kitchen, Sweetie!” Harley called back, grabbing the rag she’d set aside specifically for this, and started wiping down the island in the middle of the kitchen. She heard him approach, and could feel his eyes on her. She was practically giddy with anticipation. Leaning over the island, she lifted up one leg as she pushed her ass towards him, giving him an unimpeded look at the goods.

“Harley?” he asked; his voice, half strangled and a lot higher pitched than normal, nearly made her giggle, but she managed to resist.

Standing up, she turned around, leaning against the island, and gave him a bright smile. He was staring at her, eyes wide, mouth slightly open. The sight warmed her heart, and some other, naughtier places.

After staring for a good ten, fifteen seconds, he took a deep breath and shook his head, “Harley, what are you wearing?”

She grinned, twirling the rag on her finger before dropping it on the tiled surface behind her, “Ya like it? I’m yer maid now!”

“My maid?” he asked, clearly still trying to process what he was seeing.

Personally, Harley was rather pleased with how the sexy maid uniform looked on her: the stockings highlighted her legs, the frilly lace top showed the perfect amount of cleavage (and could stretch enough to let the girls out for some fun without damaging it), and the short skirt looked amazing with her ass.

He took a step closer to her, his arm reaching out and unconsciously licking his lips, before stopping himself. Shaking his head, he forced his gaze to meet her eyes and he said, “You don’t owe me this, Harley.”

“What I do or don’t owe ya don’t matter,” Harley said, a fond smile on her face as she reached up to her top and pulled one of the sides down to free her breast. His eyes involuntarily moved down, widening even more than they already were. “Dis is my choice, and if ya willing, my choice is dat ya drop yer pants, walk over here, and fuck me ‘til I can’t move.”

“You… make a… compelling argument,” he said, distraction filling his voice, before he shook his head again, muttering something under his breath. All Harley caught was the word ‘domestic’, but it didn’t matter, as he took off his jacket and started walking towards her.

Her heart beat faster as he approached. When he was standing right in front of her, he leaned down, his eyes meeting hers, and said, “I want you to be sure about this.”

“I'm sure, Sweetie,” she said, reaching down and cupping him through his pants. “I want ya ta fuck me. I'm not drunk or high, and I'm not tryin' to get anythin' from ya. I jus' want yer cock inside me, fillin' me up.”

His eyes searched her own for some time, before he gave a slight nod, and to her shock, leaned in and kissed her. She hadn’t been expecting it, even after all the build up to this point, a kiss… she didn’t…

The kiss broke, his forehead rested on hers, and she looked up at him, whispering, “That was my first kiss…”

He blinked, looking both confused and surprised, before his expression softened and he leaned down to kiss her again. His arms went around her, lifting her up, and she wrapped her legs around his hips, hooking her feet together as she pressed herself into him. She could feel his rapidly hardening length pressing against her, his pants and her skirt separating them.

As their kiss deepened, their tongues meeting and sliding over each other, he walked over to the island, and laid her on top of it, pulling away and breaking the kiss. Her legs fell from around him and she watched him step back, eyes roaming over her body.

His hands went to the top button of his shirt, and he slowly started undoing it. Her breathing quickened as he bared more and more skin, until he pulled the shirt off and dropped it on the floor.

He wasn’t exactly chiseled, but his body was firm, his muscles well defined, and her mouth watered. She wanted to run her tongue over every inch of him, tasting him, marking him. She could feel the juices flowing from her pussy, and was certain he could smell how aroused she was.

Her hands came up to her breasts, and she started playing with them, squeezing, her fingers moving across her nipples. She heard him mutter under his breath, and the sound of a zipper being pulled down, but her eyes remained focused on him. He kicked his shoes off, and started pushing his pants and boxers down.

“I'll give you what you're asking for now,” he said softly, one of his hands sliding along her calf. “But after, I'm going to take you to my bedroom and properly make love to you.”

“Yes,” she hissed, her hips bucking slightly as his hand reached her thigh.

His hand kept moving up, his fingers grazing over her skin, pushing the hem of her skirt up as he did. She shuddered as his fingertips touched her folds, gently sliding along her outer lips, spreading the slick liquid she was leaking.

“You're so wet,” he said, his eyes fixed on the area his hand was touching. She bit her lip, her breath coming faster as his fingers moved higher, and then she felt a sharp jolt of pleasure as his thumb brushed over her clit.

“Ooohh,” she moaned, her hips lifting up and her eyes closing. She heard him chuckle, and a moment later her eyes flew open when she felt him push two fingers into her.

“Oh fuck,” she cried, her back arching and her eyes rolling back as his fingers slid in and out of her, stretching her open, and his thumb stroked her clit. “Don't stop! Please don't stop!”

“You're so sexy, Harley,” he said, his other hand grabbing her breast, his palm pressing against her nipple, as he continued finger fucking her.

A third finger slid inside her, all three curling and pressing against her g-spot. Her head whipped from side to side, her moans loud and long. His hand on her breast squeezed, and his thumb rubbed at her clit. She could feel the orgasm building inside her, coiling like a spring, preparing to crash into her like a tidal wave.

“I’m gonna… gonna…” she moaned, her hands digging into his back tightly, her thighs trembling. “Fuck! Yes! Fuck!”

“Do it,” he urged her, his fingers pressing harder, his thumb rubbing faster. “Cum for me, Harley.”

“Oh fuck yes! I’m cumming! I’m cumming!”

The waves of pleasure crashed over her, her hips bucking wildly, her cries growing louder, her juices spraying over his hand. His fingers kept moving, and the orgasm just seemed to go on and on, until she couldn't even form words, her mind going blank.

As the last spasms faded, she lay limp on the island, her body twitching and shaking. His fingers slid out of her, and she groaned softly at the feeling of emptiness. She didn't want to move, wanted to just stay here, basking in the afterglow.

“So gorgeous,” he whispered, his hand leaving her breast, his fingers sliding up her body, and cupping her cheek. She opened her eyes, and met his. Her breath caught at the raw need she saw in his eyes.

“Please, Sweetie,” she begged, her eyes closing, her face pressing into his palm. “Take me, fuck me, use me.”

“No,” he said, and the sound of disappointment and frustration that came from her wasn’t faked. “I won't use you, you deserve better than that.”

She looked at him, confusion clear on her face. He leaned down, and pressed his lips to hers. Her eyes closed again, and she melted into the kiss, her hands coming up to hold his head. When his lips left hers, she opened her eyes, and watched him line himself up to her entrance. Leaning down, he kissed her once again while pushing into her wet and ready pussy.


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